Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 82 Chapter 82

This time the storm came faster and more urgently. It took only a few minutes from the alarm to the time when Wen Zheng and Tuantuan packed up and went downstairs. But before they went out, they could already see the huge waves on the water from the window. When they reached downstairs, it was pouring rain.

"Get in the car."

When Wen Zheng opened the driver's seat and got in, Tuantuan threw his things into the car at the same time. Before they sat down, the car rushed forward as Wen Zheng stepped on the accelerator.

With a loud bang, the raging flood carrying the giant fish fell from a high place and hit the ground heavily.

It seemed that in the blink of an eye, almost everyone thought that it would only be submerged, and never thought that the mountain would collapse. After countless winds and rains, it suddenly cracked under this violent impact. The cracked part was unable to resist the scouring of rain and fell into the water.

All the people who could see this scene were horrified. Some residents who lived outside but thought there was no danger were either praying to God in their houses, or trembling as they packed up valuables in their rooms and ran downstairs to escape.

The soldiers stationed on the shore saw more clearly the giant fish that smashed the mountain. It was somewhat similar to the whale sharks that lived in the ocean before the disaster. It was extremely large and frightening to watch.

The movement of this giant fish hitting the ground was earth-shattering, and it even gave people the illusion of an earthquake.

All the soldiers who saw the fish took the initiative to raise their guns. When the fish moved, someone couldn't control the trembling of his hand and directly pressed the trigger to fire a bullet. The flying bullet completely sank into the body of the giant fish, but no blood flowed out. The fish, feeling the pain, was able to move in the broken mountain submerged in water, angrily heading towards the attacker.

"The superior ordered that residents in the dangerous area be evacuated quickly. A team with heavy weapons will come to deal with this giant fish. Act immediately!" The captain who had just run to seek command from his superior came back and issued action instructions at the top of his voice.

All the radios in the outer streets were struggling to send messages, requiring all the people left in the outer area to evacuate quickly. However, the wind at this time was so strong that it seemed to blow people into the sky. Although Shunfeng was not as exhausted as walking against the wind, every step seemed to fall to the ground.

People who own vehicles are among the lucky ones. When Wen Zheng drove Tuan Tuan away, he saw people fleeing from the outer area and opened the door to let people in. The vehicle was soon full, and then it never stopped. It went up the ramp to a higher area before letting people get off the car.

"Dad, be careful." Tuan Tuan understood what Wen Zheng would do. He took the things down to leave more space in the car. With just one instruction, he watched Wen Zheng turn the car around and drive against the wind in the direction of his escape.

Wen Zheng did not forget about life and death, so he did not approach too dangerous places, but only picked up people to go to a safe place at a distance from the periphery.

Just like that, he saw the giant fish leaping high again with the strong wind and huge waves. This time, he hit not the ground, but the high-rise building built on the outermost periphery. The force that could collapse the mountain was resisted by this man-made building.

Although there were several cracks on it, the building still stood on the ground well until the angry giant fish swung its tail fiercely at the floor in front of it. The cracks were hit again by this violent impact, and this time it collapsed completely.

The impacted part was the second and third floors. The intact floors above fell inward, pressing on the building behind like dominoes, and countless rubble fell from these collapsed floors.

Military vehicles driving from the port shore, carrying some personnel who did not have time to evacuate, are trying to avoid and leave the dangerous area as soon as possible.

There were also people who failed to come down from the building in time, and they might have lost their lives. There were also people who just came out of the building but couldn't catch up with the vehicle. Before they were submerged in the water, they were suddenly sucked into the mouth of a giant fish not far away. Even if they grabbed something to resist temporarily, they couldn't escape the piranhas that came with the flood.

When the giant fish opened its mouth, it looked at least several meters wide, and the whole body looked to be dozens of meters long. After sucking people into its mouth, it closed its teeth, and bright red blood came out of the giant fish's mouth, and soon merged into the huge amount of flood water, and was diluted to the point where no signs could be seen.

In front of the raging waves and the monsters that seemed to appear only in legends, those tall buildings looked so vulnerable, and all those who saw these scenes up close seemed to have seen the end of the world.

Or rather, they had already been at the end of the world.

