Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 49 Chapter 49

After discovering that the leader of the Northeast Base had been changed, Zhang Yuliang, who had come here with great difficulty, knew that some things had to be said. He reached into his clothes and fumbled, and finally took out a small USB flash drive that was tightly wrapped.

The zombie rat's nest was encountered on the road. They still remembered the location of the encounter at that time. They took a detailed map and marked the place.

It was late, and after the discussion, Qu Hu arranged for someone to take them to the accommodation.

The staff in the base did not speak unless necessary when facing these outsiders. Whenever the other party asked questions about the base, they smiled and apologized politely, saying that they did not know much.

After coming a few more times, the young man with dyed red hair became dejected and stopped asking questions.

The attitude of the staff was indeed not very good, mainly because they had just ended the struggle not long ago and were still very vigilant.

What's more, this group of people kept asking about the base and Teacher Wen and others. Who knows what they are planning.

Just don't say anything.

Qu Hu, who had the USB in his hand, was a little uneasy, fearing that the group of people who had taken the superpowers to conduct experiments and get useful results.

If the data in this USB is real and is sent to other bases, there is no guarantee that other bases will not continue to use superpowers to conduct experiments.

Those people really deserved to die earlier.

Zhang Yuliang, who had a strong sense of crisis, walked around the office for a few rounds, but was still worried that he could not rest, so he simply went to find a capable and smart friend to give him advice.

Wen Zheng, who finally got rid of Qu Hu's various invitations to ask questions: "..."

Are you the base manager or am I the base manager? Even if you don't need too much rest time as a superpower, you don't have to come to discuss in the middle of the night.

Who can't the newly appointed managers discuss with? I shouldn't have said too much at that time, but now I am pestered to discuss problems every day.

"Is Teacher Wen asleep? Then I'll come tomorrow." Seeing no response from the room, Qu Hu faced the disapproving eyes of his grandparents and left angrily.

Wen Zheng, who stayed in the room, couldn't sleep at all. No matter what problems needed to be solved, strength was more important.

He grabbed a handful of crystal cores and continued to practice. After the fire-attributed crystal cores were consumed, those ordinary crystal cores without attributes could also be used to replace quality with quantity.

The next morning, the new managers of the base were called to the conference room for a meeting, including Wen Zheng and the supernatural person he rescued from the research institute, as well as a group of serious scientific research experts.

Qu Hu finished talking about the situation first, and the managers frowned and thought. They could all think of the hidden problems behind this matter.

Several older scientists who participated in the meeting were a little excited, and asked to see that part of the experimental results first with an excited tone that could not be concealed.

Seeing the performance of these researchers, the supernatural person who was a little allergic to these research experts was originally sitting far away from them, and now his face became very ugly.

The psychological shadow caused by those experiences in the past is not so easy to dissipate, especially for those who see this state of scientists.

Wen Zheng stood up from his position, patted their shoulders gently, and then changed his position to block the line of sight between the two sides, so that they could not see each other clearly.

The researchers immediately restrained themselves, and even if the other party might not see them, they smiled to express their apology.

"No matter what, our base will never allow any human research on living people, or involuntary and highly dangerous human experiments to occur again." Qu Hu emphasized seriously.

The only legal human experiment that can be taken is to enter the voluntary human experiment stage only after multiple experiments on animals to ensure safety, just like the drug development before the end of the world.

After saying that, Qu Hu took out the temporary experimental data on the USB drive and asked the researchers present to analyze the authenticity of those experimental data.

At the same time, he asked Wen Zheng and the superpower about the general appearance and characteristics of the people they saw in the evil research institute at the beginning, so as to find out their identities.

Most of the people present didn't understand the data about the drugs, but the researchers looked at it very carefully.

The evil research institute outside the base was burned down. When tracking down the "leaders" who escaped, Qu Hu also sent people to the address of the institute to take a look.

It has long been a ruin. It looks like someone went to investigate when it was just burned, but no one has set foot there in recent days.

No relevant information was found in the base, so Wen Zheng and the supernatural person at that time were invited to watch the professionals draw the faces of the culprits according to their descriptions.

After a period of time, the researchers on both sides looked at the data roughly, and their faces became serious. They kept discussing in a low voice, and it took a long time before they came to a temporary end.

"What did you gain after reading it?" Qu Hu asked everyone to sit back in their original seats and continue to host this discussion.

The researchers present were all rescued by the army, but they all worked in the research institute in the base and had never participated in experiments on subjects, let alone thought about it.

But their scientific research capabilities cannot be ignored. After reading these experimental data, although they didn't want to admit it, they still had to say: "This experimental data is too little, and it can only be said that this idea has a certain feasibility."

