Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 69 Chapter 69 (1/2)

"We're back. We've really caught some wild boars. There are several of them."

"Those soldiers have guns in their hands. It's not difficult to catch a few wild boars. Wen Zheng and his team found and reported the traces of these wild boars. Wen Zheng was asked to lead the team. I guess they will give us more."

"Master Fat has prepared all the equipment."

Everyone stood under the eaves and looked out. Soldiers in military uniforms emerged from the forest. They also dragged out several wild boars that had just been knocked down. The first three looked to be more than 200 kilograms, and the smaller ones behind also looked to be more than 100 kilograms.

Yesterday, Wen Zheng led the team to continue searching in the forest. They had almost finished searching the nearby places these days. The place where they were was not far from the undeveloped area of ​​Quxing Mountain. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan climbed up from that area at that time. They originally planned to go there to see if there was anything new and useful, but they found the footprints of wild boars there.

They said it was a wild boar, but according to people living near Quxing Mountain, someone had contracted several low hillsides connected to Quxing Mountain, fenced them with barbed wire, put piglets in them to grow freely, and then sold them at the price of wild boars.

They suspected that it was most likely those wild boars that were kept in captivity, broke through the barbed wire after the heavy rain, and ran all the way along the mountain range to Quxing Mountain.

This kind of wild boar that is used to running in the mountains and forests is not as docile as domestic pigs, and fighting with wild boars on a rainy hillside is not a wise move. Wen Zheng looked at the people in the team at that time, went home directly, and reported the situation.

The next day, the temporary government sent a team here, and after asking about the situation, let Wen Zheng lead the way to find the traces of wild boars.

The result is conceivable, this is not a full load.

The team came out of the forest and onto the main road. The leader saluted Wen Zheng, then left a piglet behind and took the team and the rest of the captured prey up the mountain. These things will be distributed to each area after they are processed.

Watching them leave, Wen Zheng looked towards the Taoist temple next to him. When he looked up, he saw different heads sticking out of the window, and their eyes were basically on the piglet.

Wen Zheng waved at the window: "Why don't you come down and lift the pig up."

"Oh! Thank you, Brother Wen!"

Suddenly, there was a cheer in the house, and a group of people rushed down, pulling the rope tied to the piglet, and lifting it back without getting their clothes dirty. In front of the Taoist temple, boiling hot water had already boiled.

Even if it was left to grow naturally in the mountains, it was raised by carefully selected piglets, and it was not exactly the same as the wild boar in the real sense. The biggest difference is that this little wild boar has been castrated, not only does it have a lot of meat, but the fat chef who is experienced in selecting ingredients will determine that it must taste good at a glance.

The pig was shot in the neck. Although it has not died yet, it is in a dying state. Everyone worked together to clean and remove the hair, and then cut open the pig's belly. The fat master took several different iron knives and cut the different parts of the pig clean.

It would be fine if it was just cut. The fat master might have an occupational disease. Anyway, it has been too long since he taught students. After each part was cut, he would point to the piece of meat and say what dish it is suitable for.

It would be fine if he just said these, but he had to describe the taste of those dishes, which made everyone salivate. But everyone was looking forward to the fat master's cooking skills, and they didn't dare to ask him to stop, so many people were working while swallowing their saliva.

At first, they were a little embarrassed, but when they found that the people around them were doing the same thing, everyone did not hide the fact that they wanted to eat meat.

Although a pig weighing more than 100 pounds has a lot of meat, there are many people. If they eat freely, they can definitely solve it in one meal, but between having a satisfying meal and enjoying it slowly in several meals, almost everyone chose the latter.

The pork prepared for this meal was kept, and the rest was put into an iron bucket and placed in the well in the Taoist temple. Waterproof and low temperature are the only means of preservation that can be used now. Even so, it can't be kept fresh for too long. The continuous rain and humid environment make it very difficult to keep it fresh.

Not only is it difficult to keep it fresh, but now all the dry firewood and combustibles for making fire that have been searched on the mountain and from the bottom of the mountain have been almost consumed. The firewood that can be used is the firewood that was slowly collected after the heavy rain. All of them are extremely damp, and thick black smoke will be burned.

But there is no way not to use it, so we can only simply install an exhaust duct to allow the black smoke to go directly outside. Recently, every time it is time to eat, there is billowing black smoke coming out from various places on the mountain, and even the wind turbines installed on the mountain seem to be a little blackened.

