Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 54 Chapter 54 (1/2)

[Hidden Mission - Completed the defense of Hope Base in the zombie tide, 50,000 points rewarded. ]

The sudden appearance of the system panel brought a huge surprise. Wen Zheng paused for a moment and continued to fight, with a slight smile on his face. The battle was finally over.

In the continuous battle, the sun was almost invisible above the base. The plants relied on the light emitted by the scarce electricity to survive, and people were almost living a life of day and night.

But on this day, at the end of the second month when the battle began, the long-lost sun quietly appeared.

The crowd looked up at the sky that had reappeared. The bright sun that had not been seen for a long time was shining, and various light spots were formed on the ground through the iron net and the dirt on it.

The few remaining zombie birds finally gave up and flew away from the base. Their departure was like an order to retreat. The zombie group that had been besieging the base outside not only had no new zombies to replenish, but many of the original zombies moved away.

The personnel who saw these changes could not believe it at first, until the number of zombies decreased, and then decreased again.

The dawn was not far ahead.

Strength surged out of the tired body again. On the city wall that was constantly reinforced during the battle, all the combatants entered a violent state, venting the pain of being besieged for these days on the zombies that did not leave.

"Sizzle, sizzle..." The noise that appeared every time the radio was turned on sounded first. Many people thought it was the punctual time report during this period, but it was not this time.

The content of the announcement was to inform everyone in the base that the zombies retreated and they successfully protected the base. This voice came from all the radios in the base and reached everyone's ears.

The voice reading the content was a little choked, but it was like heavenly music to those who heard it.

The radio was repeated three times.

"It's finally over..." With a bang, the person responsible for hitting the birds above his head threw the weapon in his hand to the ground. He stared blankly at the radio around him, with an expression on his face that seemed sad and happy.

"Yes, we won! We won!" The middle-aged man standing next to him shouted loudly, turned sideways and hugged him and cried loudly.

The men and women who met unknowingly during the battle and fought side by side afterwards smiled brightly at each other, and then gently gave each other a kiss in the falling sunshine.

The people who had no fighting ability quietly poked their heads out of the house, and only applause could express their gratitude to the fighters.

The crowd put down the weapons that they had to hold even in their dreams during this period. They jumped, cheered, hugged and even kissed each other.

The physical and mental fatigue was swept away under the cheerful mood. Everyone felt happy and proud of this victory. This excitement lasted until the end of the celebration banquet, and most people were able to have the first good dream after the battle began.

During the battle, they relied on perseverance to support themselves. After the threat disappeared, they finally had the opportunity to rest well. The spirit was no longer active, and the physical fatigue emerged. Most people slept all day and night, and some even slept for two or three days before getting up from the bed.

Of course, the first thing to do after getting up is to fill your hungry stomach.

The masses were given enough time to rest. After everyone had rested, the base arranged personnel to carry out post-war work, bury the people who died in the battle and clean up the base, including the barbed wire above the head and the pile of zombie corpses outside the wall.

"There are so many crystal cores, but it's a pity that I don't feel happy at all when I see these. I can only think of those endless zombies."

From the ground outside the wall again, piles of crystal cores were fished out. Many of them were colored, of course, colorless occupied the majority, and these crystal cores were particularly dazzling regardless of color.

"If you activate your superpowers, you won't hate these." Someone sighed. In this battle, many people suddenly had a fever after being overly tired, and then they sensed the special energy in their bodies.

"Don't be discouraged. The examples of these people show that everyone can be stimulated. After the base distributes the crystal cores, save them and you will be able to use them sooner or later."

"I don't know what superpowers I will stimulate."

"I like the fire system..."

They imagined the future to their heart's content. In fact, the number of people who stimulated superpowers increased. However, before everyone could become superpowers, the crystal cores were found to have new uses.

This spring's large zombie tide occurred almost all over the country. It lasted longer and the enemy's battles were stronger than ever before.

After the battle, dozens of small bases disappeared, more than a dozen medium-sized bases were destroyed, and even a large base was completely destroyed due to management problems, internal and external troubles, and other bases also suffered considerable casualties.

