Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 70 Chapter 70 (1/2)

Everyone rushed down the ship with their belongings, and stopped when they reached the deck of the ship. The view was wider than when they looked out the window, and everyone was faintly shocked by the scene in front of them.

The continuous mountains are located above the water, and the stilt houses of various sizes form a mountain city. All the rain that falls on the roof flows down along the eaves, and then converges to the same place along the artificially dug ditches. The bottom of the stilt house built on the mountain is suspended in the air, giving people the feeling that all the rain cannot enter the house.

The road built in the mountains is wide and flat, and the road is covered with black awnings. The entire building is almost black, and I don’t know what new building materials are used. There are tall wind turbines on the top of the mountain, and the white wind blades are turning in the wind.

The overall black building with white generators should have given people a solemn and even a bit depressing feeling. However, the red flags flying high above and the familiar red banners that were seen in every city before, with various inspiring words written on them, gave people only one feeling.

They drifted on the water for many days, not really leaving their hometown, but coming from their hometown to another hometown.

At that moment, the anxious heart settled down.

"Everyone should line up in the order of the room and bring all the luggage with you. There will be a car to pick us up and go to the community arranged for us later." The leader who managed them during this period stood at the bow, holding a loudspeaker to arrange for everyone, with the same happy smile on his face.

The originally chaotic team finally had the mind to stop, and the familiar people stood in a row, waiting for the arrival of the vehicle. Everyone whispered about their feelings when they saw this mountain city, and some people talked about the vehicles that would come to pick them up. They thought it would be similar to the manual vehicles in Quxing Mountain, but all the vehicles coming down the mountain were cars.

The sound of the horn was so pleasant. The vehicles coming down the mountain lined up in a long queue at the port. When the vehicles were full, they turned around and left from the side. The vehicles returning and the vehicles just brought were mixed. The vehicles coming and going made people dare not believe the facts in front of them.

Wen Zheng took Tuan Tuan, Jian Jiaqiang, and Jian Huabin and his son to the same vehicle. The driver seemed to know their thoughts very well and introduced them to them after the vehicle started.

"These vehicles are all electric, using the electricity generated by the wind turbines above. We drivers have been selected after signing up and have been selected to become qualified drivers and can rent these cars from the government. The usual work is to transport people or goods. Don't worry when you first come. The cost of transporting you this time is borne by the government, but you will have to pay for it yourself in the future."

"What currency is used here?"

Wen Zheng nodded after listening. When they first came, the government would give them some help, but they would never support them in vain. All the worlds are the same. The most important thing now is to understand how to live here.

"The previous currencies are useless now, even gold and silver are not very valuable. But don't worry, our new city can provide you with many jobs, and we will recommend suitable jobs to you when you register your information. In addition, the government will give extra subsidies to the elderly over 70, children under 14, and those who are found to be in poor health."

Maybe because he saw the young Tuan Tuan, the driver explained in great detail.

The age limit for subsidies is relatively large, after all, it is a special period, but there are still many children who are well protected. Judging from the reality on the ship, there are not many elderly people over 70 years old, and all the people who come here, regardless of how healthy they are, will never be seriously ill, because such people will find it difficult to survive those storms.

The vehicle drove along the winding mountain road. The father and son of the Jian family had questions they wanted to ask, but they had already passed those roads with only vehicles and entered the scope of the new city. The scene outside the car completely attracted their attention.

It was not very noticeable from the bottom of the mountain, but once you entered the city, you could see traces of people living in the houses you passed by, you could hear their voices, some people were riding in cars and some were walking, and on the way you passed the barter market in this area, everything seemed to be the same as before the disaster.

It made people look forward to life here a little more.

"We are here, do you see the small house with a banner hanging next to it? You can line up there to register, and then we will arrange a room for you and recommend a job." After the driver said that, he watched them get off the car and turned back down the mountain.

I don't know how they were assigned a place to live. When the four of them arrived here, they were the only ones for the time being. Finally, they looked around and saw that there was no one living in the stilt house, and went directly into the small house in front.

The staff in the house were quite kind to them. After letting them sit down, they asked them about their general information seriously, and finally asked them what skills they were good at.

