Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 65 Chapter 65

"Has the rain intensified again?"

Wen Zheng frowned, looking at Quxing Mountain not far away. Although he could see it, it would take some time to reach it.

Without Tuantuan's answer, Wen Zheng could tell that not only the rain had intensified, but even the wind that had finally come down was tending to intensify again. Without wasting any more time, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan both took up the oars and moved forward in tacit understanding towards the direction of going up the mountain established on the road.

The wooden boat was sailing on the south side of the mountain where the water flow was slower, and was trying to make the boat move northwest, just because it wanted to avoid the waterfall on the east side of Quxing Mountain.

There was originally a small waterfall on Quxing Mountain, but the water flow was very small. It only appeared when there was more precipitation in the past. Now, with sufficient rainfall, the small waterfall has become a large waterfall, rumbling down the mountain.

The waterfall with a huge impact rushed under the water surface, carrying the flood towards Yongchang Lake like a muddy yellow evil dragon. The huge momentum could turn the small boat trapped in it upside down.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan did not dare to take risks in that direction.

The sudden increase in rain and wind was beyond their expectations. The two carried the boat to resist the water flow that was excitedly heading to the northeast, and rowed to the northwest at the fastest speed.

The paddles kept flipping in the water, making a splashing sound. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan fought the water flow in silence, and finally passed a fork in the road and changed the water flow to the northwest, but they still couldn't rest assured.

The originally calm water surface kept raising waves under the blowing of the wind and rain, blowing and hitting everything on the water surface layer by layer.

Heavy rain poured down, strong winds blew, and huge torrents hit the boat. The originally unstable boat became more and more bumpy, as small as a fish in the sea, but the people on the boat were unwilling to succumb to the power of nature and insisted on fighting it with their own strength.

Accelerate, accelerate again.

The rushing water was about to lift the boat from behind. Wen Zheng felt that the window was about to lose balance and moved his body backwards. The weight of his body stabilized the drifting boat, and the distance between them and the mountain was constantly shortening.

"Dad, it's almost unstable."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The waves that hit the boat were stronger and stronger. After all, the handmade wooden boat had many limitations. In order to ensure the ability to float on the water, it could not bear too much weight, but the insufficient weight could not resist the water flow.

"Then follow the backup plan and stabilize the boat first."

Wen Zheng's goal was the mountain that was no longer far away after their efforts.

Tuan Tuan nodded, let go of the paddle, and found a rope made of sheets from the boat. One end of his body was tied to the boat, and the other end was not a simple cross-shaped wooden stick, but a metal hook taken from the hotel curtain, which was also modified.

It is always not so easy to use all the strength when sitting, so Tuan Tuan could only stand up from the boat. Boys always develop a little later in height. Tuan Tuan is not tall, so it is easier for him to keep his center of gravity than Wen Zheng, an adult. He slightly opened the rain curtain and looked at the plants on the mountain in front through the dense rain.

Under the continuous heavy rainfall in these days, even if the trees have the ability to hold water, they cannot withstand the continuous impact. Many plants with shallow roots have been knocked down by the rain.

Some hillsides with fewer trees and soft soil have been washed away by water, causing landslides, leaving bare stones. However, such places are rare. Most of the mountains in Quxing Mountain remain normal, except that there are many yellow leaves on the trees that were flooded too hard.

If the plants on the mountain are required to help fix the boat, then the first choice is trees with well-developed root systems. They don’t need to be very tall, but the well-developed root systems will not be easily washed down by floods.

In the shortest possible time, from the limited range, Tuantuan selected a relatively short tree, but most of the leaves on the branches are still green, and threw the rope with a hook in his hand directly over.

Then Tuantuan didn’t even look at it. He had full confidence in his aim. At the moment the rope slipped out of his hand, he sat back in the boat and pulled the part of the rope tied to the boat.

When Tuantuan was taking action, Wen Zheng also put down the paddle, stretched his body as much as possible in the boat, and stabilized the sides of the boat with both hands.

When one end of the rope with a hook successfully hooked the tree that was targeted, the rope was quickly straightened in a short time. The force brought by the rope and the force brought by the water rushing from behind collided on the boat.

The ship experienced unprecedented violent turbulence, even though Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan were able to distinguish the direction of the force in a very short time and maintain balance by applying force to the other side.