Those wind turbines were collected by the rescue team shortly after the disaster and installed directly on the top of the mountain. After all, in the case of heavy rain and floods, ordinary power generation methods cannot be used. Even the sun cannot be seen every day, let alone solar energy. The simplest way is wind power generation, which can provide a lot of electricity with the strong winds accompanied by heavy rain. However, this electricity can only be used by the temporary government. It is said that the leadership governments of other places have been contacted with this electricity, and they have been communicating with future arrangements, but they have not yet disclosed it to everyone.

There was a stinging sound, and the alluring aroma of pork suet came out of the pan, making everyone distracted. The fat master remained calm under everyone's gaze. He used a slotted spoon to take out the lard residue from the pot, sprinkled it with salt and waved to Tuantuan and the remaining children.

"It's still hot. Bring it to the room and I'll share it with everyone." Tuantuan announced in the style of a child king. All the children in Base 10 obeyed their arrangements and followed Tuantuan into the hall. They saw Tuantuan put these The lard residue was shared with the elderly, and no children questioned it.

The adults all watched this scene with smiles. They were a little greedy when they saw the fragrant lard residue, but they couldn't compete with the old people and children. There was pork anyway, so the time to eat it was at night. So a little.

The long wait seduces the gluttons buried in the heart. That is, everyone is paying attention to the pork, so no one makes any move to eat it secretly. After the food is served, everyone does not exchange any greetings and directly picks up the chopsticks [Taste] stand up.

Everyone was satisfied with this meal, and for several days they continued to enjoy the pork kept fresh in the well. After the pork is finished, most dishes turn back to wild vegetables, but they become more fragrant when fried with lard.

Not only them, but the rest of the areas that were allocated pork all enjoyed it in time, but the quantity was not as large as that of Area 10, who was the discoverer. The rare delicacies put everyone in a great mood. Then when picking wild vegetables in other areas, they will pay extra attention to whether there are any special animal footprints.

The army began to hunt deep in undeveloped areas. Animals were more sensitive than humans in some aspects. When humans did not realize the seriousness of the problem, many animals took refuge in the mountains.

The army almost always had a harvest when they returned every day, and the harvest would be bigger every few days. Just when everyone was caught up in the enthusiasm for finding prey, the returning fleet of search supplies brought a huge surprise to the provisional government.

Within two days, the interim government announced to all members on the mountain that this time the fleet went out and found a large number of well-preserved fuel tanks. This fuel was enough to take all the survivors on the mountain to the southwest area with a higher altitude, where there were already After the disaster, a new city was built on the mountain.

Whether to stay in Quxing Mountain or follow the government to relocate to a strange city, facing the increasing water surface and the fact that the fleet will all travel far away, this is not a difficult decision.

If this heavy rain continues, then the last cities in this country to be flooded should be the new cities being built in the southwest.

Then migrate.

When the provisional government officially issued the notice, everyone packed their things a few days before departure. Supplies such as dishes and chopsticks that could be bought at any time in the past were now packed up, and anything useful was not let go.

After Wen Zheng packed up his things, he led his team to continue looking for things in the mountains. All kinds of wild vegetables were roasted to remove moisture, and then they could be packed in large quantities for storage. Even if these vegetables are dried and stewed, they will become more difficult to eat, but you will always have to eat during the time on the ship.

In addition to these dried vegetables, fresh vegetables and fruits are more popular. Wen Zheng led people to make planks and nail them into frames. Each plank had baffles on both sides and was piled with soil. Some vegetables could be grown even on the boat.

However, it is already a bit difficult for those ships to load everyone on the mountain. Each layer of these vegetable growing shelves can be disassembled. If the ship cannot fit, you can even install wooden boards underneath to make a bed, and continue to grow vegetables on top.

There are also some wild fruits found from the mountains that can withstand even continuous rainy days, all of which are transplanted into the rattan baskets with their roots. Some tall trees could not be moved, so all the seeds that could be collected were sorted and stored.

Wen Zheng and the others got a lot of results from their busy work, because they were worried that these things would not be able to get on the ship. After Wen Zheng and the others had just been busy for a day, Jian Jiaqiang, the person in charge of No. 10, reported the situation. In the end, they were not only praised, but also asked for other areas to Learn this practice.

The whole preparation process lasted for a week. On the day we boarded the ship, everyone got up very early, and many people may not even sleep all night. This is their hometown. In addition to the feeling of reluctance, there is also a feeling that if they leave, they will give up here. Maybe their hometown will be completely submerged in the future.

No matter how much sadness I had, I slowly suppressed it with the busyness of the early morning. First, I rode a bicycle to carry all the things to the boat and put them there. When the place where the items were placed was full, the remaining things were arranged for accommodation.

