Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 80 Chapter 80

A space was cleared in the port to prevent people from approaching.

Outside the restricted area, the bustling crowd stood on a high place, watching the excitement on the water from afar. It was really a similar life every day, but any different adjustment would be enough to arouse people's interest.

The water surface still reflected the blue of the sky, and the white giant ship was unstoppable. Countless startled fish jumped up from the bottom of the water, but they could only return empty-handed in the face of this steel behemoth. The huge hull and fluttering flags all showed that the origin of this giant ship was extraordinary, attracting the envious eyes of countless people.

It happened that the work in the research institute was about to end, and Tuan Tuan had not received a new job yet, so he pulled Wen Zheng over to watch the excitement.

The sun fell from a high place on everyone's face, making their expressions particularly clear.

Wen Zheng saw the familiar fat master and others in the crowd. After cooperating well with Wen Zheng, their lives became much easier than before, and the wrinkles on their faces were less than before. But today, they all came here with vigilant expressions, and their eyes were all cast on a figure squeezed in front of the crowd.

If he hadn't guessed who the fat master and others were staring at, just looking at the extremely thin, sparse and white hair, and the old figure bent over and shrunken, Wen Zheng would never have thought that this was the strong and healthy Jian Jiaqiang in the past, and there was a world of difference between him and Jian Huabin before he left.

The huge ship raised waves and stopped in front of the port.

Jian Jiaqiang raised his head high. Even if his expression could not be seen from behind, it could be analyzed from his head movements that his eyes were wandering over all the people on the huge ship.

The leaders who got off the ship were surrounded by the crew. After getting off the ship, they were received by the leaders sent by Xincheng. After a brief exchange, the group got on the car and set off for the core area.

All ordinary people were blocked outside, but they could see the neat and beautiful clothes on the crew, their strong and powerful bodies, and the confidence and not-so-well-hidden arrogance revealed on their faces.

Everything showed that they were living a good life.

The news of the selection of personnel to board the ship spread only after they left last time. This time, before any statement was made public, the crowd of onlookers began to discuss whether this giant ship would select talents and whether they were eligible to sign up.

Jian Jiaqiang, who had been huddled, gradually straightened up, but it might be because he had a hard time in the past year, and no matter how hard he tried, his back was not very straight. Even if Jian Huabin was not among the people who left by car just now, it might be that these ordinary crew members all had good looks, which gave him hope and he always stood at the front of the crowd and looked at the people left on the giant ship.

If Jian Huabin still missed his father a little, even if he couldn't come, he should ask someone to visit Jian Jiaqiang.

There were too many people running to the port to watch, and some even found the business opportunities here, brought their own parasols, and found a flat place nearby to start selling things.

There were food and drinks, as well as useful things to play with, and a small market was formed in just half a day.

At first, only the people from Xincheng came to watch and buy some food and drinks. Later, the crew members who stayed on the ship saw the lively scene outside and sent several representatives to go down to buy things.

They had just arrived at the newly formed market and were almost surrounded by people. It was the soldiers in charge of the port who came to maintain order and the situation did not get out of control.

Countless people wanted to ask these crew members various questions. The crew members showed a little impatience on their faces. After the soldiers came over, they chatted with each other for a few words, all of which were about how wonderful their life was. After a stall owner gave away something for free, they took out photos from their clothes for the people around them to watch.

The crowded crowd did not have a stampede, thanks to the maintenance of the soldiers.

Jian Jiaqiang dragged his weak body and finally squeezed in front of the crew members, and spoke expectantly: "Young man, do you know Jian Huabin? He is my son. He was selected last year and went to your place. He didn't come this time, right? Did they ask you to bring me a message?"

"What Jian Huabin? I don't know him."

"My son may have asked someone else. If you don't know, can you ask for me after we get back to the ship? I'll be waiting near the port. My name is Jian Jiaqiang, my son is Jian Huabin, and my daughter-in-law is also there..."

"Okay, we know, we'll ask for you when we get back to the ship."

Several crew members interrupted Jian Jiaqiang before he could speak, and went to the next stall. Jian Jiaqiang, who revealed that his son was successfully selected last year, was also surrounded by the crowd. They all wanted to know how Jian Huabin participated in the selection.

The port was getting busier and busier. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan stayed at home after the first day. The weather was hot, and there were many people and noisy people there. It was better to stay at home.

Tuantuan didn't have a new job for the time being. He heard that there were several scientists coming with the ship and were communicating in the institute. The two of them consciously didn't go to the institute to disturb them, but they sent the small animals they raised to the institute's cafeteria every day. If Wen Zheng hadn't insisted on providing them to old customers, these would have been bought by the institute long ago.

