Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 62 Chapter 62 (1/2)

The news that there were rats in the hotel spread quickly among the floors. The residents above the tenth floor were more worried about the food and water that might be harmed by rats, while those below the tenth floor were more worried about rats in their rooms. They started looking for rats themselves without waiting for the hotel to send people.

Before, humans did not know that there were rats in this building. Even if they heard any noises, they did not take it seriously. They lived in peace with the rats before they found out. But now when they start looking for them, their movements alarm the rats that are not afraid of people and have an advantage in the dark, which is a headache.

Several people only knew how to look for rats, but did not take defensive measures, and were accidentally bitten by rats in the dark.

Wen Zheng went downstairs again after discussing with Tuantuan. He couldn't just stand by and watch someone die. Judging from the simple medical conditions after being trapped here, if they were bitten by rats and infected with the virus, they would most likely die without treatment.

Getting rid of the rats is at least saving lives.

Going down from the upper floor, I tried to distinguish the sounds made by rats from the noisy crowd, but the carpet in the hotel corridor became an obstacle at this time.

Wen Zheng did not dare to be arrogant at all. He concentrated all his attention and quickly dealt with the rats he met along the way with his weapon.

As expected, the lower the floor, the more rats there were. Wen Zheng ran from the tenth floor to the seventh floor, knocked on the door and went to Zhang Yuanying's room to check. After confirming that there were no rats inside, he asked them to block all the places where rats might drill from below to the upper part, including the toilet in the bathroom, and then quickly drove away the sixth floor where the situation was the most serious.

Those water storage rooms became the nests of rats. Most of the rats hid in them, but some rats chose to live in the rest of the rooms, and occasionally ran to the storage room to find food.

Wen Zheng's help relieved the pressure on the hotel staff. Even so, it took a whole night to roughly clean up the rats on the sixth floor.

There may be some rats that have escaped the net, but they have long been gone after being caught by the crowd, and there is no way to find them. We can only set traps to catch rats in several storage rooms and places where rats like to appear on the lower floors.

After a busy night, all the people who were busy catching rats needed to rest, but there was no way to rest.

There are still many situations that need to be dealt with.

Excluding the food and contaminated drinking water, how long can the remaining water supply the hotel residents, how to treat the people bitten by rats, and why are there so many rats in the hotel.

Yuehua Hotel has never been infested with rats, and they have not been trapped in the hotel for a long time. It is impossible that such a large number has only recently bred. The biggest possibility is that there is a gap in the abandoned lower floors that allows rats from outside to come in.

Although this gap may be caused by an accident, thinking of the quarrel that happened the day before, there are always other ideas.

The people bitten by rats were arranged to be treated in the newly marked area. After the hotel explained the remaining drinking water and the treatment of the wounded, the question of the source of the rats was raised.

The hotel manager had some guesses, but he couldn't say it out loud, and only gave an explanation that the things below might be destroyed.

During this period, the water level outside the hotel was about to reach the fifth floor, and the fourth floor was flooded. There was basically no way to go down, let alone find the reason why the rats came in.

The final result was that the residents on the lower floors continued to move up, and they paid more attention to whether there were rats on weekdays. In this process, some people asked that all food be distributed equally according to the number of residents on the grounds that the hotel did not protect the drinking water.

The management rights of the hotel were in jeopardy.

Wen Zheng did not participate in these things, but only helped Zhang Yuanying and others move things to the new floor, hiding the boats being made with bedding, etc., and others saw them and explained that they were tables in the room.

Everyone moved to the tenth floor or above, and the rising water and the rats that could appear in the hotel at any time became a huge pressure on everyone's mind. Now everyone wears clothes when they sleep, and even wears socks on their feet, for fear of being bitten by rats.

The atmosphere in the hotel became increasingly tense, and Wen Zheng knew that there was a bomb hidden in this atmosphere that had not exploded. He felt that the hotel might not be able to wait for rescue, so he found time to post his hand-drawn instructions for making simple boats on the corridors of each floor.

Everyone saw it, but not everyone would take action. However, some people still tried it. Anyway, they could kill time when they were trapped in the hotel and could not leave.

The materials needed to make the boats were all dismantled in the hotel, but when such a crowd could riot at any time, the hotel did not comment on it.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan's boats were ready, and at this time, someone was bitten by a rat again. Among the people who were bitten before, some had died after failed rescue, and the rest of the living people were still suffering, just tormenting in their last days.