The rooms in the ship have obviously been renovated. The place where a few people used to live has now been transformed into a place where a dozen or even twenty people live. The small place is suffocating, and it is more scary than living on the mountain.

After the things are moved, the personnel first go down the mountain and then board the ship in order. The group followed the crowd and walked down the mountain. Wen Zheng and other young people were responsible for riding the bicycles with the elderly who were not able to move smoothly. However, after several trips back and forth, the remaining elderly people who had been letting others go down first spoke out their true thoughts. .

"We are old. We don't want to die anywhere else, and we don't want to be separated from our children, so let us stay here."

These elderly people were all locals who came together to climb the mountain. However, they were lucky to survive on the mountain, but they completely lost news about their family members. It is not surprising that they chose to stay.

"But..." Jian Huabin opened his mouth to persuade but didn't know how to persuade. To be fair, if he were in the situation of the old people, he might make the same choice.

"You have to think clearly. Staying here is not only about being flooded. Before that, you have to solve the problem of food and drink, face the wild beasts that may come, and no one will treat you when you are sick." Wen Zheng laid out the reality.

But these problems have long been thought about by these old people. When they laughed, the wrinkles on their faces deepened. The oldest one waved the cane in his hand: "Don't underestimate us old guys. As the old saying goes, we have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice. If we are lucky and the flood does not flood the top of the mountain, we may have a chance to see each other again in the future."

They have made up their minds and will not change no matter how much they persuade.

Wen Zheng stopped talking. While Jian Huabin and others continued to persuade him, he took off the backpack behind him. There were still some compressed biscuits bought before the end of the world left in it, and all of them were placed next to the old man. Then he went to the yard and tidied up the messy yard because of the move. Jian Huabin and others sighed and quietly went to the yard to help.

When the time was almost up, several people rode their bikes to the current port and rushed to the ship.

Wen Zheng took Tuan Tuan, who had been waiting for him, and walked into the assigned room with Jian Huabin and others under the arrangement of the soldiers. There were familiar people in the room. In order to avoid conflicts as much as possible, people in the same area were arranged in the same room.

Seeing Wen Zheng and others come back but not seeing the familiar old man, someone asked on the spot. When they learned that they voluntarily stayed on the mountain, they couldn't help but sigh a few words, and the mood that was not very good because of leaving became worse.

The purpose of these ships before the disaster was to carry passengers to enjoy the scenery of the scenic spots. The hull was divided into different rooms after modification, but the windows looking at the scenery outside would not be closed.

Before the ship started, they could only see the nearby scenery. When the ship moved forward on the water, everyone could immediately feel that the farther away they looked from the window in the direction of Quxing Mountain, the more they could see.

Red flags were erected high above the houses, fluttering in the wind, like waving their hands to say goodbye to them.

Suppressed crying came from different directions in the cabin.

Later, from a room came a hometown tune that the locals could sing, which originally meant to express the sad emotions of the parting people. When this familiar sound rang in a room, the next room heard it and joined in. In the end, the whole ship was humming in a low voice, and even the children who didn't know how to sing slowly learned it.

Goodbye, my hometown, goodbye, all the relatives who stayed in my hometown.

According to the plan announced to them by the provisional government, the fleet would set out from Quxing Mountain, pass Yongchang Lake and enter the Yanhe River Basin that runs through the east and west regions of the country, and then be able to directly enter the newly built cities in the southwest region with high altitudes.

Generally speaking, this waterway is quite smooth, but not long after the boat sailed, some people started to feel seasick, especially because the room was small and there were too many people, and the turbid air made seasickness more rapid and severe.

"Hurry up and lie down on the bed, open the window a little, and press the acupoints that the doctor said were effective for seasickness before you leave." The people next to him hurriedly tried to find a solution. If they accidentally vomited, the smell in the room would definitely be worse than it is now.

"It's useless to press it."

"It would be great if there was seasickness medicine." Another person who also had seasickness symptoms but was in a slightly better condition hoped so.

"Let me try." Wen Zheng handed the backpack to Tuan Tuan, sat down next to the bed of the man who was most seasick, and directly took his hand and pressed the two acupoints above.

Without him saying anything, after the motion sickness was relieved, the man himself expressed his feelings: "It seems that I am not as dizzy as before. I guess I didn't press the right place just now. Wen Zheng, you can learn it, thanks to you."

"Mint leaves, you can chew them in your mouth." Tuan Tuan handed over the mint leaves taken out of the backpack.

"Brother Wen, I feel a little dizzy too. Can you teach me where to press?" Someone else asked for help.

