Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 84 Chapter 84

Except for the days just after it was launched, the floating city was quickly managed in an orderly manner.

Without the crisis of being submerged by floods, people had new hopes and curiosity about their future lives. With the help of the policies that the government had formulated before, everyone soon began to carefully explore the new environment.

The scenery seen in the sky is very different from the feeling of looking up from the ground. The sunlight after the distance is shortened can cast different luster in different places, and there are clouds and mists dotted in it, forming a lot of fantastic scenery. Whenever someone finds a place, it will cause everyone to compete to watch.

The floating city is located on the highest peak in the mountain range where the new city was located before. It is quite difficult to travel between different areas. Walking on the mountain road, the whole person may be covered by clouds at any time.

Such a scene will not only give people a sense of floating as if they have ascended to become immortals, but even the few wild animals brought into the sky have a little more fairy spirit. Of course, when walking, it will also give people the illusion that they may step on the air and fall in the next second, which takes a lot of time to get used to.

After the initial excitement, many residents who used to live outside the new city found that although they had saved their lives, they had lost some of their accumulated wealth and could no longer continue to work. All they could do was to follow the government's arrangements and accept new jobs.

Now, there is not enough land on the surface of the entire floating city. Even if the mountains are used as much as possible, most of the space is for people to live in. More space is needed to produce the necessary supplies for life.

Therefore, based on the current floating city, new high-rise buildings were built.

According to the construction drawings provided by the government, the foundations of these new buildings are all under the responsibility of special construction teams, and the tasks on the foundations are handed over to ordinary working residents.

Some people rumored that special devices were installed in those foundations, and as long as enough solar energy was stored, they could rise like floating islands.

Whether the rumor is true or not is not known for the time being, but from the public construction drawings, it can be seen that these new buildings take many aspects into consideration.

The planting area reserved during the construction process, the layers of shelves built on the walls and windows, and the outer walls have many settings for climbing plants to climb, directly combining human living and planting on the same floor.

Not only these houses under construction, but also the previous houses have been renovated under the call of the government. All places that can be planted are planted with grain and vegetables, and all the open space outside that can be fenced is used for breeding, trying to alleviate the huge food pressure that the floating city is facing now.

After all, the population has not decreased much, and there are even new population increases, but the land for growing food has decreased so much, and even fish can't be caught after floating, isn't it just too much food.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan looked at the current situation and lived in the room allocated by the government, so they simply sent out the animal cubs that were born not long ago. As long as they are diligent, they can provide some meat when they grow up to give birth.

All the cubs in the family were sent out, and more energy was put into planting. With more free time, both father and son were observing some recent changes in Tuantuan.

After washing the body, the itchy back still appeared from time to time, which immediately attracted Tuantuan's attention. He knew very well that a body that practices cultivation every day would not suffer from any itchy skin diseases. After careful research, the two were more inclined to believe that changes had occurred inside Tuantuan's body.

The two had some preparations in their hearts about the specific direction of the changes, and patiently waited for the final result of this change.

The two did not reveal anything about this situation to the outside world, and still provided fresh ingredients to the research institute every day. In addition to rabbits and hedgehogs, the vegetables they grew were also purchased by the research institute.

This day, when the two were preparing to go home after delivering goods, they encountered a cage covered by cloth at the door of the research institute. The cloth was covered tightly and the contents inside could not be seen, but the movement inside could be heard. It should be some kind of animal.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan were still joking as before. When they saw someone familiar passing by, they took the initiative to say hello and naturally slowed down their pace to chat for a few words.

The institute is inaccessible to ordinary people, so the transporters were not so vigilant after arriving. When they pushed the cages inside, they accidentally rubbed the thick cloth on the cages, revealing the body of the animal inside, which was caught by Tuan Tuan's sharp eyes.

After returning home, Tuan Tuan remembered the fine hairs growing on the legs of the animal and described it carefully to Wen Zheng. They agreed on the two aspects of the father and son who changed from a bird to a human and the father and son who raised the bird to a human.

After some animals showed the characteristics of fish, some animals also showed the characteristics of birds.

The institute has noticed this and captured such mutant animals for observation and research.

After the animals mutated, it is natural to think that humans may have the same symptoms.

A few days after seeing the cages, Tuan Tuan's back became slightly bulging, and the changes became more obvious. There are ways to cover it up, but it is more difficult. Tuan Tuan felt uncomfortable because of the changes in his body, so Wen Zheng simply let Tuan Tuan stay at home and have a good rest, and go out occasionally.

