Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 56 Chapter 56

After spending a pleasant time in the real world, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan entered the white fog space again after the new mission world arrived.

Not in a hurry to let the system notify the new mission, Wen Zheng first opened the system store, and then selected the expensive team card from it.

"Player Wen Zheng, are you sure to invite player Wen Ling to team up to enter the mission world?"


With a score of up to 500,000, even if he and Tuantuan can share the cost, Wen Zheng still has to spend a full 250,000 points. In a blink of an eye, the seven-digit points dropped to six digits.

Besides, although the other 250,000 was paid by Tuantuan, what is the difference between Tuantuan's spending points and his spending? They are all family, and it is a bit painful no matter what.

In the end, the only thing that can be blamed is the game. If the price of the team card was not so expensive, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan would not have separated the mission world.


Since Wen Zheng was the first to make the invitation, Tuantuan was transferred here by the system. He took Wen Zheng's hand at the first time, and his face was full of cheers.

Wen Zheng touched Tuantuan's head. Even though he still thought the game system was a profiteer, his happy mood at the moment made him feel that the points were worth spending.

"Start a new task." Wen Zheng calmly asked.

The new task content appeared in front of them.

Intermediate Task: World-Destroying Flood

World Background: The flood roared and swallowed the land, the sea level rose rapidly, and the soil on which humans depended for survival was gradually submerged...

Task Objective: Survive in this world for three years.

Completion Reward: Basic Reward Points 8,000.

Note: Please explore the hidden tasks by yourself. After reaching the survival time, the player can choose to leave the dungeon at any time.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan frowned together, especially Tuantuan, who went from being completely happy just now to a little more aggrieved and unhappy now.

Unfortunately, the task could not be changed. Before the two of them could communicate anything, they experienced a moment of dizziness and quietly changed the world.

Wen Zheng had just woken up from the discomfort of switching worlds. As soon as he woke up, he smelled a pungent smell in the air. This smell was particularly familiar, and he had a bad premonition when he smelled it.

"It's a gas leak! Tuan Tuan, go open the windows and doors." Wen Zheng jumped up from the sofa under him, looked around and ran straight to the room that looked most like a kitchen.

Even though he rarely cooked by himself, Wen Zheng immediately found all the valves related to gas with his past experience, and quickly opened the doors and windows of the kitchen.

"Tuan Tuan, don't worry about the remaining doors and windows, let's go out and take shelter first, the gas concentration in the house is too high."

"Dad, I haven't felt so bad for a long time, this body is in such a bad condition." Tuan Tuan pouted unhappily, and then ran out of the door behind Wen Zheng.

The bodies they used were in a sealed room with a gas leak. Now the body frequently protested to the brain, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting, which were completely symptoms of gas poisoning.

If Wen Zheng and Tuantuan hadn't come here, the father and son might have died of gas leakage in the room.

"Come and breathe a few more breaths of fresh air. We are only slightly poisoned by gas, and it will be relieved in a while."


There was a big window on the staircase outside, and the two stood next to it. Smelling the fresh air blowing in, just as Wen Zheng said, the discomfort soon subsided a lot.

Having experienced many worlds, Tuantuan also knows a lot, but this time with Wen Zheng by his side, he simply waited for his father to take him flying.

And his style of doing things is different from Wen Zheng. As a bird, if he was alone, he would just leave the house directly.

Because according to the style of survival games, disasters will come soon after coming to this world, and then you have to rely on your strength to live, so Tuantuan's opening is always quite simple and rough.

However, Wen Zheng's style is obviously different from Tuantuan.

Wen Zheng immediately took out the mobile phone in his pocket after coming out. Since he has not had time to accept the memory of his original body, the first step is to open the shopping or takeaway software.

First look at the delivery address, then open the electronic map to compare and confirm. Now that you know the location, call the police directly.

"Yes, it's in Unit 2, Building 9, Xianghe Community, Room 301. No one is fine, the valve is closed, and the doors and windows are open, but I still ask you to check where the leak is." Wen Zheng narrated in an orderly manner.

The phone was hung up, and the police admitted that they would be there soon.


"What's wrong?" Wen Zheng was startled by Tuantuan's sudden scream.

When he found that Tuantuan had recovered from the sequelae of inhaling a large amount of gas and was staring at the reflection of the glass window, Wen Zheng showed a clear expression.

He knew what Tuantuan was thinking.

"There is still gas in the room, so we can't take a hot bath. Let's go in and wipe it with cold water from the faucet and change clothes. Then take out the ID card and bank card, and wait for the police to come to see it, and then go to the hotel. How about it?" Wen Zheng smelled the smell around him and frowned.

"Okay." Tuantuan pulled his clothes and agreed dejectedly.

It wasn't that the two of them had to take the risk of going inside the house, but the issue of using the cleanliness of the body was really a bit unbearable.

Especially Tuan Tuan, a bird who loves cleanliness and beauty, whose expression was more serious than every time she faced a disaster.

