Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 64 Chapter 64

If drifting on clean water is a kind of enjoyment and fun, but Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan are now facing polluted floods. Anything contaminated with sewage cannot be brought into the cabin, but they cannot ignore the water.

The small cabin does not have much room for movement. It is just right for two people to sit in it. Occasionally, they change from sitting to standing, and the body will still feel numb after a while. It has been less than a day since jumping out of Yuehua Hotel, and it is a bit unbearable. No wonder Zhang Yuanying and others plan to go to a safe place nearby to take shelter. Staying in this small boat for a few more days, there is probably no place on the body that is comfortable.

Therefore, in order to get out of the situation of having to stay in the boat as soon as possible, after separating from the other two boats, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan no longer need to hide anything, and directly speed up the rowing speed until the evening, because they can't see the situation on the water in the distance clearly, they slow down.

The sky gradually darkened, and the temperature was dropping with the coming of night. The breeze mixed with cold rain hit the hanging rain curtain, which had a little warming effect.

A small hand-cranked flashlight was fixed on the bow of the boat. Several strong wires were tied to the place where the hand was used to crank, and the wires were connected to another small device placed outside the rain curtain. With this device, the gentle wind can replace the hand-cranking, directly ensuring that the hand-cranked flashlight can always emit light.

"Dad, we will take turns to keep watch at night."

When the sky darkened, both of them needed sleep to ensure sufficient energy, but they could not let the boat drift. It was not safe to find a place to stop for the night, so it was the best choice to let one person watch the other to rest.

"Okay, I will watch the first half of the night, and you will watch the second half of the night." Wen Zheng arranged.

When Wen Zheng turned the boat around, he heard Tuantuan's steady breathing, which was particularly clear amid the noise of dripping rain and the click of the hand-cranked flashlight.

Tuantuan was lying in the small cabin. When she first fell asleep, she curled up to give Wen Zheng more space. When she fell asleep, her body naturally stretched out, holding a small quilt that was crumpled into a ball in her arms, with most of her face buried in it, and her exposed cheeks were flushed.

Wen Zheng watched his bird grow into a human, and then raised a child from a small child. Even though Tuantuan was not using his own body, he could tell from his demeanor that this was a familiar child.

He turned his upper body back, stretched out his hand to unfold the blanket that Tuantuan had unconsciously crumpled into a ball, and covered Tuantuan's body again. It was almost midnight, and even if his physical fitness had improved, he still needed to keep warm. Moreover, the night when it kept raining, even in summer, the temperature could be considered a bit low.

Even Wen Zheng put on an extra layer of clothes. The clothes he bought when the rainstorm just came, as well as the blanket he took out from the hotel, all came in handy at night.

Tuan Tuan felt the slight force added to his body, and before he woke up from his sleep, he showed a smile softer than the moonlight: "Dad, is it time to change shifts?"

"Not yet, go back to sleep."

Wen Zheng patted Tuan Tuan's back gently, but it was useless. Tuan Tuan rubbed his eyes in a half-awake state, lay on Wen Zheng's body to see the time displayed on the watch, rubbed Wen Zheng's back, and then went back to sleep with peace of mind.

Before falling asleep again, he did not forget to remind him obediently: "Dad, be sure to wake me up when the time comes."

"Got it."

Wen Zheng knew that Tuan Tuan was not really a child who could not withstand the wind and rain, and letting him share the tasks was the right way to treat him. When it was time to change the night watch, Wen Zheng was about to wake Tuan Tuan up from his sleep when he saw a lot of wooden furniture floating in front of him.

There was a furniture city where their boat had passed before. These items made of wood could easily float on the water. This place is a distance away from the furniture city. It seems that they should have come here downstream and were blocked by something unknown.

In the dark night, there was only the faint light from the hand-cranked flashlight, which could only illuminate a short distance. When Wen Zheng noticed these furniture, the distance between the boat and them was not far, and now it was even closer.

So Wen Zheng realized that something was wrong, but it was too late to avoid it.

The front end of the boat hit the wooden cabinet floating on the water along the water flow, and a squeaking sound came out immediately. You don’t need to see it, just listen to the sound to know that it is a damn mouse. Wen Zheng immediately opened the waterproof curtain that blocked the rain, wind and warmth, picked up the paddle in one hand and directly hit the mouse that rushed out of the cabinet and flew into the wooden cabinet with a board.

The recoil from the oar hitting the wooden cabinet caused the boat to move back a little. Wen Zheng also saw the dead dog's body in the wooden cabinet, the rats eating the poor dog's flesh and blood, and the flies and mosquitoes hovering around the body. He quickly rowed to adjust the direction.

