Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 52 Chapter 52 (1/2)

"Why haven't Wen Zheng and the others come back yet?" Qu Hu finished the urgent work in his hands, took a short break, stood in front of the window and looked at the scene inside the base, thinking about the team that was leaving.

According to the plan, if Wen Zheng and the others were successful, they should have come back last night. Of course, it is normal to come back one or two days later if there is an accident.

But if they really come back late, I will still be a little worried.

Wen Zheng is the strongest single combat force in the base, not to mention that the psychics who left account for more than half of the psychics in the entire base.

Moreover, various situations have occurred frequently in the base over the past year, and the people can no longer withstand the tossing, so don't let there be any bad news.

"Chief, Teacher Wen is back with the team and has arrived outside the base." The assistant walked in when Qu Hu was worried and brought good news.

"Okay, it's time for lunch. I'll use my share to ask the canteen to make two good dishes. The food standards for the rest of the people on the mission will be temporarily raised by one level." Qu Hu was happy now. He arranged lunch with Wen Zheng first, exchanged information on the road, and then let the people on the mission have a good meal and rest.

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that there was something wrong with the assistant's expression, which made Qu Hu's heart suddenly cold. Could it be that there were heavy casualties this time? "What else is there to say?"

"Several members of the team have wounds on their bodies. While waiting for blood tests, one person is having a fever."

The words "wounded and still having a fever" will make people who hear them feel a little nervous in the end times.

After all, whether it is turning into a zombie or activating superpowers, you will experience the process of fever, and the probability of the former is often greater than the latter.

"What's the situation now?" Qu Hu asked, and then learned that Wen Zheng led the entire team, waiting outside for the test results of the injured people.

In fact, Wen Zheng and his team drove back after discovering that the vine plant was gone.

It just delayed the time. Driving on the road at night would increase the danger a lot, so we found a place to rest for a night, and continued to set off when it was dawn.

As a result, when we arrived at the gate of the base, another accident occurred.

The young man who was found to have a fever had a sad face and was completely scared. He touched the wound on his body and explained: "This is a wound that I accidentally scratched. It happened yesterday. I haven't turned into a zombie today, and the wound has not changed color."

"No one said you will turn into a zombie." Wen Zheng pressed the panicked man back to the chair, felt it again, and then comforted, "It may be a fever caused by the injury, or it may be that you have awakened your superpowers."

"Teacher Wen, don't comfort me, how can I have the luck to awaken superpowers."

Wen Zheng smiled and didn't reply. The young man's comrades stayed by his side to comfort him, patiently waiting for the test results.

"There is no zombie virus in the blood, it's just an ordinary fever, you can all go in." The inspector came with good news, and finally turned the heavy atmosphere into joy.

The convoy came back but didn't go in. Even ordinary residents were a little worried when they heard about it. They cheered when they saw everyone coming in.

The young man had just come out of the horror of turning into a zombie, and his eyes were still red. After he walked in, everyone immediately saw that he was the child with a fever.

An aunt looked distressed. She didn't have anything in her hand, only the tomatoes she had just bought to satisfy her craving. She took one and threw it at the young man.

The tomatoes picked in the morning were sold out by noon. After all, ordinary people ate in the base cafeteria, which was cheap and affordable, and few people bought vegetables directly.

So the tomato thrown to the young man was smooth and round on the outside. It was a rare good tomato, but the leaves on the tomato stem were a little wilted.

The young man didn't dislike it, and even planned to return it to the aunt. As soon as he received the tomato, he ran towards the aunt, and his body automatically operated with the tomato in his hand in a few steps.

"Aunt, thank you for the tomato, but I will have extra food at the base when I return from the mission this time, so you should take this tomato home."

The young man handed the tomato in his hand over. The aunt was about to insist on giving it to someone else, but the two of them looked at the tomato and were stunned at the same time.

The wilted leaves became particularly crisp and tender, which was different from before.

At this time, the young man remembered the feeling of holding the tomato just now, as if a stream of energy came out of his body and was sent into the tomato.

He put the tomato back into his aunt's hand stupidly, took out the basic crystal core he got from killing mice this time from his pocket stupidly, and absorbed it according to the method Wen Zheng taught to the superpowers.

It really wasn't his illusion.

The young man turned around suddenly, making the onlookers worried. He twisted his neck and looked at Wen Zheng with disbelief, hoping to get confirmation from Wen Zheng: "Teacher Wen, I seem to have really awakened my superpowers."