The meeting fell into a heavy atmosphere, and everyone had to think quietly. Wen Zheng noticed the tangled expression of a researcher.

"Mr. Liu, did you find anything?" Wen Zheng looked at the sign on the other person's body and asked.

"Ah?" Researcher Liu responded proactively, and then found himself receiving the gazes of everyone present.

He held onto the table uneasily, as if that would give him support, before telling everyone what he was thinking.

"This habit of researching and recording is very similar to that of a senior who had an undergraduate degree." Before anyone could ask, he continued, "My senior was later admitted to Academician Qin Songyuan's combined master's and doctoral program."

"He's Mr. Qin's student? Are you sure?" The researcher next to him took a deep breath. The others felt that the name sounded familiar.

Soon everyone recalled from the words of several researchers that Academician Qin Songyuan was a famous researcher in biomedicine. After the outbreak of the apocalypse, many people wanted to protect Academician Qin for research.

However, the apocalypse broke out too quickly without any warning, so on the day of the accident, Academician Qin was invited to give a speech, and his destination was them.

"I remember that there were rescue personnel specially sent out from the base in the past. Professor Qin confirmed that he had turned into a zombie and even his body was burned."

In fact, all major bases are aware of this matter, but they will not inform the general public. Among the managers present, there are people with different positions who have just established the base and know the news.

"Researcher Liu, come and see if your senior brother is among these portraits?"

"No." Researcher Liu took the portraits and breathed a sigh of relief after reading them all. He believed that his senior brother was not that kind of person.

"Xiao Liu, have you admitted your mistake? Everyone is similar, and the research and recording methods are basically the same."

"I entered the laboratory as a freshman, and my senior brother has taken me with him for nearly the past few years. I know his habits and choice of words very well. And before the end of the world, I saw the circle of friends posted by my senior brother, and he followed Academician Qin here." Researcher Liu calmed down now and became more confident.

Having said that, it feels like the source of this research has become unclear, and everyone feels that it is not that simple, but this is good news for them.

"The team that went to rescue Academician Qin seemed to be led by that group of people. The group named Wang must have done something." Someone gritted his teeth and said, and the rest of the silent people agreed in their hearts.

I wish I could find him immediately, ask him what he had done, and then cut his body into pieces.

This new discovery was a bright light, and even Qu Hu's expression became much better. None of them wanted to know that the hope of killing zombies or gaining superpowers was obtained by killing some of their compatriots.

"Then what we need to do now is clear. The search department went to the ruins of the research institute outside the base to carefully clean up, trying to find everything that might be useful. The research department copied the data back and continued to try to analyze it. Contact The department will carefully check all the content previously sent to other bases, and the office department will check all the items left by those people at the base." Qu Hu issued the orders one by one, and the others received the orders.

But the meeting is not over yet.

Investigating the true source of these studies is a problem that needs to be dealt with within the base, but solving the zombie rats and the group of zombie rats that are likely to be active not far from the base is a task that needs to be performed outside.

The relevant personnel responsible for the matter came to the stage and conducted a comprehensive analysis of the situations observed during the battle and the intelligence obtained from the mouths of people from the southwest base.

You must know that even ordinary rats were a headache for many families before the apocalypse. After being transformed into zombies, they still remain at the top of the list of harmful animals.

Judging from the last attack on the base, zombie rats are the same size as ordinary rats. They are not afraid of water, move quickly, and are difficult to accurately target and attack.

They were able to dig holes before the apocalypse, and they were also able to dig through the walls after the apocalypse. According to the description of the superpowers who filled the holes, those zombie rats dug through one-third of the wall the fastest.

The wall must be thickened, or even deepened, and perhaps dug out of the ground. It would be best if a metal superpower could add a layer of solid metal plates to the wall.

In addition, according to the description of people from the southwest base, they were stationed and rested less than a day away from here, but they were attacked by a group of zombie rats at dawn the day before yesterday.

At first they thought of breaking out and leaving, but the door and walls of the resting place were destroyed by zombie rats, causing zombies who smelled the smell from outside to join the fight.

They were at a disadvantage from the moment they fell into the encirclement. The tires of the vehicles outside were damaged by zombie rats, and rats crawled into several cars.

They couldn't escape and had to find a way to eliminate them. Originally, there were dozens of people with sufficient weapons and superpowers, but only a few people managed to escape in the end.

In addition to the superpowers, these people are ordinary people with crucial status. They have special strength and identity, so under the cover of the others risking their lives, they repaired a barely usable vehicle and ran to Northeastern base was rescued.

The group of rats is not far from the base. If they are not eliminated early, it will obviously not be an ordinary trouble if they follow the zombies to attack in the future.

As for who should deal with these zombie rats, everyone in the room turned their attention to Wen Zheng.

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