Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 53 Chapter 53

The snow had just stopped, and the scenery covered with white snow was magnificent. The sun, which had not been seen for a long time, quietly peeked out at the beginning of the new year, especially warm and dazzling, slowly melting the ice and snow covering the ground.

This year's New Year was not as depressing as last year. On the night of the tenth day of the lunar year, the solemn announcement of the current leader resounded in the base.

The Northeast Base, which was originally named by the direction, welcomed the new name of the base when they said goodbye to the old and ushered in the new after changing leaders and experiencing wars from outside and inside.


It is far away in the sky, but within reach.

I hope that all the people in the base will welcome the new year with cheers and smiles. From the time it was still dark, there were firecrackers with flames burning bamboo everywhere.

The children found the customs they had not seen for a long time. Under the protection of the adults, they went to every nearby house in groups to pay New Year's greetings.

Sending blessings from the heart and receiving feedback from the other party, even if there are not as many colorful candies as before the end of the world, even if it is a window paper-cut, a decoration, or a snowman made by yourself, it is particularly joyful.

At the beginning of the new year, the biggest change in the base, in addition to the name, is the huge wire mesh pulled up from the sky above the base.

That is the result of all the personnel in the base. A fleet was sent out to collect various metals from outside, and all the gold-type superpowers were busy for several months to make the wire mesh.

When designing, it took into account both use and aesthetics, and it was successfully laid over the base after the New Year. Although the base looks a bit like a metal cage after the cover, it can defend against attacks from zombie birds from the sky.

Just based on the function of this wire mesh, people can't feel disgusted, and they like it after a few glances.

After the New Year, the snow gradually smiled, good news and bad news came together, more and more zombies appeared with superpowers, which were more difficult to deal with than before, but more ordinary people also stimulated their superpowers on their own, and the original group of superpowers collectively advanced.

During the days when the superpowers were upgraded one by one, every time the news was spread, everyone was excited. The power of the upgrade made the superpowers even stronger.

The powerful power brought an imbalance between superpowers and ordinary people. The situation in the Hope Base was not bad.

As the strongest superpower, and the identity of all other superpowers, Wen Zheng always treated ordinary people equally and friendly in the base. A good example can lead their behavior.

In the communication with other bases, almost all major bases showed a difference in status between superpowers and ordinary people. Some bases were even directly controlled by superpowers, and their status suddenly became extremely disparate.

Countless wandering zombies made it difficult for the major bases to communicate, and even more difficult to have a unified leadership. Even if they disagreed with this situation, they could not interfere at all because they were far away.

The Southwest Base in the same city also showed signs of development in this direction.

Zhang Yuliang and others who stayed here for several months finally let their concerns about their own base prevail. Before the winter was completely over and the zombies were active, they left with all kinds of experience learned from the Hope Base.

When they left, the members of the Hope Base, who had been getting along well with them, also said goodbye, hoping that these friends could reach their destination safely.

As the temperature warmed up, the number of various zombie creatures approaching the base increased and became more active, and the leaders of the base held meetings again and again.

The main content of the meeting was how to deal with the zombie tide that was very likely to come.

According to previous experience, when the world was covered with ice and snow, the zombie creatures would not be so active, but often after this period of time, they would gather into a large zombie tide and attack the base where humans lived.

They were preparing for the worst.

With the joint efforts of scientists from major bases, some of the satellites that had been sent to the distant sky were still able to play a role, and whether there were large numbers of zombies gathering became the focus of all bases.

When the zombies were just discovered to have a tendency to gather, the mutated plants and animals discovered it first, and when a large part of them found that they could not resist, they came to the gathering place of humans.

At first, there were a few animals. When they approached the base, the defenders thought that there was an attack by zombie animals and were ready to attack.

However, the appearance of mutant animals and zombie animals is very different. You can find the difference by looking at them a few more times.

The arrival of mutant animals was strongly welcomed by the masses, and the leaders of the base held a meeting for several hours.

There was no strong demand that these mutant animals obey the orders of the base, even though they basically have the wisdom of a few-year-old child.

An area was specially divided in the base for these mutant animals to live. They can move freely. The personnel in the base can freely contact them except for harming them, and even use delicious food to lure them to become their best partners.

After the mutant animals came here, there were also mutant plants. That scene was somewhat surprising.

After all, animals can run by themselves, but plants cannot move. Now you can see the mutant plants moving with roots carrying soil. Because the distance is a bit long, they are a little wilted, and the guards above immediately let them in.

After being put in, these mutant plants first find the nearest soil in the base, take root in it and rest for a while, and then change places from time to time to find places with more suitable soil and sunlight.