The onlookers didn't even dare to breathe, and now they could see the superpowers appear with their own eyes.

"Wood system?" Wen Zheng asked?

"It seems so." The young man was at a loss, "But I didn't faint, I must have made a mistake..."

"Try it and you'll know." Wen Zheng took the seed bag directly from Grandma Shuying of the Wood Element and poured a few into his hand, "Try to transfer the superpower into it."

"Okay." The young man tried obediently, and there was no movement for a few seconds. Just when he thought it was an illusion, click, the seeds sprouted.


"It's the Wood Element superpower!"

"This kid is so lucky!"

The ordinary people who were watching were all amazed and looked at the young man with different eyes.

Wen Zheng left with the rest of the team members. They were all hungry and waiting for lunch. Let this kid with super powers be happy for a while longer.

Perhaps out of envy and a bit of sourness, no one reminded the young people to pay attention to the passers-by around them. Anyway, there was no danger in the base.

"Teacher Wen wouldn't make such a joke with me. I really have become a superpower." Could it be that I just slept through the time I fainted when I went to bed last night? "

The young man was still mumbling to himself, completely unaware of the ordinary people approaching him until someone held his hand.

This is a newly minted superpower with great luck. Maybe you can get some good luck by shaking his hand.

And it's best to hold the hand that just used the power to germinate the seeds.

Wen Zheng and his group all ran to the cafeteria. Someone came over and invited Wen Zheng to report to the head of the base first. Everyone understood and let Wen Zheng pass.

It happened that Wen Zheng had something to say, and he wasn't so resistant this time. When he walked in and saw the food on the table, he didn't care anymore.

First, he put the box he was carrying on the table. Wen Zheng opened it and put it in front of Qu Hu, and then he started to enjoy his lunch.

Qu Hu recognized the handwriting on the top at a glance and stood up emotionally: "Have you met those guys? They dare to stay nearby."

"I haven't encountered it." Wen Zheng took the time to reply, which made Qu Hu choke. "So I'm asking you to identify it. The owner of this watch is basically dead."

There are countless watches of the same style, and they may not be the ones they think they are.

Qu Hu looked at the watch carefully, but unfortunately he was not familiar with the one that was originally worn on his hand, so it was strange to recognize it. But although he didn't see it, he found that there seemed to be something wrong with the strap of the watch.

Finding a knife from the desk, Qu Hu carefully took off the watch strap. He didn't see any reaction from Wen Zheng in the series of actions and rolled his eyes: "You have noticed something wrong a long time ago."

Directly stated the affirmative fact.

Wen Zheng did realize something was wrong, but the things had to be taken back to the base. If there was anything unclear after taking them apart, he might as well take them back first.

"Let's see what's inside first."

Qu Hu moved very quickly and quickly took off the outer protective skin. There were things hidden in both parts of the strap, and there were very small special data cards on both sides.

"Eat more, I think we will have another meeting all afternoon." Qu Hu put both data cards away and returned to the table.

Both of them relaxed their appetites and finished the food on the table. At the same time, Wen Zheng briefly described the process of this mission. There was a lot of information in it. Qu Hu contacted more people than last time to come to the meeting.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the meeting started.

The people who attended the last meeting came in familiarly, and then they saw programmers and animal and plant researchers present.

There were quite a lot of personnel present this time, which made people wonder what happened to Teacher Wen when he fell to the ground on a mission this time.

The battle process of the Zombie Rats was taken directly, but the released photos of the filming location made everyone who had not seen it take a breath.

The first focus is on the mutated animals encountered later. Mutated animals are also hostile to zombies and are natural allies of humans. Judging from their willingness to contact humans, it is not impossible to get along with mutant animals and fight together.

If it is recognized by all mutant animals, it will become a topic for these animal researchers. After getting no more details from Wen Zheng, they confirmed that the following meeting had little to do with them, and went to ask the other people on the mission.

Then came that special plant. It was unclear whether it was mutated or zombie-like. It was just that the purple-black tentacle vine was more likely to be infected by the zombie virus.

After seeing the photos and supplementary descriptions, botanists were still not sure which species it was and had only a few suspicions. They speculated that the plant itself was a mutated species, or had undergone multiple mutations.

The last question is about the items confiscated from the vines, and the key is what's inside the watch.

