Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 68 Chapter 68 (1/2)

According to the news from the foot of the mountain, the newly rescued people were not in good condition, both mentally and physically. Without too many details, everyone could imagine the situation of these people from Wen Zheng's previous description, and immediately prepared according to the requirements of the rescue team.

All the places where people lived on the mountain began to take action to prepare various things needed for these compatriots. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan looked at the people who were busy in a blink of an eye, and took the initiative to find the manager of Base No. 10 to assign them tasks. The manager here was the older of Wen Zheng and Tuantuan who went to pick up Wen Zheng and Tuantuan yesterday. It was Jian Huabin's father Jian Jiaqiang. He arranged for Tuantuan to help in the kitchen and handed Wen Zheng to Jian Huabin.

Jian Huabin had organized several young and strong boys, and after seeing Wen Zheng, they were also arranged to go in. Their task was to ride a double sightseeing bicycle down the mountain to pull the new rescuers and the supplies they carried to the mountain.

It was quite easy to ride down the mountain. The roads were very flat and washed clean by the rain. You didn't have to push your legs hard. The wheels of the bicycles went down the mountain along the road. Wen Zheng rode his bicycle into the crowd and talked with others in the wind. He listened to their popular science and told them which building they saw passing by was the base number. If you didn't listen to what they said, people who didn't know it would be hard to tell that Wen Zheng had just arrived here yesterday.

After riding along the winding mountain road and turning a few corners, standing on a high place, you can clearly see the yachts parked on the water.

The white yachts are so conspicuous on the water. The steel-cast ships look safer than wooden boats. They stand still in the storm.

There is a black line moving from the yacht to Quxing Mountain. There is a temporary port that keeps changing with the water surface. The black line is the people who were rescued getting off the boat. There are also many colorful vehicles waiting on the mountain to receive them.

The ships in the field of vision became clearer and clearer. Wen Zheng stayed in the team and parked the bicycle in the arranged area.

This place is not far from the ship on the water. Wooden sticks are used to hold up the waterproof cloth to block the rain falling from the sky. There are people wearing police or military uniforms standing on both sides of the road to maintain order. They are all carrying guns, which is why everyone is quite obedient and not noisy.

Jian Huabin ran to communicate with people and came back to tell them that these people were arranged at the 13th base. When he was talking, the convoy that received people first had already set off, and some people behind were walking towards the area where their convoy was.

Everyone quietly observed the situation of these people. The clothes on their bodies still smelled damp, but everyone was similar, the focus was on the complexion of these people.

Some people's complexion was not healthy and pale, and they were sent up by bicycle first. There were also a few people whose complexion was not normal and ruddy, and they were a little shaky when they walked. These people did not go up the mountain first, but were arranged to go to the temporary medical clinic built next to the port.

"Sir, we won't touch your things. We'll just put them aside and make sure they're still there after you've finished seeing the doctor." A woman's voice was clear, and many people looked in that direction.

A tall, thin man was holding a cloth package tightly in his arms, unwilling to let go, even if the girl next to him tried to persuade him, and even unwilling to let anyone get close. In the end, there was really no other way, so he let the man continue to hold the package and sit in front of the doctor.

Anyone who was arranged to see a doctor was seriously ill to the point that anyone with a discerning eye could see it. Wen Zheng and the people around him looked away, and were about to greet the crowd coming to their car, but heard a noise, followed by a lot of people's uproar, which made everyone turn their eyes away involuntarily.

Everyone who saw it couldn't help but whisper. It turned out that the man who didn't let anyone get close to him didn't sit still because he was too sick, and sat on the ground shakily, and then the package in his arms also opened because of hitting the ground, revealing all kinds of glittering jewelry inside.

Many of them didn't even have the tags removed. More importantly, some of the jewelry was stained with darkened blood.

No wonder everyone was in an uproar. The suspicion of stealing property was a small matter, but the blood was too scary. Who dared to deny that the blood must not come from humans?

The people present first watched the man panic and put the jewelry into the broken package, and then looked at the official personnel who maintained order, wanting to know how the current government should deal with this situation.

Soon, two policemen stood beside the man. After the doctor checked his specific condition, he was taken directly to a building not far away. It seemed that they were going to investigate.

There was no follow-up to this matter for a while. Government personnel organized people to send the rescued survivors up the mountain.

Wen Zheng also saw the person arranged next to him. Unexpectedly, the person who came was an acquaintance, that is, Wang Yi, the wife of Zhang Yuanying, who separated after running out of Yuehua Hotel, and their daughter Zhang Yuzhu.

The two men also saw Wen Zheng. Wang Yi only held his daughter in his hands and followed the others with a pale face. When he saw Wen Zheng, he was confused for a moment, and then asked in a trembling voice: "Brother Wen?"

