Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 50 Chapter 50 (1/2)

Wen Zheng took on the task of eliminating the zombie rats and went back, not caring about the research.

However, according to what the researchers said again, the data in the front was mainly about the research of zombie viruses, and the data in the back about the stimulation of superpowers did not match the front.

It seemed that the two parts came from different researchers.

This discovery made everyone more convinced that the source of the data was likely related to Academician Qin, but this part of the task had nothing to do with Wen Zheng, and other responsible people were busy with it.

When Wen Zheng returned to the dormitory building arranged for superpowers in the base, some of the guys were practicing superpowers seriously, and some were sitting together gossiping. When they saw Wen Zheng, they immediately surrounded him.

"The group of people from the Southwest Base came to find you early in the morning, saying that they still wanted to chat with us after you were gone. I guess they left because they saw that they couldn't get anything out of us." Grandpa Li was very vigilant and very suspicious of outsiders.

The others also talked at once, and they didn't know where they heard so much news in such a short time. It was said that the news about these people in the Southwest Base had spread throughout the base. There are several different versions of the story, and all of them are suspicious of these outsiders.

Wen Zheng is very supportive of their vigilance, but everyone still needs to be friendly, after all, the mission to eliminate zombie rats still requires people from the Southwest Base to lead the way.

Time waits for no one, and the longer the delay, the more accidents will happen.

Wen Zheng informed everyone of the news, and those who are willing to go out will sign up automatically. To be honest, this operation is a bit dangerous, especially since there are people with superpowers in the Southwest Base who have died as a result.

"Of course we have to go if the base needs us, just to see how much our superpowers have improved during this period."

Everyone signed up, and Wen Zheng had to select from them. At least all types of superpowers must stay in the base, and ordinary people carrying weapons will also set off.

The convoy was about to set off the next day, and the ordinary people in the base learned the news and waited on the roadside and at the gate before the convoy set off. There was nothing to give, so I gave these people who were on a mission for the safety of the base a sincere blessing.

Zhang Yuliang and others from the Southwest Base were also in the convoy. Although they were a little surprised to see these, they were also happy. This harmonious state can better maintain the development of the base.

There were more superpower zombies on the road, and there were also zombie cats and dogs. The speed of movement was faster than that of human zombies, which caught people off guard. However, the characters who came out this time were all excellent. Before the zombie animals came to the front of the car, several attacks from different directions arrived.

Not only did the types of zombie animals increase, but mutant animals would also occasionally be encountered. They would not actively attack humans, and basically avoided them far away after hearing the noise. It may be because the convoy made too much noise. Even if they deliberately used crystal cores to lure, no mutant animals took the bait, but attracted more zombies.

Zhang Yuliang from the Southwest Base sat in the front and directed the road. The part he marked on the map was still a little vague, so he asked them to complete this task together.

As the convoy got closer to the place Zhang Yuliang said, Wen Zheng asked the base members who were specially brought out and knew the nearby situation very well, and learned about the situation around this place from him.

After thinking about it, they did not go to the specific location where Zhang Yuliang was commanding, but stopped at an open square a few kilometers away from that location.

They could see the shopping mall that might become a zombie rat nest. The place where they stopped was a flat and empty fountain square, but the fountain in the center had stopped long ago, leaving only a very small fountain mouth on the ground.

The vehicles formed a circle to surround an area, and everyone got off the car with weapons to deal with the zombies that surrounded them. The earth-type and gold-type superpowers worked together, taking materials from the surrounding ground and buildings to build defense facilities.

Although these people had never been on a mission together, they had been learning from Wen Zheng all the time during this period, and they had cultivated a lot of tacit understanding by chatting and gossiping. This plan was discussed yesterday, and they reviewed it repeatedly before going to bed and on the way today. This time, there were no mistakes when they started.

After the simple fortifications were built, everyone took the opportunity to exercise their stiff bodies caused by long-term car sitting. Clean up the surrounded open space, the gold-type supernatural power user takes out the iron pot, the earth-type supernatural power user builds an earthen stove, and the fire-type supernatural power user directly controls the size of the flame without using wood.

The water-type supernatural power user gathers water out of thin air and pours it into the pot, and puts in the hot pot base prepared in advance. When the water gradually boils, the fresh and fragrant smell is particularly tempting. The wood-type supernatural power user takes out the green vegetables from the car, which are all fresh and crispy nourished by the supernatural power along the way. All kinds of canned pork and beef are taken out and the meat is put in. There is also a dough mixed with coarse grains and fine grains, all made into pancakes and attached to the inner wall of the iron pot.

The gurgling sound comes one after another, not only the sound from the pot, but also everyone's stomach that wants to eat.

As soon as Wen Zheng started, everyone picked up the bowl with chopsticks and fell into a battle to grab it, especially those pancakes that absorbed enough soup. The competition was the most intense. After all the cooked ingredients in the pot were fished out, new ingredients were put into the pot and some hot pot ingredients were added. During the waiting time, everyone slowly began to taste the delicious food.

Everyone was eating happily with their bowls in hand, except for a few people from the Southwest Base who were not used to it. I had clearly told them about my experience with the zombie rats, but they didn't seem to take it seriously. Shouldn't they just eat something casually at this time?

