Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 90 Chapter 90 (1/2)

When the floating city rises, it is the time for those teams to attack the target.

From the trading area to the laboratory, from ordinary vendors to busy researchers, they thought they had concealed their behavior well, and they were worried every day, waiting for the fleet to leave so that they could sleep peacefully. But they suddenly woke up that night, and before they could fall asleep again, they found that the nightmare that disturbed them had become a reality.

The door of the room was opened, and with the help of the moonlight shining in, the army green uniforms on the people could be seen. Looking up again, all the places where they could escape were strictly guarded.

Some people chose to surrender, while others understood the consequences of their actions. They wanted to make a final resistance with weapons, but they would only get bullets that would make them incapable of action.

After getting the clues provided by Wen Zheng, they used the most trusted people to conduct investigations in secret. When they verified that this was a conspiracy planned by the Ark Base, a tight net was quietly laid under their feet, waiting for the moment to close the net.

Several gunshots that were somewhat obvious in the dark night broke the silence, but soon these noises disappeared, and at the same time, a bigger battle diverted people's attention.

After the floating city started the ascent program, although the overall noise was much smaller than before, the fleet staying on the port surface was equipped with detection devices. After the device sounded, the personnel from the Ark Base were confused by the operation of the floating city. They did not realize that their private behavior was exposed, but instead sent inquiries to the floating city through radio communication.

While these giant ships were urgently contacting the floating city, several figures flying with their wings spread were almost perfectly covered in the night. Several giant fish hid under the water, following the smell of humans from a distance and arriving in advance in the dry season.

As the distance got closer, the giant fish smelled the strong human breath in this area and soon became excited.

When the rainy season just came last year, the powerful attack power of the giant fish left a deep impression on all the people who saw it with their own eyes. However, although the giant fish have strong attack power, their identity as fish limits their range of action before they grow wings.

Although the floating city has not reached above the clouds at this time, the height is enough. Without the help of strong winds and huge waves, the high altitude is an area that these giant fish cannot reach.

Now the only targets they can attack are the three giant ships that are still on the water.

When the giant fish appeared near this area, the ships that had also suffered from these fish lit up red danger warnings, and the alarm of the highest danger level woke up everyone on the ship.

The personnel who were contacting the floating city were immediately dumbfounded. The bad premonition that always wanted to jump out before was completely out now. If you say that the floating city does not know the arrival of these giant fish, he doesn't believe it at all, otherwise how could they rise in the middle of the night? Maybe it was attracted by the floating city.

The leaders on the three ships hated it very much, but they had no time to question the floating city, and they didn't want to waste the limited number of long-range weapons on the ship, let alone worry about the plan that has not yet ended.

Saving their lives is their primary concern now.

They issued an order, requiring the crew to hurry up and rush out of this dangerous area before the giant fish surrounded them.

The ships on both sides, which were managed by foreign-looking personnel, started the ships at the fastest speed, adjusted the direction, and found a possible way out to rush out. The ship in the middle was originally using the same operation, but before the ship rushed out, there was turmoil inside the ship, and the forward direction of the entire ship kept changing, still staying in this area.

The flying figures returned to the floating city, and the giant fish hidden under the water surface quietly launched an attack. The original position of the floating city would only make them empty, and all the giant fish's attacks went towards the three ships.

The ship, which was a step late because of the internal turmoil, shook greatly under the violent impact of the giant fish, and the whole ship became more chaotic. Some people were even thrown into the water from the ship's window and fell directly into the mouths of the surrounding giant fish.

The floating city, which was always paying attention to the movements here, noticed this situation. When they found that someone on the ship carrying compatriots raised a bright flag, the leader of the floating city made a decision: "Send a special team to rescue people."

That was a team composed of adults who had all successfully mutated. After being selected and trained, they were used for the first time today. After they successfully returned to the floating city, they were waiting for new instructions and orders at the outermost wall of the floating city, wanting to show the power of the wings on their bodies.

The order was issued and the team set off.

The personnel with mutated arms were responsible for attracting the giant fish to change direction. Their bodies were extremely flexible, but it was still quite dangerous to lead the giant fish away, and it took a lot of energy. As for the personnel with wings on their backs, they still had their spare hands to use, tied up the personnel who needed to stay, and then took them back to the floating city.

However, these people who escaped from the attack of the giant fish were guarded by the soldiers stationed outside the floating city with weapons as soon as they were put down.

A loud rumbling sound accompanied by a fiery red light appeared in the distance. The two ships that were running away were caught up by the giant fish, so the weapons on the ships were activated and attacked the giant fish that was chasing them.

The giant fish, which was still chasing the winged man, began to feel relieved about the small dessert that could not be caught in the sky, and swam in the direction of the sound, which relieved the mutants who were tired of flying to attract monsters.

These occasional movements did not stop until the early morning.