Wen Zheng glanced at the reflection in the glass window. He looked about forty years old, and his appearance was average at best. His appearance was even worse because of his slovenliness.

As for Tuantuan, he looks like he is only twelve or thirteen years old. If he takes care of himself, he looks smart and cute. However, just like his father, his clothes are not only wrinkled but also stained, and his hair is even messy.

Judging from their appearance, it was clear that the two of them were not very fond of cleanliness. When they got inside, Tuan Tuan hurriedly ran to take a shower.

Wen Zheng observed the room carefully. It had one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. Only the father and son lived here. There was no trace of other people's lives.

The two usually rely on takeout to fill their stomachs. There are still unfinished meals on the table, and there are two stacks of takeout boxes piled behind the door, probably some left over from yesterday.

There was a lot of clothes accumulated on the sofa, and the floor was not very clean either. Now the smell of gas had dissipated a lot, and there was still a sour smell in the air that was similar to the two of them.

Judging from various details, the living habits of the two original owners of the bodies are really not very good.

"Dad, I've finished washing. Come quickly, I'll find clothes for you." Tuantuan ran out of the bathroom and walked into the bedroom with her butt naked, leaving a word and rummaging in the closet.

"Remember to look for your bank card and ID card." Wen Zheng said, cleaning himself up as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, the conditions are limited, so we can only make do with it temporarily.

After Wen Zheng came out, Tuantuan had already found the things. It was easy to find my ID card and bank card, they were all placed haphazardly on the bedside table. The hardest thing was finding a clean piece of clothing.

Wen Zheng never hesitated to praise him. After a few compliments, the two of them tidied up the room a little before the police arrived.

Maybe Wen Zheng's tone on the phone was too calm and the description wasn't too serious, so the police didn't rush over too fast, but it wasn't enough for Wen Zheng and the others to clean the room.

But after all, it was someone else’s house hygiene, so the police didn’t say much.

One went in to detect the gas leak and was responsible for repairing it. The other stayed at the door and asked Wen Zheng: "Tell me the specific situation."

"Okay, my son and I don't usually go into the kitchen..." Wen Zheng took Tuantuan and quickly made up an explanation based on what he had just observed.

The policeman was recording in his hand, and the bright sunlight on the notebook was gradually swallowed up by the shadows. The too dark environment made the policeman feel something was wrong.

As soon as the gaze on the textbook turned to level, the police officer responsible for recording saw the father and son on the opposite side looking out the window with serious expressions that made people a little afraid to disturb them.

"Uncle policeman, it seems like it's going to rain heavily outside."

Tuantuan met the policeman's gaze and uncomfortably grabbed the corners of his father's clothes with both hands. Both his childish tone and face showed his current uneasiness and fear.

I must have felt wrong just now, the policeman thought, raising his head and looking out the window like the father and son.

Immediately I was shocked, and I understood why the teenage child was upset.

I saw heavy black clouds floating in the sky outside the window, like thick ink spilled to smudge the white clouds, and like overlapping mountains, who did not know who moved them into the sky.

The sun was still high just now, but now the sky and the earth have become dim, as if the hands of time have been sped up, switching from day to night.

The apocalyptic scene is daunting.

"The hose was damaged and has been repaired."

The policeman in charge of repairs walked out of the house and was a little worried when he saw the dark clouds outside. He quickly called his companions to leave: "It looks like it's going to rain heavily. Let's go back to the police station quickly."

"Two police comrades, wait for us to go downstairs together." After Wen Zheng said this, he immediately closed the door. He wasn't planning to come back anyway, so he didn't even need to look for the keys. Then he took his son and signaled to the police that they could leave.

"It's going to rain. Why don't you stay at home and run outside?" Since we were walking together, the police naturally asked casually.

"The house is a little messy, and the gas just leaked. I don't feel at ease. I'm going to stay at the Yuehua Hotel in front of me for the night."

When Wen Zheng said this, Tuan Tuan showed a scared expression at the same time.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the child, the four of them walked outside the building. The policeman thought for a while and said, "It's not easy to take a taxi this time. It happens to be on the way. If you don't have a car, I will take you to the hotel."

"Hey, I'll bother you two police comrades."

The dark clouds made people immediately realize that a heavy rain was coming, and people walking on both sides of the road quickened their pace.

The wind picked up.

As soon as the gentle breeze touched my ankles, a strong wind immediately appeared and swept up the fallen leaves on the ground.

Tick ​​tick, the raindrops fell from the sky one by one, and soon the drops formed into lines and then into pieces. The speed was so fast that people could not react at all.

It seemed like an endless torrential rain fell from the sky. The big raindrops gathered together and were splashed down directly, hitting the ground with crackling sounds.

In the blink of an eye, the dry land became wet. Pedestrians' clothes were quickly soaked, and they screamed and ran for shelter from the rain.

The rain in summer often comes quickly and violently, but also moves away quickly.

Most pedestrians thought it was an ordinary summer rainstorm, chatting and laughing while taking shelter, waiting for the dark clouds to leave.

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