Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 63 Chapter 63

The continuously falling raindrops formed a rain curtain hanging in the sky, and merged with the yellow torrent on the land, submerging most of the familiar environment under the flood. Only those high-rise buildings with sufficient height could still stand partially above the water.

The water flowed from west to east, and the small boats on the water surface moved with the flow, but occasionally swayed.

The vicinity of Yuehua Hotel can be said to be one of the prosperous areas of the city. There are many high-rise buildings nearby, and some buildings still have survivors trying to survive.

Walking forward to the nearby community, you can see many containers extending out of the windows, which are catching raindrops from the sky. This is a method used only when there is no safe drinking water.

Wen Zheng and his team moved in front of these buildings along the water flow. At first, no one noticed it, until someone happened to look out of the window and saw a small boat on the water that was not large enough but eye-catching enough.

"There's a boat! There's a boat coming! There's someone here, come and save them!"

The people who saw it immediately opened the window and leaned out half of their bodies. From the sound, they thought Wen Zheng and his boat was a rescue team, and they kept shouting, wishing they could jump out of the window to the boat.

As soon as the man's shouting came out, the survivors in the other rooms all leaned out of the window, all shouting outside with joy, thinking that they had finally waited for hope to come.

Even though the rain blocked the view and the faces of these people could not be seen clearly, their shouting and waving hands all showed their excitement. Zhang Yuanying and others behind them were a little embarrassed and didn't know how to tell the truth.

But they will continue to move forward and eventually break these people's hopes.

"We are not a rescue team. We made the boat ourselves. We made the blueprints for you. Whether you can survive depends on yourself."

The first to speak was the teenage Tuan Tuan, with a clear and high voice. On the almost empty water surface, the sound spread to the nearby floors. At the same time as Tuantuan's voice, there were also drawings sent to these rooms by Wen Zheng using a simple slingshot.

They are not saviors, nor do they have the ability to do so. All they can do is give them an additional choice.

In fact, after Wen Zheng and his team left, people who were forced into a desperate situation in Yuehua Hotel left one after another on simple boats. These boats affected others, and one after another, some people chose to fight for their luck before starving to death.

Cries and roars rushed out from these tall buildings, and the vast world accepted their despair, but the rain would not stop, and the water level would not drop. Wen Zheng and his team's boats never stopped.

Gradually leaving several nearby communities with tall buildings, the two boats controlled by Zhang Yuanying and others approached the location of Wen Zheng's boat.

People who had no experience in rowing before, even if they barely mastered it because of the danger they faced, often did some useless work when rowing, so it took a lot of time to catch up.

"Brother Wen, what are your plans next?" Zhang Yuanying asked the first question after he came over. He came here on a business trip and brought his family here to visit. In fact, he didn't know much about this place.

The four boys on the other boat were all locals. They wanted to go back to their homes to see what was happening at home, or at least to know what was happening at home. However, the three of them lived in different places, and Wen Zheng had always taken care of them, so they also wanted to hear what Wen Zheng was planning.

Staying under the arched rain curtain, without worrying about getting wet, Tuantuan was comparing a hand-drawn map of the city with the actual situation. This map was drawn on paper when the phone still had power.

Wen Zheng was about to turn around to answer them, but he noticed an obstacle stuck on a branch in front of him. He picked up the paddle placed in the cabin, stretched it out and lightly touched the trunk, and moved the boat to the side a little.

"Ah, there's a person hanging on this tree!"

Their boat continued to move forward, and then they heard screams from behind, or several people's voices together, whether male or female, they all sounded a little scared.

The obstacle on the branch was a human being who was trapped in the tree until he died. It was very likely that he did not die of hunger or lack of water, but because he did not wait for rescue for a long time, and he drank polluted water or food in extreme hunger and thirst, and finally died of a serious illness.

His death must have happened several days ago. The body hanging on the tree exuded a foul odor, and there were even flies hovering in the air and mice gnawing on it. That was a scene that only appeared in disaster movies. When they encountered the disaster of flood, it really appeared in front of them.

In addition to fear, there was more sadness from the bottom of their hearts.

The turbid water surface was not as clean as the streams and sea water before the disaster, and it was more terrifying than those polluted water sources. There were all kinds of messy garbage floating on the water, and most of them were soaked in the water for too long, and some swollen corpses, some animals and some humans.

