Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 78 Chapter 78

The transition from rainy season to dry season was experienced last year. People quickly adapted to the new pace of life. Many fish that were stuck in the waterway due to the drop in water level were enthusiastically caught by everyone.

In addition to the waterways that were used for drainage and later flooded by the water, as the water level dropped, there are still many low-lying places in the mountains and the wild that also have accumulated water. People who like to explore in the wild will also look for them and directly light a fire to roast and eat them. They don’t need to bring too much food out.

Wen Zheng went out a few times. There was a group of transparent shrimps in a seemingly transparent shallow depression. If it weren’t for his sharp eyes, he really couldn’t see them. Later, he fished them out and tried. They were extremely delicious after just boiling in boiling water.

Both father and son like to eat them. They go out every few days. Anyway, the water level can be lowered in a few days during the dry season.

Because there were so many people going out to catch fish, someone soon noticed that not all the plants in the mountains and forests that were once flooded by the water were drowned. After the water receded during the dry season, they still grew well, and became plants that could survive in both water and land.

Also discovered at this time were claw marks left on the soil layer under the water. They looked like they had just been left on the surface, but this kind of claw mark was completely unlike what fish could leave.

If someone discovered it, they would naturally report it to the higher authorities.

However, the research experts sent by the government did not seem surprised by this request. They sent two young people to look at the traces and came to the conclusion. Everyone knew that when fish mutated during the rainy season, the research experts conducted research on animals.

As the water gradually submerged the wild areas where the animals lived, most of them moved to higher places, and the space where they could survive was further compressed.

But some animals gradually tried to adapt to life in the water at this time. Some of them had respiratory organs that could breathe in the water, their hair fell off and even scales grew, and the rest of their body parts were also slowly changing.

Animals adapt faster than humans. Ordinary people use the evolution of these animals as a topic of daily conversation, but privately, I wonder if there is any thought about whether humans will undergo similar changes in the future.

The topic of land animals living in the water has not yet subsided. On this day, all the people fishing outside the mountains heard the sound of wings flapping from afar.

They all looked up and saw a group of large white birds flying freely in the clear sky.

Those birds fly in the sun, with broad and powerful wings and slender and sharp beaks. The wings support them to fly long distances. Occasionally, they dive from the sky to the water surface, and the beaks can accurately catch the fish swimming under the water surface. Even if they are tired of flying, they can always land on any floating objects on the water surface.

These birds are not very willing to get close to people. After arriving near the island, they are only willing to get close to the wild woods with a relatively sparse population density. Their claws can grab small branches and land on high branches.

They don't get close to people easily, but Tuan Tuan is an exception.

Even though he came to this world with a normal human body, after a long time, some of Tuantuan's own characteristics will always be brought out, such as attracting birds, which makes some people who see these pictures through the screen particularly jealous of his characteristics.

"Compared to becoming a fish and staying in the water every day, I still prefer to be a bird." Tuantuan sat under the tree, eating a bite himself, throwing a bite into the mouth of the big bird next to him, and complaining to Wen Zheng.

Wen Zheng was able to get close to these birds because of his son's help. Looking at the white and smooth feathers of these water birds, he felt a little itchy, so he touched the nearest big bird twice.

As a grown-up child, Tuantuan no longer has the strong possessiveness as before. He no longer drives away the birds that dare to snatch his father's favorites from him, and sits in his original position honestly.

After swallowing the snacks thrown into his mouth, Tuantuan took a sip of water to clear his throat. After a few seconds, a sound similar to that of the group of big birds came out of his mouth. After a few breaths, the group of birds all surrounded Tuantuan, and the birds' calls came one after another.

The bird he had just touched left him and ran to find Tuantuan. Wen Zheng felt a little bit amused and was annoyed by the birds' calls. He took the initiative to move away a little, looking at the scene and sighed: "It looks like a hundred birds paying homage to the phoenix."

It's been a long time since I saw such a scene.

When I went home in the evening, Tuantuan had more feathers dropped by the group of birds in his hands. Each feather added up to a lot. However, from Tuantuan's aesthetic point of view, his own colorful feathers are beautiful. These feathers are all white, so he doesn't like them very much, but he still took them home.

The feathers were thrown into the basket and it was a bit messy. Wen Zheng picked it up and looked at it. He simply thought about making a feather fan. It happened to be hot in the dry season. He would not be considered a fool if he fanned himself with a fan. On the contrary, he felt like a military advisor when he shook it.

In addition to the group of big white birds, new groups of birds appeared on the water one after another. They all had similar water bird characteristics. It made people want to know where these birds came from. Did they live on the sea or on the more distant land?

