Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 55 Chapter 55

After returning to the white fog space, Wen Zheng still had a peaceful smile on his face, and he still remembered the last moment of leaving the zombie world.

After eliminating all the zombies, the Hope Base gradually accepted the other bases with absolute advantage, and finally formed a new Hope Government.

Wen Zheng had long been accustomed to a free life outside. He heard that there were still residual zombies in other countries that had not been cleared out, so he directly represented the Hope Government to visit other countries.

After returning after a few years, several elderly people with superpowers were in good health.

During the years when Wen Zheng was away, the son of Grandpa Bai and Grandma Chunxi came to find him, but because of his poor performance, the two elderly people directly announced that they would sever their relationship.

However, as long as you are willing to pay, you can always live in the base, and the elderly do not need to worry.

Later, Grandpa Liu's daughter also came back, and she brought her new husband and young children who had just met after the end of the world. The family is pretty good, allowing several elderly people to enjoy the joy of family.

Even if the body of the superpower is strengthened, there will always be an end to human life. As they grew older, several old people died one after another. When the last old man left this world, Wen Zheng set out on the road outside again.

The disappearance of zombie creatures brought not only victory for the human side, but also changes in various aspects.

After the war, there were still mutant animals and plants that appeared one after another wandering outside, and they were generally able to live in peace with humans. Wen Zheng went to various places to explore, and compared with humans, he came into contact with more mutant animals and plants.

However, when the era of peace came for too long, the crystal cores collected from the zombies were absorbed, and humans and the rest of the mutant animals and plants shared the resources of this world, and conflicts inevitably occurred.

At the beginning, humans took the initiative to attack mutant animals and plants, taking away the energy cores from their bodies to replace the crystal cores. Later, the mutant animals and plants launched a counterattack, which eventually led to an increasingly fierce struggle between the two sides.

At that time, Qu Hu had already retired from the leadership of the Hope Base, and the new one was the superpower who was once rescued by Wen Zheng, that is, Jiang Huo, a wood superpower who raised a black crow.

Jiang Huo was successfully selected as the new leader because of his good relationship with his mutant animal companions.

The days of peace did not last long, and the war between humans and mutant plants and animals was a future that most people did not want to see.

In fact, Jiang Huo had spent a lot of effort to maintain the relevant peace.

But when the zombie crystal cores were exhausted, even if the scientists had figured out a method of cultivating superpowers based on the simple cultivation method provided by Wen Zheng.

This method relied entirely on drawing energy from the environment that changed after the zombie outbreak. It was useful, but the effect was far worse than absorbing crystal cores.

In terms of self-cultivation, mutant plants and animals are more unique than humans, and some people cannot control their evil hands.

For enough benefits, they are willing to take huge risks, and they don’t even care about what consequences will be caused. This is an indelible bad habit of some humans.

No matter how hard Jiang Huo tried, the relationship between humans and mutant plants and animals could no longer maintain the honeymoon period they once had.

Humans full of desires attacked mutant plants and animals, and the mutant plants and animals that had been hurt were full of hatred for humans. In the end, they had no choice but to separate the two.

In the Eastern Continent, the alliance of the Hope Government and mutant plants and animals took the lead in reaching an agreement, with humans living in their cities and mutant plants and animals moving to forests that are more suitable for them.

Since then, humans and mutant plants and animals have been separated.

Humans who enter the forest without reason should bear the consequences even if they are shot dead, while mutant plants and animals can leave the forest, but if they attack humans without reason, they will face the encirclement and suppression of the government army.

This is the rule made when the two sides were divided.

Of course, some mutant plants and animals that have deep feelings for humans did not choose to leave and stayed with their companions.

However, their human companions would also worry about the safety of their companions. In the case of uncertainty about the degree of danger, the combination of humans and mutant plants and animals settled on the boundary between the two sides.

Wen Zheng did not have mutant plants and animals to accompany him, but after several grandparents died, he moved to the boundary point to live.

With this person whose strength no one knows, but everyone recognizes as the strongest superpower, no one or mutant plants dared to disobey the rules.

This peace was directly maintained for decades.

Although the human settlements and forests could not return to the state of being one family, under the promotion of the third leader Wang Heyue, the two sides had many friendly exchanges and reached cooperation.

Every year, the human government would send young students into the forest for training, and form partnerships with mutant animals and plants that were eager to leave the forest, and then travel with their partners until these mutant animals and plants died or returned to the forest.

When the cooperation stabilized year by year and the relationship between the two sides reached a new balance, Wen Zheng said goodbye to Yueyue, who had grown up and even became the leader of the base.

Under Yueyue's reluctant eyes, Wen Zheng found a place without any wisdom, and then chose to leave this world.

No one knew where Wen Zheng went after he left. Some people said that he was dead, but more people believed that he was still alive. There were even legends in many places that Wen Zheng had passed by there, whether true or false.

But these have nothing to do with Wen Zheng.

"Welcome player Wen Zheng to the infinite disaster survival game!

Player: Wen Zheng

Points: 1126000

New clearance world (2/10): Death worms, zombie siege.

