Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 83 Chapter 83

The ground was shaking continuously, causing people's bodies to sway uncontrollably from side to side. In the worst case, one could even clearly feel the ground tilting. Only the device in hand could stabilize the body and prevent it from falling.

Crying and screaming gradually filled the room. Some people even hugged their relatives and friends and said their last words because of the accident that happened yesterday. Their words were full of emotion.

However, just after expressing their feelings, the tilted ground slowly straightened up again, and the vibration from under their feet gradually became weaker.

Wen Zheng tightly held Tuan Tuan and leaned against the corner of the wall next to the window. After the vibration was not so strong, he slightly adjusted the angle of his body and looked out the window.

The research institute is located in a central position. Although it is surrounded by various buildings, it is located at the top of the mountain. Looking out of the window, you can see the scene in the distance, and you can also see the deep crack outside the building where the red flag is erected.

The entire core area is thus separating from the periphery.

"Crack... crack... the ground cracked!"

Someone in the room opened his eyes and saw the situation outside. As soon as he saw it, he thought of the feeling similar to the earthquake he had just experienced. His first reaction was that the ground cracked due to the earthquake, and his tone was full of fear.

More people opened their eyes because of the shouting. In addition to the cracked ground, they also saw the giant fish that were riding the huge waves at this time. There were as many as three of them as far as the eye could see.

The heavy weapons team against the giant fish should be waiting at the outermost edge of the core area. Although their figures cannot be seen here, every time these giant fish are about to attack, weapons will appear to hit them back as much as possible.

The battle scene attracted the attention of all the people who saw it. When they found that the core area was not experiencing an earthquake, but was rising, the figures of the giant fish jumping high were almost invisible.

"Are we really flying upwards?"

"So it's not an earthquake at all. The government must have asked people to study how to make the city rise. This time the giant fish came too suddenly. We didn't have time to notify everyone, so we could only tell us to stabilize our bodies through the radio."

"Anyway, we don't have to worry about being submerged by the water in the future. I just don't know how high it will rise in the end. Do you think it will rise above the rain cloud layer? In any case, the scientists in our institute must be exhausted to be able to research such a powerful technology. After it is stabilized, we must use our best skills to make up for them."

The cafeteria staff who were full of confidence in the institute began to discuss the menu before they completely ascended. This light-hearted topic eased their tension a little, but they still couldn't help looking out the window from time to time.

As the height increased, a huge gap could be seen in the center of the mountain range left on the ground, and a flood was pouring in from afar to fill it. The buildings on the periphery were attacked by angry waves and giant fish, but they could do nothing about the rising city in the sky.

People's sight moved from the distant sea to the abandoned mountains, and finally turned to the rain clouds that were getting closer and closer.

At this time, the information fed back by the eyes to the brain seemed to be close at hand.

Rain clouds are usually low in height. At the same time, the farther the clouds are, the greater the rainfall and the closer the height to the ground will be. Looking at the formation of rain in the rainy season, if this principle is followed, the rain clouds will not be at a very high altitude.

The city and the mountains below are not rising very fast. Now that the clouds are so close and still rising, they will definitely not choose to stay between the clouds, but fly directly over the clouds and stay at a higher position.

So when the clouds are getting closer and closer, everyone has enough psychological preparation, and they will pass through this thick layer of dark clouds.

Remembering the intention of the commanding soldiers to close the doors and windows after listening to the broadcast and entering the house, all those who stayed at the doors and windows checked again, and then welcomed the expected arrival of darkness.

The feeling of being in the clouds is indescribable, probably because they are in a closed house, and there is no lightning or thunder in the clouds. It feels like an ordinary rainy night. There is only rain outside the dark window, and almost no sound can be heard until the sky is bright.

On the third day after the dry season, they thought it would take another half a year to see the bright sunshine, but today they encountered a miracle they had never imagined.

When the city passed through the thick rain clouds, beams of sunlight shone on the guests coming from below. The accumulated water flowing on the road was sparkling, the black and white buildings were covered with golden coats, and the sunlight shining through the glass windows was so dazzling that people couldn't help but shed crystal tears.

After the last few slight vibrations, the mountain carrying the city stopped its upward trend and stabilized in this sky.

Countless people looked up at the miracle outside the window, and the scientists staying inside the mountain were still busy, debugging the floating system after staying in the sky according to the various information displayed on the screen that would dazzle ordinary people and doubt their lives.

The leaders who knew about this situation waited patiently for the results. When they finally got through the call from the confidential research room, they laughed heartily and immediately contacted the broadcasting department to inform everyone of the good news.

The launch went smoothly, the floating system was completely normal, and this extremely risky move achieved the best expected result.

