Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 81 Chapter 81

The other party left in a rage, and the news that Wen Zheng refused to enter the Ark Base quickly spread in the institute. Several researchers who were familiar with him came to ask what was going on.

In response to these people's questions, Wen Zheng said as a matter of course: "How is our new city worse than the Ark Base?"

The researchers sitting next to him were stunned for a few seconds, and they were happy for Wen Zheng's confidence in the new city, but even they themselves did not have such confidence. One of them shook his head and said: "The Ark Base may have many shortcomings, but the best thing is that they have been fully built and will not be destroyed by floods in the future."

"Does the new city have no solution of its own?"

Wen Zheng saw that some special researchers had sad faces these days. Although they might not be studying related directions, as important personnel of the institute, they often get more accurate information.

Sure enough, several respected old experts sighed slightly, but still did not reveal more secret information to Wen Zheng.

The others still persuaded Wen Zheng to agree, but Wen Zheng's answer was the same as before. He even said that he had refused before. If he agreed again, the Ark Base would not have a good impression of him even if he was willing to accept it. It would be better not to go.

After returning home, Wen Zheng took care of the small animals at home, sat on a chair in the house, and seemed to be in a daze, but in fact he opened the system store to browse the various products inside.

Tuan Tuan finished another room and came back and did the same thing with Wen Zheng.

"Dad, what do you think of this?" Tuan Tuan first found a suitable product from the system, and let the system project it in front of Wen Zheng to ask for his opinion.

The description above is indeed more in line with the current situation, but the price of 50,000 points is distressing. I didn't earn many points after coming to this world. If I buy it, it will be a direct loss.

"Anyway, there are still a few days, let's look for it again."

That's what they said, but the two of them stayed at home and didn't go out unless it was necessary, and they didn't find a more suitable and cheaper product. Wen Zheng bought it hard, waiting for the ship representing the Ark Base to leave.

Ever since the news came that the ship was going to select talents to take away, the whole new city has become boiling, not to mention that a few people were actually selected from ordinary people later. Although the specific selection criteria were not announced, it was precisely because of this that a wave of discussion was set off.

On the day the ship left, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan stayed at home, standing at the window on the sixth floor and looking out, they could see the lively scene outside. When the ship sailed far away from the port, the crowd surrounding the port gradually dispersed.

Wen Zheng was about to turn around, and Tuantuan, who was lying by the window with a telescope in his hand, stopped him from moving: "Wait, something seems to have happened somewhere, Jian Jiaqiang jumped into the water."


All kinds of fish in the water were startled by the long-distance ship, and now they were officially active. Jumping into the water now would only lead to death, and they might even be bitten by piranhas.

He still didn't wait for news from his son. Whether his son forgot him or something unexpected happened, it was a huge blow to Jian Jiaqiang. This blow was the last straw that broke the camel's back, and it completely killed his motivation to survive.

In this world, people are used to death. Even if they live in the new city now, there are people who die every month due to excessive pressure.

The death of Jian Jiaqiang is just a few words in the mouths of others, and it is likely to be forgotten the next day. Master Fat and other people who have no way to get back the money they were cheated of will probably remember it for a longer time, even if those are not pleasant memories.

The giant ship left, and the new rainy season is about to come. Wen Zheng also began to take action on the small animals he raised.

"Why did you send so many today?" The person in charge of the canteen of the research institute was surprised to see that Wen Zheng sent more than twice the usual number of rabbits and hedgehogs. He quickly asked people to move the things into the back kitchen. If they brought them, they could not take them away. Then he had time to ask Wen Zheng, "Are you in trouble?"

"No trouble, what's the matter? You urged me to send more every day before, but now you are unwilling to send me?"

"I wish I could send this amount every time. I urged you before, but you didn't send more. Now my dream has suddenly come true. I'd be surprised if I'm not curious." Seeing that Wen Zheng did not have any difficulties, Lao Yang, the canteen manager who had a good relationship with Wen Zheng, was relieved.

Looking at the lively little animals, Wen Zheng reached out for the big white steamed bun that had just come out of the pot, and then slowly explained: "I noticed that our research experts are not in a good mood recently. It is estimated that the research is in trouble, but we dare not ask and can't help, so we make some contributions from our strengths. Eat more delicious food to replenish, maybe some inspiration will come."

With the rainy season approaching, the entire institute fell into an unspeakable tense atmosphere. The logistics and security personnel who are not responsible for research all completed their work well and did not dare to disturb them easily.

"Your words hit the heart of my heart. There is not much we can do. The only thing we can do is to let them eat and drink well."