Wen Zheng recalled the following memories of his original body. Even if he wanted to make up something, he had to have traces of his original body's memories. Even though no one would generally investigate other people's situations, it was good to prepare more when he didn't know what would happen in the future.

"I have some knowledge of agronomy and Chinese medicine, I am good at fighting, and I have experience in outdoor exploration." Wen Zheng briefly said the following. The original body did study agronomy in college, but he did not work in a related job after graduation. Later, he became a shut-in at home.

Tuan Tuan also spoke, but only said that his fighting ability was comparable to that of an adult. Wen Zheng always carried their ID cards. Tuan Tuan was just under fourteen years old and was still within the age range of being taken care of.

Jian Jiaqiang and Jian Huabin, father and son, said that they used to work in the power bureau and had electrician skills. After registering the two of them, the staff took out two booklets, folded two pages of them, and handed them to the two families.

"The folded page recommends your job, but you can also try the rest. Here are the room keys for you. Both of your families are in the same building. Go out and walk east to find your own room. If you have any questions, read the manual first. If you can't solve them, you can come here to ask."

As they were talking, a line had already formed outside. Some familiar but not too familiar faces were outside. They were all people from Quxing Mountain, but they were not in the same area as them.

Wen Zheng and his friends first took their keys and luggage to find the building where they were. The floors were not high, almost all of them were six stories high.

These houses were newly built. When most of the construction tools and even building materials were difficult to find and use after the end of the world, it was unexpected that such a large city could be built in a short time.

If they could still build those dozens of floors that were common before the disaster, they had to wonder if the country had some hidden black technology. Six floors were still within the normal range.

Maybe because they were both strong and healthy, climbing more stairs every day was nothing, so both of their families were arranged on the top six floors. There were no elevators installed in all the buildings, and they had to climb up the stairs.

The whole building was empty, echoing with the sound of their footsteps. Jian Huabin couldn't keep quiet, looking for topics to chat with them all the way, which made this journey less boring.

When they opened the door on the roof, they saw that the two-person room arranged for them was very small, almost the average size of a normal bedroom before the disaster, and there were several areas separated by furniture, barely enough for two people to live in. The floor, which was made of the same black material as the wall, and the walls, which were still made of the same material but painted white, made the room not so cold and hard

Two single beds that could be put together, with prepared quilts and pillows on them, ordinary wardrobes and lockers, the quality was not very good but not bad, and there was basically no dust, it seemed that they had just been cleaned before they came. Two wooden benches, and basic daily necessities for two people, nothing else.

The room was quite simple, but the necessary supplies were fully prepared. There was also an electric light above the head, but it did not light up when the switch was turned on. Wen Zheng guessed that the power supply was divided into time periods.

"Dad, there is no bathroom or toilet here?" Tuantuan raised this serious question.

Wen Zheng recalled what he saw when he came up from downstairs, and said helplessly: "I'm afraid the public bathroom is on the first floor. There should be public bathrooms on every floor."

Tuantuan collapsed. In fact, even Wen Zheng didn't like this arrangement very much. It's just that they just arrived here and they are still penniless. The only place they can live is the simple dormitory provided by the government. According to the previous staff, if they work hard and have enough income, they can pay for a better place to live in the future.

"In order to move, Dad will go find a job tomorrow." Tuantuan now has enough motivation.

Put down the luggage you carry with you, clean the room, and then pack up everything. The two walked out the door and looked at the whole building. The bathroom and toilet were the same as Wen Zheng said. Many people have moved into this building, which has become much noisier. After looking at it, they went back to study the jobs they were applying for.

The slightly low bench was not liked. The father and son sat cross-legged on the bed and opened the booklet given by the staff. "No wonder it's so thick. It turns out that it describes all aspects of the new city."

The new city was established by the state and governments at all levels. It was called New City. The highest leader here was still the leader familiar to the original body.

This new city includes all the mountains with higher altitudes in the southwest region. It has a large area and is divided into different areas according to the people who moved from different cities before the disaster. It is mainly managed by the previous leaders. However, as long as you have enough ability, you can also move to other areas to live.