Everyone is afraid of being bitten by rats.

Human fear has fueled the arrogance of rats. I don't know if they were not caught before or were new ones who came in later. It may be that the protection of the water storage room has been strengthened. These rats began to enter the hotel rooms to find food, and even dared to run around in front of people.

At this moment, the hidden bomb exploded.

The middle-aged woman who was pointed out to have gone downstairs to steal things from the dead body because of a fever died. She and the bodies of the other dead people all needed a solution.

The hotel had no way to deal with the bodies of the dead. Leaving them in the hotel to rot would lead to more serious pollution. Burial or cremation was impossible. In the end, they could only be thrown out of the window and let the water take them away.

Then the middle-aged woman was stuck in a corner of the hotel. Then it was discovered that her death state was very similar to those who died from rat bites. There were also wounds on her arms that were definitely caused by rat bites.

The fact that the manager and the doctor wanted to cover up was discovered. When questioned, they finally confirmed their suspicion that the middle-aged woman was not just a common cold fever. It was caused by rat bites at the beginning.

What they didn't want to see happened.

The content of the quarrel was recalled by the crowd watching at the time and quickly spread to the rest of the people.

People broke into the room where the middle-aged man was and found the gold bracelet from his arms during the quarrel. This time he argued that he bought it for his wife, but it was useless. At that time, many people heard him say that there was no such bracelet at all.

The facts are irrefutable. The couple had relied on false feelings to deceive others and escaped a disaster, but they finally ushered in the day of exposure.

Even though it was the middle-aged woman who was bitten by the rat, the middle-aged man saw that the matter was exposed and pushed all the problems onto his wife. But he forgot that he was still holding the sinful gold bracelet and forgot the deep love he had shown for the couple.

Based on the man's performance and sophistry, it is not certain who was the cause of the incident.

The angry crowd did not see what happened with their own eyes, but they could piece together the general truth from various details and the man's sophistry.

The cause of the incident was similar to what others had guessed during the quarrel. The couple valued the money floating in their sleep. Knowing that no one would go downstairs, one of them went downstairs to steal it, and the other listened to the noise outside at the door of the room.

No one noticed their actions. When they went downstairs to get the things, the water outside had just reached the window of that floor. The middle-aged woman ran to open the window, but when she pulled the things down, she was bitten by a mouse swimming over.

The scream was heard by the middle-aged man, who pulled the woman away after seeing the things in his hands. The middle-aged woman only rushed to close the window when she left, but the bitten hand was not strong enough. Not only did the window not close tightly, but she also did not hold it firmly when returning to the room, so the bracelet fell to the ground and was seen by others.

Later, there was a fever quarrel, a rat plague, and people who now knew the truth fell into extreme anger.

If it weren't for these two people, no one would be bitten to death by rats, so much food and water would not be lost, and everyone would not be in fear every day.

The rational people could not persuade him, and the irrational people tied up the remaining culprit, but they were in a dilemma when dealing with him in the end. Everyone still hoped that the flood would recede and return to normal society, and no one wanted to have their hands stained with human lives because of this wish.

But they were unwilling to let him go gently.

In the end, the method that satisfied these people was to throw him into an empty room downstairs and lock him up, leaving two bottles of water but no food, and starve him for two days to vent their anger.

With everyone's tacit consent, this method of handling was implemented, and the man was locked in a room on the tenth floor.

Although it was still a bit uncomfortable, after more than a week of heavy rain, the rain outside finally showed a trend of decreasing. Faced with this good news, the atmosphere was diluted a lot.

The storms and rainstorms became much smaller, and the atmosphere in the hotel became peaceful in the next two days, and the growth rate of the water line outside also slowed down. After two days, the hotel staff, who were afraid of starving people to death, opened the door and wanted to let the people out.

The middle-aged man who came out of the room became a little gloomy. The hotel arranged a separate room for him. It happened that the others regarded him as the culprit who attracted the rats. They would not take the initiative to talk to this person, nor would they be willing to live in the same room with him, so they locked him in the room by default and provided a small amount of food and water every day.

Everyone was excited about the possibility of the rainstorm stopping. They were no longer so concerned about the threat of other people or even rats, and prayed outside the window every day.

