Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 61 Chapter 61 (1/2)

Stopping the noise coming from not far away, Wen Zheng took the initiative to hold his breath after hearing the key words, and stopped breathing for a short time.

He really didn't think anyone could be so stupid.

After a major disaster, there must be a major epidemic. This heavy rain and flood has continued until now. Not only have many creatures lost their lives, not to mention how serious the pollution in the stagnant water below will be. How greedy and ignorant can you be to take huge risks just to get that little bit of gold?

Everyone who knew the seriousness of the matter was unwilling to believe it.

But at the same time, they all moved involuntarily, wanting to get further away from the couple. Some even returned to the room directly, unwilling to get involved in this risky excitement.

Everyone saw the crowd's avoidance behavior. The accused couple did not admit it, but insisted that the other party was framed.

The middle-aged man supported his wife who had a high fever, lowered his head and prayed to the big guys: "My wife has never done anything like this. Please check if she is okay first. I really can't continue to have such a fever. She will die." People’s brains are burned out.”

His wife moaned in pain at the same time. The two supporting couples could also arouse everyone's sympathy. After the woman opposite who was always unwilling to come out could not provide evidence and could only repeat what she had seen with her own eyes, everyone The balance still favors this couple.

"No matter what the situation is, at least save people first."

"Didn't I say there was a doctor on the twelfth floor? The manager should invite him back to take a look first."

"You two, just stay in this room and ask the manager to call the doctor. It's better to have a good rest before you recover."

In the absence of evidence from both sides, the normal quarrel came to an end for the time being. Wen Zheng continued after hearing this, but he was still thinking about this matter in his heart. Some people's thinking is always incomprehensible to normal people.

Went down to the seventh floor where Zhang Yuanying and the others were. They occupied two hotel rooms in total and were making their own boats in their respective rooms. Zhang Yuanying and his family were all women except him, but when the women were making the boats according to the drawings, Pay more attention to details. The other four boys made several mistakes and made progress even slower.

When Wen Zheng helped them check the progress of the ship's production, he told them about the quarrel he heard. As a result, the opinions of these eight people were divided into two parts according to gender. The men all thought it was a slander from the other side and did not take it seriously. However, although the other women did not believe it very much, they planned to pay attention to it in daily life and try to minimize the confusion. contact with the rest of the people.

"Originally, we just stay in the room making boats every day, so we don't have time to interact with others."

"Every day when I go to get food."

"Anyway, those foods that are inconvenient to store are gone. I will get more sealed packages in the future. My phone has been turned off, so it should still have some power. I can transfer more money to the manager, and they should agree."

Seeing that they had come up with the result of their discussion and planned to take this matter seriously, Wen Zheng stopped admonishing him.

Because they were worried that they would encounter more people when it was time to collect the food, Zhang Yuanying's wife Wang Yi simply suggested that they need to discuss with the manager in advance.

So Wang Yi and one of the four people set out with their mobile phones, which had managed to retain some power, and also carried a backpack with them. After more than half an hour, they came back with bulging backpacks containing a lot of sealed food and drinking water.

"Now there is no battery left in the phone."

Without a mobile phone, it can be said that the channel for accepting the outside situation is completely lost. If you want to get any news in the future, you can only know it from the hotel staff. At least the hotel has a backup generator and other means.

Soon, they learn that the energy drain is worth it.

Just when dinner was about to begin, at least the food needed by the people on the 20th floor was distributed by the hotel, and these things were stored by the hotel on the sixth floor where the employees lived. Several storage rooms were included. in.

As before, the hotel staff saw that meal time was approaching and pushed the vehicle to the storage room to get water.

The room was also dark inside, and the light from the flashlight could only illuminate that area. The staff did not hear the small sounds coming from inside the room. Several people were chatting while working, and the content of the chat was about the couple who had a fever.

The staff member saw the label of the box in front of her clearly, but did not notice the small hole on the side of the box. She directly picked up the box and put it on the cart, and several people pushed the cart filled with boxes out. Then a strong hotel security guard took over and moved the food allocated to different floors to the floor where they were supposed to go.

People preparing to receive food lined up in the corridor. The starting point of the line was the table moved out of the room.

The security guard responsible for distributing food used a knife to open the box. In the dim light, he felt something moving inside the box. Just when he opened the box to take a closer look, he suddenly felt a pain in his hand.

"Hiss, what is it!" He exclaimed in pain, and waved his bitten right hand even more vigorously.

There was a muffled bang, and the black thing was thrown directly to the blanket on the ground. Before the crowd could react to what it was, they saw it and rushed towards the team.

The crowd hurriedly dodged, but the corridor of the hotel was not spacious enough, and there were many people in line. When everyone was crowded, with a snap, someone stepped directly on the running animal.

Feeling that the thing under his feet was still twisting and making a chirping sound, the man swallowed his dry cough and said weakly but loudly: "I seem to have stepped on this thing, it should be a rat."

With a bang, all the people around him who heard the content ran to a range of one meter away from him and formed an isolation circle on their own.

The security guard who had just been bitten by the rat turned pale, but still insisted on walking over. When the flashlight was shone, the black and dirty rat appeared in front of everyone.

It was not particularly chaotic just now. This time, all the people who saw the rat screamed loud enough that it felt like they could be heard on the upper and lower floors.