Old Yang was encouraged to run into the kitchen and say similar words to the busy staff inside, and everyone became full of energy. Breakfast was ready, so I started to prepare lunch, wishing to use my skills beyond my normal level.

The small animals that Wen Zheng brought were all killed with a kitchen knife, then rolled in the iron pot with the help of a spatula, and finally transported to the dining table of the researchers.

Although the rabbits and hedgehogs transported today look the same in appearance and taste the same, they were specially treated by Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan before being transported, and expensive inspiration potions were injected into their bodies. After the potion is injected into the bodies of these animals with low intelligence, it can still work as long as it is eaten within 24 hours.

As the name suggests, it is to inspire the inspiration of the person taking it, but the probability of inspiration is not high, and the limitation is that it works on the problem being thought about when taking it. Because of these restrictions, Wen Zheng spent 50,000 points to buy these, and after diluting them, he prepared to inject them into the animals in batches.

In this aspect of research, the accumulation of various knowledge and hard-won inspiration work together. These research experts are the best in the new city now. No matter where their research is in trouble, Wen Zheng only hopes that this potion can play a little role.

After sending processed animals to the institute for several days, when the diluted inspiration potion was almost used up, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan found that the entire institute was no longer tense and panic-inducing, but became as joyful as the New Year.

Wen Zheng asked and found out that an important research expert suddenly got inspiration during lunch yesterday. He took his staff back to the laboratory to continue research before finishing his meal.

They were busy until dawn today, and then they verified that the inspiration obtained by the big boss was highly feasible and could solve the problems that were bothering them now. The rest of the research rooms could continue their research in turn, so the overall atmosphere was refreshed.

"Okay, you inquired clearly enough." Wen Zheng smiled.

Lao Yang scratched his head and smiled: "Isn't this the inspiration obtained during dinner? So when I asked, these insignificant situations were told to me. By the way, it seems that I was eating your rabbit at that time."

This means that the points spent on buying inspiration potions were not wasted. After that, there was no need to inject the drug anymore. There was still a little left. Wen Zheng thought about keeping it first, maybe there would be a chance to use it in the future.

In fact, during this period of time, the big boss was not the only one who got inspiration while eating the small animals treated with inspiration drugs, but the content studied by the big boss was the most important, so he paid special attention to it.

When this busy period was over, members of different laboratories had the opportunity to communicate, and then they discovered this amazing coincidence. In addition to believing that the pressure in those days inspired inspiration, they also felt that the cafeteria was a good place to think.

Later, it evolved into a way of inspiring inspiration when running to the cafeteria to eat and think after getting into trouble.

Although the atmosphere of the institute was not so depressing, most of the researchers were busy and hurried every day. Except for the necessary eating and sleeping, they were immersed in work in the laboratory.

Wen Zheng did not reduce the supply to the cafeteria in the following days. The reason he gave when increasing the amount before was his true feelings. Without exposing his specialness, this was all he could do.

Time was busy until the time when the rainy season came. This time the dry season ended and the water level was much higher than last year. Everyone still remembered the scene when the rainy season came last time, so before the rainy season came this time, those who lived on the lower floors outside the new city moved inside.

According to last year's situation, the lower floors might be dangerous, but the sixth floor where Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan lived would not be so easily flooded.

However, due to Tuan Tuan's performance in cooperating with the research institute and Wen Zheng's breeding ability, they were all recorded by the new city government. So in addition to the pre-ordered salary for Tuan Tuan, they also obtained the qualification to live near the institute.

The location of the house near the institute is obviously at a higher altitude than the periphery, which is safer and more convenient. In addition, they were directly approved a floor so that they can continue to breed and plant. Although the house price is a bit more expensive than before, it is more than enough for Wen Zheng's current income.

After discussing with Tuan Tuan, Wen Zheng decided to move again. Before the rainy season arrived, we rented a vehicle from the institute's canteen and made two trips back and forth. We first moved the small animals and plants, along with their cages and soil.

We came back for the last trip to move all the miscellaneous things, but before we finished packing, the alarm sounded. This rainy season arrived earlier than last year.

"Don't stay in the house. We won't take anything except the necessary things. Let's drive away now." Wen Zheng made a prompt decision and sped up.

In a place they couldn't see, the water surface in the distance was raised by the strong wind, and huge waves were raised. The huge fish could not hide their bodies in the water at all. They swam to high places with the momentum of the huge waves, and then fell into the water with the waves. Every time they jumped, they were heading towards the direction of the new city.

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