The first few pages are simple introductions, and the latter is completely about introducing jobs. If you want to live well, you have to pay.

The new city was established not long ago, especially in the face of a big change in the environment. The industries that are urgently needed now have changed from before the disaster, but each industry needs manpower.

"The highest salary is for those working at sea."

Tuantuan was thinking about moving away from here as soon as possible, so when he looked at it, he first looked at the column introducing the salary of each job. When he saw the high salary, he looked at the name of the job. The result was that they were all related to the sea, but they were not very pleasing to Tuantuan.

"In addition to the members working at sea, there are other jobs, such as the mountain picking and planting bases recommended by the staff, which are all good, especially the mountain picking. Although the army will go to dangerous places, it does not mean that there will be no harvest in places with low danger." Wen Zheng turned to the page of the manual, which also had a map they could enter.

"How long will it take to move?" Tuan Tuan was a little tempted.

"Now both food and medicinal materials are scarce. You still don't believe in your father and your own abilities. When we save enough money, we can also try to contract a piece of land to plant by ourselves." Wen Zheng planned seriously. It seems that there will be no danger here in the short term, and we can live a good life.

"That's settled." Tuan Tuan made a decision.

That night, they were taken to the cafeteria of this community by the staff. The first meal and the evening meal were provided to them free of charge.

It also means that if you want to have food tomorrow night, you must find a job that can make money tomorrow.

When I went out to eat, I met the father and son of the Jian family next door. They were both familiar people in Quxing Mountain. Now they were assigned to the same floor as neighbors. Even if they didn't meet, they would probably knock on the door and call for them to go together. In a strange place, being with familiar people always makes you feel safer.

"Brother Wen, what job are you going to find tomorrow? My dad and I are going to the power station to see. I heard that there are other buildings that have not been equipped with electricity. If we can't get the job, we plan to go to the planting base." Jian Huabin told all their plans before Wen Zheng answered.

Jian Jiaqiang is in his forties and Jian Huabin is in his twenties. In fact, they are still in the best physical condition, but they don't like adventure. Among the jobs provided by the base, they chose two familiar and low-risk jobs.

"I plan to do the job I was familiar with before and go to the mountains to pick." Wen Zheng answered simply. There is nothing to hide.

"Is Xiao Ling going too? Isn't he still under fourteen?"

"Of course I have to go to help my dad. I don't want to stay here alone, and I'm very strong, okay?"

"Okay, I know you're good, but the situation here is different from Qu Xingshan. Forget it, anyway, Brother Wen and you are not ordinary people, maybe it's really possible."

The four of them came to the cafeteria. There was no kitchen separated in their rooms, and there were no kitchen utensils. There was no condition to cook at home. If they wanted to eat, they had to go to the cafeteria.

The food provided in the cafeteria was not very rich, but there were quite a lot of varieties. Just like the cafeteria in the school, all the windows had the names and prices of the food they sold written on them.

When everyone looked at the windows one by one with hunger, they almost drooled because of the food. When they were thinking about which window to go to line up, they saw that the last window said free of charge.

A bad premonition emerged in my mind.

As a result, the facts were just as they worried. The staff held a loudspeaker to inform them: "Please go to the last window to line up for free meals. Meals at other windows require money. If you don't have money, you can buy them if you can borrow money."

The free meals were very simple. Each person had two grain steamed buns, a bowl of grain porridge, and cold wild vegetables that actually had no taste. The taste of the dishes was really not very good, but after chewing the grain rice a few more times, you will find that the taste is good and has a bit of sweetness.

Some people drank grain porridge and ate all the wild vegetables into their stomachs. As for the grain steamed buns, some people left one or even two to take back and continue eating tomorrow, as if they were worried that they would not be able to find a job tomorrow.

After returning, they simply washed and slept for a night. When they woke up the next morning, they found several special features of the building after this night.

First of all, both the warmth and sound insulation effects are quite good. You can hardly hear the voices of the next room, and you don't feel cold when staying in the house at night. Of course, this is also related to their better physique.

