Infinite Disaster Survival

289. Chapter 289 Global Evolution-31 (1/2)

When the news that Yunshan Base was occupied by the locust organization came, the people of Yongqing were still cleaning the entire base, not only collecting the corpses of mutant locusts everywhere, but also looking for those hidden insect eggs everywhere.

The people who escaped from the next city to ask for help were also seriously injured. They barely explained the general situation in front of the guards at the entrance of the base and fainted.

When telling these things, there were many people coming and going at the entrance of the base. It was known at the time that it soon spread throughout the base.

After receiving the news, Yongqing Base immediately sent personnel to the neighboring Yunshan City to investigate the specific situation. Before the investigators came back, the caravans came and went with new news.

At first, some caravans did not know that Yunshan Base had been breached. Although the guards at the gate were not familiar faces, they did not think too much, so the entire team that entered could not come out.

At the beginning, many teams were deceived. Until the people who escaped or just avoided Yunshan Base spread the news around, everyone became vigilant and stopped entering Yunshan Base.

Seeing that the original luring strategy could no longer be used, the Locust Organization directly sent people out to attack. The members of the Locust Organization all had blood-red eyes, and their strength was stronger than that of most people. After they were released, they preferred to capture people to the base rather than materials.

Those who were captured rarely appeared again, and those who appeared had red eyes, and they had become new members of the Locust Organization.

Those caravans came to the Yongqing base by detours. There were almost no non-Locust Organization personnel around Yunshan, so this organization was still expanding its territory.

"... This is the situation at the Yunshan base." The personnel sent out by the base to investigate the news came back. Yuan Gangyi stood in front of the screen and integrated the intelligence collected so far and told it.

The people attending the meeting talked to each other in a low voice. In addition to the Yunshan base, the personnel sent out to investigate also brought two other bad news. In addition to Yunshan, there were two other bases occupied by the Locust Organization, and Yongqing was surrounded by them.

Originally, they thought the theme of this meeting was whether to rescue Yunshan. The answer was undoubtedly yes, and the key point was how to help. However, the current situation made them focus on the first question.

Now Yongqing is surrounded by the locust organization. No matter which base they send people to for rescue, the other two bases occupied by the locust organization may attack Yongqing. At that time, they might not be able to save people and they would lose themselves.

But it is not enough to just wait without saving. The locust organization has long been eyeing Yongqing. Now they have been temporarily repelled, which makes them more worried.

Otherwise, while the locust organization has not established a foothold in the three bases such as Yunshan, they will form an encirclement of Yongqing after they recover, which will cause trouble.

Moreover, the locust organization is not friendly to humans. If they do not rescue, they will give up the lives of ordinary people in these three bases.

Everyone who participated in the meeting had concerns about the choice of rescue. When they voted by raising their hands, everyone voted in favor of this choice, and then they fell into a crazy discussion on the battle plan.

At some point, someone suddenly mentioned the word "forbidden zone", and the entire conference room suddenly fell silent.

They were talking about the forbidden zone, but they all knew that they were referring specifically to that family.

Although the evolved plants and animals in the forbidden zone were powerful, they were somewhat unable to command them. If it weren't for those evolved birds, the locusts would have caused several times more damage than now.

"According to what I know, those birds did not get instructions from the Wen family when they took action that night." Yuan Gangyi was the person who had the most frequent contact with them and was the most qualified to speak. "Even if they helped with the influence of some of the Wen family, it does not mean that we cannot fight for it as Yongqing."

A long time ago, Yuan Gangyi was concerned when he first saw those evolved birds getting close to the Wen family, and he investigated it carefully when he went back.

At that time, Yongqing City had not yet established the entire Yongqing base, and many people still wanted to catch birds for food, but the birds in Yongqing City were particularly smart and united, and they were often beaten up if they couldn't catch the birds.

During the time when Yuan Gangyi was investigating, many people had already given up on hitting those birds.

Therefore, after Yuan Gangyi and the monkey group reached a cooperation agreement, they began to propose to the various safe zones at that time, and gradually influenced the residents of Yongqing and the evolved birds inside to live in harmony.

Now that three years have passed, both humans and birds are residents of the base. With the intelligence of these evolved birds, perhaps they can try to communicate and cooperate.

The people in the conference room agreed to this proposal. After the attempt, not only did they really get the consent of the evolved birds, but there was also another good news. The group of herbivorous animals that were previously injured by the locust organization and the people who stayed to take care of them developed a friendship. After they recovered from their injuries, they came directly to the Yongqing base.

