Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 66 Chapter 66

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan rested well on the rocks under the tree for a while. Anyway, their upper bodies were basically soaked, and they slowly eased the excitement of escaping from the wind and waves. Fortunately, they only faced violent storms and rainstorms without lightning and thunder. At least they didn't have to worry about being struck by lightning under the tree, or lightning causing forest fires.

After resting well, Tuantuan opened the box of supplies brought from the boat, and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing it clearly: "The waterproof measures taken before have worked, and most of the things have not been soaked in water."

"Throw away all the unusable things, we have to get to a place where we can live before dark." Wen Zheng took Tuantuan to clean up the things, put the big box on his back, and Tuantuan was responsible for the small box.

The two started to set off.

The altitude of Quxing Mountain is not low and it is a bit steep. The place where the two of them stopped the boat was the hillside that had not been developed. In Wen Zheng's memory, he had heard that some local young people would climb from this hillside to Quxing Mountain before the disaster.

Part of the reason is that you can avoid paying the entrance fee if you walk from here, but the bigger reason is to pursue excitement, just like some hikers who like to explore undeveloped mountains and rivers.

Even in sunny weather, it is not easy to climb such a steep slope. In this case, the two people's vision is blocked by the rain, and the soil is soaked by the rain and becomes extremely soft, so the way up the mountain can be said to be quite difficult.

When climbing up the mountain, you need to use your hands and feet. Not only do you take one step deep and one step shallow, but you will slip at any time. Moreover, the soil is too wet and all sticks to the soles of your feet. If you don't care, the shoes carrying more and more mud will become heavier. If you clean it, it will be a waste of time.

Wen Zheng asked Tuan Tuan to walk in front and he walked behind. Originally, he thought that he could block Tuan Tuan if he accidentally slipped down. Later, it turned out that this worry was unnecessary. In fact, the possibility of encountering danger when walking in front was even higher.

As a famous natural scenic spot in the city, Quxing Mountain has a good vegetation coverage rate. The part close to the water surface does not have too many plants left because of the scouring of the water flow. However, as the two people walked up, the place where their hands and feet climbed was covered with green grass, and there were many tall trees and low shrubs around them.

People climbed with the help of these plants, so it would naturally make a lot of noise, so the small piercing sounds that were not very different were not so easy to distinguish.

In fact, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan did not notice the snake until it ran to their side from the bushes, but the two were not panicked at all.

First of all, it was possible to tell at first glance that this was a non-venomous snake. Secondly, before the startled snake had any attacking movements, Tuan Tuan grabbed the seven inches of the unfortunate snake with one hand, threw it to the protruding stone tip next to it, tied a knot and put a wooden stick into its mouth, tied it with grass leaves and hung it on the outside of the material box.

Wen Zheng watched this scene from behind, and when he saw the snake, he knew that things would develop in this direction.

When the snake meets them, it is often the snake that is unlucky, not them.

"Dad, let's catch a few more snakes."

After hanging the unlucky snake on the supply box, Tuan Tuan stared at it for a few seconds, and then excitedly proposed to Wen Zheng, with an undisguised expression on his face, all of which showed that he was greedy.

"Okay, let's both be careful on the road." Wen Zheng agreed directly.

So, when the snake meets them, it is not only the snake that is unlucky, but it is very likely that all the snakes nearby are unlucky.

From the rainstorm to now, the two have never been hungry, and the food prepared in advance has not been eaten yet. However, when choosing those foods, the focus is on the calories that can be provided to the body and whether it is convenient to carry. The taste is okay, but there is a lack of fresh meat.

Yuehua Hotel does have a little food reserve, but it cannot be stored after the power outage, and it has been solved in two days. After that, all the goods encountered in the hotel were either humans or rats carrying unknown viruses, and no one would want to taste them.

Most humans will inevitably be greedy after not eating fresh meat for so many days, and Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan are no exception. The snake that just appeared is still alive, and it can be eaten as long as it is properly processed.

The higher you go, the more plants that can provide support, and the easier it is for Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan to climb the mountain. The two people also broke off two branches from the tree that would not affect the growth of the trees, which can be used as hiking sticks and can also be used to knock on the ground to scare possible snakes out.

When Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan finally ran through the most difficult slope and came to the hiking trail built for tourists on Quxing Mountain, the two still had a lot of energy, and there were a few more living decorations in the boxes on their backs.

The two walked up the mountain along the hiking trail, and it was very easy to walk. Just when they saw the long pavilion for tourists to rest in front of them, they saw those buildings covered by the mountains and forests, emitting unclear white smoke in the rain.

Looking at the current time, there is no doubt that someone is cooking in those buildings.

It is natural that there are survivors living here. Wen Zheng further speculated that there would be a government station here, and this was soon verified.

When Wen Zheng and Tuantuan noticed the white smoke coming out of the mountain forest, the person responsible for observing the nearby situation also saw the embarrassed father and son through the telescope. After taking a closer look, I found that I had never seen them on the mountain before. Only later did I realize that they were probably survivors who had just arrived at Quxing Mountain.

