Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 57 Chapter 57

Small places are not so particular. The two policemen were willing to give Wen Zheng and his partner a ride. It was because they were out to deal with a gas leak, so they didn't drive a police car. Another reason was that the hotel was halfway back to the police station, so it was indeed on the way.

The community where Wen Zheng lived was not far from the police station, and it was less than ten minutes to get to the hotel. After getting in the car, he took the time to remind the police.

Tuan Tuan's hands quickly tapped on the mobile phone he took out of his pocket. Wen Zheng ignored his son who couldn't leave his mobile phone. He looked at the heavy rain outside the window with a worried expression, reached out and grabbed the back of the front seat, and stretched his head to ask.

"Comrade police, it hasn't rained so hard here for a long time. Nothing will happen, right?"

The two policemen who were concentrating on driving didn't expect Wen Zheng to talk to them. The policeman sitting in the co-pilot smiled and turned back: "There may be power outages and Internet at night. When you stay in the hotel later, remember to stay on a lower floor. It will be difficult to go up and down the elevator if there is a power outage."

Even the two policemen didn't take the heavy rain seriously.

"I saw on the news that torrential rains have occurred in many places. The drainage here is not very good. I am afraid that the road will be flooded and vehicles or people may be trapped. The two police comrades should be careful when performing their duties."

I was afraid that saying too much would be considered dangerous and alarmist. Tuan Tuan's mobile phone had just checked the more serious floods in the world.

Teens are sometimes fearless, but they will take movies seriously. Tuan Tuan is at this age. He quickly talked about flood disaster movies he had seen before. He thought that this torrential rain was a sign of the end of the world with a childish face and asked a series of questions that he thought of in panic.

Wen Zheng hurriedly comforted and answered Tuan Tuan's questions. The father and son sang in unison and had a tacit understanding.

The discussion between the two seemed to be a hammer and a stick, but it actually included a lot of content.

From the possible harm caused by the sudden torrential rain to the precautions during the disaster avoidance process and how to deal with various accidents, Wen Zheng used this torrential rain to seriously educate his children on how to survive, and established a very good father image for the two policemen.

Even if they didn't talk to the two policemen in front, they could still hear these contents and touch their sensitive nerves.

"We have arrived at Yuehua Hotel." The police car parked the vehicle under the stairs of the hotel. When Wen Zheng opened the car door and ran into the hotel with his son in his arms, a policeman couldn't help but say to the window, "You two should be careful."

The heavy rain outside kept roaring. There was already a lot of water on the ground. The few people who were still walking on the road were almost soaked. Umbrellas were useless. Most passers-by hid under the eaves of various houses.

The car door closed, and the two policemen continued to return to the police station silently, but their faces showed a few more worries.

When they finally arrived at the police station, they looked at each other and confirmed that the other party had the same idea. Instead of returning to their jobs, they walked to the director's office.

It is always better to be prepared.

“Do you have double rooms on the highest floor? Check in.”

The hotel receptionist put down the pen in his hand, looked up at the father and son in front of him, and handed them two dry towels: “These are clean towels. Please sit next to them and wait for a while. I will help you check it right away.”

After that, the receptionist confirmed on the computer that the highest floor of their hotel is the 26th floor, all of which are executive rooms prepared for business guests. However, a group has recently come here to work and stay, and there are not many rooms left on the top floor. Moreover, the father and son do not look like this kind of guests.

Although the receptionist had some doubts in his heart, he still introduced according to Wen Zheng’s request that there is an executive double room and an executive suite on the 26th floor that are not occupied. The latter is much more expensive.

After understanding it, Wen Zheng directly asked for a cheap executive double room. Although the price of more than 500 yuan a night is expensive, Wen Zheng has checked the balance in the original owner’s bank card, which is enough to pay for a period of time.

Spend money when you have it. When the disaster breaks the normal order, these money will become a string of ordinary numbers.

After looking at the hotel's promotional activities, Wen Zheng directly booked a six-night stay, spending 3,000 yuan.

After handing over his ID card and waiting for the registration information, Wen Zheng took the door card from the front desk, but did not rush upstairs.

"Tuantuan, do you want to wait for me upstairs, or come with me?" Wen Zheng squatted down to ask Tuantuan's thoughts.

"I'll go with my dad." Tuantuan looked hopeless and wrapped his still wet hair tightly with a towel.

The feeling of wet feathers is really uncomfortable for birds.

In this case, buy what you need as soon as possible.

Yuehua Hotel is indeed one of the best hotels in the city. There is a large supermarket next to the hotel, and you can go directly through the passage between the two without getting wet in the rain.

Wen Zheng didn't want to attract too much attention, not to mention that the people trapped here by the heavy rain all needed supplies, so they just needed to buy what they needed.

He directly ordered seven days' worth of food and water according to his and Tuantuan's normal diet and water. It sounds like a lot, but there are only two of them, and it looks like two boxes of mineral water and a box of compressed biscuits.

"Tuantuan, pick out some snacks and drinks you like here. Don't pick too many. Dad is going to the pharmacy to buy some cold medicine to prevent you from getting a fever at night."

Wen Zheng's face was full of doting.

"I know."

After Tuantuan answered obediently, she immediately changed her expression after seeing Wen Zheng leave. He is no longer the obedient person he used to be. He pulls up the supermarket trailer and puts whatever delicious food he sees in it, focusing on high-calorie foods.