After statistics, Hope Base was the one with the least casualties, and was even learned and consulted by other bases. This was the first time that Hope Base was remembered by other bases.

"The clear-boiled chicken soup tastes great. Come and have a bowl." Grandma Shuying and Grandma Chunxi were busy while greeting the others.

The people they called were busy inside, and then came out one after another. Grandpa Li, Grandpa Liu, Grandpa Bai, Yueyue who had grown much taller, and Wen Zheng, the seven of them sat at the table in the air-raid shelter.

Yes, the air-raid shelter. After going through so much, the seven of them planned to settle down in the Hope Base, but they needed to come back again to see the old friends sleeping here and bring back the supplies hidden in the air-raid shelter.

Coming back here again, they felt a little emotional.

At that time, I thought I would stay here forever, not to mention staying until the zombies were completely eliminated, but at least stay for two more years. But man proposes, God disposes, and subsequent developments often exceed people's expectations.

But everyone is here, and everyone is living well, that's the best.

"Come on, let's drink a glass of soup instead of wine. No matter what happens in the future, we must work hard to live a better life with these old friends."


The soup bowls collided, and the delicious chicken soup flowed from the throat to the stomach.

The system panel appeared quietly again. This time it was not a hidden task, but Wen Zheng had been in the zombie world for three years without knowing it.

[Welcome to the Infinite Disaster Survival Game!

The main task - surviving in the zombie siege for three years has been completed, and the reward points are 8,000 points.

Do players leave the game? 】

Quietly choosing the option of not leaving for the time being, Wen Zheng picked up the empty bowl and poured half a bowl of soup into the bowl to taste it.

"Don't just drink the soup, eat a chicken leg, there are other dishes next to it."


The aroma of the dishes on the table floated in the air-raid shelter. When the people who came back left again, the reopened door was closed again.

It will not be opened again until many years later, but it is not that someone comes here to live, but this air-raid shelter has become a special exhibition hall for tourists to visit.

In the fourth year of the end of the world, humans and mutant animals and plants in the Hope Base have completely reached a state of peaceful coexistence. Even the mutant animals and plants wandering outside have established friendly relations with them.

This year, the proportion of superpowers among ordinary people has reached the third level, and Wen Zheng's superpowers have evolved again. With the fifth level of superpowers, he is always the strongest among all superpowers.

Bases with satellite communication capabilities across the country have unified the power classification standards for superpowers and mutant plants and animals, and registered them. Among them, Wen Zheng brought the Hope Base to the rest of the bases.

The major bases are too far apart to communicate and contact at close range, but there are still bases that invite Wen Zheng to share experiences. However, soon, the fresh news of the explosion diverted everyone's attention.

The scientific and technological researchers of the Capital Base have achieved a very important result, not the superpower stimulating potion, nor the zombie virus vaccine, but their research results are aimed at the zombie crystal core.

The destructive power of zombies after the end of the world has caused huge problems in the use of electrical energy. The previous power generation method is not so suitable, so the energy contained in the crystal core, in addition to improving superpowers, has also successfully studied new ways of use.

The energy of the crystal core can replace electrical energy, and the volume of the energy device is not large, so it can be built under the base.

Most bases chose to trade this new technology with the Capital Base, and the Hope Base was naturally among them. Hope Base slowly set up new circuits and modified electrical appliances. This process took several months, allowing the entire base to be brightly lit at night.

It looked a bit like before the apocalypse, but because it was too bright, the base became a huge luminous body at night, causing many zombies to run towards the light again, making the night watchers busy dealing with them.

Apart from the excitement of the first night, everyone's electricity consumption was not so exaggerated later, after all, they had to use crystal cores to pay for electricity. For the same reason, crystal cores officially became a circulating currency.

After the power was restored, the network relying on electricity reappeared in the sixth year of the apocalypse, but this network could not connect to all parts of the country, and only communicated within the scope of a base.