After Qu Hu finished speaking, everyone present at the meeting was very excited. This kind of special data storage device was not available to ordinary people. It was carefully hidden inside the watch. It was exactly the same as the watch carried by the person who escaped. It was almost certain.

It is true that the information in the storage is not that easy to obtain, but the entire base is working hard to unlock it, and everyone has enough patience to wait for the results.

While waiting, the group of researchers took the initiative to say hello to Wen Zheng, and then went straight to the point: "Teacher Wen, one of the members on this mission, roared back to the base and discovered that he had special powers, right?"

"Did he not be infected with the zombie virus, but still awakened his superpowers?" Someone else asked, "I just received news from the capital base yesterday that there was a person who was not infected with the zombie virus, but had superpowers. Example, I didn’t expect we have it here.”

The rest of the people who didn't know the news were shocked. If they could activate superpowers without being bitten by zombies, and they didn't have to fight the 99% chance of death, who wouldn't want to have superpowers.

Wen Zheng guessed that this might happen, and a base had already appeared, but his answer was still quite cautious.

"This team member was injured in the battle, but his wound showed no signs of zombie infection, and he was in good spirits yesterday. He only found out that he had superpowers after returning to the base for examination."

"Did the blood test at the base gate find any zombie virus in his body?"


"It is still very likely that this is a special situation of self-initiation. Zombies are constantly evolving, and it is very likely that humans will be able to stimulate superpowers in the future. This is the law of natural evolution.

"Where is that team member? We want to find him to do some experiments." Facing everyone's gaze, these researchers immediately explained, "It is guaranteed that there will be no harm to the body, and someone can accompany or record each experiment. ”

Now everyone is fine, except Wen Zheng. In front of the leaders of the base, in addition to what the researcher said, the institute is required to obtain permission before conducting experiments, and if the other party is unwilling, they cannot conduct research.

The researchers made assurances again and again, and they couldn't wait to persuade them now.

At this time, the contents of the two data storage devices were finally opened.

The first one released was the first half of the research sent to the Southwest Base.

However, in addition to the research records, this content also includes the diary written by the recorder. The identity of the recorder is the senior brother who followed Academician Qin as mentioned by the researchers at the base, and the person conducting the research is Professor Qin as they guessed.

Maybe Harbin City did not delete it because the diary contained the daily discussions between Academician Qin and this senior brother, including the research ideas.

But this The preserved diary let everyone know the truth that has been concealed until now. Just a little bit, this truth will never come to light, and even their research content will become a weapon to persecute their compatriots.

Academician Qin brought two students to the best university in the city to give a speech. During the lecture, the zombie virus broke out, and the school with a large number of people became a disaster area, and those who were lucky enough not to become zombies were also trapped inside.

Fortunately, when the zombie virus first broke out, Academician Qin had a special identity. At that time, someone sent a distress signal to the government, and then Academician Qin and his students were protected.

The days trapped in the school cannot be wasted. There is a fairly complete laboratory in the best university in the city. Academician Qin took his students there to conduct preliminary research on zombies.

Academician Qin is worthy of being a leader in this regard. The most talented person led the students to study a lot of content in a short period of time and proposed several feasible methods.

At the same time, the government, which finally controlled the situation after the zombie outbreak, established two bases in the city.

The Northeast Base is closer to the city university, so the task of rescuing Academician Qin was given to them. At that time, the first leader of the base actually made a mistake in judging people and gave this important task to a group of people who had not yet revealed their true faces.

The rescue team set off, but their speed was not timely enough. According to the content of the diary, before the rescue team arrived, the laboratory where they were hiding almost could not resist the attack of zombies. Academician Qin was injured by zombies while rescuing students.

Then, he failed to resist the virus and turned into a zombie. He The two students could only bear the sadness and pain, tied up the zombie that Academician Qin had turned into and locked it in the next room. They continued to study according to Academician Qin's last words before his death.

But these research results became the reason for their death.

After the rescue team arrived, they found that Academician Qin was dead. The leader at that time was one of the people who escaped now. He learned about the existence of the research records from the students.

On the way back, the students felt that the leader was a little strange. It seemed that he always asked them about their views on superpowers and the feasibility of researching superpower-stimulating drugs.

But they didn't care about these doubts, and they were still thinking about the next step of research, and then the records were left here.