Seeing that more than half of the rainy season has passed, the government of Floating City began to issue a notice for free physical examinations for all employees, giving priority to the elderly and children with weak resistance, and finally completed the physical health test of all personnel.

Regarding the news announced by the government, most people think that this is a rare benefit. Why not accept free physical examinations? What's more, the government also said that it will try to reduce the cost of treating such diseases in response to the many problems that occur in everyone.

The final result after the news was announced was that everyone was looking forward to the examination. They even chatted about it every day, asking each other when the examination was scheduled, and sharing the content of the examination with each other. Something wrong.

Tuantuan is not very old. After the initial examination of the elderly and children, it was the turn of teenagers his age to be examined.

On the day of the inspection, Wen Zheng went directly with Tuantuan. After this period of development, two sarcomas as big as a baby's fist grew on Tuantuan's left and right shoulders. It's not that scary when you look at it alone, but when you look at the entire back from the shoulders, the picture doesn't look very good.

When Tuantuan followed Wen Zheng out of the house, the cultivation method that was running all the time came into play under Tuantuan's command, directly pulling the sarcoma back into the body and hiding it. If you open your clothes at this time, you can see a normal smooth backpack.

Tuan Tuan was smiling all the way to the examination, and he was much more excited than usual when meeting familiar people and saying hello. People were surprised to think that Tuan Tuan was so happy because he was going for the examination, and also thought that Wen Zheng kept Tuan Tuan at home during this time. , did you suffocate the child?

Wen Zheng could only bear the blame. In fact, Tuan Tuan was only happy when he went out this time. Ever since he determined what the little meat bag on his back would grow into, he had been extremely happy every day. He would hum a cheerful tune every day when he stayed at home. Eat a lot of food in the hope that the part behind you will develop as soon as possible.

When I arrived at the checkpoint from home, I could see many children queuing up inside the checkpoint. On the surface, these children looked normal.

In fact, Tuantuan's body changed so quickly. Wen Zheng always suspected that it was related to the characteristics of Tuantuan itself.

The physical examination of the entire population is very careful, with careful observation from inside to outside. However, no matter how detailed the examination is, Tuantuan has his own way to deal with it.

Wen Zheng waited slowly outside for the group to come out, but saw an acquaintance from the past in the girls' inspection team not far away. They were Wang Yi and Zhang Yuzhu, mother and daughter, who they had met at the Yuehua Hotel. After they reported on the murderer who had participated in the murder of Zhang Yuanying on Quxing Mountain, they were protected. Wen Zheng never saw them again after that.

Looking back, Zhang Yuzhu seems to be a little younger than Tuantuan, but he should be within the age range of this batch of inspections. I didn't expect to meet him by such a coincidence.

The previous friendship was not very deep, and the only contact we had during the Yuehua Hotel was Zhang Yuanying, who Wen Zheng had the most contact with.

When they met this time, it could be seen that the other person's life was pretty good, so Wen Zheng never thought of saying hello to them and continuing their previous friendship. But after seeing a familiar face, think about who it is, and then prepare to look away.

However, at this moment, Zhang Yuzhu, who was standing in the queue, reached out and scratched his back. That very familiar action made Wen Zheng stop moving his eyes. He was very familiar with this kind of movement. He would often make such movements unconsciously when Tuantuan's body first reacted.

After thinking about it, Wen Zheng walked to the middle of the checkpoints on both sides and sat casually under a tree. His keen hearing captured their conversation.

"Be good, let's not scratch our backs. If we scratch our backs again, the skin will be broken. We will have a check-up soon. Wait until the doctor finds out what the cause is and then buy some medicine. Your back will soon stop itching." Wang Yi held his daughter Zhang Yuzhu's hands and controlled her from reaching back, her voice full of distress.

Zhang Yuzhu, because of the unbearable itching coming from his shoulder, endured the discomfort and agreed to his mother, but there was a hint of unhidden irritation and grievance in his words, which sounded really uncomfortable.

It is estimated that Zhang Yuzhu's situation is probably the same as that of Tuantuan, except that the opponent is still in the early stage and his shoulders have not yet protruded. It is expected that the inspection will be carried out this time, and it will depend on what measures the government will implement.

At least they, father and son, who have many secrets, are not willing to expose themselves to this situation.

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