Please keep up the good work and try to survive! "

The purple light ball with zombies gradually rises, and floats in the air with the yellow worm light ball, lighting up more white fog space.

Only two worlds have passed, but the time spent in no world for decades feels particularly long.

Wen Zheng stayed in the white fog space for a while, sorted out his mood, and returned to the real world to open his arms to welcome the group that jumped on him.

"Dad, the world I experienced this time is so tiring. "Tuan Tuan jumped and hugged Wen Zheng's neck and hung on him. Anyway, his father was not an ordinary person and would not be hurt by such a small weight.

Tuan Tuan still had time to think whether he would crush Wen Zheng, but Wen Zheng and Grandpa Wen were shocked when they heard him speak.

Tuan Tuan, who has always been outspoken and confident, would never say such a weak word.

His son/great-grandson must have suffered a great injustice this time.

"Poor Tuan Tuan, he has to live in so many dangerous worlds at such a young age, and he doesn't even let a child go."

After mumbling in his mouth, Grandpa Wen still felt very uncomfortable. He patted Tuan Tuan's back gently with his big hand, his face full of heartache: "What does Tuan Tuan want to eat? Great Grandpa will buy it for you."

"Great Grandpa, you see I'm back well, but I couldn't help but say a few words." Tuan Tuan, who was afraid that Grandpa would worry and comforted him, still couldn't control the corners of his mouth that unconsciously turned down.

"Let your father accompany you, and Grandpa will go out to buy you delicious food. "Grandpa Wen walked out of the door right after he finished speaking, but he went down to the next floor of his house and went into the room to rest.

Tuantuan didn't need to say it out loud, as a great grandfather, he knew what his child liked, so he just bought all of them.

If he bought all of them, he would have to go to too many places, and the family was not short of money now, so Grandpa Wen directly called the few places he often visited and allowed delivery, and waited for the things to be delivered.

As for why Grandpa Wen came down specifically, it was naturally because he could not have those experiences in the disaster world, and it was the best choice for the father and son who had similar experiences and feelings to communicate with each other.

Grandpa Wen took the initiative to choose to leave, so he was unwilling to admit that the one his great-grandson was closest to was still his grandson.

Watching the grandfather go out, Wen Zheng threw Tuantuan in his arms onto the bed. When he lay down on the bed to rest, Tuantuan had rolled around twice on the bed, and most of his body was in the quilt.

"Tell Dad what happened this time that made you suffer. "

"I was too proud and complacent, and didn't pay attention to people's hearts. "Tuantuan's voice came out through the quilt, becoming muffled and heavy, covering up the real emotions.

The word "human heart" almost directly summarizes Tuantuan's experience, which is nothing more than being betrayed by the people around him.

Although Tuantuan has powerful power and a system store as a backup, he has not been really hurt, but his heart has been hit.

No matter how much he has experienced, Tuantuan is still a child who was spoiled in the Wen family.

Even if he is decisive in killing in the disaster world, those who dare to betray him have paid a sufficient price with their lives, and even Tuantuan himself doesn't care much.

When I returned to my home and saw my relatives who really cared about me, my mind automatically recalled those experiences, and a sense of grievance surged in my heart.

After telling my father about my experience and the subsequent handling methods, Tuantuan had already come out of the quilt with messy hair and hid in my father's arms to act like a spoiled child.

It's really been a long time since I saw my father.

"Have you learned your lesson this time? "Wen Zheng felt distressed but still wanted to educate him. He had noticed that Tuantuan had this problem before. He would say a few more words at ordinary times, but he might not remember it in the disaster world.

Tuantuan's body stiffened for a moment, and he closed his eyes and didn't look at Wen Zheng, mumbling that he knew it.

"It's good that you can learn from the lesson, and the follow-up of this matter is well handled, so..." Wen Zheng deliberately dragged out his voice.

"So?" Tuantuan opened his eyes, which were already quite big, and sat up with the quilt, hoping to hear the surprise from his father's mouth.

Wen Zheng no longer kept it a secret. He was afraid that Tuantuan would be forced to settle accounts with Grandpa Wen later. This time Grandpa Wen would be back soon, and now he said that there was still time for Tuantuan to rest before dinner.

"We will apply to the system to go to the same disaster world next time."

"Ah!" Tuantuan roared and jumped up directly from the bed, "Great! "

The soft big bed plus Tuantuan's amazing jumping ability almost always hit the top of the wall, and Tuantuan had to block it with his hands.

Wen Zheng decisively rolled down from the violently vibrating bed. He was not afraid of Tuantuan jumping on him, but he was afraid that the bed would collapse. It would be better for him to get up first.

When Grandpa Wen received the food that had just been delivered on the next floor, he heard the movement from above his head and slowly lifted the things up. It looked like he had just bought food.

As soon as he entered the door and heard the lively sound, Grandpa Wen knew that the problem at home was solved.

Putting the things on the table, Grandpa Wen called out: "Tuantuan, stop jumping, come out to eat quickly, and see what great-grandfather bought for you."

"Grandpa, don't just focus on Tuantuan and forget about me."

"Dad, carry me over!"

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