Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 85 Chapter 85

The results of the physical examination would not come out for a few days. After Tuantuan completed the examination and found out, he followed Wen Zheng home. The two of them did not have any contact with others and continued to stay at home.

Since this national physical examination, many staff members have been rushing to process the physical examination reports every day and report the special parts to their superiors.

In the important conference room, many copies of special reports were copied and now placed on the tables of the important leaders of the Floating City.

The top ones are the ones with the highest probability. Each report also comes with relevant data analysis. Even if you don't understand what the checked numbers represent, you can understand it by looking at the analysis.

"It seems that the news we got from Ark is true."

"The mutated body parts are very different, but they are consistent with those mutated animals discovered a few days ago."

Already during the dry season, when Ark sent people to visit, someone informed the then New City government of the news, along with some information.

At that time, there were already children at the Ark Base who had obvious mutations, and research was conducted on the matter.

People at the Ark Base discovered that mutations first appeared in children, but had different manifestations in different people.

They believed that the new city and the Ark Base were far apart at that time, and the surrounding environment was also very different, so different cases might occur.

Therefore, the Ark Base took out some information on mutations as a gesture of goodwill and hopes to cooperate in this aspect in the future.

"What do you think about cooperation?"

"I don't agree with the methods used by Ark Base. Moreover, the people there are complicated and there are too many factions. The researchers sent last time are not the ones we are familiar with. Even if it is cooperation, the process may not be so smooth."

The expressions of the people in the conference room were not very good. Although the people sent by Ark Base were compatriots, they were not the people they were most familiar with.

The devastating disaster caused by extreme weather has separated members of the same country in two places. They only have an opportunity to communicate once a year, leaving them unaware of the detailed conditions on the other side.

But whether the overall development is good or bad can still be distinguished.

The fact that the people who came to the new city were not the group of people they trusted most was enough to explain the problem.

"Let's forget about the information given by the Ark Base for a moment and focus on the problem at hand. What else do you think?"

After the top leader spoke, everyone else in the meeting fell into thinking, and then expressed their thoughts individually, trying to come up with a response method that was more in line with the floating city.

After discussing the general solution, there is still the matter of setting various details.

This is destined to be a long meeting, and the outcome of the meeting is crucial.

Residents are still in the dark about this.

"The results of the physical examination came out. Sure enough, nothing was found. I have no problem at all." A few days later, Tuantuan took the fresh report and proudly threw it into Wen Zheng's arms. The results above showed that Tuantuan's body was bigger than Juida's. Most people want to be healthy.

Wen Zheng took Tuantuan's physical examination form and glanced at it casually, his eyes lingering on the height and weight for a while.

"Hey, Dad, what are you doing?"

Tuantuan was lying on the sofa when his ruthless father suddenly grabbed his still uncomfortable shoulders and lifted him up directly.

His body obediently allowed Wen Zheng to move, but his mouth directly protested.

Wen Zhengti walked around with the ball for two steps, then put the ball down and explained, "You have lost a bit of weight recently."

It had only been a few days, and Wen Zheng could tell based on the feel of his son's hand that he had just lifted his son, and the weight of Tuantuan was much lighter than during the physical examination.

Tuantuan didn't notice this at ordinary times. When he heard what Zheng said, he jumped on the spot a few times, pinched his arms and shoulders, and said with a sudden look on his face: "It must be part of the body's mutation. People like us can fly." Birds’ bones should be thinner and lighter.”

"You can't fly yet. Don't talk too much about us birds, or you'll spill the beans." Wen Zheng educated him righteously.

In fact, Wen Zheng just saw that Tuantuan was too happy recently, so he gave a small blow. Sometimes it was easy for people to find clues in small places.

"Although your weight on the physical examination form is still within the normal range, you don't look that thin. Well... you should eat less to lose weight recently." Wen Zheng continued to tease Tuan Tuan. In fact, Tuan Tuan looks like Quite slim.

"That's not possible. I need nutrition right now. What if I don't thrive by then?"

Tuantuan muttered in his mouth, stretched out his hand to grab some snacks and stuffed them into his mouth. Sure enough, Wen Zheng just kept talking and made no move to stop him.

After all, Wen Zheng still fed Tuantuan with good food and drink every day. The only thing he did was to change the clothes Tuantuan wore every time he went out to black to look slimmer.

A few days later, it was Wen Zheng's turn to go for a physical examination again, and this time it was his turn to accompany his father there.