The supermarket employees shook their heads secretly when they saw it, but in fact they would not stop the child from buying things. They just hoped that the child's father would be willing to pay the bill when he came back, otherwise they would have to put the things back.

However, these employees did not expect that this child not only owned a mobile phone, but also had enough money in the mobile phone to buy these things.

Many children nowadays have mobile phones. The identity used by Tuantuan actually has his own mobile phone, and Wen Zheng directly transferred thousands of dollars to it.

"Please help me move it into the elevator, I can't move it."

"Manager?" asked the supermarket employee.

Now we are not worried about the father refusing to pay the bill, but after a while, the father will directly bring his son to return the goods. Not only do they have to go through the return procedure, they may even get scolded.

"Help." The manager was helpless and couldn't treat the children as customers.

The staff helped carry the things into the elevator desperately. You originally planned to help carry the child into the hotel, but you didn't expect to be refused.

I hate naughty children, and I even hate parents who spoil naughty children.

The employee took a look before returning to the supermarket and noticed that the lights on the nineteenth floor were on.

Tuantuan clicked on a few more floors, and when he finally arrived at the twenty-sixth floor, he didn't meet anyone else. The room was right near the stairwell. He immediately used his body, which had become stronger after taking the physical enhancer, to clear everyone in two trips. Everything was moved to the room.

After moving the things in, Tuantuan communicated with Wen Zheng through his mobile phone and directly divided the things he needed to buy into two parts.

Tuantuan went out again.

On the other side, Wen Zheng, who had left, faced heavy rain after going out. The wind outside was so strong that he could not hold an umbrella. As soon as Wen Zheng's feet stepped on the road, the water almost covered the top of his feet, and the rainwater flowed directly into his shoes.

Yuehua Hotel is close to the government. You can see it from the map at a glance. The drainage conditions near the government are generally not bad. The water accumulation here is so serious. I don’t know what other situations will be like.

I hope the government can respond in time, and Wen Zheng also hopes that the rainstorm self-rescue guide he hurriedly typed out in the car and posted online will be of some use.

Staying in the rain for three seconds can turn you into a drowned rat.

Wen Zheng broke into a random shop on the roadside and saw that there were large leather backpacks for sale. He pointed at a few sets of popular clothes and asked the boss to put them in the backpack.

Wen Zheng stood outside with water dripping all over his body. The boss saw that he had not entered the house and bought a lot of things. He became happy and moved quickly, and finally gave Wen Zheng a discount.

Among the people waiting at the door of the store, few paid attention to Wen Zheng. They looked at the rapidly rising water line outside and the heavy rain that was getting lighter at all, and they were obviously a little anxious.

Some people kept calling to contact others to pick them up. Some even hesitated and ran to the opposite platform in the rain to wait for the bus to arrive.

Praising technology, mobile payment only requires fingerprints. After paying, Wen Zheng ran into the rain again with his bag on his back, but he left a message when leaving.

"It's raining too hard this time. I saw a rainstorm self-rescue guide on the Internet. If you can't go home, just take a look."

The heavy rain blocked the view, making it difficult to see Wen Zheng's background.

The people who heard this were stunned for a moment. They really couldn't leave their current situation, so they might as well try to make themselves feel more at ease.

It just talked about the Internet, but it didn’t say which platform it was.

"The weather is getting weirder and weirder now, and it's raining heavily in many places."

"What's so strange about heavy rains in summer? Isn't there a typhoon that has logged in the coastal areas recently? Maybe it was affected by the typhoon."

"Heavy rain self-rescue guide...this seems to be it."

"Hey, our city's official account has forwarded it, and the content is explained in detail."

"I'll go take a look too."

"By the way, please forward it so more people can see it."

Starting from the legend of Noah's Ark, the destruction of the world by floods has been an enduring theme of disasters. After Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan entered the disaster survival game, they would of course collect information related to these aspects.

The content prepared in the real world was written down by them. During the break along the way, Wen Zheng typed it with super fast hand speed and posted it on the Internet.

At the same time, the government, which began to pay attention to this heavy rain, noticed it and chose to forward it after confirming that the content was detailed, accurate and rich.

After Wen Zheng left the clothing store, he took out different coats directly from his bag. These coats had the same feature, that is, they had hats on them.

First, I went to the drugstore to buy a bunch of medicines that I might need. I also bought masks, goggles, and a waterproof medicine box.

What surprised Wen Zheng the most was that this national chain pharmacy also sold water purification tablets, and he purchased a lot directly from it.

This time Wen Zheng directly opened the page of the Heavy Rain Self-Rescue Guide and purchased it based on the content described above, ensuring that the employees in the pharmacy could see the above content.

After buying a lot of things, the water on the ground became thicker and thicker. After Wen Zheng and Tuantuan confirmed that they were almost ready, they went to a nearby ATM to withdraw some cash.

Then Wen Zheng changed his clothes again and went to another clothing store to buy a few sets of dry clothes in his and Tuantuan's sizes. After this purchase, he finally returned to Yuehua Hotel.

At this time, the water on the ground had reached half the height of an adult man's calf.

The previously vacant rooms at Yuehua Hotel are gradually being occupied, and there is already a long queue at the check-in front desk.

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