Before leaving, the doctor told everyone some corresponding measures for seasickness, but there were not many that could be used. Among them, pressing acupuncture points is not easy to find accurately without guidance and relying only on verbal descriptions or pictures. After finding it accurately, press it yourself, and it will be much better.

After a while, the seasick members in their room were temporarily out of the most uncomfortable state with the help of Wen Zheng. Then people from other rooms heard the noise and came to seek help. Wen Zheng took Tuantuan to help in other rooms. Tuantuan also found the right place, which led many people to praise Tuantuan as a good seedling for studying medicine.

The doctors arranged on each ship were not idle either, but the number of doctors was limited and it took time, so in the end the doctor met Wen Zheng and Tuantuan in the middle. After understanding it, he chatted with Wen Zheng, and Wen Zheng created an image of himself who had been exposed to traditional Chinese medicine before.

As they chatted, the surroundings could not help but hear the sound of discussion. Everyone looked out the window, watching them leave the Yongchang Lake area and enter the Yanhe River Basin. This time they left completely.

After getting over the difficulty of seasickness, the longer you stay on the boat, the more your body will get used to it, and it will not be so difficult.

However, I have been carrying it in the room all the time, and I can only go to the deck to get some fresh air at the scheduled time. But whether I look out from the window of the room or from the deck, the rain in the sky and the flood under the boat are always the same picture. This kind of daily repetition is really not easy.

However, what makes people feel a little comfortable is that when the ship is sailing in the city, you can occasionally see the debris and corpses floating on the water. But when you enter the wide Yanhe River Basin, there are no human-made buildings around, and there are no debris on the water. Instead, you have a feeling of traveling here before the end of the world.

On this day, Wen Zheng's room had the opportunity to go out for fresh air again, and everyone came out of the room. With so many people living together, even if everyone tries to pay attention to cleanliness, the air in the room will not smell very good. Even if you have to wear a raincoat after going out, you will feel refreshed when you smell the humid air outside.

The deck was no different from the scene they saw last time. Although the boats would take some time out every day to cast nets and catch fish, they could get quite a lot each time, at least everyone could eat fish every day to improve their taste. Before, fish were often seen in the city and even in Quxing Mountain, but few people would catch them because the surrounding environment made people worry about what the fish had eaten.

There was nothing on the water surface now. At least when you can't see it, you can always forget those bad guesses. If you keep thinking about it, there won't be much to eat.

The fishermen basically work at the stern of the boat. Those of them who are breathing on the deck can only see the soldiers standing guard outside, and the sea surface that is no different from morning and evening, yesterday and today.

No, it seems to be different today.

Amid the continuous rain, someone noticed that something seemed to be moving on the water surface, and stared at it without moving away. He found that the figure became clearer and clearer, which made him doubt his eyes: "Look, is that a dolphin swimming in the water? Did a dolphin escape from the aquarium?"

"We are now in the Yan River. Dolphins live in the sea. If they stayed in the Yan River, they would have died long ago." Someone directly relied on common sense to refute before even seeing it.

"But there are really things swimming in the sea, and there are several of them."

Wen Zheng looked over and carefully identified them: "These are finless porpoises."

The sound of their discussion was heard by the soldiers who were protecting their safety. As a result, they found that there was indeed a group of finless porpoises not far from the ship, and they immediately contacted the leader through the intercom.

The ship is still fishing behind, and according to the direction of the ship and the group of dolphins, there is still a possibility of collision.

These finless porpoises were protected animals before the disaster. Although they are not particular about this now, they have also caught a lot of prey in the mountains, but there is no shortage of fish now. These finless porpoises were relatively rare before the disaster and are quite good to humans. Let them continue to live well in the water.

The captain who received the news slowed down the fleet. The group of finless porpoises they encountered actually followed the fleet for a while before slowly swimming away. Wen Zheng and his team returned to the cabin regretfully. This incident became the talk of the people on the boat that day.

In the following journey, the fish caught by the boat became more abundant, even ferocious eels up to two meters long, and occasionally large river fish such as finless porpoises could be found on the water surface.

In the face of this disaster, humans can only try their best to survive, but the heavy rain from the sky may be a good thing for these fish.

In any case, the hard life on the boat is finally coming to an end. When everyone was notified that they were about to arrive, everyone became anxious and found that the scenery outside was no longer the endless water surface, but there was more land exposed on the water surface.

Later, a mountain range with strangely shaped houses appeared in our sight. Everyone was eager to rush down and wait for the boat to stop so that they could get off and embrace their new life here.

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