Not only people, but also the black mutant crow pecked very happily. The two grandmothers also put the mutant sedge in the flower pot in the middle, and sent some wood-type supernatural powers into it from time to time.

No matter what the people in the southwest base think, Wen Zheng and his team will eat as they want. After the first round, they will start the second round and put the ingredients for the third round in.

Wen Zheng was eating when he suddenly stopped his chopsticks and listened attentively. The grandparents who had been following Wen Zheng for a long time were the first to discover it. Grandpa Li and Grandpa Liu of the earth-type put their hands on the ground and carefully sensed it. The three of them spoke almost at the same time.

"Prepare for battle!"

As soon as the order was issued, everyone started to act.

The iron pot on the fire quickly deformed in Grandpa Bai's hands, becoming a sealed iron cylinder with a flat bottom, completely covering the soup and ingredients inside. Everyone's metal bowls and chopsticks encountered similar treatment, all deformed and combined into rectangular metal blocks again, and placed aside with the iron pot.

The rest of the people looked through the gaps opened in the defense wall, holding weapons or supernatural powers ready to be activated at any time, observing the situation outside.

Just as Wen Zheng and the two grandfathers shouted and everyone started to move, groups of rats had already drilled out from all kinds of gaps around. Outside the warning circle, almost all the ground visible to the naked eye was occupied by rats, like a disgusting purple-black carpet, which was constantly moving and stirring up waves.

"Could it be that all the zombie rats in the city are gathered here?" Someone muttered to himself.

I heard Zhang Yuliang and others describe the number of zombie rats they encountered, but it was not until I saw it with my own eyes that I could feel the number that made my scalp numb.

The traps set up outside temporarily blocked the rats' steps. One by one, the rats fell into the traps, but soon more zombie rats filled the traps with their bodies, allowing the rats behind to climb up on them.

The water-based superpowers led by Yueyue walked to the front, controlled the ball-shaped gasoline and threw it into the trap pit, ensuring that these things were distributed on most of the rats, and then threw in the fireball, and suddenly there was a burnt and unpleasant smell, and there were also cries from zombie rats.

When all the people inside were throwing gasoline, they put on tight and thick masks on their faces. Breathing became a little difficult, but it could block most of the unpleasant smell. Soldiers holding weapons did not need to aim at the target, because there were too many targets. They could hit the zombie rats by pressing the trigger.

The flames outside were burning fiercely, and piles of rats died one after another. The superpowers stood in the positions arranged in advance and attacked in an orderly manner.

The zombie rats did not know how to retreat. They had tinnitus in their ears when they heard those calls, but after careful identification, they found that it was not tinnitus. A wave of rats came out directly from the gap in the central fountain, but they were being waited for by the prepared superpowers.

Above the small fountain in the middle, a metal plate with fine and sharp metal spikes appeared below. The shape was made according to the shape of the fountain. When a group of zombie rats crawled out, the metal plate pressed down directly, stringing all the zombie rats into a string, and then they were burned clean by Wen Zheng with a fire.

After the fire was over, the metal spikes turned red, and the smell of burning increased when they were stabbed again.

The earth element continued to reinforce the defensive earth walls under the feet and around, and the wood element controlled the plants and the mutant sedge. The zombie rats that escaped the net were directly dug out of the crystal cores, which were cleaned by the water element and placed on the ground.

There were flames burning inside and outside. Even though the weather had passed the hottest period, people who stayed between the two were still a little uncomfortable. It was all thanks to the water element that condensed water and evaporated to cool down.

The entire battle lasted for nearly two hours. During this period, many zombie rats with super powers appeared, but their super powers were not comparable to Wen Zheng and his team. Before they broke through the defense, they were stabbed by the metal spikes that suddenly appeared on the earth wall.

The battle lasted until the last ten minutes, and everyone's movements became mechanized. When there were no zombie rats, some people launched attacks.

"It's over!" Wen Zheng shouted loudly, which made everyone sober up.


Almost everyone was so tired that they fell to the ground, and the sound of their bodies touching the ground was made. I was so tired that I didn't even want to take the crystal core for the time being. I used my superpower to recover my superpower. Ordinary people rubbed their sore arms and just wanted to have a good rest.

"There are thieves stealing crystal cores." The water-type superpower consumed less, and only looked outside after replenishing everyone with clean water. One of them exclaimed. At the same time, the black crow that was accompanying its owner flew out.

Winged animals move quickly. Most people haven't gotten up yet, but they can hear the crow's cry and a few miserable cats and dogs, and finally a few strange birds.

Hearing the noisy sound outside, everyone wanted to watch the excitement. The earth-type superpower thoughtfully changed the position of the window so that everyone could see the scene outside while sitting.

A large number of zombie rats burned to ashes in the deep pit. Although the flames were extinguished, there was still heat, so no thieves came. But the zombie rats that were attacked by weapons and fell to the ground had a great temptation of crystal cores in their heads.