But there was a slight time difference between the two. At the worst time, one side of the hull sank into the water, and sewage entered the cabin, soaking everything inside, even Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan were no exception.

The two had anticipated this situation when they were making a backup plan, so as a matter of course, even if there were no wounds on their bodies, they still wrapped their bodies below the shoulders tightly with waterproof materials to prevent sewage from eroding them.

The palms only pulled the ropes tied to the boat, and the neck was raised high to prevent the splashing sewage from jumping on the face. All parts of the body were stabilizing the boat,

After holding on for dozens of seconds, the tree selected by Tuantuan did not fall off at the critical moment, and the two forces from outside finally gradually reached a balance.

The bottom of the boat completely returned to the water surface again. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan pulled the rope to retract it into the cabin, tightly wrapped around the wooden stick deliberately left in the center of the boat, and moved the boat to the direction of the tree.

Even with gloves on their hands, the palms of their hands holding the rope gradually felt pain, but they could not relax at all.

Boom, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan, who were pulling the rope hard, immediately looked in the direction of the sound. They saw that next to the tree they chose, another taller but bare tree could not withstand the scouring of the heavy rain, and the whole tree fell directly to the water surface, making a huge noise.

When the tree just fell into the water, it splashed a huge splash of water and sank a little first, but due to the buoyancy of the tree itself, it sank for a short time before floating up and moving along the water flow, just towards the location of the boat.

The boat may not be able to control the force of being hit by such a tree.

In the blink of an eye, a second before the tree hit it, Wen Zheng let go of his hand, carried another rope in the boat, and jumped out of the boat.

While jumping out, the reaction force of the cabin given by his footsteps made the boat successfully shift to the side. Wen Zheng jumped directly onto the huge tree floating over, and fixed his balance dangerously, then jumped back into the cabin in one step, pushing the tree further away.

Although the boat avoided the impact of the tree in just two jumps, it still lost stability and entered more sewage. What is more worrying is that Wen Zheng had to pass through the rain curtain on the boat with two jumps, making the rain curtain no longer so stable.

But what you think is often what you encounter.

With a bang, the rain curtain fixed on the boat was blown away by the wind, but the two people on the boat were trying their best to maintain the balance of the boat, and there were no spare hands to fix it again.

Just a few breaths later, the rain curtain that was blown open completely separated from the boat that had been with them for several days, and was blown away by the strong wind and quickly disappeared from sight.

Without the shelter of the rain curtain, the fierce wind carried bean-sized raindrops to pour on the two people who were finally exposed, and soon their heads and shoulders that were not wrapped were soaked, turning them into drowned rats.

However, the rain falling from the sky was relatively clean, at least there was no need to worry about pollution, because there were other crises to face.

The heavy rain from the sky would not only soak the two of them, but also gather in the cabin, making the weight of the boat even more.

Wen Zheng and his team could only speed up the recovery of the rope, hoping to reach Quxing Mountain before the creation completely sank to the bottom of the water due to the heavy load.

Although even if they did not fall into the water in the end, the two people could exchange items that could protect them from the system store before they fell into the water, but they still wanted to survive the disaster with their own abilities, otherwise they would have exchanged them when no one was around.

The heavier the boat, the slower the rope recovery speed, and the more difficult it is to move forward. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan were soaked in the heavy rain, their heads were wet, and they were getting heavier like the boat. The big raindrops went directly into their eyes, blurring their vision and irritating their fragile eyeballs. The two simply closed their eyes and continued to persevere with their last will and hope.

With both hands mechanically pulling the rope, the water in the cabin went from a thin layer to half of the flat legs, and now it has submerged Tuan Tuan's legs.

Just a few seconds before the boat was about to sink to the bottom of the water, it hit something and caused a vibration. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan opened their eyes and were surprised to find that the boat did not hit something unexpected, but the mountain of Quxing Mountain.

Survived the disaster.

They tied the recovered ropes firmly to the boat, and the boat was against the rocks in front. Now even if it was filled with rainwater, it would not sink again. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan quickly packed up the supplies in the boat. Although a lot of water had entered the wooden storage box, there was still some that could be used.

In a few seconds, the two of them came out of the boat, holding the rope in one hand and the things in the other hand. They stepped on the rocks under the water and slowly reached the surface of the water, under the tree that helped them a lot.

They successfully reached Quxing Mountain.

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