The rats that were hit reacted quickly, but because of the distance between the boat and the wooden cabinet, they couldn't run out and hesitated whether to jump into the water. The rats would be afraid of the water flow and couldn't keep up, but there was no need to worry about the flying flies and mosquitoes.

The flies were startled and flew outside for a while, but in the end, the rotten corpse attracted them more deeply. After circling for a few times, they returned to the wooden cabinet. Mosquitoes were not so easy to get rid of. There were many mosquitoes in summer. They grew up in or near water. In order to reproduce, female mosquitoes often sucked fresh blood from creatures.

The number of mosquitoes did not decrease after the flood, but it was too difficult for them to encounter creatures with fresh blood. No matter which organ of the mosquitoes played a role, they all flew towards Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan.

Wen Zheng paddled with both hands and quickly moved the boat away from the area where the wooden furniture was located. In addition to the cabinet just now, he could hear similar sounds in many wooden furniture.

As for whether the speed of his paddles could exceed the speed of mosquitoes flying.

Wen Zheng thought that there was no need to compare at all, as long as the mosquitoes behind could not catch up.

The boat had just rowed outside for a few seconds, and Tuan Tuan, who had been awakened when Wen Zheng took out the paddle, found the lighter. Tuan Tuan's sensitivity is even stronger than Wen Zheng's. When there are no unexpected situations and his most trusted father is by his side, he can indulge himself in his dreams, but once there is a lack of these two, he will wake up immediately.

"Dad, I'm here to help you."

Tuan Tuan's voice is still a little excited. Wen Zheng leaned slightly to the side when he heard it, happy to let Tuan Tuan perform. Tuan Tuan ran to Wen Zheng from the other end of the boat, holding a wooden strip wrapped with cloth at one end in his hand, and lit it with the dry cloth on the lighter, turning the wooden strip into a homemade torch.

The boat moved quickly under the guidance of the oars, but it was not very stable. However, the two people in the boat were as stable as a mountain whether they were sitting or standing. The mosquitoes in the dark night could not escape Tuan Tuan's sight. He stood at one end of the boat, holding a torch in his hand and flying in the air. Mosquitoes were burned to death and fell down in groups. The burnt smell mixed with the already unpleasant air was even more unbearable.

Holding his breath for a while, Tuantuan adjusted a more stable posture, and threw out the torch that had burned the mosquitoes. The torch was thrown directly into the target, which was the wooden cabinet that the boat hit.

The mice in the cabinet panicked, and moved around inside the cabinet before it was completely burned. They successfully made the cabinet lose balance, and part of it fell into the water. The rainwater that entered the cabinet extinguished the few remaining torches.

"It's a pity, if this body can release my flames, I can burn this area." As a result, not only did this area fail to be solved, but even the wooden cabinet that dared to launch the attack was not burned, and Tuantuan became unhappy.

"You helped me solve the group of mosquitoes. If I were alone, I couldn't deal with these Wen Zheng while rowing the boat." Wen Zheng rowed the boat and changed another way, so he could only praise Tuantuan with words to make him happy.

Tuan Tuan took a step back and sat beside Wen Zheng, stretched out his hand to hold the corner of Wen Zheng's clothes, the expression on his face was full of confidence in Wen Zheng, and the tone of his words was full of self-righteousness: "Dad, even if you face it alone, you will definitely find a way to solve it."

The child's excessive belief in his father can easily put extra pressure on parents.

Wen Zheng took the pressure, trust and care given by Tuan Tuan and entered a deep dream. I thought a lot before going to bed, but after falling asleep, all these thoughts disappeared, and I slept until the next morning.

The distance from the city to the scenic spot is not far. They rowed down the river at a very fast speed, but they took a detour and had to go against the current for a few sections, which delayed them a little.

After a day and a night of drifting on the water, the two left the city center and could see the signs in the direction of Quxing Mountain and Yongchang Lake that were not completely submerged in water from a distance.

The goal is not far away, but the remaining road is not long, so you need to be extra careful.

"The foot of Quxing Mountain has been flooded. Our boat will definitely touch the mountain at some point. We need to climb up the rest of the way, but we need to study the climbing location. There are many animals hiding on the mountain, so we need to prepare now." Wen Zheng said while holding a map and observing the water flow nearby.

When we reached the area of ​​Quxing Mountain and Yongchang Lake, the terrain here was much more complicated than that of the urban area. Moreover, because a lot of water would converge into Yongchang Lake, the speed of the water flow also became much faster, making it difficult to control the boat.

The two did not plan to enter Yongchang Lake to explore the risks. They planned to find a fork in the road to leave the current water and turn directly to Quxing Mountain.

However, plans often cannot keep up with changes.

The wind and rain that had gradually weakened in the past few days did not stop because of time. Anyway, they suddenly increased again on this day.

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