The content obtained by the Northeast Base at that time was that the rescue team went too late, and Academician Qin and his two students had suffered a bad experience.

At that time, no one doubted it, and even if they doubted it, they couldn't verify it.

After reading the first content, people are full of respect for Academician Qin and his students, and at the same time hate the few people who have gone astray.

The second information storage device also contains research records, but it is the experimental records of the destroyed human experiment research institute outside the base.

Several researchers in the human experiment institute were all painted with photos based on the descriptions of the victims. At the same time, in the field of scientific research, the researchers in the base knew them a little bit.

The personnel of the human experiment institute had a bad reputation before the end of the world. They were once expelled from the national institute. Later, they became much more low-key. It is said that they accepted private funding and opened a private institute.

The funding personnel cannot be investigated now, but the private institute is likely to be the one outside the base.

After the end of the world, I don’t know how they got in touch. The leaders who wanted to gain superpowers and ignored life, and the scientists who wanted research results and harmed life, colluded with each other, causing many superpowers and ordinary people to suffer and lose their lives.

The main content of this research record revolves around how to stimulate superpowers. The experimental idea comes from a sentence discussed by Academician Qin and his students. Then they were asked to study for a year and used many lives, but still did not produce any results.

This document even records the detailed research process in the middle, which makes people reluctant to read it, and the more you read, the more hateful you become.

Finally, they managed to hold on until the end of these cruel processes, and the first stage of their research results appeared. It is said that the results are not very useful. In other words, the probability of obtaining superpowers by taking the potion is a few tenths of a percent higher than that of directly finding a zombie to take a sip.

Of course, the leaders would not use it. While asking these people to continue their research, they also set their sights on the research results of other bases. They directly asked people to extract the most valuable parts of the two parts and use them to deceive people.

Everyone knows what happened later.

The base's resistance caused all their plans to fail, and the research institute was burned to ruins by Wen Zheng one step earlier.

"So they were really killed by the vine? It was too easy for them."

This sentence resonated with everyone, and they were indignant about it. Those people should suffer the pain of those people in the experimental records. It was a mercy for them to die easily.

"When they left, did they carry the results of the first phase of the experiment with them? When they rested in the mall and were surrounded by zombie rats, did they accidentally let the plants absorb the drug?" Wen Zheng felt the oppressive atmosphere and made a bold hypothesis, which triggered everyone's discussion.

If Wen Zheng's hypothesis was just a figment of his imagination, it was indeed possible, after all, the vine was really special. If it was really as Wen Zheng guessed, it would be too coincidental.

Anyway, Wen Zheng threw out this topic and watched the people in the meeting discuss it. It was not until Qu Hu asked everyone to be quiet that Wen Zheng said that some of the vines they brought back could be used for research.

Not only to study the source of this vine, but also because this vine with extremely strong attack power has not been completely eliminated, even if it is unlikely to run away from the city, it is still a hidden danger around the base.

I am a little worried that this vine plant will evolve and become stronger when they don't notice it, so it is better to study the weaknesses of this vine as soon as possible so that it can be solved in the future.

But more important than this is the research on zombie virus antidotes and superpower stimulating agents. Of course, neither of these two studies will use methods that force harm to humans, but it still requires someone to voluntarily provide some harmless materials.

For example, the newly-minted wood-type superpowers, under the request and guarantee of the researchers, will be accompanied by their companions to conduct small experiments such as providing blood and scanning.

Every time they go to the research institute, superpowers will not only receive rewards from the base, but those researchers will also take out their own share to give extra meals to the volunteers.

Because the base has previously had experiments that harmed people's lives, even outside the base, but the leaders inside the base were behind the scenes.

So in order not to destroy the trust that was hard to establish, these researchers paid great attention to this aspect, and in the end everyone changed from worrying at the beginning to actively cooperating later.

The base is developing in a good direction day by day. In the end, not only the wood-type superpower, but also two new superpowers appeared before the New Year.

They are all people who have not been attacked by zombies and have stimulated their superpowers on their own. At the same time, such examples have appeared all over the country.

The people in the Southwest Base were originally a little worried about the way back, but later they found that the Northeast Base was quite safe and the skills of using superpowers were worth learning, so they all planned to stay here for the New Year before leaving.

As the New Year is approaching, the atmosphere in the base is getting happier, especially when the New Year starts, the base will change its name and is soliciting votes from all the people in the base.

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