This was enough to excite everyone. After the emergence of the Internet, everyone played their own specialties, making web pages and games, publishing their own novels and shooting videos, which indeed enriched everyone's lacking spiritual world after the apocalypse.

Wen Zheng would write something in the real world. Originally, after hearing that many people wrote novels, he planned to read them, but found that in almost half of the zombie apocalypse novels, different characters were based on him, so he completely stopped reading.

After the electricity converted by the crystal core was sufficient for use, all major bases built power grids in the sky and outside the walls.

Every year, there are zombie waves of varying sizes. However, except for some bases with internal problems, as long as you have rich combat experience, you can basically win the battle.

When everyone's safety is guaranteed, the survival problem becomes less difficult, and the inheritance of mankind is placed in front of everyone.

First of all, education. In fact, the easiest problem to solve is the education of children in the base. Books are things that zombies are not interested in. You can collect textbooks for teaching by going out to collect them a few times. If there are none, you can even ask someone to compile them.

It will take less than a month. I hope that the first school in the base will be established, and students from kindergarten to high school age need to study in it.

There are not many children in the base, and all of them study in this school. After graduating from high school, if you still want to continue to study in depth, you can directly find a teacher in the area you are interested in.

The troublesome problem is reproduction.

After the outbreak of the zombie virus, most of the population turned into zombies, and many people were scratched by zombies in subsequent battles and also turned into zombies. The number of people who survived is very small.

There are not many elderly people and children among the survivors. Most of them are in their prime years, but the ratio of men to women is not very equal, resulting in a small number of couples in these years.

On the other hand, the base conducted a survey of all the families that have married in these years and found that although the superpowers have powerful superpowers and their bodies have been enhanced, their fertility rate is lower than that of ordinary people.

So considering the future situation, the base did not hide anything and released the data of the research survey. The fertility probability is the highest when both parties are ordinary people, followed by one ordinary person and the other superpower, and the lowest is when both parties are superpowers.

Marriage and childbirth cannot be forced. After all, it is not serious enough to cause human extinction, but the base has taken some encouraging measures.

For example, encourage everyone to have children before activating superpowers, give men and women who still have no partners more opportunities to contact, and adjust the legal age of marriage to adulthood, and even give rewards to families who have children.

In terms of the age of marriage, since life after the end of the world is different from that before the end of the world, the cruel reality of young boys and girls who have lived in the end of the world for so many years has made their mental age mature enough to welcome new life.

These measures of the base are all good, but Wen Zheng has a headache because of them. Because many people have confessed their feelings to Wen Zheng under the wave of encouraging love and marriage in the base, including both men and women.

Wen Zheng has no such thoughts at all. After experiencing so many worlds, he has long been an old man's mentality, and he has the same answer to everyone.


Most people stop pestering after being rejected, but there are still a few people who are unwilling to give up. Wen Zheng is too lazy to deal with them. Anyway, the defense of the base is good now. He said something to his close friends and drove out to kill those zombie creatures.

Wen Zheng went out directly for two months this time. During this period, he broke through again, but he did not report to the base, came back to see people, and let his close friends not worry about his safety.

However, Wen Zheng was used to staying outside, so he rested in the base for a month and ran out again.

Life outside is much more difficult than inside the base. After all, you will encounter various zombie creatures and mutant creatures. The advantage is that you are more free.

When facing zombies, one can only fight or run. Some cities have long been completely occupied by zombies. Wen Zheng only dared to wander around the periphery. He dared not force his way in alone. That was not self-confidence but seeking death.

There are still many mutant plants and animals outside. Wen Zheng has gradually established a good friendship with them. Sometimes he can even ask birds to help him send messages to the base, but the plants and animals did not stay with him for a long time.

In the eighth year of the apocalypse, a piece of news that can be said to be the best spread to all major bases. The researchers of the Hope Base finally developed an effective zombie virus treatment agent.

But this is just the beginning. The No. 1 treatment agent announced has no harm to the body. When the human body is taken immediately after being attacked by zombies, there is a 30% probability that it will not become a zombie.