The danger was lifted, and people loosened their tightly held body-fixing devices in the face of the broadcast, which could not hide their happiness. Only then did they realize that their hands, which were tightly clenched and did not change their posture due to excessive tension, were so stiff that they needed to experience several strange feelings of pain, itching, numbness, and soreness before they could return to normal.

Even with this little episode, it was difficult to erase their inner joy. Stretching their limbs to restore their normal mobility, opening the closed door and running out, some people happily welcomed a new life, but a few people just ran out of the door and suddenly stopped after seeing the surrounding environment, realizing that the future life seemed not very friendly to those with acrophobia.

Giving residents enough time to accept this fact, when everyone began to stop being so excited, the roadside broadcast began to explain the current situation to everyone.

As early as when the new city was just established, almost all relevant resources in the entire city were tilted towards the research project of this floating city, and the most difficult problem was solved half a month ago.

The arrival of this rainy season has brought an unprecedented crisis. Those giant fish that have come for unknown reasons are highly aggressive and destructive, and also have strong defensive capabilities.

If there is only one, the New City government will choose to fight, but when the number reaches a level that is difficult to cope with, they can only choose the final plan, to take off from the increasingly high water surface.

The broadcast notification can be said to have confirmed everyone's speculation. When the government announced the latest news, everyone was in a carnival.

Part of the former New City was completely left on the water surface. Now the part that has been lifted into the air is no longer suitable to use the name of New City. From this day on, it is officially named Floating City.

When the last three words were announced, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan both received a long-lost system notification.

[Hidden Task-Help the Floating City to be successfully established has been completed, and the reward points are 50,000 points. ]

The high point reward directly makes up for the cost of Wen Zheng's purchase of inspiration potions, and now he still has a little unused potion left. If you calculate it carefully, it can be said that he has made a profit.

At the same time, this notification from the system explains more problems. The amount of reward points is related to the difficulty of completing the task and how many lives are saved in the end.

50,000 points only appeared in the last world, defending the Hope Base in the zombie tide. From this, it can be imagined that if Wen Zheng had not participated in it, it is very likely that most of the living humans in the new city would die in this disaster.

Now, they are all alive.

After the floating city is established, the most urgent problem to be solved is the housing problem of the residents.

The entire mountain range occupied by the new city is all floating, and too much energy is consumed, so in the end only the most core peaks rise.

But except for a few people who really cannot be rescued in time, most of the residents are now in the floating city. The population originally distributed throughout the new city is now recorded in the floating city with an area of ​​only one-tenth of the previous area. Isn't the area not enough for living?

Since the government has formulated relevant plans for the floating city, it naturally considers this issue. Now everyone knows that the mountains where they live have long become a vacuum, and high-rise buildings located in the mountains have also been built inside.

In fact, in addition to the core area, there are also buildings inside the rest of the mountain, which also become targets that have to be abandoned.

Before dark, everyone needs to arrange a place to stay.

Even the mountain is divided into different areas like the ground. The area below the institute is all important confidential units. It is another institute in the mountain, and ordinary people are not arranged to stay.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan were incorporated into the institute after they started moving two days ago. Because of their special skills in breeding, they still live in the place where they are busy moving, that is, the ground community near the institute, and they don’t have to move again.

I am somewhat curious about the houses in the mountain, but Wen Zheng knows that living in the mountain is probably similar to living in the rainy season before, and they can’t see the sun all day.

After listening to the arrangement of their living place, Wen Zheng took Tuantuan to say goodbye to the canteen staff. There were a lot of things in his mind, but his footsteps returned to the new home he had just moved into without stopping. Of course, he didn’t forget to take the luggage placed in the car. It was because he had to go home to pack these things that he happened to encounter the early rainy season.

When he got home, the two immediately realized that they couldn’t rest for the time being.

When the mountain was rising, the government also broadcasted to let them keep their bodies in place. After that, the continuous vibrations were quite strong and lasted for quite a long time. As long as people kept themselves in place, they would be fine, but the small animals locked in the room would not be fine.

The room where the two lived was fine, but the things were a bit messy. But I haven't been back for three days. Just imagine how dirty and messy a room with many small animals that has not been cleaned for three days would be. The smell when I opened the door was so bad that I held my breath immediately.

"Fortunately, there are no sharp objects here. When I first moved here, they were all caged. They are all alive, but they are a little hungry." Wen Zheng rubbed his temples and ran to find two cloth masks and put them on his face.

"I'll go clean another room." Tuantuan took the mask and moved his arms when he left. He felt a little itchy on his back, but he didn't care.

It must be because I haven’t had time to take a shower in the past few days. I must wash myself thoroughly after cleaning.

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