Zhang Yuzhu, who was being led by her, immediately raised her head when she heard her mother's voice. When she saw Wen Zheng, her eyes lit up. After looking at Wen Zheng's side, her expression became a little panicked: "Uncle Wen, where is Brother Wen Ling?"

"He didn't come down from the mountain. Why are there only two of you?"

As soon as Wen Zheng asked the question, he saw the mother and daughter in front of him suddenly became more ugly. He knew the specific situation without saying anything more.

Later, on the way up the mountain to Area 13, Wen Zheng and the others heard the mother and daughter talk about the situation at that time. After separating from Wen Zheng and the others, the family found a place to stay temporarily, but the place where they stayed became chaotic after the rain got heavier again. Even because the Zhang family had a boat and was targeted, Zhang Yuanying and Zhang's mother protected them with their lives, so that they could hold on until the rescue arrived.

Because the rain started to get heavier within two days of separation, they all thought that Wen Zheng and Tuantuan, who were going to Quxing Mountain, were in danger. After seeing this, they were a little bit unbelievable. Zhang Yuzhu's concern for Tuantuan was because she had lost her father and grandmother, and was worried that Wen Zheng would survive, but Tuantuan would have an accident.

After learning that Wen Zheng and Tuantuan had all arrived safely, Wang Yi's expression dimmed again. She couldn't help but imagine if their family followed Wen Zheng and left, would the four of them be fine.

The mother and daughter were quite silent on the way back, until they were sent to Base No. 13 and were warmly cared for by the staff here, and their expressions changed a little. They acted according to the arrangement. Because they knew that Wen Zheng and Tuantuan lived in another area, they said a simple goodbye and didn't say anything else.

The companions next to them heard all the situations, but there were so many things that happened after the disaster that people sighed a few words and still had to live their own lives.

"Don't rush to go down the mountain, drink a bowl of medicine soup before going down." Jian Huabin greeted everyone to go to the big pot set up next to them to collect it.

The soup and medicine brought out this time were not small in quantity. After all, there were hundreds of people rescued this time, so how could there be so many cold medicine reserves? None of them were treated like Wen Zheng and Tuantuan yesterday.

Wen Zheng took the boiled cold medicine. The black medicine exuded an unpleasant smell. He lowered his head and carefully identified the taste. It was made from ordinary Chinese herbal medicine. It was indeed targeted at the symptoms of colds, but the taste was a little unpalatable.

A large bowl of hot medicine poured down his throat into his stomach. After drinking it, his body, which was already hot due to exercise, became even warmer.

After being busy for most of the day, all the survivors rescued this time were sent to Base No. 13. Except for Wang Yi and Zhang Yuzhu, Wen Zheng did not see the four young people who chose to go home at that time, and did not know what happened to them.

The personnel were transported up, but it would take some time to arrange these people. The existing buildings on the mountain could no longer accommodate so many people. Even the caves used to grow vegetables were arranged for strong people to live in.

After Wen Zheng went back, he heard from Jian Huabin that the leaders arranged for the rescue team to set off after resting to rescue people in the city center that was left to the end, and also asked people to find ways to build places where people could live.

Every time the rescue team went out, they would bring back the usable materials they encountered. Although most of the building materials have been submerged by water, there are always high-rise buildings under renovation and construction to protect these materials.

Although most building materials can withstand wind and rain, for example, cement can solidify even if it is rained when used as long as it is well protected, but the human body is not very able to withstand the ravages of heavy rain.

Therefore, when building a house, strong laborers are selected to build it, and some people are responsible for looking for herbs in the mountains and forests, especially all medicines that can weave colds.

Wen Zheng was originally assigned to the construction team, but Jian Huabin reported his ability to catch snakes to his superiors. The biggest difficulty in picking medicines is that you may encounter snakes in the bushes at any time, because snakes that run up the mountain to avoid rain, if one of them is bitten by a snake, it will be troublesome.

So when the rescue team came back again, Wen Zheng had already led the team to run around in the woods, and caught a lot of snakes every day. Non-toxic snakes may be let go, but poisonous ones must be caught, and by the way, everyone can have a snack.

Since the government rescued the trapped people from the outside to the inside, after the survivors in the city center were rescued, it can be said that the possibility of survivors in the entire city and surrounding areas is very small.

Now the rescued are the last group of survivors in the city. There is no place to live on the mountain for the time being, so these people were arranged on the ship. It happened that the members of the rescue team should have a good rest for a few days.

Along with the news of the end of the rescue mission, the Quxingshan Provisional Government issued the latest revised management regulations. While sending people to each residential area to announce it, all personnel information was registered.