When they first saw it, it could cause a few people behind to exclaim, but later they became numb and were able to ignore it, and calmly paddled to push the obstacle away so as not to block the boat's path.

Only when they calmed down did Wen Zheng control the distance between the three boats and throw the extra map he had drawn to them.

"The most famous scenic spots in this city are Quxing Mountain and Yongchang Lake. The two places are closely related to each other. Among them, Quxing Mountain has the highest altitude in the city, and Yongchang Lake has a cruise ship project and leads to other rivers."

Wen Zheng controlled the boat, and Tuantuan took the map and explained to them. Once he pointed out the characteristics of Quxing Mountain and Yongchang Lake, everyone knew that there was no better place to take refuge than here.

"But it takes several hours to drive there from us. Can we do it by just relying on this small boat?"

The boys in this city had thought about this place before, but they rejected it because it was too far away. Who knows what dangerous situations they might encounter along the way. They originally thought that Wen Zheng would choose another hotel or high-rise building that was not in chaos to continue waiting, but they did not expect to hear this answer.

"We'll know if it's okay when we get there." Tuantuan blinked, looking a little naive like a child, which made the other people even more unbelievable.

Zhang Yuanying looked at the map carefully. It probably marked different areas. The two scenic spots were just northeast of where they were. There was no problem following the direction of the water flow.

Seeing their distrust of Tuantuan, Wen Zheng asked Tuantuan to help look at the ship, and he took the drawing and made gestures with his hands.

"The terrain of Yongchang Lake is relatively low. Several rivers in this city first converge into Yongchang Lake, and then flow from Yongchang Lake to larger rivers. As long as we control the boat to find the right river, we can go straight down to Yongchang. lake."

After speaking, Wen Zheng added another sentence: "But these are our plans. What we will encounter on the road is unknown. The above is the luckiest situation. If you have other ideas, there is no need to make the same arrangements as us. "

After saying this, the two ships behind began to think deeply and began to discuss in low voices.

Wen Zheng turned back and took the food thrown over by Tuantuan. There was a foul smell all around, and even if they made simple masks from cloth, there was no way to completely isolate the smell.

So I didn't have much appetite, and I didn't plan to eat anything heavy-flavored, so I simply drank mineral water and ate a few compressed biscuits.

After they finished eating, the results of the discussion among the following people came out, and everyone felt a little embarrassed when facing Wen Zheng.

"I'm sorry, Brother Wen. We still plan to go home and have a look. We've been thinking about it all the time. Even if we are safe, we still feel uneasy." The representative of the boys came out and said sheepishly.

Zhang Yuanying's family of four is here, but he himself is not strong enough. His mother is old and his children are still young. In addition, after trying for a while, it is certain that it is not easy to control this small boat, so their family plans to Find another place to stay and apologize to Wen Zheng.

"Why are you apologizing to me? It's normal to worry about family members. In my family, Tuantuan and I are the only ones who stay together, so we just ran directly to the scenic spot."

After Wen Zheng finished speaking, he first asked the four boys which community their homes were in, marked the location on the map, and planned a rough route. As for Zhang Yuanying's family, it was not easy to find a place where there were supplies and no chaos after the flood for so many days. In the end, Wen Zheng identified several government office locations for their reference only.

"These are all planned according to the map. Now all places are flooded. You still need to check the specific situation when you arrive. Be more careful then."

The route was planned, and when the fork in the road required separation, it was time for the three boats to separate. Zhang Yuanying and others had made their decision, but when they really wanted to separate from Wen Zheng, all kinds of emotions came up. Zhang Yuanying's children couldn't help crying, and the others also had red eyes.

During this period, Wen Zheng became their backbone. Now that they are leaving, they are both reluctant and fearful of the future, but they know that Wen Zheng has helped them enough.

"Thank you, Brother Wen, thank you Xiaoling. Thanks to your care during this period, we will keep this in mind. If we have another chance to meet in the future, we will treat you and Tuantuan well."

"Brother Wen, you and Xiaoling are both good people and so powerful, so you will definitely reach your destination safely and live well."

"Everyone should be more careful on the road. See you another day."

"See you another day!"

Seeing each other another day is their best wishes to each other.

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