Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 94 Chapter 94 (1/2)

A relatively peaceful life with a bit of panic, beyond everyone's expectations, reached the brink of collapse at an unimaginable speed.

The seriousness of the matter was revealed to people on the day the sleeper died, and from that day on, things got out of control.

The middle-aged man lying on the bed was well taken care of, with a ruddy face and looked like he was asleep. A few seconds later, the man's complexion suddenly changed. At first, he frowned slightly, and then he seemed to have suffered unimaginable torture. His facial features were distorted and moved in his face, and the combination was a mixture of fear and pain.

That expression cannot be simply described in words. Everyone who saw this video was scared out of their wits.

Later, after the video disappeared, many people who did not see it thought that those who were scared after seeing it were too timid and made a fuss, but only those who saw it would always have the expression of the man before his death in their minds, which was definitely the most terrible nightmare.

In the video, the ECG monitor next to the bed began to sound a warning the moment the man's expression changed, but the moment the doctor and the nurse hurriedly opened the door and ran in, the ECG waveform changed from a curve to a straight line.

In this short period of time, the patient completely bid farewell to the world.

When the video first began to circulate on the Internet, people regarded it as a clip from a certain movie. All those who watched it quickly forwarded the video through various channels and promoted it to the outside world, spreading it in a way that could be said to be mental pollution, and tried to find the source of the video.

Wen Zheng, who always pays attention to the news of the sleeper, noticed it almost when the video first appeared, and he also fell into this madness after watching it. It was not until his finger was about to press the send button that the coldness from the bottom of his heart slowly made him come to his senses, and he realized that something was wrong with his state.

The cold sweat that came out again made his clothes almost soaked, and Wen Zheng ran to turn on the hot water to wash his face, and then he was completely awake.

When he went back to watch the video again, he found that the video had been completely blocked, but there were still many related discussions on the Internet.

"Why are all the videos deleted? I haven't found out which movie they are from. It's rare to see such a good movie with such superb acting skills. It's not that they were deleted because they are too scary."

"That video is not a movie clip at all. It's a real video."

"Don't scare me with the screenshots. I'm worried that I'll have nightmares at night. If they are real images, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep all night. I have to go to work tomorrow."

"I still want to go to work. Someone just died in a dream. Today, two sleeping patients were sent to the hospital. If the cause is not found, it's not certain whether they can survive."

"The people upstairs are telling ghost stories. Why are they getting more and more scary?"

Perhaps influenced by the madness brought by the movie, Wen Zheng saw more and more people participating in this topic. Even though the relevant comments were deleted and even the accounts were banned, the number of people talking about it did not decrease, but increased.

From day to night and then to day, in the following time, no matter how hard the government and various websites tried, there was no way to prevent the related topics from spreading rapidly and spreading rapidly among the crowd.

The streets were full of related discussions. Old Li from the next door even knocked on Wen Zheng's door. When Wen Zheng came out, he immediately pulled Wen Zheng aside and asked, "Wen Zheng, have you heard about it?"

"Are you talking about that video? It's been all over the Internet. Of course I've heard about it, but I don't know if it's true or false."

"Of course it's true. My second uncle's nephew fainted a while ago and died the day before yesterday, just like in the video. The hospital also told his family not to tell anyone, but how could they keep it a secret?" When Old Li finished speaking, his voice became louder uncontrollably, trying to hide the panic in his heart.

In the past, he could still comfort himself that it was false when he heard it from others, but this time it was his second aunt who called him personally. He had seen the nephew from his second uncle's family two years ago, and it was absolutely impossible for him to joke about this matter.

After answering the phone, Old Li knew that the news that had been circulating these days was 99% true. He didn't dare to tell his family, who were already scared enough, but he, a grown man, was still panicked when he thought about it. Although he hadn't seen the video himself, he heard that others said it was more bizarre than the other. There was no other way, so Lao Li ran to the next door to talk to Wen Zheng, a grown man, and maybe they could discuss some ways to deal with it.

"Brother Li, is it really the same as in the video? What should I do?"

With Wen Zheng, who seemed more panicked than himself, in front of him, Brother Li became much calmer. He took off the other cigarette from his ear, lit it and took two puffs, frowning and thinking.

Based on the various rumors circulating now, each of which was so weird that it was beyond the scope of scientific explanation. Many neighbors began to pray to gods and Buddhas, and the smell of sandalwood covered the smell of disinfectant.

Lao Li didn't believe in feudal superstition, but if he had to come up with a feasible solution, the only thing he could think of was to believe in the government.

After thinking it through, Lao Li took out the cigarette from his mouth and slowly said to Wen Zheng: "I'm thinking that I should try not to go out recently. I'll find time to go to the supermarket to buy some rice and flour and keep them at home. Then I'll stay at home and see what arrangements the government will make next."

"Uncle, when are you going to buy it? Take me with you so we can take care of each other." Wen Zheng's family had enough food, but he immediately agreed to Lao Li's suggestion. This is what most ordinary people would do.

No matter what happens, stock up enough food and drinks at home.

Lao Li still has to go home to discuss with his family, and it's a little late today, so he asked Wen Zheng to wait until tomorrow.