The new regulations promulgated are basically in accordance with the laws before the disaster, that is, the punishment standards for crimes are several levels more severe than before the disaster.

The illegal and criminal situations committed when trapped will not be convicted without evidence, but if someone dares to touch the bottom line of the law after going up the mountain, the government will never let them off easily. All situations will be recorded, and in the most serious cases, the death penalty will be imposed.

In this situation, if the government still wants to maintain normal order, it must take strong measures to help the people overcome the difficulties together.

Only the second day after the new regulations were issued, a big news that had never been heard before spread throughout the mountain. Someone produced evidence that someone had committed the crime during the disaster, and the murderer stayed on the mountain, demanding that the government sentence him.

When the news first came, it was not very clear, but everyone was bored and paid special attention to it. When several versions of imagination came out, Jian Huabin found out the general situation.

"The elder sister who reported it was really amazing. She had protected her mobile phone from the disaster to now. Later, she found a power bank with power and used it. Although there was no signal, the mobile phone could record video, and directly recorded the scene of those people committing the crime."

"There are several more people?"

"That's right. There are more people who died in their hands. The husband of this elder sister was also killed by them. She has been carefully protecting her mobile phone, hoping to have a chance to make them pay the price."

Wen Zheng gave Tuantuan the wild fruit he found in the mountains. After hearing Jian Huabin's words, he felt a little familiar. After meeting Jian Huabin's eyes, he was sure that this person was really familiar. It was Zhang Yuanying's wife Wang Yi.

When Wang Yi was at Yuehua Hotel, he showed outstanding attentiveness and courage. This time, he was not afraid of revenge against himself and his children. After confirming the government's fairness, he directly handed over the evidence.

In fact, there may not be many people who have done bad things in the disaster, but there are definitely many survivors who were rescued from the mountain.

Wen Zheng went to help when the last batch of people rescued from the city center went up the mountain. He did not see any familiar faces who had lived in Yuehua Hotel, but he saw that several people behaved differently from ordinary people. Based on his years of experience, he definitely had lives on his hands, but experience cannot be used as evidence, so he was wary of this in his heart.

Wang Yi's reporting behavior will definitely stimulate those who have done bad things. Perhaps they are also worried that the mother and daughter will be retaliated. The temporary government directly changed their living location to Area No. 3 near the top of the mountain.

After several investigations, the evidence Wang Yi took with his mobile phone was conclusive. The police had already controlled those people. After the trial of the temporary court ended, several gunshots appeared in Quxing Mountain.

These people who took the lives of others paid their own lives and sounded the alarm for others. Even in the end of the world, they should not act recklessly.

It took half a month from the report to the dust settling of this incident, which was much faster than the judgment before the disaster, but for the current situation, the newly built houses on the mountain can be lived in.

The speed of building these houses is quite fast. Due to the limitation of time and materials, they only need to be able to shelter from wind and rain, not to mention decoration. The work is officially finished when they can be lived in.

Dozens of people living on the ship moved to the newly built houses, but the sudden change in living environment, especially from the ship with good conditions to the house with extremely poor conditions, made them complain a lot, but they could only complain.

The ship was finally vacated, and the staff on it also got enough rest. The rescue team became a material search team. The task of this team every time they drove the ship out was mainly to find and collect all possible materials, and to check whether there were any survivors who had not been found, but the latter was very unlikely.

After the material search team left, the problem of lack of materials on the mountain was placed in front of all leaders.

The people who stayed in Quxing Mountain consumed a considerable amount of food every day. They could only survive until now by relying on the reserves on the mountain and the materials collected when the disaster just happened.

In order to ensure that everyone can survive, the interim government can only find ways to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. Usually, everyone lives a relatively frugal life. Excessive saving is not advisable. The only way to increase revenue is to send teams out to search for supplies and to focus on Quxing Mountain, a mountain with abundant supplies.

So each area was notified that the search team could gradually search for edible plants and even animals in the divided Quxing Mountain area. Even the interim government sent soldiers with guns to hunt in the mountains farther away.

The rule that wild animals cannot be eaten can only be relaxed when facing the situation of having nothing to eat, but it is strongly required that all wild animals must be fully processed, which is also a last resort.

When looking for medicinal herbs, Wen Zheng's familiarity with the mountains and forests made everyone admire him, so Wen Zheng naturally became the captain of the search team of Base No. 10.

After the members of the team were confirmed, everyone present was very happy. Some people were preparing things for them to carry when they set off tomorrow. However, there was only one person who was not satisfied with this.

Tuan Tuan was not the type to sulk. He expressed his thoughts directly: "I want to go to the mountain tomorrow, too."

