Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 48 Chapter 48

A few minutes later, the people who were pulled up were first controlled and then taken to the side compartment for physical examination.

"Isn't there an instrument for blood test? We are willing to move for a while." The man who seemed to be the leader spoke.

The staff who stayed in the house were worried about the battle outside. When they heard their request, they took the examination equipment and drew blood from them for testing.

"We have already drawn blood, why do we need to check again?" The outsiders frowned and were slightly angry.

The staff standing in front of them looked at them calmly: "The blood test is to see if you are in the incubation period, but now there are zombie rats, which are big and small, and it is possible to hide in clothes."

"A careful examination is for everyone's safety, please cooperate seriously."

In someone else's territory, and just rescued, the key is that what the other party said is quite reasonable. No matter how reluctant I was to be examined closely, I still nodded in agreement.

I stayed in the house to be examined, but I could hear the sound of fighting outside.

Facing the zombies that came one after another and the zombie rats that were not easy to hit, the commander standing on the wall was not in a hurry, and his subordinates were very calm to obey the command.

They were a little panicked when they just found the zombie rats.

Isn't it said that the leadership of the Northeast Base after the change is good at infighting and not good at management? It seems that the strength is still strong now.

Hearing the sound of cars coming from far away, several people subconsciously looked out the window. A row of vehicles went directly to the wall along the road. The staff standing outside were excited after seeing the vehicles. It seemed that the people who came were very popular.

The vehicles left their small area of ​​vision, but they could hear the voices coming from outside, especially those people who did not lower their voices at all.

"Captain Qu! Teacher Wen!" The commander, whose voice was remembered after listening to a few more sentences, did not speak in the calmness before.

While the people in the room were thinking, someone first noticed the blind spot: "Chief Qu? Isn't the new leader of your base surnamed Wang?"

"The one surnamed Wang was beaten to death a long time ago, and a few damn ones escaped. Don't you know?" The inspector who stayed beside them and kept an eye on them was stunned and looked at them with suspicion.

The personnel who were sent out to communicate with other bases were all smart people. They could think of what happened in this base with just two simple sentences.

Until now, the people in the Southwest Base realized why they received a lot of malice after coming in.

It seems that it is not just because they brought zombie rats, but the bigger reason is that the people in the Northeast Base may be involved with those escaped criminals, and more seriously, they may be colluding.

They are wronged!

After noticing, they immediately explained. Although the inspector in charge of guarding them did not believe it very much, his attitude towards them was much better.

A young man who dyed his hair red after the end of the world came closer to the window and tried to look at the city wall. He was not disappointed when he couldn't see it, but asked the inspector with curiosity.

"Captain Qu is the new leader of your base. Who is that teacher Wen?"

Recalling the period of reconstruction of the base, I saw Wen Zheng leading his students with superpowers, standing on the city wall and attacking zombies.

The inspector who was asked coughed twice, and his erratic eyes could not hide his admiration for Wen Zheng: "He is the most powerful superpower in our base."

The boy with dyed red hair followed his intuition and moved a little further, asking more curiously: "What kind of superpower is he?"

"Fire." The inspector just answered, and whispers came from outside, which were superimposed and very clear, saying that Teacher Wen was going to take action.

Several staff members walked out of the door and looked up. Those in the southwest base were even more reluctant to stay inside, and all moved to the door where they could see the wall.

The bright moonlight became dim in the face of the jumping flames, and the slender man was surrounded by flames, becoming the most dazzling existence in everyone's eyes.

The steady arms opened naturally, and the flames formed a bow and arrow in his hands. In an instant, it fell like a meteor, carrying a raging fire to burn all evil creatures.

Outside the wall that no one could see, the plants that had grown at some point tightly bound the groups of zombie rats, which were now reduced to ashes in the fire, leaving only tiny crystal cores.

The people in the Southwest Base who saw this scene were in the same shock as all the first-time viewers, and the young man with red hair had an even weirder look on his face.

He would not admit that after hearing that the strongest psychic in the Northeast Base was a fire-type, he still wanted to compare with the other party. Now he realized that he had really underestimated the other person just now.

"The wall here has been drilled by rats, and the earth-type psychic comes to fix it."

Who is this person, speaking so rudely to the psychic?

His eyes shifted from Wen Zheng with difficulty. At the foot of the wall, a disabled old man called two earth-type psychics. They touched the wall with both hands and closed their eyes to sense something.

After a few minutes, the two psychics let go. The old man held the wall by himself, nodded and praised: "It's all fixed, well done."

The praised superpower also laughed.