A rat entered the hotel.

This is not an ordinary situation that can be ignored.

Epidemics are prone to occur after floods, mainly due to environmental pollution. Food, drinking water and domestic water cannot be used easily, let alone persuade. Even if sewage comes into contact with the wound, it may be infected with germs. Also, because of the high humidity, the food and other things are moldy and rotten, which is also a cause of illness.

For this situation, the fresh ingredients in the hotel were all solved on the second day of being trapped. The supermarket connected to the hotel happened to have a lot of supplies, so everyone had sealed food and drinking water.

Infectious diseases during floods can also be spread by mosquitoes, flies and rats. Mosquitoes and flies can fly and easily reproduce in large numbers. Rats can swim. They carry a lot of bacteria and viruses on their bodies, and humans are easily infected.

As early as when the flood entered the hotel, Wen Zheng showed the hotel manager the rainstorm self-help manual he posted on the Internet. After that, even if they kept moving upstairs, the hotel staff would organize the crowd to close all the doors and windows of the hotel, and even block the gaps as much as possible.

Although this situation cannot prevent the entry of accumulated water, it can only allow various garbage, corpses, and surviving rats and other pollution sources to enter the hotel.

They made all the preparations they could, but rats still came in from outside in places they didn't expect. Just like cockroaches, when you see one, there may be countless in a hidden place in the room. Now they only saw one rat, but who can be sure that there are no other places.

"What happened?" Hearing the noise, the hotel manager on the other floor also rushed over, followed by the doctor who lived in the hotel. The two people's faces were not very good to begin with, and they looked even worse after hearing what happened here.

"Manager, rats have entered the hotel, you guys think of a way quickly."

"Could it be that someone ran into the room? I don't dare to sleep."

"The rat just now jumped out of the box containing food. Your hotel didn't store the food well. Now I don't know how much food has been contaminated by rats. What should I do in the future?"

The crowd briefly regained their sanity from the initial shock. Some people were the first to react to the connection between food and rats, which directly ignited everyone's panic and anger.

The current situation is no longer something the hotel can easily control. The crowd rushed to the sixth floor where the food was stored. The manager hurriedly asked the doctor to treat the wound of the bitten security guard and prepare some medicine, and then quickly stood in front of the crowd to persuade them.

The noise was getting louder and louder. The further the crowd went down, the more they could arouse the reaction of the residents below. More people rushed to the sixth floor, even if the manager and staff tried to stop them.

Panic and the pressure of being trapped overwhelmed most people's minds, and there were still a few people who were fishing in troubled waters. They broke open the door of the water storage room and saw the food stored inside. They also heard the rat riot caused by the huge noise they made, and countless rat chirping sounds echoed in the room.

"Close the door first to prevent more rats from running out and biting the crowd. Close the door quickly."

The manager persuaded heartbreakingly, and when the crowd was timid because of the calls of too many rats, he took the security guard to seize the opportunity to close the storage room. Several people stood in front of the door to calm the crowd down as soon as possible.

In any case, they couldn't simply lock the rats in there, because there were still many materials that might not have been contaminated by rats. How to remove the rats in there became a huge problem for everyone.

Not only this storage room, but all the storage rooms and every place in the hotel.

The destructive and hiding abilities of rats should not be underestimated. They can not only swim, but also climb stairs. Water pipes, gas pipes and even power lines can become means for rats to invade high-rise buildings.

A vigorous rat eradication operation was thoroughly launched in the hotel.

Wen Zheng had returned to the 26th floor at dinner time when the rat incident occurred. It was not until the staff sent by the hotel went door to door that night that he learned about the situation.

After asking the staff for the specific situation, Wen Zheng closed the door but didn't want to check it as anxiously as the others. The higher the floor, the less likely it is to be invaded by rats, not to mention his and Tuan Tuan's keen perception. Even if a rat dared to sneak in, the sound would definitely be captured by them.

But Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, who had stopped working, looked serious. Every time Wen Zheng came back from downstairs, he would tell Tuan Tuan the information he had collected. Tuan Tuan immediately thought of the quarrel that Wen Zheng had just talked about.

"Dad, do you think the invasion of rats is related to the couple with fever downstairs?"

"I hope there is no connection." Wen Zheng rubbed his forehead.

Even though things have just begun, he has guessed what might happen. Now he just hopes that the problem will not be too serious. If the situation of rats reaches an uncontrollable point, then things may develop into a struggle between humans.

The battle to eliminate rats started directly that night. Anyway, there were always dark clouds in the sky, and the brightness in the hotel room was not much different from day and night.

The hotel even used emergency backup power supply to directly supply power to the sixth floor, and only turned on the energy-saving lamps in the room, and did not allow everyone to use electricity in other places, but the power consumption was still too high.

It was just because the storage rooms on the sixth floor were filled with supplies for everyone's life. Under the illumination of the light, all the fully armed rodent control personnel closed the door of the storage room, determined to find and remove all the rats inside.

It is not difficult to close the door and eliminate rats, but when the rats in the storage room are cleared, the loss of food and drinking water inside also appears in front of everyone, and the loss visible to the naked eye is a bit too large.

This has not been checked in detail.

However, before the inspection, there is a more urgent situation to deal with. In addition to the storage room, traces of rats were also found in several rooms on the ground floor.

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