"Xiao Ling wants to go, but it's very dangerous in the mountain. You are too young. Stay in the house to help grandparents with work, or continue to study Taoist classics with Taoist Grandpa."

Jian Huabin did not take Tuan Tuan's request seriously. He was not only smiling when he spoke, but also intended to push Tuan Tuan back to his seat after he stood up. So it was not surprising that Tuan Tuan made a little move against him.

It felt like in the blink of an eye, Jian Huabin fell to the ground. Not to mention the other people watching, even Jian Huabin himself did not understand what was going on.

In everyone's concerned eyes, Jian Huabin got up from the ground and patted the dust on his body: "It's okay, it doesn't hurt at all. Xiaoling, tell your uncle how you did it just now. It's not because you have been training with the Taoist priest every morning for a month that you have become a martial arts master."

"The poor Taoist priest has shown it a long time ago."

The Taoist priest touched his beard. He originally felt that Tuantuan was more congenial. Later, when he saw that Wen Zheng and Tuantuan father and son got up very early every day, he tried to invite them to follow him to practice boxing. Unexpectedly, he actually recruited two apprentices. However, he knew that the set of boxing was good for physical exercise, but not for fighting.

"Maybe it's because the Taoist priest is not talented, and Xiaoling is a martial arts genius?" Jian Huabin said seriously, easing the atmosphere and causing everyone to laugh.

Wen Zheng looked helplessly at Tuantuan, who was definitely acting like this on purpose. He clearly wanted to go out with him, but it was not good for Tuantuan to stay in the house while he could go out. So as a father, he took the initiative to help his child out.

"I sent him to practice martial arts before, and he always goes to the mountains with me when he has nothing to do. So you adults may not be able to compare with my son." Wen Zheng spoke with a proud look, and at the same time, Wen Zheng gave Tuantuan a look that let him experience it himself.

"Anyway, the place we are going to tomorrow is not far from here, otherwise let Xiaoling go with us to try it once. If it doesn't work, don't make trouble again." Jian Huabin helped to speak, and Tuantuan immediately liked him a lot.

However, the other few people present were eager to try Tuantuan's skills. Anyway, everyone was a little bored, so they just made way for an open space. It was better to watch them play than to watch them fight.

Of course, they went to the field one by one to fight with the children. They all felt that Jian Huabin lost because he underestimated his opponent, so they cheered up after going on the field but deliberately held back. Then they found that Tuantuan was like a flying bird. They could not catch him no matter what, and would peck him when they found a chance.

At the beginning, the crowd was watching the excitement, but after several people failed to catch Tuantuan and even let Tuantuan find a chance to knock him down, they admitted Tuantuan's ability and remembered Tuantuan's agile figure, so they had no objection to letting him go out with them.

After dawn the next day, the temporary team set off wearing raincoats, carrying backpacks and carrying equipment. The destination this time was not far from where they lived, and it was an area that had been developed when Quxing Mountain was a tourist attraction, so the possibility of danger was very small.

When they arrived at the location, the differences between people were revealed. The others were still observing the surrounding environment, facing various plants and trees, and were still trying to distinguish the types they knew, while Wen Zheng and Tuantuan had already squatted down to dig.

Well, let's dig whatever we know.

They couldn't compare to the father and son in identifying wild vegetables and medicinal plants, and they couldn't even compare to them in catching snakes and other small animals. Everyone followed behind and watched them show off their skills. Then, looking at the backpacks with clear contrast, they looked at each other and asked the two to teach them.

There were quite a few harvests on the first day. After taking the things back, all the plants were cleaned. Common horse amaranth, fern, bitter herbs, and ground vegetables and fish mint that like to grow after rain. Some of them were used directly for cooking, and some were temporarily dried on the fire. The key is that there are freshly dug wild garlic, which is perfect for seasoning.

In addition to these plants, this time, a lot of snakes and even a rabbit came out. It looks white and fat, more like a pet rabbit raised by someone. I don't know how it ran up the mountain. Everyone discussed it. This is a male rabbit. Ask other areas if there are any female rabbits caught next time. If they can get a pair, it will be much more cost-effective to raise them than to eat them once.

When Wen Zheng and his friends came back, they helped the old people drag back a bunch of vines. The backpacks they carried when they went out were made of these vines. When the old people saw the new vines, they all started to discuss whether to make something else.

Change into clean clothes. Clothes dried by fire in the house are not as good as those dried by the sun. After changing, take out the clothes to wash. When you are done, the meal is almost ready.

This period of life on Quxing Mountain is much better than that of Yuehua Hotel, but the water level is still rising slowly, although the speed is much slower, and it is still a huge rock weighing on everyone's heart.

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