Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 77 Chapter 77

On this day, the fat master asked someone to bring a message to Wen Zheng and asked him to come over for dinner. He said that there were other old friends in Quxing Mountain this time. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan went there with the selected animals.

The place we went to was the canteen where the fat master worked. The cafeteria where the fat chef works is nice. There are private rooms upstairs for use. The employees get discounts, and the prices are not much higher than those in the lobby.

As soon as Wen Zheng led the group in and said hello a few times, the others saw the cage they brought in and immediately surrounded them.

The cage containing the rabbit and the hedgehog didn't look ordinary. It was made of vines all day long. It was quite fine and looked very hard. The rabbit in the cage couldn't break it after biting it for a long time.

This vine is one of the results of Wen Zheng and Tuantuan's search in the wild.

"Wen Zheng, I told you to treat you to dinner today, why are you so embarrassed to come here with the ingredients?" The fat master came in with a bottle of wine. When he saw what they were surrounded by, he made a joke.

"They are all pregnant with babies, and they are about to be born. I can't bear to use them as food." Wen Zheng took the wine from the fat master's hand. There was no label on it, but he could smell it when he opened the cork. , “The wine is really good.”

"That's right, I spent a lot of money." The fat master said this, but his eyes uncontrollably glanced into the cages.

Wen Zheng was invited here this time, firstly to thank Wenzheng, and secondly because Wenzheng was an acquaintance of them, it was nice to come to the new city, and he maintained a good relationship with old friends like them, so the guys who were deceived hoped to invite Wenzheng. Zheng, please help me and give me some ideas.

However, Wen Zheng brought some pregnant rabbits and hedgehogs with him when he arrived. It was not that they were deliberately staring at Wen Zheng's breeding industry, but this move made them unable to help but feel excited.

"Wen Zheng, you take care of these rabbits and hedgehogs really well. Their fur is smooth, they are fat and lively."

"I rely on this to support my family. Before dinner starts, let me talk about it first so that I won't be able to eat properly later. These animals with cubs are brought to you."


Everyone who heard this could not help but take a few deep breaths to stay calm. For those who were deceived, this could be said to be a timely help.

The fat master quickly asked everyone to sit down and talk slowly, and then asked Wen Zheng as a representative: "What are the specific regulations?"

This can be regarded as a step-by-step instruction. Everyone waited patiently, knowing that Wen Zheng was willing to show it because of the affection between them, and they were thinking about what they could bring out.

"After you breed, except for the first cub, all cubs produced by you within one year must be given to me one-third." Wen Zheng asked.

I thought they had to pay for it, but who knew that they only needed to give Wen Zheng the cubs he gave birth to every time, and the cubs didn't cost them more to raise. It was a completely costless transaction.

A year sounds like a long time, but it takes several months for those pups to be old enough to breed, and not all of them have to go.

"Okay, I agree."

"We all agree."

Anyone who disagrees is a fool.

"Each family here picks a pair and can only choose one. These pregnant animals are estimated to give birth in a week at most."

After hearing this, the big guy became even more excited, looking at the animals in the cage as if they were babies.

At this time Wen Zheng said again: "The specific methods of breeding are written on the paper, but the rabbits raised by our family are very expensive. We really have our own secret recipe, so we cannot disclose this."

How could it be possible that Wen Zheng was the only one raising rabbits and hedgehogs in the whole city? Although there were few people breeding rabbits and hedgehogs, there were still some, but the taste of the products was incomparable to what Wen Zheng produced. Everyone who knew about this speculated that Wen Zheng There is a unique secret recipe.

Now that it was verified, Fat Master and the others were not greedy and nodded repeatedly.

Some people want to go further, but they think that since there is nothing they can do now, they might as well raise the animals first and talk to Wen Zheng later.

This cooperation was temporarily achieved. Everyone except Wen Zheng and Tuantuan gathered around the cage to choose. In the end, they each claimed a pair of animals to take home, one male and one female.

After everyone finished selecting, they held the cage and took a look at it, or they took Wen Zheng's paper with the breeding method and read it carefully, and asked if they were unsure about anything.

It wasn't until the food was served that everyone became quiet.

The sadness caused by being cheated no longer needs to be covered up. Although it has not been completely eliminated, I feel a lot happier now that I have hope.

Compared with the hatred towards Jian Huabin, now I am full of gratitude towards Wen Zheng.

Throughout the meal, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan were warmly entertained. If Wen Zheng hadn't refused many times, the fat chef would have poured half a bottle of wine into Wen Zheng's cup.

Apart from the overzealous guy, the meal was quite good. Different community canteens have different chefs. In addition to the fat chef's skills, there are also several sweet dishes that are quite good.