When Wen Zheng walked in and finished a series of examinations, he was about to leave when he saw Wang Yi and Zhang Yuzhu, mother and daughter, again.

Like the Wen family, this time Wang Yi, an adult, came for a physical examination and took the little girl to the information desk for questioning.

We haven't seen each other for a few days, so Zhang Yuzhu's reaction behind his back is probably more obvious. He is wearing loose clothes, his shoulders are so stiff when he walks, and his face is a little pale.

With Zhang Yuzhu's obvious performance, the government has not made any special moves so far. After all, there are test results, and they can find a reason to make them cooperate.

Now both mother and daughter are still outside. The government they met this time seems to be different from the research institute they met in the last world.

This makes people feel relieved.

Later, the testing for adults was accelerated a lot. When all members were tested and residents were still looking forward to the treatment discount, the floating city government had no intention of concealing it. The news released was like a powerful bomb thrown into the crowd.

Suddenly, it became lively.

"What mutation? Will it be harmful to children?"

"My children are fine, so they won't mutate."

"Will they all become monsters in the future?"

On this ordinary morning, the loudspeakers erected on the streets directly woke up the busy people from their sleep with clear and loud voices and shocking content.

It is estimated that few people in the entire floating city are in the mood to eat breakfast.

Wen Zheng casually filled a bowl of flour made from wheat he grew himself, added appropriate amounts of water, oil, salt, etc., and stirred it into a batter. He directly scooped a spoonful and poured it into the multifunctional pot produced after the end of the world. After a while, a pancake came out of the oven.

Tuan Tuan had been waiting by the side with a plate, and took it as soon as it came out of the pot.

The father and son cooperated tacitly, and while busy in the kitchen, they also received information played by the loudspeaker.

There was a lot of content revealed in the loudspeaker. First, the case of animal mutation was used as a prelude, and then it was introduced that humans were also on the road to adapting to the post-disaster environment, and to some extent, the children with the best adaptability or the most susceptible to influence appeared first.

Relevant research experts assert that humans will take this path sooner or later.

But humans don’t know what dangers there are on this road. Children are walking in front. What we can provide is to explore as much as possible and help them solve the problems they may encounter on the road.

The government of the floating city hopes to gain the trust of the people and seek help from them, and they will do their best to help the people have a smooth journey.

Even Wen Zheng did not expect that the government would directly announce this news instead of hiding it and conducting research in private.

This is an extremely bold move. The content of the broadcast may cause panic in people's hearts. It is not certain what the result will be in the end. Even if the crowd suddenly riots, Wen Zheng will not be surprised at all.

But when the initial shock slowly subsides, when people really accept this information and think carefully, the final choice will be to cooperate with the government to conduct research that does not harm the human body.

Who can rest assured that their children will mutate like this and leave it alone.

Thinking of this, Wen Zheng moved his eyes to Tuan Tuan who was left alone, but seeing Tuan Tuan's happy look, he stopped thinking about it.

His family is a special case.

Since the broadcast of this day, few people have the heart to continue working. There are a lot of questions waiting to be asked about the content of the broadcast.

However, the government has been prepared for a long time. Employees in important places have been notified in advance, which will not affect the normal operation of these places. As for other places, just take it as a day off.

There are also staff trained in advance, distributed in various areas to answer residents' questions.

The government needs people to cooperate with them in the research, but they will not take any actions that harm people during the whole research process. Instead, they will make the greatest efforts to protect the health of children and explore how to get through this journey faster and better.

Parents can accompany, the government will provide subsidies, and safety will be guaranteed as much as possible, but even so, no one took the initiative to stand up in the first few days of the announcement.

Until the child's physical condition was really not good.

The first volunteer appeared, and the specific identity information was not disclosed to the outside world. However, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan often sent vegetables to the research institute, and gradually heard some news and found that the volunteer was the little girl Zhang Yuzhu.

Two days later, new volunteers appeared, but Wen Zheng did not want to ask again, because he found that his shoulder also reacted.

When he found this, Wen Zheng stood completely in place, touched the back shoulder that suddenly felt uncomfortable just now, and with the help of Tuantuan, a person who had experienced it, he identified Wen Zheng's situation.

Wen Zheng was first happy that he would grow wings in the future and could really feel the taste of flying. He had this idea when he saw Tuantuan flying in the form of a bird before.

It seems that this world can make him get what he wants.

After the happy mood, I felt uncomfortable and wanted to curse.

I don’t know if adults react more strongly, but Wen Zheng experienced how uncomfortable it was after his body mutated.

Those mutated children really have a hard time.

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