Although I couldn't imagine how they arrived, no matter what, I couldn't just watch my compatriots get wet in the rain. After the announcement, someone immediately rode the two-person tour bicycles that are often found in the scenic spot and hurried down to pick them up. .

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan slowly stopped when they saw the bicycle coming from far away.

"We are here to take you up, come on, come on, get in the car quickly, and take off the boxes you are carrying behind you and put them in the car first.

The two people who arrived stopped the tandem bicycles they were driving respectively. They saw Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan looking pitifully soaked. They also noticed that Tuan Tuan was still a child and took a deep breath. The two people asked nothing more, and immediately warmly greeted Wen Zheng and Tuantuan to sit in the back seat, and wanted to take the boxes they were carrying behind them.

"Ah, this...what's hanging behind this box?"

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan didn't take those snakes seriously, so their reaction was a little slow. The boy who came down to take them didn't wait for their answer. He stretched out his hand to help Tuantuan remove the box from behind. Of course, he was startled by the snake hanging behind the box.

The key is that the snakes are still alive. Even if they are tied up and tied up, the tip of the tail can still move. The boy who helped rushed back to the car in an instant and shook his hand, but the tip of the snake's tail can still move. The feeling of the past still remains in my mind.

"Ah, these are the snakes we encountered when we climbed up the mountain. Because we were so hungry, we caught them and wanted to have them for dinner, so we hung them on the box. Don't worry, these snakes have been tied up and their injuries are safe. Not many people." Tuantuan replied to the young boy, using the child's appearance to comfort the adult.

With this normal expression on his face, the young boy was embarrassed to show discomfort anymore. He could not show his timidity in front of his children. The older man on the other side became much calmer and gave up his plan to help Wen Zheng take off the box. He urged everyone to get in the car: "What's the matter? Let's go back first. Don't get wet in the rain and cold outside."

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan sat in the back. The two men set off directly after confirming that they were ready, and then introduced the situation to them while riding.

Just as Wen Zheng expected, this is a temporary base for the government rescue forces and some survivors. During this period, the buildings on the mountain were renovated and made suitable for people to live in.

When they discovered Wen Zheng and Tuantuan, not only were they photographed, but also the other people who stayed in the house. Fire, hot water, medicine and other necessary items had been prepared for them.

"You are all soaked by the rain. When you get up, drink medicine first, then wash your whole body and change sides. The current medical conditions are not very good. It is best not to get sick if you can avoid it." The elder said in a deep voice, Received thanks from Wen Zheng and Tuantuan.

The young people are more curious. Anyway, now they are sitting on the modified bicycles that can protect them from wind and rain. They can't help but curiously ask: "Where did you come from? The rescue ship will not come back until tomorrow, and the people have just started to be alerted. When a stranger appeared on the road, many of us thought he was just blind."

"We had been hiding in the Yuehua Hotel in the city center. Then we couldn't stay in the hotel, so we left on a boat we made. With good luck, we finally arrived at Quxing Mountain."

Wen Zhengping said a few words calmly, but the young man who heard him thought he was making up a story, but his expression didn't seem like it.

When they were about to ask further questions, the bicycles had already arrived at the construction area where humans lived, and people who had been prepared were waiting for their return.

Wen Zheng quickly observed the environment here in a short period of time and noticed that these survivors lived quite happily here. However, except for the people waiting at the door, their expressions were more curious and worried. The rest of the people who were not interested in watching all had a hint of sadness.

In fact, these people are really worried.

These survivors on the mountain have always been managed by the government, so they have always been in good spirits and firmly believe that they can return to normal life after the heavy rains and floods recede.

But the heavy rain, which had finally stopped, became fierce again, and it still didn't stop after three days, forcing them to face the painful reality. Even Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, two strangers who appeared with a mystery when they appeared, , failed to arouse their curiosity.

When they were first brought to Quxing Mountain by the government's rescue team, they were still able to live with an optimistic attitude. They only relied on government arrangements in the early stage to live in tourist spots established on the mountain and relied on rescue supplies.

Later, they quickly adapted to the fact that they were trapped in the mountain. Not only did they cultivate vegetable fields in natural caves near their residential buildings, they even raised chickens and ducks they didn't know where they came from and raised them directly on the mountain.

Now these chickens and ducks are sheltering from the rain in the temporary shacks built for them. They heard the commotion caused by the arrival of Wen Zheng and Tuantuan, and they kept making noises.

After Wen Zheng saw the situation here, he couldn't help but sigh. No matter what world he is in, when people around him face disasters, they will never forget to make full use of the land for farming.

While Wen Zheng and Tuantuan were observing the environment here, they were also being observed by others. Among them, the young man who picked them up was in a particularly complicated mood.

Whether it was the strings of live snakes hanging behind the box, or the description of how they rowed safely from the city center to here, or the fact that both adults and children kept their faces straight, and then repeatedly refreshed the impression they had when they first saw them.

There was always a premonition that this father and son were both quite cruel.

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