Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 79 Chapter 79

"Who are you?"

Wen Zheng listened to the noise and walked to the door. Facing the two people outside the door, he showed a little surprise. Tuantuan even took two steps back, hiding half of his body behind Wen Zheng as if he was afraid.

The two people tacitly showed that they had no idea of ​​the origin of the outsiders.

"Hello, Mr. Wen. We are here on behalf of the government to hire you to help the institute conduct some research." The two young men in military uniforms stated their origins.

Showing a relaxed and puzzled expression, Wen Zheng pulled Tuantuan to the side and made a gesture to enter the door: "Or, you can come in and sit down and talk first."

Even on the soft sofa, the two people who came in had their backs straight, making Wen Zheng embarrassed to sit too loosely. After sitting on the sofa, the female officer was the main narrator. She spoke with a smile and slowly. The main objects of the narration were both Wen Zheng and Tuantuan.

The government has noticed Tuantuan's high affinity for birds. They may have thought it was useless before, but now that animals have mutated one after another, the sight of birds catching fish makes people realize the extent of Tuantuan's ability, so they sent people to visit him.

During their story, Wen Zheng could feel that they valued him as a parent. They asked him for permission from the parent, but they did not ignore Tuantuan's feelings, so Tuantuan did not feel any contempt for the child.

Getting along comfortably, the father and son had a good impression of the two people who came. They sent these two people who could talk, which seemed to show that they valued Tuantuan's ability.

"My child has been liked by birds since he was a child, and we are very willing to help the government, but can you ask about the approximate scope of these studies? Will there be any danger?" Wen Zheng showed his concern as a father.

"Of course not. The research that needs help is quite safe. Mr. Wen can go with Mr. Wen. If you are willing to live in the institute, someone will help take care of your things at home, and you can come back at any time. If you prefer to live at home, we can also send someone to pick you up every day."

This condition is quite loose, and since the word "hiring" was used at the beginning, there must be compensation for helping with research. Wen Zheng showed some excitement, but Tuantuan still had some doubts and asked: "Will these studies harm those birds?"

Faced with this question, the two people on the opposite side hesitated for a few breaths, and one of them answered: "The research that needs your help will not."

Now many animals have mutated, and the institute will definitely conduct research on this. In the past, when it was peaceful, animals such as mice were used for experiments. It is impossible to say that there is no research that will harm birds in the institute. It is possible that they will be eaten from time to time.

Tuantuan is very happy every time he eats chicken. In addition to being in line with his bird-loving personality, asking this question also has the advantage of being a relatively spiritual bird. He is really unwilling to help people harm birds.

Official invitations do not require them to think too much. After asking the two most important points, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan agreed to help. However, considering that the family also has a breeding business for small animals, the two chose to go to the institute every morning and come back at night.

After agreeing on the time to pick them up tomorrow, the two guests were about to leave. Before leaving, the female soldier smiled and reminded them: "The canteen in the institute provides three meals. You can go there to eat every morning."

Good news, not only saving money on meals, but also tasting the food in the institute. I hope they will not be disappointed.

The two were issued identity cards on the car coming to the institute. When they walked into the institute, the various furnishings and instruments placed in the rooms were like the kind of laboratories you would see before the end of the world.

The two who received them were the two people who ran to the house the day before. The man's surname was Zhang and the woman's surname was Wang. Tuantuan directly called them brother and sister. Wen Zheng was older than them, so he called them Comrade Zhang and Comrade Wang.

They led the way to the canteen first.

Seeing the many foods placed in the canteen of the research institute and smelling the smell, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan threw away their doubts about the taste of the food. In this world, research experts are all treasures. Now Wen Zheng has the opportunity to enjoy this super good treatment because of his son.

After eating, the two were led to the laboratory where they needed help. The researchers inside were very enthusiastic and sent people to explain the part they needed help.

"It turned out to be catching fish." Tuantuan was a little surprised.

The first project that needed help was because they saw the scene of flying birds catching fish and giving them to Tuantuan, so there were several rare and difficult-to-catch fish that were needed by their research institute. They wanted to try whether Tuantuan could ask the birds to catch these fish.

Tuantuan knew that he could do it, but he couldn't guarantee it before trying it. Accompanied by Wen Zheng, he and these researchers ran to the area that the government did not allow to approach. The rest of the people stopped in a safe place and let Tuantuan go to the areas where the water birds stayed and lived.

These highly vigilant water birds were not scared by the movement of Tuantuan's arrival, and they all acted very happy. Tuan Tuan sat among the flock of birds, holding the models of several fish in his hands, trying to make the birds understand what he meant.

Wen Zheng followed the researchers and stayed not far away. He could see the situation over there, but the communication did not seem to be over in a short time. Those researchers would definitely not just wait there, and they did not avoid Wen Zheng. They openly used telescopes to observe the movements of the flying birds and recorded them in their notebooks.

