Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 91 Chapter 91

【Welcome to the Infinite Disaster Survival Game!

The main mission - Survive the world-destroying flood for three years has been completed, and the reward points are 8,000 points.

Will the player leave the game? 】

After staying in this world for three years, I didn't earn many points at all. If the points spent on forming a team are counted, it can be regarded as giving points to the system. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan naturally won't choose to leave, they must earn more points before leaving.

Besides, Wen Zheng finally mastered the special skill of flying, and he hasn't had enough of flying.

In the seventh year of the flood, the part of the new city that was left on the water surface, after the scientific researchers took time to transform it, these mountains floated up smoothly and became islands in the air, and the floating city surrounding the core area became a new component.

The islands in the air that have been launched in succession over the years have been arranged for different uses, and different and distinctive buildings have been built on them, almost all with some elements of birds or feathers. Humans and various winged animals live happily in the floating city.

Whenever the morning sun shines on the window, people who wake up pack themselves up, then stretch their arms or spread their wings, take off from the modified wide balcony, and fly to their respective workplaces.

Above the floating city, there are indicators that change red and green lights, just like traffic lights before a flood, which play a role in directing all air personnel to fly in an orderly manner and prevent air collisions.

Even with the display command, which is emphasized almost every day in the broadcast, there are still people who have just obtained a flying license and have collision accidents in the air from time to time.

Flying side by side in the divided routes, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan witnessed an air traffic accident with their own eyes. Because the accident was quite outrageous, the perpetrator hit the indicator suspended in front and fell to the ground with the indicator, causing the two people's flying speed to slow down automatically, until the traffic police flew to check the situation and retracted their surprised eyes.

"How did you get a license with this flying ability." Seeing the perpetrator take out the license from his clothes, Wen Zheng, as a former instructor of flight examinations, shook his head.

Tuan Tuan saw it more clearly: "It looks like he stayed up all night and accidentally closed his eyes for a few seconds while flying. This time, his pilot's license must be revoked and he must retake the test."

While chatting, the two flew to the island in the sky they were going to and stood in their positions.

People came to the core area of ​​the island in the sky one after another, picked up the equipment placed next to them, put them on, and lined up, waiting for the command from the center of the floating city, and then flew to their destination according to different teams - the only way for giant fish to swim to the floating city area.

Every year when the dry season comes, it is a rare time for the floating city to land. It just so happens that those giant fish that love to eat people swim nearby during this period every year, and they will swim over when they smell the smell.

If you wait for them to leave on their own, it will take a lot of time. When they stay, they will swallow the fish in the nearby waters, destroying the balance of this water area, and it will take a long time to recover.

These giant fish are troubles that need to be faced every year.

So, after the daily needs were solved, the floating city began to consider other aspects. The issue of the arrival of giant fish in the dry season was brought to the table. The team to catch giant fish began to be formed in the fourth year of the flood. Wen Zheng was one of the first members to sign up and was successfully selected. Tuantuan waited until he became an adult to join.

This year, the dry season had just arrived in the floating city and it had not yet fallen, and several giant fish ran over.

Now the team has been formed for more than three years. The old members in the team are experienced, and the new members have undergone sufficient training. They will be arranged to a less dangerous position in the first battle. As long as they follow the command, the battle will be safe.

The figures of the giant fish can be seen from a distance in the air. They launched an attack before the giant fish arrived in the floating city area. They did not want the battle to affect the waters in the area where they lived, and the sky without the city could also give them space to fight.

After arriving in the sky above the giant fish, the command center that prompted the route transferred the permission to Wen Zheng, who was in charge of the battle.

Wen Zheng used to be able to move freely in the mountains and forests, which showed his good physical fitness. When the team was formed, Wen Zheng was one of the few adults who successfully mutated wings. Due to his outstanding performance during the training and his excellent command ability, Wen Zheng gradually improved from an ordinary combatant to a trusted combat commander.

Just like the content of many drills before, some personnel interfered and separated the group of giant fish, and the rest of the personnel attacked remotely in the air, focusing on the eyes, gills, fins and body connections, as well as the open mouth during the attack.

Blood continued to flow out of the giant fish, flowing into the water to attract more carnivorous fish. The giant fish, which was constantly disturbed and attacked, was bitten by the carnivorous fish. At this time, it often began to attack frantically, with great force, but extremely low accuracy.

When the giant fish consumed most of its strength in the crazy attack, it would be the best time for humans to attack.

Flying high up and patiently waiting for the opportunity to come, Wen Zheng gave the instruction to attack, and he rushed down with a sharp spear in his hand. The spear was inserted from the gills and then from the other end. The giant fish fell into a painful struggle, and the final destination was to sink to the bottom of the deep water and be eaten by carnivorous aquatic creatures.