This morning, he sent the things to the institute's cafeteria and was about to have breakfast and go back, but he was called over by a familiar researcher, followed by several people who looked like they came off the ship.

"The rabbits and hedgehogs you praise are bred by this father and son. The taste of the rabbits and hedgehogs bred by them in the entire New City is not as good as that of the two of them. Only a few companies that cooperate with them can use his secret recipe, and the taste is almost the same."

After that, the researcher explained to Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan that it was because the food made with these two ingredients tasted good. During their chat, they told some things about Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, which aroused the curiosity of these guests.

"The breeding skills of the two are really good. With this skill, it is more than enough to be selected to our Ark Base. Why didn't you give it a try last year?" The leader's hair was a little gray, but his face was quite amiable.

Wen Zheng didn't need to answer. The staff here in Xincheng were not happy. An old man who was also older and had a higher status in the institute retorted: "Lao Zhang, poaching in front of us is not authentic. We can't." They all like it too.”

"It's not that the ones bred by their partners are similar, it's just that they have both sides. This little brother Wen, the treatment at our Ark Base is quite good. Xiao Li, give them an introduction we brought. After you finish reading Think about it carefully later.”

The people in Xincheng were furious, but they couldn't refute what they said. They watched several introductions being shoved into Wen Zheng's hands, but they couldn't say anything.

After a brief meal, these scientists continued to start a new discussion and communication meeting. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan went home with the introductions that could be said to be leaflets.

Those pages were filled with pictures and texts, describing in detail the Ark base built by the world's top scientists in the past two years. It is a water city built on a ship. After it was fully completed, it was officially named Ark Base.

According to the photos and descriptions on the map, the Ark base is a very large ship. Compared with the Ark, the giant ship coming to the new city can only be regarded as a small ship.

The Ark can protect against wind and rain, float on the water no matter how high it is, and can even sail on the water. I don’t know what energy provides such a large power.

A city that is not inferior to the new city is built inside the hull. Since many countries participate in this ship, the areas are mainly divided according to countries. The construction effect is, at least from the photos, more shocking than the new city. The life described in the leaflet It's also better than New Town.

If this leaflet were placed outside, people who want to be selected to go to the Ark Base would probably be able to get a head start.

Queen of Heaven, Xincheng indeed announced the news that the Ark Base was preparing to select personnel. The whole Xincheng instantly boiled like water dripping into hot oil. The content of the flyer was similar to that of the one Wen Zheng got. Most people went crazy about it.

Amidst the fierce crowd, Wen Zheng made an appointment with Master Fatty and several other partners who purchased breeding feed from him, and asked them about their recent situation.

After Jian Huabin defrauded money and left, those who were deceived naturally came to Jian Jiaqiang to demand payment. But Jian Jiaqiang was nearly fifty years old. After his son left, he also lost his lucrative driver job, and he couldn't get any money out of his hands.

Although Fat Master and the others wanted to settle the case, they did not dare to force people to die, and Wen Zheng offered a new way out. So, he temporarily put down his debts and waited for a year until the giant ship arrived again. Therefore, they, the victims, arranged their shifts and watched Jian Jiaqiang in batches, because they all believed that Jian Huabin would not completely leave his father alone.

"What results did you get from watching?" Wen Zheng asked.

The remaining staff looked heavy and hesitated to speak. Finally, the fat master stood up and said, "We kept watching, but we didn't find the person Jian Huabin asked for. At first, some crew members agreed to help ask, but later they became impatient when they saw Jian Jiaqiang and avoided him. Drive him away."

"I've never seen Jian Huabin as a ruthless person before. Even if he cheated us, he would never ignore his father. Tell me, is it because he doesn't want to repay the debt? Wen Zheng, you are smart, do you think so? He plans to have Jian Jiaqiang taken away on the last day? "

Another person spoke, they still didn't want to believe the worst possibility of Jian Huabin, although the possibility they were considering now was bad enough.

Wen Zheng spoke slowly: "You keep staring at people, and you will definitely know the answer in the end."

There are two possibilities that these people have not mentioned. Jian Huabin is really bad enough to let his father fend for himself in the new city with debts, or he is simply incapable of helping his father.

Regardless of that possibility, Wen Zheng had a bad impression of the Ark Base because of the slight contempt in the eyes of the crew members, which made it even worse.

What's more, it's difficult to leave the methods of raising animals to others. Neither Tuan Tuan nor Wen Zheng wanted to stay in that ark for the rest of their lives.

Due to various considerations, they chose to refuse when asked again.

The casual crew members, who thought the Wen family and his son would definitely agree, immediately darkened their faces after hearing this answer, and their faces said that they were ungrateful.

Wen Zheng pondered the language revealed on his expression and became even more sure that refusing was the right choice.

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