Another point is that the room is not very humid. When I lived in Quxing Mountain before, the continuous rain made everything wet. Many Taoist temples on Quxing Mountain are made of wood, and green moss often grows when people are not aware of it. Even clothes and bedding will get moldy if they are not taken out from time to time to dry and bake. It is much better here.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan hung the washed clothes in front of the window to dry, and then took the equipment they used in Quxing Mountain and went to the cafeteria. After eating breakfast today, they asked the cafeteria staff for lunch directly. Now the free share is used up.

Carrying food and equipment, the two followed the map in the manual and first went to the official purchase office to see what wild vegetables and medicinal plants have high purchase prices.

"Are you planning to go to the forest?"


"Do you need picking tools? These can be rented out, and there is no charge for the first time. When you come back, you need to return them here intact, otherwise the price will be recorded in your name and you will have to pay the full amount."

The employee of the purchasing office looked at Wen Zheng for a few times and introduced him to the picking tools placed on the wall, ranging from gloves and ropes to shovels and hoes. With these, a lot of time can be saved.

"First time free use, does not mean my first time coming to the acquisition center, but my first time renting tools, right?" Wen Zheng touched his chin and confirmed with the staff.

The staff was stunned for a moment before understanding Wen Zheng's question, and nodded and replied: "It means that your first rental can be free, but it has nothing to do with the number of times you come here."

"That's no problem, I'll come to rent next time."

These tools are more complete than what I have, but the first free rental should always be done after understanding the situation of the forest. For most common plants, the equipment I carry now for use in Quxing Mountain is enough.

The staff saw Tuan Tuan, who had just reached Wen Zheng's waist, following Wen Zheng towards the wild, and immediately frowned, lowered his head and muttered: "No matter whether the child is eleven years old or not, he shouldn't be taken outside at such a young age. It's so dangerous. When they come again, it's better to ask clearly."

Wen Zheng didn't know that in the eyes of the staff, he had become the kind of parent who took his children on adventures casually. On the way to the forest, he still had the mind to observe around with Tuan Tuan.

When they approached the outskirts of the city, they could see the divided planting bases. The houses completely blocked the view inside, and only the signs hanging on them could tell what they were used for.

Listening to the talk of passers-by passing by, these planting bases either used the dry soil that was hard to get and planted directly on the floor, or they could grow in water, but all of them had lights on the top of the plants to replace sunlight to ensure the natural growth of the plants.

This cost is not ordinary. A large part of the electricity generated by wind turbines is provided to the planting bases. The lack of electricity also led to each building being powered for only one hour after dark at night.

Leaving the planting bases on the outskirts of the city, fewer people continued to go out. Those who continued to go out more or less had the tools of digging. They looked at each other's competitors around them, but did not take Wen Zheng, who was with his child, seriously at all.

When looking at the mountains on the water, it was like a long belt. It didn't look too big from a distance, but you would know how vast the area was when you were in it. All the pickers then separated in the direction they chose. In the end, except for those who had been walking together, no one else could be seen.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan didn't want to be disturbed by others, and didn't want anyone to affect their performance, so they walked to places with fewer people. The further they walked, the more they could see areas where these people were less active, with many lush plants. Standing on a high place and looking far away, the plants were even more densely covered in the farther places.

All creatures have a certain degree of resilience when facing various situations, humans are like this, and so are other animals and plants.

In fact, many plants can't withstand the floods brought by continuous heavy rains, and there are not many plants that like water in these mountains.

It has been several months since the heavy rain appeared. These plants that have been watered by rain are trying their best to adapt to the changing environment. Some plants that can't bear it are gradually dying, but those that adapt are beginning to grow more majestically and occupy the land owned by those dead plants.

Compared with Quxing Mountain, the species growing on the mountains and forests here are very different, but for Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, they are all treasures given by nature.

After arriving and selecting the site, they started to get busy. At noon, they had a simple lunch, mainly the cold steamed buns brought from the canteen, and the few snacks that Tuantuan had packed in his backpack.

The meals from yesterday to today were very bad for the two of them. This kind of meals would end today. Before it got dark, the father and son carried the full backpack to the purchase place.

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