Everyone in the vehicle was silent. After Wen Zheng sent this group of people to a higher area, he dared not take any risks and only carried out a few short-distance transportations. Then, seeing the arrival of the rescue army, the vehicles were carrying giant weapons with large cannon barrels, and there were vehicles used to transport personnel behind them. Wen Zheng drove Tuan Tuan to the institute, which would definitely be heavily protected.

As soon as they arrived at the periphery of the institute, they could hear a rumbling sound coming from a distance. It could be the sound of heavy weapons being launched, or it could be the sound of giant fish attacking.

This was destined to be an uneasy day.

The rumbling sound continued, and ordinary people had no idea of ​​the situation outside, and could only distinguish it based on the sound they heard.

Dozens of minutes seemed like half a lifetime had passed. The violent noises finally stopped. The ordinary residents thought that the battle was over. They breathed a sigh of relief, and their hearts dropped from their throats and returned to their chests.

After seeing the monster-like giant fish with my own eyes, the fierce wind swept the rain pouring from the sky, like countless whips lashing everything on the ground, which was no longer scary enough.

All the drainage systems in the new city were activated, and the rainwater accumulated in the buildings fell from high places along the channels, and finally gathered together and fell together until it encountered the rolling waves swept in by the wind from outside the new city.

The rainwater in the new city had not been completely eliminated. After encountering the waves, it was rolled over and roared towards the source.

The mental tension caused by panic greatly consumed people's minds. After the loud noises disappeared, ordinary residents finally had the mood to replenish their protesting bodies and take a good rest.

However, I finally managed to fall into a poor quality sleep amidst the violent sound of rain, and the familiar loud noise appeared again. I lamented that some people thought they were in a nightmare, but bursts of sound reached their ears and beat their hearts, causing more people to wake up, and their fearful hearts were awakened to their throats.

What happened again?

Now I couldn't fall asleep at all. I kept waking up to listen to the noise outside, and tried to calm down in the company of many people around me. When it finally dawned, the wind and rain showed no signs of slowing down, and some people began to cry softly. At this time, the sudden announcement of the broadcast was like a shot in the arm.

"All residents of the new city, please move within half an hour to the area where the red flag is erected. Repeat again, please within half an hour..."

The content of the roadside broadcast was changed again. On some buildings in the core area of ​​​​the new city, bright red flags were erected high. They could be seen even under the rain, stabilizing people's emotions and guiding people in the direction of movement.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan stayed in the cafeteria of the institute, looking at the scenery outside the window with the staff in the cafeteria. The research institute is indeed a top priority, not only in the area surrounded by red flags, but also in the core of this core area.

No one in the institute needs to move, but the researchers who are the targets of key protection are nowhere to be seen at this time. They are likely to be protected. Wen Zheng suspects that they may have entered the underground research base. .

Looking out of the window, the red flags were spread out, completely surrounding this area at the highest point of the mountain range. When the time required in the broadcast ended, new instructions were replaced again.

"According to the command of the army, everyone entered the building within the red flag area, then found an object tightly connected to the wall and ground and stayed next to it. After half an hour, hold on to those objects tightly, no matter what happens. Don't panic, don't let go."

"Repeat, everyone entering..."

"Countdown to fifteen minutes, repeat, everyone..."

"Countdown to five minutes..."

"Five, four, three, two, one!"

Everyone who heard the broadcast followed the instructions and found the designated object, held it tightly during the last five-minute countdown, and even tied their bodies there with objects such as sheets and sheets that they could find.

Ordinary residents do not know the intention of such a move, but they trust the government's command. After the last few seconds, people who were afraid of facing closed their eyes and silently counted the last five seconds along with the broadcast in their hearts.

After the last second of the countdown, the body felt the entire ground shaking, making people's bodies tremble along with it.

The trembling didn't just last for a few seconds, but continued all the time, even getting louder and louder, making people afraid to open their eyes.

Only a small number of humans who knew the situation understood that it was the entire mountain and the buildings on it that were rising.

It's just that they didn't have time to conduct larger experiments. Even after conducting many data calculations, there was no way to be sure that the energy in the mountain could provide enough power to carry the mountain up. If it fails, all the existing survivors in the new city may not survive much.

They have done everything they can, and now there is no other option but to wait.

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