Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 67 Chapter 67 (1/2)

After sending the two to a separate room to take a shower, the others noticed the box that Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan had placed on the ground, and saw the live snakes on the box, many of whom showed surprised expressions.

When the two who came to pick them up by bike sat by the fire and chatted with everyone, they were even more surprised and curious when they heard the information revealed by Wen Zheng on the way.

"Drink the soup first, your health is important."

When Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan came out, they were faced with two bowls of cold medicine in front of them. It looked like anti-cold granules dissolved in water, and it tasted a bit sweet.

Wen Zheng stared at everyone's curious eyes, introduced himself and Tuan Tuan first, then put Tuan Tuan in the crowd, and carried the snakes to a distant building to deal with them. When the two separated, those who liked children more surrounded Tuan Tuan, and there were also many men who were not afraid of snakes and had dealt with them before, leading Wen Zheng and intending to help.

"Good guy, we have to avoid snakes in the mountains, for fear that we will be bitten and have no conditions for treatment, but you caught a nest." Someone asked on the road.

The group of people cleaning up snakes came to the shed where chickens and ducks were raised. The chickens and ducks were noisy and smelled a bit bad, but they were here to deal with snakes, so they didn't need to be too particular. These snakes didn't smell very good either. They moved a few wooden benches to sit here, and brought a few plastic basins and knives for dealing with snakes.

Wen Zheng randomly picked a live snake and took it in his hand. He used a kitchen knife to cut off its tongue and gutted it. It didn't seem like he was doing this kind of work for the first time. Wen Zheng answered the previous questions while dealing with the snake: "When I was young, I lived in the countryside, and my friends at that time did a lot of messing around with wild things. This time, when I climbed up from there with my son, I startled a lot of snakes, so I caught them all."

The others looked in the direction of Wen Zheng's finger, and they all recognized how steep and difficult it was to climb there. Someone took a deep breath: "How did you climb up from there? It's so dangerous!"

"There's really no way." Wen Zheng smiled bitterly, and there was a sense of relief after surviving a disaster. "My children and I are not as lucky as you. We stayed nearby when the flood occurred. Everything started when the heavy rain just started."

When talking about the flood, when the group of people on the mountain stayed nearby, a few people looked a little uncomfortable, but more people were curious about what Wen Zheng had to say. After staying on the mountain for so long, they didn't get much information from the outside world, and they really wanted to know the current situation in the city from Wen Zheng's mouth.

As soon as this conversation started, more people gathered around.

There is not much to do in the mountains, and now it is raining heavily, so you are not bored to listen to stories.

Wen Zheng started from the gas leak at home and took his child to check into Yuehua Hotel, and by the way, he revealed that he and his child depended on each other for survival. Yuehua Hotel helped to arrange the room, and the beginning of everyone saving people together was quite warm and made people applaud them, but the subsequent rat plague and the reasons behind it made people angry and sigh. When the fire and the survivors in the hotel started to fight each other, the audience was shocked by this development, but when they thought about it carefully, they felt that everything was traceable.

"Really... it's good to come to us." The audience fell silent. Some wanted to comfort but couldn't find the right words. They didn't experience it personally and couldn't feel Wen Zheng's pain.

After telling this most heavy story, Wen Zheng changed his tone slightly when he spoke next. The things he encountered on the road and the process of his and Tuantuan's response were not exaggerated. Only when describing them with some skills, the story was particularly ups and downs, which made everyone who heard it worried and excited.

When the story was finished, everyone who heard it seemed to have experienced those situations with Wen Zheng, and became familiar with Wen Zheng when they got along with him.

Putting the snake meat that had been cleaned during the storytelling in a plastic basin, the young man Jian Huabin who brought Wen Zheng up at that time took the initiative to take the task: "Brother Wen, these snake meats will be handed over to us to clean. It's so hard all the way. You go back to the house and sit down and rest."

After listening to the story, Jian Huabin's little fear of Wen Zheng in his heart had long turned into admiration.

"Yes, the task of cooking snake meat will be handed over to me." Another fat middle-aged man spoke.

"Wen Zheng, let me introduce you to this chef. He is a great chef. You must be impressed."

The crowd surrounded Wen Zheng and returned to the building for rest. It was originally a Taoist temple built on the mountain. However, in such a disaster, it is now just a place for people to live and take refuge.

After they returned, Wen Zheng saw Tuantuan, who was stuffed with all kinds of snacks. You know, even if Tuantuan's storytelling ability is not very good, at his age, as long as he tells everything truthfully, he can get the love of adults. And Tuantuan's words and deeds are obviously more mature than his appearance, and everyone thinks that he was forced to grow up after experiencing so much, and maybe he has some psychological problems.