Yongqing base took three days to prepare a team. The participation of evolved animals not only enhanced their combat effectiveness, but also left enough manpower and evolved plants to protect the base.

Yuan Gangyi once again became the leader of this rescue team. The whole team was ready to go and set off from Yongqing in a huge battle.

The team took turns to rest at night to ensure that the vehicles could continue to move forward day and night, but when they reached the border between Yongqing and Yunshan, they were no longer in a hurry to travel at night, but set up camp and explore the surrounding environment.

Late at night, Yuan Gangyi checked the latest news and found that the members of the locust organization had become stronger in a short period of time, and he sighed.

Even if anyone with a clear eye could see that the speed of this strength growth was completely abnormal, it would still attract more people who were eager for power. Now humans are still at a disadvantage compared to evolved plants and animals.

Looking at the bright moonlight outside the window, Yuan Gangyi was wondering about the progress of the teams he had sent out.

After Wen Zheng extracted the components in the locust body, his research goal was satisfied. The next step was to study the corresponding antidote for this anesthetic component, but Wen Zheng had no interest in it. Under the retention of everyone in the institute, he still chose to leave.

Only the second-in-command of the locust organization was solved, and Wen Zheng's previous anger could not be completely eliminated. Since they all started, Wen Zheng carefully explained to Grandpa Wen how to protect himself, and then took Tuantuan away from the base.

Nowadays, most areas in the city center can still allow humans to live, but the farther away from the city center, especially at the intersection of two regions, the more rampant the evolved plants and animals will be.

However, these animals and plants encountered Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, two tough guys, and were beaten down as soon as they started to fight. In the end, they were obedient and didn't dare to move.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan didn't take any transportation, but relied on their own speed to move forward. They took turns to keep watch at night. As a result, they arrived at Yunshan City at the same time as the army. The army still needed to rest, but they didn't. They didn't even have any supplies in their portable space. They just took what they needed on the spot.

Even if they controlled their own power, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan would hardly meet an opponent. While walking in the mutant plant forest, they made a bow and more than a dozen poisonous wood arrows.

When it was dawn, they saw the members of the locust organization capturing the combat status of mutant animals and plants, confirmed their identities with their eyes, and shot three arrows in a row, and three people fell directly.

The rest of the people found something wrong and wanted to find the enemy, but Wen Zheng had already moved his position. After shooting three arrows, several more people fell to the ground.

Those who could still stand panicked, and hurriedly took out a porcelain bottle from their clothes and threw it down. The locusts flew out from the inside, smelling the smell, but before they flew in front of Wen Zheng, a cloud of poisonous smoke came out, and the locusts gradually lost their strength and were shot down by flying needles one by one.

In the process of dealing with this group of people, Tuan Tuan was still sleeping soundly in Wen Zheng's clothes. Wen Zheng left a mark on the tree and continued to go to Yunshan Base.

The team led by Yuan Gangyi had a large number of people, and there was no way to hide their tracks. In order to avoid encountering the traps set by the locust organization, the closer they got, the more careful they were.

Until the people who were exploring in front reported back that a group of members of the locust organization fainted on the ground not far away, and there were tools for setting traps around them.

After hearing this, Yuan Gangyi hurriedly took people to check, first looked at the attack method, and then studied the traces around. After seeing the mark left on the tree, he immediately called Guan Yun, who had the ability to predict, and then determined the source of the mark.

"Everyone speed up and move forward in this direction. You continue to explore ahead, but report back immediately if you see similar marks." Yuan Gangyi arranged.

Sure enough, moving forward in this direction, all the ambushing members of the Locust Organization were eliminated. Everyone in the team was familiar with the bird-shaped mark and thought it was a vanguard specially sent by the base.

The army arrived at the Yunshan Base unimpeded along the way. The gate of the base was still closed, but the guards on it were extremely lax and did not check the surrounding situation properly.

This forum caught the Locust Organization off guard.

The collected hot weapons made before the disaster came forward and directly blasted open the gate. The guards who were chatting and sleeping on it were almost shocked down. They just picked up the weapons in a hurry, and the attack came on.

There was no time to resist.

The huge noise made by the hot weapons made the people inside rush over quickly, and at the same time, there were also overwhelming locusts.

Yuan Gangyi had been waiting for this group of locusts for a long time. He was not afraid of the sky covered by locusts. He first released several cars of birds, and then the evolved animals wearing thick armor. They all hid in the cars, and stretched out their weapons from the gaps deliberately left in the cars to attack.

The commotion at the gate was particularly fierce, and the members of the locust organization and a large number of locusts were attracted over there, which just happened to be convenient for Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan who climbed over the wall.