Until late at night that day, a fire broke out in a room of the hotel. The fire alarm failed to warn in the case of power outage. The flames burned along the beds, beddings, tables, etc. in the room and quickly spread to the surroundings.

There were too many flammable materials in the hotel. Even if it was still raining outside, the flames inside could not be extinguished. When people in nearby rooms woke up and found something wrong, the fire was a little out of control.

When someone discovered the fire and knocked on the door one by one to get everyone up, facing the current situation of the hotel with no water and power, they couldn't even think of a way to put out the fire. The hotel is equipped with fire extinguishers, but what use are they when the whole room is on fire?

"Where is the hotel manager? Where are all the staff?"

"I'll go down and look for him."

When the helpless crowd ran downstairs for help, they found out why the staff didn't come up, because there was more than one fire, and the fire on this floor was in the most important food storage room.

This was the second accident. How did this group of staff take care of it? Someone shouted at the top of his voice on the spot.

"What's the point of arguing now? Hurry up and put out the fire!"

Some people took out all the utensils that could get water from outside the window. After getting the water, they wanted to put out the flames. Some people used things to beat them. The most effective one was the fire extinguisher. But these only helped the flames not to spread outside, and there was no way to extinguish them.

"Everyone, make way, everyone, make way."

The hotel manager ran down from upstairs with a big pipe, and the security guard behind him was holding a machine connected to the wires. The manager threw the water pipe out of the window, and everyone avoided this place.

Then the security guard notified the people on the other side with the intercom, and the backup generator started. The machine connected to the water pipe generated a huge suction force, and the sewage sucked in from below extinguished the flames and also sucked up some small debris.

First put out the flames in the most important storage room, and then deal with the flames in the other rooms, even if it has spread to several rooms, and even the upper and lower floors can feel the heat.

The flames were extinguished, and the backup generator had no oil. The whole building was first burned and then extinguished by the polluted water, and all of them could no longer be lived in.

The culprit who caused the fire was found. He set fires in many places one after another. It was definitely not an accident but deliberate arson. Those who would do this either have deep malice towards the entire hotel, or have mental problems.

There was almost no need to investigate. When one of the rooms where the fire started was the room where the middle-aged man was imprisoned, the culprit was basically determined. This person was not found in the hotel, but the window of his room that was burned by the fire was open, and everyone guessed that this person jumped out of the window by himself.

The fire was put out, the culprit disappeared and was likely dead, but the consequences of this incident were not over. The hotel failed to manage the water again, causing them to lose their management power.

At first, someone suggested taking out the remaining water and sharing it with everyone. Later, someone opened the door of the storage room, and the sharing turned into snatching. Even if there was sewage sucked up on that floor, no one cared. When someone started snatching, the others would worry about being snatched away and join in the fight.

Human emotions are contagious. A group of people robbed the things in the storage room on the floor where the staff were, but when the rest of the staff could not participate, they would think of other places with water in the building.

That is the 20th to 26th floors in the hotel, where the treatment is obviously different. One of the floors has a restaurant. People living on the lower floors have heard that the people living on the upper floors eat the food there.

The crowd set off along the floors to the upper floors, taking the rest of the people on the lower floors with them. While walking, recalling the trouble of constantly moving from the lower floors to the upper floors, the fear of facing the rats hiding in the dark, and the injustice of the upper floors still resting well after the fire, the pent-up emotions slowly broke out at this time.

The door of the room was directly knocked open with a bang. Before the people inside knew what was going on, they saw someone breaking in and grabbing anything they could eat and drink in the dim vision.

When a few people saw that the treatment in the business rooms was much better than that downstairs, the hatred of the rich or the feeling of unfairness came up, and their actions became more violent. When they encountered someone blocking them, they directly hit them.

Now it has become that the people from the tenth to the nineteenth floors have launched an attack on the twentieth to the twenty-sixth floors. Because the number of people below has accumulated layer by layer, it is far more than the number above. The people below have experienced too many situations these days, and they are more cruel and brutal than the people above.

Wen Zheng, who lives on the highest floor, did not expect that the sudden arson incident would rapidly intensify this contradiction. He woke up when he heard the noise coming from downstairs. He woke up Tuantuan and observed the situation outside.

The situation had completely lost control.

"Tuantuan, we should leave."

"We've been ready for a long time."

Wen Zheng opened the door of the room, and Tuantuan pulled the boat of just the right size out. There were four easily disassembled wooden pulleys installed under the boat, which was at least quite labor-saving to pull.