Nowadays, people no longer waste a little bit of food when they eat. They don’t even have the opportunity to pack food. A few people can clean all the food on the table.

After thanking and saying goodbye to Wen Zheng again and again, they took the box back happily. Some people drank some wine, cried while hugging the cage, and muttered words of thanks to Wen Zheng.

This man used to earn money by fishing, but now that he has been defrauded of money, he can no longer do the job of supporting his family. Before he was forced to seek help from the government, he met Wen Zheng and gave him a way out.

The fat master sent Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan to the gate of the community, and warmly invited them to come when they were free, and then let them go.

After walking outside and blowing some warm and humid wind, the redness on Wen Zheng's face from drinking completely disappeared. Tuan Tuan was still a child, and no one dared to let him drink, but he still secretly drank a small cup without any reaction.

"Dad, let's go to the beach to have a look." Maybe it still has some effect.

"Where are we going? Aren't several places fenced off? Except for the port, there are still ships going out, and there are no ships in other places." Wen Zheng asked.

"If it's fenced off, just watch from a distance. Anyway, there's nothing to do when I go home."

"Okay, let's take a taxi."

This place is a bit far from the port. If you walk to the nearest parking spot, you can directly see the taxis waiting inside. After asking the two people where they are going, wait for them to get in the car and leave.

The driver was not surprised at their destination at all. It seems that there are many people who have gone to the port to watch recently, and this driver can also describe these situations vividly.

It feels that most drivers are very talkative.

After arriving at the port, you can see that there are still many people watching the excitement on the roadside, all staying outside.

The army wearing green uniforms closest to the water surface has now taken over the work of those fishing boats, and is busy fishing fish from the water every day.

This is all because the new city cannot be without fish and meat, and they are more capable of self-protection than ordinary people when encountering danger.

The net thrown into the water was brought up, and many fish were struggling with the fishing net, but it was easy to cut open the ordinary fishing nets in the past. The fishing nets used now have a little metallic luster and are quite tough.

Sitting near the port for a few hours, you can see many different kinds of fish. The most are aggressive, either with sharp teeth in their mouths or their fins have become hard.

The rest of the edible fish that are not aggressive were killed by their own kind in the fishing nets.

When it was dusk, the fishing boats that went out to sea came back, and this time they really brought back several large fish.

Anyway, these mutant fish are handled by people sent by the government, and ordinary people have no chance to participate in it. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan are a little curious, but they will never show it blindly.

With the rain in the rainy season, new fish in the water will emerge every once in a while. Ordinary people can still maintain a normal life, but the relevant research experts are probably going crazy.

When the fish meat in the new city was seriously insufficient, they finally found two kinds of mutated giant fish that can be eaten and taste good. All the canteens selling these two kinds of fish set high prices.

Wen Zheng took Tuantuan to taste it. The taste was really good. Now that the income has increased, he goes to eat every few days.

Last time, the pregnant animals were handed over to others to raise, saying that the first cubs could be kept by themselves, but the fat master and another person came with one-third of the cubs.

First show your sincerity, then ask Wen Zheng if there is a way to cooperate with the secret recipe of raising animals. Finally, in addition to raising animals for sale, Wen Zheng’s business also has an additional item for selling breeding feed.

If you want these animals to taste good, in addition to taking care of them quietly, the cultivation method that Wen Zheng and Tuantuan practiced on a daily basis also works.

The seedlings planted in the two rooms can thrive. The feed made from these vegetables and earthworms living happily in the soil is fed to the animals with similar effects.

Not only did Wen Zheng choose to expand the scope of breeding, but because of the high price of fish meat, the rest of the breeding staff was expanded, and those who could not fish were recruited. However, large-scale breeding would lack feed, and finally the pressure fell on planting.

A series of measures were issued by the government, and everyone adapted again, but they felt that life was not as easy as last year.

It was because of the fish mutation that a series of chain reactions occurred in the new city, and Wen Zheng and his team were also one of them.

Now, with the rise of the water level in the rainy season, the blockade line gradually moved upward and outward. At the end of the rainy season, the water level reached the end of the last rainy season, but there were still two months before the rainy season ended.

The more central the new city is, the higher it is. When the rainy season ends, the water surface has covered the ground outside the new city. The government has moved those people living on the bottom floor of the periphery to higher floors or inside.

Wen Zheng lived near the periphery. After the rain came, not only the first floor, but also the second and third floors were moved out.

He and Tuantuan did not move out. Living on the sixth floor, they did not have to worry for a short time. Until the end of the rainy season and the beginning of the dry season, the rising water level did not flood the first floor.

The arrival of the dry season made everyone feel relieved.

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