There are many people living in Yunshan Base at present, but their eyes are basically red. They are all members of the locust base. Wen Zheng looked at these people and wondered if they were still human.

Apart from people, the most common thing is the locust eggs everywhere. Wen Zheng walked on the road of Yunshan Base. Every step he took could step on a large number of eggs. If these eggs were hatched, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The long stick in his hand danced tightly, and the locusts that came by smelling the smell could not get close at all, and struggled to resist Wen Zheng's steps.

There were locusts all around, and eggs were everywhere. Wen Zheng pondered the surrounding environment, touched the parking area, took out all the fuel from it, and poured it on as many places as possible.

Tuan Tuan also woke up, rolled up all the fallen branches and leaves on the ground and blew them to their respective positions. Wen Zheng threw the ignited flames down, and it soon turned into a big fire, which quickly swept onto the vehicles and caused several small explosions.

When someone came to check the situation, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan had left the area, leaving only the raging fire.

Under the cover of the fire, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan headed for the most tightly guarded core area of ​​the entire base, but after breaking through the defense, there was no target that Wen Zheng wanted to find.

There were many corpses of different animals and even humans inside, and they were covered with dense locusts, which were constantly gnawing on the flesh and blood. When they were full, the female insects flew to the corner to lay eggs.

Wen Zheng sighed lightly. Those creatures used to breed locusts had long stopped breathing. Wen Zheng used fire to set the houses on fire again.

The people of the locust organization had to face the enemy outside and find the people who were making trouble in the base. They were exhausted, and the blood red in their eyes became heavier and heavier. Finally, they went crazy and attacked all strange smells uncontrollably.

Facing the enemies who were chasing them, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan did not flinch and faced them head-on.

Even though Tuantuan didn't know the reason, he suppressed his strength like Wen Zheng. The strength of the body itself is strong enough, but the number of enemies is too large.

While fighting, Wen Zheng used the surrounding environment to keep the flames burning. Wen Zheng took out a special extract from his arms and threw it into the fire, and the burning poisonous smoke helped.

Wen Zheng became more and more excited as he fought. He recalled the worlds he had just experienced after meeting Tuantuan. At that time, his strength was not strong enough, and he had not experienced a battle that could threaten him for a long time.

As if being targeted, more and more powerful locusts were driven over. When those locusts could not break through Wen Zheng's defense, they would even devour their own kind around them, as well as members of the locust organization who would not attack normally.

The locusts that devoured more flesh and blood became stronger and stronger. The unreinforced weapons in Wen Zheng's hands finally couldn't bear it. At the moment they broke, the locusts stared at the opportunity and pounced on him.

When those locusts bit Wen Zheng's flesh and blood, some of the weaker ones exploded and died directly, but a few seemed to have eaten Tang Monk's flesh, and they were completely reluctant to let go, and were directly stabbed to death by Wen Zheng's sword.

The bloody smell coming out of the wound caused more locusts to riot. At the same time, the injured Wen Zheng felt a little excited, and the fighting spirit was completely aroused.

The ground shook, and the members of the locust organization could not participate. Even Tuan Tuan stayed away from the battlefield where Wen Zheng was. Only Wen Zheng was fighting alone.

The blood in his body was boiling, and the fighting spirit in his mind was aroused to the extreme. Every movement of Wen Zheng became faster. Finally, the sword energy condensed out of thin air condensed from the branches, not only cutting down all the locusts in front of him, but also splitting the ground.

Wen Zheng broke through the limits he set during the battle. Specifically, he broke through again.

The locusts shot down made a blank in front of Wen Zheng. Before the locusts on the periphery were replenished again, Wen Zheng jumped into the split crack and jumped into the underground part under the Yunshan base.

A person with locust characteristics and a huge locust beside him was looking at Wen Zheng's arrival in fear.

The man made a special hissing sound from his mouth, constantly driving more locusts to attack Wen Zheng.

But Wen Zheng, who suppressed his strength again, could easily sense the trajectory of each locust's movement, and even feel the situation outside.

This perception of the external environment did not come from his strength, but more like a talent that suddenly emerged when he just broke through. At this moment, he felt like a high-ranking bystander. The every move of all the creatures around him, including the trajectory of future movement, appeared in his mind.

Wen Zheng walked in front of them without being injured again, and directly chopped off the head of the giant locust, leaving only the man collapsed on the ground, staring at Wen Zheng and muttering to himself: "Monster, you are a monster... No, you are not a monster... You are a god! Gods should not come to the world, you should not be here!"

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