Wen Zheng agreed and sent Lao Li away, closed the door of his house, and made some food at night. Before going to bed, I went online to check the latest situation. The comments on the Internet are almost out of control. Even if the new comments will be deleted soon after they appear, many comments will reappear every minute and every second. I can see a lot of news that I don't know whether it is true or false by refreshing all the time.

Now there are people who fainted suddenly for no reason every day. If they fainted on the street, people would immediately come to watch and check. Many of them looked like they were asleep, which verified the rumors circulating on the Internet.

This kind of people are temporarily called sleepers on the Internet, and this bizarre disease is also temporarily called sleeping sickness.

Sleeping sickness not only appeared in many cities of all sizes in China, but also appeared in foreign countries at about the same time.

However, unlike the attention and panic in China, many countries did not take it seriously. Some good people even pretended to be sleepers and fainted in the street. When the people around them were frightened, they suddenly jumped up, treating this situation as a new type of prank.

After randomly browsing a few similar messages, Wen Zheng patiently refreshed for dozens of minutes before confirming that other countries also did not make any official comments on this sleeping sickness.

Only a few foreign tabloids issued related reports, but when it comes to sleeping sickness, they are all unreliable speculations, which are somewhat similar to the rumors spread among neighbors.

Some say it is a virus developed by crazy scientists, some say it is a way for aliens to attack their planet, and more people suspect that it is a punishment from the gods.

In short, there is no practical way to work.

Putting aside the situation in other countries, Wen Zheng carefully browsed the information in China, especially in this city. Although the panic signals have spread everywhere, the social order has not yet reached the point of being in danger.

There should be no problem going out tomorrow.

The next morning, Lao Li came to find Wen Zheng early. His wife had to stay at home to look after the children, so today they drove out alone.

They first went to the farmer's market in this city, where everything was complete and cheap. As a result, when they arrived, they found that they were still late. The farmer's market was full of people with the same idea, and no one knew what was going on. There was a loud noise in the farmer's market.

The crowd inside was too crowded to squeeze in. The voices of many people talking together were mixed and difficult to distinguish. Wen Zheng and Lao Li stood outside and had no way to make the next move.

Someone squeezed out of the crowd and ran to the car in a hurry. Lao Li quickly grabbed the person and asked: "Brother, I see there seems to be a quarrel inside, what are they quarreling about?"

The stopped crowd looked up at Lao Li and Wen Zheng, and finally kindly reminded them: "It doesn't accept online transfers now, only cash transactions, I'm going to the bank to withdraw money. And everything inside has increased in price a lot. If you don't have cash in your hand, you'd better go to another place as soon as possible."

Now it is the era of online payment. When you go out, you can just take a mobile phone and scan the QR code no matter what you buy. It's convenient and not easy to encounter □□.

Nowadays, young people almost don't have the habit of carrying cash in their hands, but Wen Zheng is now nearly 30 years old, and Lao Li is in his 40s. He really has cash on him. But I didn't expect this before going out, so I didn't bring too much on purpose.

After searching through the pockets of his clothes, Wen Zheng had more than 200 yuan in cash. Lao Li had more, but only more than 300 yuan. In total, it was only 500 or 600 yuan. Judging from the price increase, it was estimated that even if he spent a lot of effort to buy things, he would not be able to buy much.

"How about we go to the bank to withdraw some money first?" Lao Li asked.

Wen Zheng shook his head. The degree of people's madness was beyond his expectation. The government could not fail to take measures against such crazy buying and wanton price increases. If they paid high prices now, it would only intensify the buying frenzy.

After listening to Wen Zheng's idea, Lao Li agreed with it, but he thought that if there was any situation in the future, mobile payment might not be reliable: "Just look at this farmer's market. It's better to have cash in hand. Let's go to the bank to withdraw some money and go home."

After discussing, the two went to the nearest bank. It turned out that it was similar to the farmer's market. The bank was crowded with people. There were long queues at the ATMs outside, and the queues could even go to another street. The two of them changed several places before they found a city with relatively few people.

As soon as they stopped the car and hadn't reached the end of the line, they heard a rumbling sound. A speeding motorcycle passed by and passed by a woman who had just walked out of the ATM with a lot of cash in her hand. In broad daylight, the motorcycle snatched the woman's wallet and ran away on the bike, causing the girl to fall heavily to the ground.

Wen Zheng stood not far away and saw this scene. He could not catch up with the motorcycle if he chased it, but before the motorcycle disappeared from his sight, he bent down to pick up a stone on the ground and threw it directly at the opponent's hand.

The speed of the motorcycle ridden by the opponent was too fast, and the distance between them was too far in a short time. The stone thrown by Wen Zheng was just a little bit off and still missed the opponent. Just when the opponent was about to escape, a car coming from the opposite direction probably saw the whole picture and directly crossed the vehicle to block the opponent's progress.

Who knew that this speeding robber was so cruel that he shifted the front of the car to avoid the obstruction of the car, and directly knocked the passerby next to him to the ground, pressing the passerby's body to escape.

Perhaps stimulated by the robber's behavior, the car driver also became crazy, and also moved the vehicle to hit the tail of the motorcycle, knocking the robber away, and rolling twice on the ground.

The successive collisions horrified everyone who saw it. The blood on the ground stimulated everyone's nerves. After a few seconds, the onlookers delayed their reaction, screaming what might be the loudest scream in their lives, while holding their heads and looking around for shelter to protect themselves, for fear that they would encounter the next madman.

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