The 30% probability does not sound high, but this achievement means that a treatment drug with a higher success rate will soon be born.

All the experimental data of this agent was released by the Hope Base to all bases for sharing. This move is completely worthy of the name of the base's hope.

In the next two years, Haishi Base and Capital Base developed potions with 50% and 70% cure probability respectively, and shared them, and even contacted other countries to jointly solve this disaster for all mankind.

More teams were willing to leave the base, and all those who left the base would carry a lot of cure potions with them, and the major bases blocked by the zombies began to communicate.

Wen Zheng would go back to the base from time to time. When the cure potion reached 50% probability, the place he ran to became farther, and the time interval between going back and forth became longer.

Later, when he was outside, Wen Zheng would also meet teams from other bases. Sometimes he would help, sometimes he would have conflicts, and more often he would communicate peacefully and point out the way to Hope Base.

The modified vehicle driven by Wen Zheng had the Hope Base logo on it, and he was a powerful fire-type mutant. Generally, teams that dared to run so far were outstanding and well-informed. Even if Wen Zheng didn't say it, they could guess his identity, which eventually led to Wen Zheng and Hope Base becoming more famous.

Many people's original destination was not the Hope Base, but after meeting Wen Zheng, they would also want to take a look. In the end, they found that the living conditions of the residents there were quite good, so they would generally stay for a while.

In the eleventh year of the apocalypse, Wen Zheng did not calculate how many levels his superpowers had, and he would not test them when he returned to the base. Anyway, those who dared to challenge him would be defeated before they could hurt him.

This time, Wen Zheng returned to the base after the New Year, but found that several grandparents were worried. After asking, he learned that because the treatment potion appeared, there was more communication between the major bases.

Several grandparents began to worry about the children living in other cities, and posted a missing person message in the base, hoping that the convoy coming from afar would bring surprises. Unfortunately, there was no surprise, so they thought of forming a convoy to look for them.

Wen Zheng did not object to this idea. He and several grandparents described in detail the most dangerous situations he encountered outside. He first accepted the old people's distress and complaints about his previous good news but not bad news, and then learned that he still insisted on going out.

Then go out.

Not only the grandparents, but also Yueyue, who has grown into a teenage girl, the seven of them went out together again.

Qu Hu and the others in the base tried to stop them, but they failed. The grandparents are old and don't mind taking risks. They hope to understand their feelings before leaving. Yueyue is going to find her new parents, and Wen Zheng is outside every day.

If they can't stop them, then don't stop them. Arm the vehicles to the teeth and help plan the routes, hoping that they can return safely.

The children of the grandparents all grew up in the same community. The places where they go out to work are basically introduced by people around them. They are basically those cities, almost in the same direction, and don't need to go too far.

The journey is not long but not short. The gasoline and supplies they carry in their vehicles are limited. They will go in to each base on the way to replenish supplies and leave a missing person notice at this base, as well as news about their hope base.

These bases have different managers. Unlike before the end of the world, all cities generally follow the unified standards of the country. Now the management methods of different bases will cause different situations, and these situations are seen by Yueyue in her growing period.

Sometimes Yueyue would take the initiative to ask questions. Wen Zheng could not say that his answers were necessarily correct, but he would express his own opinions based on experience and let Yueyue think independently.

Although Yueyue had to suspend her studies for a period of time after leaving the base, in fact, she learned much more on this road than she learned in school.

They searched along the way, but they did not expect that the first person to get the news was the daughter-in-law of Grandpa Bai and Grandma Chunxi. The two old people had a good relationship, but the relationship between them and their children was a little stiff. However, when the end of the world came, they had not seen each other for more than ten years.

Their son was on a business trip to another place at the time, and he was separated from his wife and son. There is no news until now. The grandson was young and turned into a zombie directly. Only the daughter-in-law waited for the army to rescue and survived. Now she has found new happiness.

The two old people met the daughter-in-law and her new family. They were superpowers introduced by the base and they were good people. Although the old people were a little regretful, they still left blessings and some crystal cores to the former daughter-in-law, and then left.