After this group of birds flew here, they may have taken a fancy to the relatively dense vegetation outside the new city, so they stayed here temporarily and lived, and no longer flew further.

However, the directions they flew from were roughly similar. Wen Zheng saw a ship heading in that direction, and it took half a month to come back. I don’t know if they found out anything.

Days passed, and Wen Zheng and Tuantuan had a great time playing with birds every day. As a result, one day when he went out, the birds did not land to find them, but kept circling in the sky and chirping.

Wen Zheng could not make that kind of bird call, but at least he raised Tuantuan from childhood, and he could hear anger in these calls, and Tuantuan immediately understood the meaning.

After circling in the sky for a while, the flock of birds flew in one direction. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan immediately followed on the ground. They spent more than a year to get familiar with this mountain forest, and now they can run as if they are walking on flat ground.

When they arrived at their destination under the guidance of the flying birds, they saw bird nets hanging between the branches of trees, water birds trapped on them, and people catching birds from the nets.

"Isn't this Wen Zheng? I've never seen you run so fast before. You didn't fancy the birds we caught, did you?" The people who stayed here were a family. The middle-aged man stood up and spoke in a bad manner.

When they first came to Xincheng, everyone might not know much, but after so long, everyone who relied on outdoor exploration and search knew Wen Zheng and Tuantuan.

"Isn't it just for these birds? I want to buy them all and pay at the price of the purchase point to save you from making another trip."

They couldn't condemn the other party. The other party's actions were not wrong according to the regulations of Xincheng, so buying these birds from the other party was the best solution. After all, they also caught animals from the wild and finally started a breeding business, so they had no right to say anything about others.

So people's hearts are biased.

This group of water birds is very spiritual. They have been getting along well these days. They were directly asked for help. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan had no choice but to ignore them.

They spent a lot of money to rescue several birds from the Internet. They were all slightly injured. Wen Zheng directly collected materials in the mountains and forests and found hemostatic drugs to apply to the wounds. In the end, he didn't know how Tuantuan communicated with the flock of birds. He took the injured birds back home.

After raising them at home for a few days, the energy brought by the practice method accelerated the healing of the wounds of these birds. After they were completely healed, they took the birds to the shore and released them back to the flock.

Now the flock of birds has learned from Tuantuan. When they need to stay, they stay in the area that the government has designated as not allowed to enter. So there have been no casualties in the past two days. After the injured birds returned to the flock, they flew to the water with a long cry.

"Tuantuan, are you going home or walking around?" Wen Zheng asked with his head tilted.

Tuantuan shook his head and pulled his father to sit next to him and waited. It didn't take long for Wen Zheng to know what they were waiting for. The flock of birds flew back from the water, all of them holding fish in their mouths.

"This noise is a bit too loud." Wen Zheng controlled himself and didn't look at the camera disguised as a rock, but looked up at the sky. After waking up, he hurriedly dropped the things in the backpack.

This group of birds was frightened when they were caught in the net. Even Tuan Tuan didn't call them down again. So if they wanted to send the fish out, they knew that they had to drop objects from high altitude.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, but after helping a group of birds that like them, fish may fall from the sky.

The long bird beak opened, and the fish fell directly into the open space without trees. Wen Zheng stared at the fish falling, took a step back and raised the backpack to his chest. Fortunately, he was not hit in the face by the fish, and the fish did not fall to the ground.

Keep moving to catch the fish, Wen Zheng couldn't help but think of the small game he played before, which controlled the little man to move to catch gold coins. Now the game has entered reality.

After working for a long time, the birds that threw the fish flew away. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan held two baskets of fish that were still jumping in the baskets, and couldn't stop thinking.

These birds are not bad for eating fish every day. They look similar to humans. The few kinds of fish that Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan can throw out are all of them with particularly good taste. There are also two kinds of fish that they don't know and they are probably delicious.

But they can't help thinking that these are all dropped from the beaks of the group of birds. It is estimated that they are stained with a lot of substances in the beaks. Anyway, if they want to eat them, they must be cleaned several times.

They were thinking in a mess. After cleaning it many times and putting the fish into the pot, the smell made them forget all their thoughts, including their actions in recent days and the people who might be welcomed by today's big battle.

It doesn't matter if they forget, as long as they don't forget the people they want to welcome. When the two of them were full and satisfied, the door was gently knocked.

Tuan Tuan ran to open the door. A man and a woman stood outside the door, both wearing military green uniforms, showing a friendly smile to Tuan Tuan.

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