Two of the three giant ships from the Ark Base left the monitoring range of the floating city in a panic under the attack of the giant fish. At that time, there was a group of deadly giant fish behind the ship. Now it is unknown whether these two ships are dead or alive.

The water surface in the area where the floating city is located has temporarily returned to calm. The remaining ship that did not escape is still in place. Some of the people on the ship died in the internal fight. Although the rest were rescued to the floating city, they were all separated and closely guarded.

The people rescued from the ship and those caught by the soldiers the night before were all being interrogated.

They not only wanted to find out what conspiracy the Ark Base had in their floating city, but also to understand the current situation of the floating city.

The rainy season has not yet arrived, and ordinary people are not very clear about what happened that night, but judging from the movement at that time and the current situation, these things are not what they can find out. They are still living as usual and believe that the government will give them an explanation.

Three days later, the floating city government publicly informed everyone of the true situation from the screen in the central square.

Unlike the floating city, the Ark Base is composed of top talents from various countries. This is the advantage of the Ark Base, but also a disadvantage.

It is difficult to reach a consensus with different countries. All top talents mean that the initial personnel in the Ark Base are not easy to deal with. When their ideas and practices are different or even contradictory, the struggle within the base begins.

The Ark Base is not as beautiful as advertised every time it arrives. The personnel who followed the ship before either lost their right to freedom there or fell into the struggle there.

After nearly two years of internal struggle, the part of the personnel who originated from the floating city fell into a disadvantage, and the Ark Base was managed by a joint government composed of several other countries.

At this time, the personnel with signs of mutation were discovered by the Ark Research Institute. Some scientists who were talented but not intolerant of the pre-apocalyptic human principles, faced with this new and challenging topic, proposed to study these mutants, including human experiments that would endanger life.

Finally, they got permission from the Ark United Government.

Those crazy scientists were not satisfied with the research on the fish mutants in the Ark Base. They speculated that different environments might lead to different mutation directions, and set their sights on several human bases that existed besides the Ark Base.

The floating city became their target.

The plan for the Ark Base was implemented since the last dry season, and was supposed to end during this dry season. People like Master Fat who really believed in the existence of the surgery would be notified to take their children for surgery on the day the fleet left, and then bring the adults and mutant children to the ship. When the floating city found out, the ship had already left, and the experimental subjects were in hand.

The targets they targeted were carefully selected, but when Master Fat was selected, no one took Wen Zheng, whom Master Fat knew, seriously, so the news was revealed from Master Fat to Wen Zheng, and then reported to the leaders of the floating city.

After investigating the general situation, the floating city fought back and formulated a counterattack plan. After the United Government took control of the Ark Base, some of the compatriots in the Ark Base were instigated to rebel, and some wanted to leave the Ark, so there was a fight inside the ship that night.

After these situations were announced, ordinary residents were shocked, and then they were full of fear.

Master Fat didn't even know what role he played in this, but he still came to thank Wen Zheng with a lot of things. If Wen Zheng hadn't gotten him a place for surgery, he would have really been deceived with his daughter. Even if the government caught the man in time, he would have put the child in danger.

While ordinary residents were afraid, they scolded the Ark Base, especially the members of the so-called United Government, every day.

Although the government took three days to sort out the situation and announce it, it will take a lot of time to deal with it later. Before that, in order to appease the people's emotions and to improve everyone's zero distance, the flight team that performed outstandingly in the battle that night was pushed to the front. While commending them, they were also responsible for the flight training of the new mutated personnel.

The people quickly invested their emotions in this fresh activity, and Wen Zheng also went to register his successful mutation at this moment when not many people paid attention.

"The weather is so good." Tuan Tuan opened the window, looked up at the golden clouds in the sky, and was eager to try. "Dad, the government notified that the rainy season will come the day after tomorrow at the latest, so this may be the last sunny day in this dry season."

"Go out for a walk?"

"Okay." Tuan Tuan was waiting for this answer.

Back to the room, put on special clothes, climbed on the balcony full of green plants, and the two stood on the edge of the balcony and jumped down. Before feeling the speed brought by gravity, the wings behind opened at the moment of weightlessness, carrying the two people to fly towards the waterway.

The danger left, and the floating city fell again. During the last two days of the dry season, people rushed to the water surface, which had returned to calm after the giant fish left, to enjoy the scenery that they might not see for another half a year.

The flight team, which already had the posture of a national idol, took the group of people who had not yet practiced flying and ran to the water surface for flight training. If they fell without training, at most they would fall into the water and become a drowned chicken.

A few people whose wings had just mutated completely staggered under the command of the instructors and accidentally fell into the water, causing the onlookers to laugh and encourage kindly.

"Get up, dry your feathers and continue training. You must learn to trust your wings. If you can't fly at this height, how can you fly higher." The instructor glanced at the sky while teaching them, "Look up, how can others fly so well? They are not from our team."

Looking up, two harmonious figures, one big and one small, flapped their wings and smoothly crossed the sky.

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