The father and son were treated quite well. After their stories were told, it was time for the people living in the mountain to explain some more detailed information about Quxing Mountain.

The activity range of all the survivors on the mountain is now divided by the habitable buildings on the mountain. In addition to the naturally formed caves, the man-made Taoist temples are located at different altitudes, from high to low and from south to north, and are divided into 15 different living bases of different sizes.

Different people live in different places, and of course they communicate with each other at ordinary times. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan were discovered by them first and were the closest. If nothing unexpected happens, the two will be assigned to live in the current base No. 10.

"The chef said that the meal is ready. Let's talk about the rest after the meal." Jian Huabin ran out from the kitchen next to him to inform.

Just now, everyone was talking excitedly and tried to block the noise coming from the kitchen. Now they were interrupted and smelled the fragrance rushing to their noses. Originally, when Wen Zheng and Tuantuan were climbing the mountain, it was the time for dinner. Later, because of the two new members, the dinner time was postponed. Now, they felt hungry in their stomachs, so they immediately ended the topic and began to prepare for the long-awaited dinner.

The members who had dinner of course included all the people in the base. There were not many people in Base No. 10, a total of dozens of people. Many tables and chairs were placed in different rooms. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan sat in the hall. After everyone sat down, Wen Zheng noticed that the people at this table all had a certain right to speak. Tuantuan was more curious about a person wearing a Taoist robe next to him, and looked in that direction several times.

The Taoist priest who was looked at by Tuantuan noticed this, and he was not angry but very happy. He smiled and teased Tuantuan, saying: "I think this little believer is quite intelligent. Do you want to learn Taoist classics with me?"

"No, I don't want to be a Taoist priest." Tuantuan shook his head immediately, expressing his resistance to this proposal with his body.

The people around all laughed kindly. The rejected Taoist priest also touched the long beard on his chin with a smile, and then met Tuantuan's curious eyes. Now he could see clearly why the child was curious. He lowered his head slightly and asked Tuantuan: "Do you want to touch my beard to see if it is real or fake?"

The Taoist priest had been a Taoist priest on Quxing Mountain for several years before the disaster. He had faced countless tourists and knew the psychology of these children very well. Some children would pull too hard. The Taoist priest, who was prepared to be hurt by the pull, felt the force transmitted from Tuantuan's little hand, which was not only not heavy but also quite gentle.

Tuantuan's eyes gradually lit up as he touched his long and flowing beard. Wen Zheng and Grandpa Wen didn't grow beards very much, and even fewer people in modern society would grow long beards. It was the first time that Tuantuan encountered such a carefully groomed long beard, which felt a bit like bird feathers.

Tuan Tuan, who is essentially a bird, has different aesthetics from humans. It took him a lot of time to get used to the feeling of not being covered with feathers after becoming a human. Now he has an idea and pulls Wen Zheng's clothes and says, "Dad, I also want to grow such a long beard."

"You have good taste." The Taoist priest praised. He originally just saw Tuan Tuan as smart and cute, but now he really likes this child.

As long as you like my beard, we are good friends.

Wen Zheng can understand Tuan Tuan's thoughts, but he still has to tell him a fact that is equivalent to bad news: "You have to wait until you grow up before you can wait for such a long beard to grow on your chin."

"That will take a long time." Tuan Tuan changed his eagerness just now and became frustrated.

The people at the table took the initiative to shut their mouths from the beginning of the topic, resolutely not interfering with this fun topic. Watching these people coming and going, the corners of their mouths raised had no direction from the beginning, and the laughter that they tried to suppress came one after another. In the end, they laughed so hard that their stomachs began to hurt. It was not until the food was served that they temporarily suppressed their laughter.

Dishes were placed on the table. They were not like the sealed processed food that people eat every day at Yuehua Hotel. All the meals were fresh and hot. There were both meat and vegetables. The dishes were quite rich. It seemed that life on the mountain was as good as Wen Zheng expected. If it hadn't rained heavily soon after they came to this world, they would probably be stuck on the road when driving to the mountain. Wen Zheng took Tuan Tuan to the mountain to avoid it at the beginning.

The vegetables included wild vegetables that grew naturally on the mountain and those planted by these people themselves. After being stir-fried, they still maintained their emerald green color and crisp taste. Even the wild vegetables with a slightly bitter taste had a unique flavor.

Taoist priests did not need to abstain from food like monks. Taoist priests on Quxing Mountain could not only eat meat, but also raised chickens and ducks in the Taoist temple, and did not forget to grow vegetables. Now the vegetables planted here are all grown from the rapeseed provided by the Taoist temple.