Then came Grandma Shuying's daughter, Yueyue's mother, who also left this world.

Two pieces of bad news in a row made the atmosphere of the convoy depressing. Even if they had the worst guess in their hearts, there was still a glimmer of hope before they came to look for him. When they really got the definite bad news, it would be a real death sentence.

Grandpa Bai and Grandma Tian still held a glimmer of hope that their son was alive, but they dared not look for him anymore. Grandma Shuying cried bitterly, but with Yueyue by her side, her mood slowly returned to normal.

Next were the relatives of Grandpa Li and Grandpa Liu. Grandpa Li was introduced to a partner when he was young, but the partner left this world before he had a child, and he never looked for another partner again. He came out this time mainly to go out with old friends.

Grandpa Liu thought seriously for two days. In fact, judging from the ratio of zombies to ordinary people, the possibility that his relatives were still alive was really small. Moreover, among the bases encountered on the road, the bases that survived to the present were well managed, and both superpowers and ordinary people had a good life.

So, if the child was still alive, it wouldn't be too difficult. Grandpa Liu finally gave up the search and left a thought in his heart.

The purpose of their coming out this time can only be said to have been half completed, but there were still many other gains.

When they were going back, they simply changed to another road, walked out a circle on the map, and went into every base they passed on the way, and also left a missing person notice.

After the apocalypse, there will be zombie creatures to deal with when driving out, various road damages need to be detours, and every base encountered must be experienced, so the journey is quite slow, and it took half a year to go back and forth.

After returning to the base, it was the Spring Festival of that year. Qu Hu and other people who had a good relationship were very happy to see them back. The people who came back were also very surprised to see the much busier base.

After the New Year, it was the twelfth year of the apocalypse. Twelve years can be said to be a reincarnation, the old disaster ends here, and the new hope begins here.

In this year, the research institute of the Hope Base once again released a big news, which can be said to be a 100% successful development of the treatment drug.

In this year, all the surviving humans were injected with drugs to resist the zombie virus, and even if they were injured by zombies in the future, they would not have to worry about being infected.

The most powerful weapon of the zombies has lost its effectiveness, which means that the human counterattack has officially begun.

The scenes of being forced to hide in the base by zombies in recent years are still vivid in my mind. This time, the roles of both sides will be reversed.

All the surviving humans in bases across the country have launched a strong encirclement and suppression against zombies since this year.

Although the zombie virus has lost its effectiveness, the zombie creatures that have evolved superpowers still have strong power. This counterattack war is still cruel, but humans will not retreat.

All bases have formed an alliance. They use their own bases as the starting point and step by step recover the territories that originally belonged to humans.

This is a very long process, but humans work together and fight for a goal. Nothing can stop them. It's just a matter of time before victory.

This counterattack war shows the true strength of the major bases, especially the combat capabilities, among which the Hope Base is extremely outstanding.

While Wen Zheng was looking around outside, he wiped out most of the powerful zombie creatures outside the base, as well as many zombies.

Secondly, with Wen Zheng’s teachings, I hope that there will be more superpowers in the base and the overall strength will be relatively high. Moreover, the people at the base have experienced too much and have a strong sense of belonging to the base, which makes them invincible and unstoppable.

It is hoped that the speed of the base will make other bases look at it. It will first clean up the zombies in the city and successfully merge with the southwest base, another base in the city.

The leaders of the New South Base have been changed over the years. The current leader is Zhang Yuliang, who has been to the Hope Base before. After three days of discussion, Zhang Yuliang brought the entire Southwest Base to join the Hope Base.

This operation shocked the rest of the bases and gave them a bad premonition. After the battle, the unification of the bases became the inevitable trend.

In any case, the battle against the zombies went very smoothly, and I hope there will be no problems with the expansion of the base. The enemy has not yet been dealt with, and the troubles of unification have not yet been considered.

On the day of the decisive battle, the masters sent by all the bases forced the remaining powerful zombies into a city. The sound of the battle almost destroyed the city into ruins, but in the end humans won.

People cheered for this, and a new era began on this day!

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