There was not much that could be observed with the naked eye. There were also young researchers among them. After recording, they put down the paper and pen. Wen Zheng was sitting nearby and was bored. Seeing that there were many mosquitoes in the woods, he took out the herbal ointment he made from his pocket and applied it to the exposed skin. The effect was quite good.

The researchers next to him also had insect repellent, but after seeing Wen Zheng's ointment, they became interested and asked Wen Zheng, and then they started chatting.

Tuan Tuan tried hard to communicate with the group of flying birds. It took a lot of effort to let the group of birds know that he wanted fish. There was another sky-fall of fish, but the species were varied and not the ones the institute wanted.

The harvest of the day was a variety of delicious fish, all of which were sent to the cafeteria to supplement their team's meals. Perhaps they were worried that Tuantuan would be discouraged by the failure, so they also got a handful of candy for Tuantuan as a consolation.

The next day, the researchers who were familiar with them and the team that protected their safety also suggested several ways to communicate with birds on the way to the wild. Some of them seemed unreliable at first glance, but Tuantuan really tried them, but in the end there was no result.

After they went back, they discussed and the researchers decided to let Tuantuan follow their own experience in communicating with birds. Tuantuan was probably afraid that the research team would give up if the time was delayed too long, so on the third day, a bird understood Tuantuan's request and brought back a fish that the researchers wanted.

Since the result was successful, Tuantuan's job was naturally saved. He could come to the institute for meals every day. When he went out during the day, he could also bring the well-insulated lunch prepared by the institute's cafeteria, and he could have another meal when he came back at night.

The food is good, and for Tuantuan, work is just playing with birds, which sounds quite easy. However, this group of highly educated and knowledgeable researchers, considering that Tuantuan is still a teenager who should go to school, taught Tuantuan a little when they were free. When they found that Tuantuan had good talent, they taught him more.

In fact, there are schools in Xincheng, but some families don’t want to send their children who are half-grown and can work to school. They think that it is better to learn skills to survive in this world than to learn the knowledge in textbooks. Who knows what changes will happen in the future.

The crisis facing Xincheng has not ended yet, and most of the manpower is estimated to be spent on this. Therefore, the policy for children’s learning in Xincheng is that the age requirement for children who can receive government subsidies is the same. Children under the age of fourteen must go to school, but there is no mandatory requirement for those over fourteen.

Tuantuan himself is unwilling, and Wen Zheng will not force him to go.

Wen Zheng will of course learn with his son when he accompanies him to the institute every day. Although the researchers did not think well of him because he did not let Tuantuan go to school, their ideas would change after a long time together.

Wen Zheng controlled his performance in the learning process based on his academic background in using his body and his experience in the wild over the past year.

In the eyes of the researchers, the content of Wen Zheng's communication with them was relatively basic, but he had a flexible mind. Some of the ideas he occasionally proposed were whimsical, but some of them could broaden people's minds, which made more people willing to communicate with Wen Zheng.

After the fish that the researchers wanted were caught by the birds in sufficient quantity, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan had a clearer understanding of the layout of the institute, and they were sure that there was a secret underground institute under the institute, and even speculated whether the mountains under the new city had become hollow.

They could not go down to the underground institute. After they had enough fish samples, Tuantuan thought his mission would be over, but another research project also needed their help.

This research project was related to birds, but they took into account the relationship between Tuantuan and those groups of water birds, so the content was not very harmful to the birds. First, I asked Tuantuan to take a close-up video of every detail of those extremely cautious seabirds. Later, after teaching Tuantuan, I asked him to help take some blood from the birds.

Tuantuan brought a bunch of delicious food made of fish meat mixed with other grass to feed the birds, and successfully completed the task.

The two research projects were carried out smoothly with the help of Tuantuan. The last project to be completed was to tie a miniature camera to the claws of flying birds. It is said that this camera is waterproof and relies on solar energy. It can shoot for a long time. It is light and will not affect the flight of birds.

Anyway, Tuantuan tied it to the claws of water birds. The third part that needed help was over. It was almost the end of the dry season. At this time, the group of water birds that flew over when the dry season came said goodbye to Tuantuan when the dry season was about to end. They had to fly to other places before the rainy season came.

Those researchers probably knew about this, so they asked Tuantuan to help the camera on the bird's claws, wanting to study the flight routes of these water birds and the places they might reach in the future.

Wen Zheng accompanied Tuantuan to bid farewell to the water birds that had accompanied them for several months. The water birds left in the opposite direction of when they came. As a result, before Wen Zheng and Tuantuan returned, they saw a huge ship similar to the one last year on the water.

It turned out that this ship only came once a year.

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