The dried spring bamboo shoots stored in the Taoist temple and the old hens that have been raised for a long time are stewed in the same pot. The soup dish that should have been served long ago was stewed in the pot for a while because of the arrival of Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan. The chicken stewed with bamboo shoots on the table was served. The chicken soup was cool and tempting. The bamboo shoots were completely soaked and it was not difficult to put them in the mouth. They absorbed some of the chicken soup. When you bite them, the soup will seep out of them. It has the sweetness of spring bamboo shoots, delicious and has a good taste.

The chicken was stewed so soft that the meat could be pulled off the bones with a slight flick of the hand. Although the taste is not so firm, it is particularly tasty.

The amount of bamboo shoots and chicken was not much. After all, there were so many people living here and they stayed for several days. The Taoist priest would not raise too many chickens before. He stewed a large pot and distributed it to each table. However, the stewed bamboo shoot chicken soup was enough to ensure that everyone could drink half a bowl. It fully absorbed the freshness of chicken and bamboo shoots, which made people's appetites open.

In addition to chicken, the only meat left on the table was snake meat. The clean, headless and skinless snake meat was white and clean, and it was completely unrecognizable. The tender snake meat was cut and completely stained with red sauce, looking like a carefully cooked yellow eel.

Some people who were not afraid of snake meat started to use chopsticks first. The taste of snake meat was completely different from the chicken they had just tasted. It was smooth and tender. After being processed by the chef, there was no fishy smell of snake meat at all.

When eating in the mouth, the tip of the tongue first feels the taste of the seasoning, and then the teeth bite it, and the snake meat rolls between the lips and teeth, and only then can you feel that the sauce and snake meat are so beautifully matched, so delicious that you can't bear to swallow it.

Once someone tastes it first and expresses satisfaction with the taste, other people who have doubts will start to convince themselves. What's more, when you are trapped in the mountains, you can't say how good the food is. As long as you put the meat in your mouth, all these concerns will disappear.

This dinner time was delayed for a long time. When everyone finished eating, it was already dark, and all lighting depended on the burning fire.

The people who prepared the meal can rest after the meal, and the rest will be responsible for the post-meal cleaning work. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan helped in it, and learned about the source of water here.

All daily water comes from precipitation in the sky. It is used daily after multiple filtrations and water purification tablets. In addition, all water for eating and drinking must be boiled.

Everyone was used to living in the mountains. After finishing the work, it was time to sleep and rest. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan were taken to the same room.

There was a large bunk bed made of tables in the room. There were more than a dozen people sleeping in the room. There was a place for the two of them to sleep on the bed. When everyone got to the bed, it could be said that they were almost next to each other.

Wen Zheng held Tuantuan in his arms and made some space for the two of them, but when the people next to him fell asleep, this space was occupied.

It was always uncomfortable to contact others, but the temperature was low in the storm, the room was not very warm, and the bedding was not too thick. At night, everyone would automatically squeeze together because of the cold, and slowly get used to it.

If you can't change the environment, you have to change yourself.

After drifting on the water for two days, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan finally got a good sleep. They didn't complain about the environment here at all. It didn't take long for the two to fall asleep. They didn't even have a dream all night.

The next morning, Wen Zheng woke up early. He listened carefully and found that no one in the room had gotten up yet, so he moved very quietly.

However, to get up, he had to move Tuantuan away first, gently pulled his arm out from under Tuantuan's neck, and moved his head, which had been pressed against his chest at night, to the pillow. Tuantuan uttered an indistinct mumble, rubbed his head on the pillow twice, and seemed to feel an unfamiliar touch, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Dad, good morning."

The father and son left the room quietly and stood under the eaves outside the door, watching the heavy rain that was still continuing and the plants destroyed by the heavy rain. He took a few deep breaths of the air outside, which was much better than the smell inside the house, and fresher than the sewage at the foot of the mountain.

Tuantuan ran briskly to the bottom of a pillar in the corridor, tiptoed and looked up first. A few seconds later, two little birds poked their heads out from the tall pillars and immediately shrank back.

The door of the next room opened, and an old man walked out of that room. When he saw Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, he was stunned for a moment: "Why do young people get up so early? Why don't you go back to sleep for a while?"

"No, I can't sleep." Wen Zheng shook his head.

The change in the old man's expression showed that he had thought of something, and his eyes looked at the two people more gently: "Then take a walk outside. The scenery of this Taoist temple is not bad. It's a good opportunity for you to get familiar with the environment."

"Grandpa, where are you going?" Tuan Tuan asked curiously.