"Old Bai, the crystal cores of those zombie rats are too small, and the previous tools can't be used. I'd like to trouble you to help modify them." The commander on the wall grabbed the wall and shouted down, asking people to take down a few things that looked like rakes and a bit like colanders.

All bases need to face zombies and will encounter similar problems. Although the appearance of these tools is somewhat different, at first glance they are tools used to sift out crystal nuclei while standing on the wall.

These tools were made according to the size of the crystal core of ordinary zombies. They cannot be used now and must not be modified.

The first person to pick up the tool was another old man, probably the old man named Bai by the commander. He picked up the metal rake tool and could see from a distance that the gaps between the teeth were getting smaller.

The densely packed iron teeth form a large metal mesh, and the sharp first section can be easily inserted into the soil. It is necessary to catch all the crystal nuclei under the wall and inside the moat.

After Mr. Bai finished transforming one, he asked a few people waiting nearby to pick up the rake and try it. It turned out that those few were also metal superpowers.

When I first saw Mr. Bai's transformation, I only noticed the speed, but when other superpowers try it, they can easily see that the more difficult thing is to make those teeth change their arrangement obediently.

The man headed by the Southwest Base looked at the woman beside him and got a wry smile.

Fire, earth, water, the strength displayed by these superpowers alone completely destroyed the self-confidence of this group of people.

When Qu Hu came down from the wall that was exposed to the crisis and received these people who came all the way from the southwest base, no one slacked off because of Qu Hu's youth.

Qu Hu always wore a polite smile. Accompanied by several superpowers, he led several outsiders who had completed the examination to the office.

It's not a good idea to deny guests a night's rest, but guests bring danger to the doorstep, so it's even more reasonable to ask about the situation.

Especially when they don't know anything about the leadership changes in the Northeast base.

The series of things that happened after arriving at the Northeast Base were a big blow to these outsiders. They didn't have to be thoughtful when talking to Qu Hu, and they just said what they had to say.

"The base sent us here because the previous leader of your base sent a private message about the latest progress in developing superpower-stimulating potions." Zhang Yuliang, the man in charge, explained first.

Qu Hu's expression did not change, but the expressions of several superpowers who were following him to protect safety all changed, and there was more evil in their eyes.

Zhang Yuliang sighed in his heart. Looking at the reactions of these superpowers, he knew that things must have started half as badly as the leaders expected.

But very fortunately, before they arrived here, the members of the Northeast Base wrote down the process and worked hard to achieve a pretty good result.

"After receiving this news, our chief is worried that these research results are not legitimate. We were sent here with two tasks. If these researches are obtained through legitimate channels, we can trade with them. No, the transaction is cancelled."

To be honest, their chief did not believe that the previous leaders could lead people to produce any research results.

The teams with the strongest scientific research capabilities are all in the capital base or bases in several other big cities. Even if they devote most of their talents to researching zombie viruses, ordinary provincial capital cities in the Northeast and Southwest, two provinces that are not strong in scientific research, can first The possibility of researching it in one step is very small.

Of course, it's not impossible.

It's just that they are inevitably suspicious, and what's even more worrying is that the Northeast Base deliberately brought people over with the required trading materials, and then unloaded them and killed them.

"What did they ask you to trade?" Qu Hu first picked a less serious question. As for whether he believed what Zhang Yuliang said, it was a matter of opinion.

"They are all here. The latest one was received a few days ago. Then we accidentally stepped into the zombie rat's nest. The supplies were forced to be thrown away. Several people were bitten by zombies and died on the spot. Now we are the only one. A few are still alive."

When Zhang Yuliang talked about these two, he took out the folded paper from the middle of his clothes. His body was no longer so upright. The other people in the Southwest Base also looked down sadly.

Qu Hu opened the piece of paper. It was in an official format, and it was stamped with the seals of the Southwest Base and the pre-apocalyptic government. It was quite formal.

The above describes in detail the content and various terms of the transaction with the Northeast Base. Among the items traded between the two parties, the Northeast Base provided the results of the superpower stimulation experiment, while the Southwest Base had to pay for all the research results since the end of the world.

Zhang Yuliang's vehicle carried a modified vehicle radio. Before the end of the resistance struggle, Wen Zheng took action. The former leaders sent a radio message to add new transaction content, asking personnel from the southwest base to cooperate in eliminating Wen Zheng's group.

Of course, after encountering a swarm of zombie rats, they completely put this matter away, and they could hardly save their lives.

"Are you willing to trade to prove that they really produced experimental data that has some possibility?" Qu Hu rubbed his fingers on the paper, "Also, please explain where you encountered the zombie rat swarm, and all the details at that time. ”

It feels like even one day after taking over the base has not been easy, and there are troubles to solve.


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