The two of them pulled the boat to the stairs and saw the crowd preparing to go upstairs. Under their gaze, they put the boat on the handrail of the stairs, and they went downstairs with the boat one after another.

The crowd who were about to come up were shocked by this scene, but they reacted quickly. Some people recognized Wen Zheng, remembered his help in the past, and chose to step aside to let them leave, but some people attacked on their own.

Crack, Wen Zheng directly caught the fist that came over with his hand, and then quickly hit the other person's stomach, which immediately made the man bend over and curl up, and he couldn't relieve it for a while.

It is inevitable to encounter attacks on the road going down, but the narrow corridor also limits the attacks. All those who want to attack Wen Zheng were beaten back without exception, and by the way, they also directly lost their combat ability.

Some people let Wen Zheng go and aimed at Tuan Tuan, who looked young at the back. However, they did not expect that Tuan Tuan's attack was heavier than Wen Zheng's. It was normal to knock out the opponent's teeth and even dislocate the opponent's arm. All those who dared to attack them wailed.

After going down a few floors, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan were unwilling to fight anymore. It was a waste of time and effort. They directly smashed the boat to the lower floor, then turned over the handrail and continued to lift the boat down.

Later, no one followed and continued to chase down. They watched Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan take the boat down and continued to fight with the others in the corridor.

However, some people got inspiration from Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan. Those who had made boats according to the method posted on the corridor came up with the idea of ​​leaving.

There were also some people who did not make boats but were affected by the battle scene - especially now that some people had died in the battle, many people were furious and would rather go back to the house to find some wooden boards to tie up and jump out of the window when they were in danger. Anyway, the rain was getting lighter now, and they might still be able to hold on to their lives.

Wen Zheng was unaware of the changes that would come after they left. He brought Tuantuan to the tenth floor and stopped going down. He threw the boat directly from the window next to the staircase.

There was a rope hanging on the boat. Wen Zheng tied the rope to the window and stood by to let Tuantuan go down first. After Tuantuan stabilized, Wen Zheng went down from the window again, directly using the rope tied to each window by Tuantuan to safely reach the water level, which was now seven stories high.

Just as they were coming down, Zhang Yuanying's family, who were hiding in the room with the bed against the door, and who would not go out or let anyone in, and the other four boys, saw the actions of Wen Zheng and Tuantuan.

Their boats were all ready, and whether to leave now became a problem that needed to be solved.

Listening to the fighting that was still going on outside, even if the fighting ended later, the hotel would not restore its former peace. If they didn't leave now, when would they have to wait?

The upper floors of Yuehua Hotel did not have anti-theft windows installed, and basically all used double-glazed windows, which provided convenience this time. By removing the glass window, the boat, which is less than two adults wide, can be sent out.

At this time, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan are adjusting the direction of the boat. Things floating on the water surface move naturally along the water flow, and the water flow flows from high to low. Wen Zheng chose to land the boat at the lower side of the hotel, which would not be blocked by the hotel wall. He only needed to adjust the direction of the bow.

This boat, which is almost two people wide and nearly two meters long, was converted from the big bed in the room, which is enough for the two of them to squeeze in and lie in it.

The middle of the boat is where Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan stay, and the front and rear ends are lockers connected to the hull. They are not big but relatively high, and they are filled with useful materials they have collected.

There is also a rainproof cabin made of shower curtains on the top, as well as a foldable rain collector. If there is really no drinking water to use, at least the rainwater falling from the sky is cleaner than sewage, and it can be barely used after filtering and disinfection.

After getting ready in the boat, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan were ready to go forward along the current, occasionally controlling themselves not to be blocked by buildings, and then considering where to go next.

Of course, they had to row forward quickly before the other two boats landed, so as to avoid splashing water when the other boats landed. These dirty water would never be pleasing to people.

The two boats behind landed one after another, and then they slid the oars made of wooden boards along the current. Even though they had been taught by Wen Zheng before, they had always practiced in the house before. This was the first time they had actually played.

After paddling the boats and turning them around in the water several times, the few people behind gradually mastered the use of the oars, and they paddled faster to slowly catch up with Wen Zheng who was drifting away with the current.

The two boats left in different directions, leaving behind the hotel that had sheltered them for some time but was caught in a dispute.

The life of drifting on the water began.

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