After experiencing the visits of mutant animals and mutant plants, everyone felt that nothing could surprise them more, until the mutant tigers, one male and one female, and the mutant ginkgo tree with fruits appeared one after another.

Even if ordinary humans can't tell the appearance of tigers, the only place where tigers are kept is the zoo. There are no wild tigers in the mountains here, at most wild boars or something.

The size of the two mutant tigers is much larger than that of normal tigers. When they walk in the base, they are particularly eye-catching, but people dare not approach them. Their huge appetite has become a problem that the base needs to face.

Then the mutant ginkgo tree appeared. Although everyone was surprised, they had already trained enough psychological resistance until they found that there was a sign hanging on the ginkgo tree.

This is a thousand-year-old ginkgo tree in the city. Before the end of the world, it was a key protected plant. Many people would go there to take pictures every autumn. After the end of the world, everyone's lives are in danger. Who would still miss a tree?

I didn't expect that this thousand-year-old ginkgo tree has mutated, and even the fruits can be used as bombs to explode. With the tenacious vitality of ginkgo and its identity as a mutant plant, I believe that this ginkgo tree will definitely live up to its identity as a living fossil.

Mutated animals and plants have come to the base one after another. Even ordinary people will have bad guesses while being happy, especially since the base is organizing all creatures to further upgrade defense measures.

As expected by everyone, the zombie tide arrived earlier than before, and the scale has become larger, and many zombie animals and zombie plants are involved.

The battle begins.

Ordinary zombies with enhanced strength and speed, zombies with various attributes, zombie animals with smaller targets hidden in the zombie group, zombie birds attacking from the sky, and those zombie plants with strange appearances...

When the harsh warning sounded, countless people described it as they had rehearsed in advance, including those newly joined mutants, all willing to contribute their strength to defend the base, that is, to protect their own safety.

"Earth-type mutants, come and reinforce the city wall!"

"There are two fire-type zombies here that keep firing flames, but they are out of range."

"Be careful, this zombie plant vine will absorb human flesh and blood."

"Oh my God, so many zombie birds."

The overwhelming zombie birds flew from the sky, like a huge dark cloud covering most of the sunlight, whizzing down from the sky above the base, but were blocked by the dense wire mesh above the base.

The sudden darkness gave people a lot of pressure, and then the ginkgo tree, which was enjoying the sun, sent a ginkgo fruit to it.

Going upward through the gap in the wire mesh, the zombie bird exploded with a bang, causing it to be torn into pieces. The complete fragments remained on the wire mesh, and the rest fell directly from the gap, causing people on the street to dodge in a hurry.

There are not only ordinary zombie birds in the zombie bird group, but also many with superpowers. The biggest disadvantage of this wire mesh is that it is difficult to resist metal zombies.

The gold-type superpowers had already made preparations before the zombie tide came. When the gold-type zombie birds want to break through the metal mesh, they will face the energy collision of the metal-type superpowers.

And the ordinary people who received the reminder will use the aiming skills they have trained for a long time to try their best to eliminate the gold-type zombie birds.

Looking at the birds in the sky inside the base, the battle on the other side of the wall will only become more intense.

The zombie rats, who are not sure when to deal with it and have become more numerous, launched an attack on the wall again.

There are also zombie vines that have been encountered and escaped before, which can wave the slender vines from a distance and throw them directly onto the wall.

When the vines touch humans or other creatures, the black leaves will stand up and scratch wounds, absorbing flesh and blood before the opponent turns into a zombie. Those with superpowers will also take out the energy core in their bodies.

This zombie vine is one of the most difficult enemies to deal with. After absorbing flesh and blood and energy cores, it can continue to grow new vines. Later, ordinary people in that area were pushed down and the superpowers fought against it.

The hardship of this battle exceeded everyone's expectations. The sky covered by zombie birds almost covered most of the light. Even though the base broadcasts the time of rotation every day, it is hard to tell how many days have passed in the dream, whether it is waking up from the battle or the battle scene.

Even though the powerful superpower zombie creatures have been almost eliminated, there are still a steady stream of zombies attacking the base.

Zombie creatures have no wisdom but do not know fatigue. Humans rely on wisdom to gain a huge advantage at the beginning of the war. But as the war continues, the fatigue from both body and mind brings great pressure.

This is a long-lasting battle.

Whether it is humans, animals or plants, no matter whether they were in the first or last place in the food chain before the end of the world, after many days of fighting against zombies together, there is no longer any species barrier.

Tigers and rabbits can be seen side by side, humans rely on animals, and plants stay with animals and humans.

If you ignore the severe battle scene outside, the harmony and beauty inside the base is a bit like a scene that only appears in fairy tales.

Ten days, half a month, a month, the zombies have not retreated, and some bases can't hold on and are conquered by zombies, and they send out the last message in the last time.

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