The old man stopped walking forward and answered patiently: "I'm going to the kitchen. We old people don't sleep much, so we get up every morning to boil water and make breakfast. We don't have to take care of the rest."

"Can my father and I help?"

"Of course." The old man was actually a little surprised.

There is no electricity or gas, and cooking here depends on firewood. Wen Zheng had just arrived and had no experience in cooking tasks, so he chose to make a fire.

The other old people who were in charge today came over one after another. They were a little surprised to see Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, and then they couldn't help but praise them. The work was partially shared, and the house was warm because of the fire. The old people started chatting, and the topic gradually shifted over time.

"The rescue team should be back today. I wonder how many people they will bring back this time?"

"We can't accommodate them here. We should arrange for them to stay somewhere else."

"A few days ago, they said they would build some more simple houses. It rained heavily before they were half built. God doesn't want to give us a chance to live."

"Rescue team?" Wen Zheng suddenly interrupted their discussion. Tuan Tuan sat beside Wen Zheng, and the similar eyebrows of father and son revealed the same doubts.

The elders then remembered that they had not mentioned the rescue team yesterday because they had little time, so they immediately explained it to them.

The government is managing Quxing Mountain now. The government personnel are distributed on the top of the mountain and on the mountainside near the water, and each base will communicate through radio.

After the government settled here, it organized all the boats in Yongchang Lake to form a rescue team, and rescued a group of people every few days and returned to Quxing Mountain.

"Since there is a rescue team, why didn't we see it when we were in Yuehua Hotel?"

Wen Zheng's tone was still calm, but his pursed lips and gloomy look showed that he was somewhat dissatisfied, and Tuantuan's anger was more obvious. The elders knew about Wen Zheng and Tuantuan's experience yesterday, and they understood their reactions very well. They encountered so many situations in Yuehua Hotel and faced danger several times. Now they know that there is a rescue team but they didn't go to save them. It would be strange if they didn't get angry.

"Sit down and listen to us slowly first." The elders began to comfort them.

The reason came out from the elders' mouths.

When the rainstorm just came, no one thought too much. At that time, there were people paddling kayaks to try to rescue people. Even the leaders of the municipal government went to other areas with difficult drainage to check the situation. It was not until later that everyone realized that the development of the situation was beyond their expectations.

At that time, the management of Quxing Mountain temporarily became the temporary government here, organizing the boats of Yongchang Lake to prepare for rescue. The rescue target was naturally those areas that were facing life-threatening situations and urgently needed rescue.

The floor heights of Yuehua Hotel and nearby buildings are among the highest in the entire urban area. This height allowed the people trapped inside to persist for such a long time in the rainstorm, but it was also because of the height that would not be flooded in a short time that their area was arranged behind by the rescue team.

"We are inland here, and there are not many boats. The rescue team consumed a lot of energy when they went out for rescue many times. Now there is flood everywhere, and it is not easy to replenish energy, so there are fewer boats going out now, and the speed of rescue is delayed."

The government did not give up the rescue, but the limited conditions forced them to dispatch orders to many areas in need of rescue.

However, during the long wait, some people who were under too much pressure and could not see began to self-destruct.

"I heard that the area the rescue team went to this time is a high-rise residential area, not far from the city center. It is estimated that either this time or next time, they will go to the vicinity of Yuehua Hotel." An old man tried to comfort them.

Wen Zheng calmed down and took Tuantuan back to his seat, but both of them were much quieter than before.

The old people tried to persuade them to relax until an old man said that he did not come to climb the mountain with her, and the rescue team did not find anyone in the past. Now there is a high probability that the family members died, and she couldn't help crying.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became sad. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan began to comfort them in a hurry until someone came to break the scene.

"Brother Wen, you and Xiaoling are here. I didn't see you after getting up. I looked around and found that you came to the kitchen." Jian Huabin ran in from outside and laughed.

Then he found that something was wrong in the kitchen, scratched his ear uncomfortably, and asked cautiously: "Did something happen?"

"Nothing, I just told you about the rescue team."

"Ah? Oh."

Jian Huabin reacted after just a moment of confusion, and looked at Wen Zheng's face, but heard Wen Zheng's calm voice: "Are you here to ask when dinner is served?"

"Yes, it's not breakfast time yet, I'm just going to see if there's anything I can help with."

This little episode was tacitly forgotten by everyone, and the white porridge cooked in the pot was served in bowls, and the cold side dishes were placed on top of the porridge, and were taken out one after another.

Just after breakfast, the member responsible for observing the surrounding situation ran back to inform the latest news that the rescue team sent out had returned.

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