The battle just now not only eliminated zombie rats but also nearby zombies, all of which ran here without reason. The mutant animals that have wisdom and have improved their intelligence all peeked at the situation from afar. After the battle stopped, one of them couldn't help it, and the rest all couldn't help it.

The thieves are these mutant cats, mutant dogs, mutant birds and even mutant mice.

Wen Zheng stood in to see the situation when the black crow flew out. He saw that the black crow marked the zombie rats on the ground as his own spoils. When he saw someone coming to steal, he rushed out. First, he fought against the birds, then a few birds fought and hit the cats, and then a new melee started, and finally several mutant animals got involved, and all kinds of calls were mixed together.

"That white cat is so beautiful." Yueyue's eyes were bright, and her face was full of love.

Indeed, there was a white cat that did not participate in the close combat, and these supernatural animals avoided it when fighting. From the aspect of keeping such clean fur in the end times, it can be seen that this is a beauty-loving cat.

It walked to the nearest zombie rat calmly, dug out the zombie crystal core, and then a water ball appeared out of thin air to wash the crystal core and the hand that had just dug out the head, and then threw the crystal core into its mouth.

"This cat has water-based abilities like me!"

"In that case, Yueyue, do you want to try to get the cat's approval before we rest and execute the next part?"

"I want to try."

The rest of the people who didn't have mutant animals or plants also wanted to try!

So, the crystal cores in the pit were quickly fished out and cleaned, and all the people who participated in the battle were given a lot. Whether they were psychics or ordinary people, they all forgot their fatigue and held crystal cores in their hands to lure these cute and powerful mutant animals.

"Xiao Zheng, don't you want to try?" Grandpa Li couldn't help but try. He didn't ask for sure to find it, but at least to participate. Then he saw Wen Zheng standing still.

Wen Zheng shook his head: "I'm not."

If he really developed feelings for her, how would he leave in the future? And he would definitely not be able to hide it from Tuantuan when he went home. Wen Zheng has no plan to have a second child for the time being.

It's a pity that mutant animals are not so easy to get. Those small animals are more interested in the zombie rats on the ground. A few flying birds pecked one or two crystal cores from people, but they ran away after taking them, and never stopped.

What is a bit unexpected is that these mutant animals are quite clean or know the contamination of zombies' flesh and blood. Even people with special abilities will still be infected after being injured by zombies, but the speed is slower and they can stay awake for a period of time. When Zhang Yuliang and his team were surrounded by zombie rats, some people with special abilities stopped defending after being bitten, and helped them escape during the last time of awakening.

After the mutant animals dug out the crystal cores, they gathered the crystal cores together and brought them to the animals with water-based special abilities, and used a few crystal cores as a reward to ask the water-based animals to clean them.

No wonder they avoid water-based animals when fighting, and they have this kind of survival wisdom, and therefore these water-based animals are estimated to be more difficult to become human partners.

After trying many times, everyone was a little disappointed, and finally took out the unfinished food to continue filling their stomachs, and the content they had eaten before was almost consumed.

The crystal cores failed to seduce, but the fragrance of the food lured the animals closer. Everyone was surprised and painful to share some of the ingredients that had not yet been put into the pot.

"Animals can't eat spicy food." But some mutant animals still found that these people did not harm them, and deliberately approached the food cooked in the hot pot.

"For mutant animals, their stomachs may have evolved." Someone couldn't stand the mutant animals' pleading eyes, and hesitated to extend the bowl.

"If you are not sure, you can't feed them. If they are willing to go with us, we can take good care of them. Otherwise, if they survive with great difficulty and die from eating, it will become our sin."

"You make sense." The bowl was completely taken back, leaving the mutant dog with only an apologetic look.

The dog who almost ate the food was anxious. They were lucky to survive after the end of the world, but it was more difficult for them to find suitable food than humans. They have eaten all kinds of messy foods, and the reason why they are still fine now is that their bodies have become acceptable. The mutant dog must eat these foods today.

"Woof woof woof, woof woof woof woof!" If you want me to go with you, give me these things to eat.

"Dog, I don't understand what you're saying. I really can't give you this."

"Woof woof woof!" The mutant dog stretched out his paw in front of the man, his face full of seriousness.

"This...are you willing to go with me?" The excited girl immediately put down the bowl and held the dog's raised paw, "I will definitely take good care of you, we can fight side by side."

The dog patiently made physical contact with the newly appointed biped companion for a few seconds, and then moved his body into the other's arms.

In the other's surprised voice, the dog confirmed that the other party could not take the bowl of food, and immediately stretched out his paw to hold it, lowered his head and ate happily.

Everyone: "..."

After the mutant dog took the lead in eating the food, the remaining mutant animals all followed suit, using beauty to make these people lose their minds, and then took the opportunity to grab the food.

Everyone was addicted to the closeness of the mutant animals, and didn't think about other possibilities at all, and even thought about what kind of home they would make for these animals after returning to the base.

Just when these people were obsessed with animals, the mutant animals that had finished eating jumped out of the human's arms. Under the other party's surprise and persuasion, they fully utilized the mutant animal's speed and quickly ran away.

They ran away after eating, which was quite thorough.

It can be said to be very scumbag.

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