Another fish not far away was hit by Tuan Tuan. The personnel of both parties flew to the last battle area to help, and the battle was soon over.

When the giant fish was destroyed, the system popped up a few prompts and rewarded some points. In addition to destroying giant fish, usually relying on catching fish and selling them to the system store to get very few points, but the current environment is that there are many fish, and the points have increased after accumulating a little.

It took them half a day to destroy these three giant fish. No one was seriously injured, and some minor injuries were inevitable. The mission can be said to be successfully completed.

Flying from the battle site to their own territory, the floating city and the surrounding islands that received the news were slowly landing. Some non-carnivorous fish were startled by the noise of the battle just now. They did not choose the right direction when they fled. They swam actively on the way back to Wen Zheng, but they still could not escape the fate of death.

Especially those fish that taste delicious are the easiest to catch. They are often put into the cooking utensils on the same day to replenish the hungry fighters who consumed too much energy in the battle.

However, this time Wen Zheng was unable to share the food with his teammates. He received a request from the leader while he was catching fish, asking him to tell him in person if there was anything.

After instructing Tuantuan to keep an eye on these teammates, Wen Zheng flew to the leader's office alone, and then was asked: "The government is preparing to organize people to go to the Ark Base again. You will take out another twelve people from your team and be responsible for security in this team."


Wen Zheng took on this task first, and then asked about the specific situation. Since they chose to let Wen Zheng join the long-distance team, the leader did not intend to hide these situations from him, so he explained them in detail.

As early as the dry season of the third year after the flood, the Ark fleet secretly attacked, but was counterattacked by the floating city. In the end, the two ships fled. After that, no one knew what happened. The Ark base stopped sending fleets, and then there was no news.

Until the establishment of long-distance communication recently, the floating city and the Ark base and the remaining surviving human bases had a channel of communication.

It turned out that after the counterattack, the two escaped giant ships failed to return to the Ark base. Under normal circumstances, the Ark base would definitely ask the floating city for an explanation, but at that time, the problem of squeezing the Ark base broke out, and chaos began from the inside.

The rest of the country members who were oppressed by the national members of the coalition government, the lower-level personnel who were deceived by the fleet from the remaining survivors' bases, and the victims of human experiments and their relatives and opponents of such behavior, all had the common goal of overthrowing the coalition government at that time, and they gathered into a great force and started this long-lasting struggle.

The whole struggle process was quite tragic, with nearly half of the population dying in the middle, and in the end, the power of the Ark base could be said to have been completely reshuffled.

The former coalition government was overthrown, and the people who overthrew them came from different countries and had different experiences. When they achieved their goal, the force that united them disappeared. Then they tried to reach a new consensus through constant discussions, but instead aroused more conflicts. Before a new struggle that could no longer be tolerated occurred again, they all gave in and agreed to establish a new coalition government.

The new government learned from the past lessons and slowly entered a slow recovery and development period. The Ark Base was worthy of absorbing and accepting the world's top scientific researchers at the time. Even though many died in the process of struggle, the remaining people concentrated on research in the following years and solved the difficulties of long-distance communication.

After contacting the floating city, many compatriots living in the Ark Base had complicated feelings. Even though they now have a high status in the new coalition government, many people still miss going home, so there is this long journey plan.

In the past, the Ark Base sent people here, and now it is their turn to send people to take a look. If possible, the two sides can form a friendly cooperative relationship. After all, there are not many humans left alive now, and internal struggles will only lead to self-destruction.

Wen Zheng naturally wanted to take Tuantuan with him, but since the two had a parent-child relationship, the selection process had to be open and fair. Wen Zheng simply organized everyone to have an internal competition. According to the ranking, if someone did not want to go, the quota would be automatically postponed to the next person.

All those who were asked did not refuse this opportunity. They had been on the floating island for so many years and were full of confidence in the government. The activities organized by the government would not be dangerous. Since they could go out and see new scenery, why not go.

Wen Zheng did not participate in this internal competition. Tuantuan won the first place with his own strength, and both father and son could travel.

The huge ship that was left here was inspected, refurbished and renovated after it was determined that it needed to travel, and it stayed on the water with a brand new look. Wings cannot support such a long-distance flight, and ships are still needed as a means of transportation for this trip.

The team composed of government members, scientific researchers, combat personnel, drivers and logistics personnel boarded the ship with everyone's farewell and started a new journey.

Through their own efforts, humans finally found a way to survive the flood. When the goal of survival was met, humans would not stop but instead explore the unknown and distant places.

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