Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 95 Chapter 95

The car stopped after hitting the people. No one escaped in panic, and no one got out of the car. Only the panicked crowd was running around.

When the incident happened, the bank security guards were outside directing the people who came to withdraw money to line up. The car robbery happened too suddenly, which caught them off guard. It was not until the accident that killed people that they had time to react to the incident and fulfill their responsibilities.

The two security guards were relatively calm. While letting the people running around to avoid enter the bank, they took the batons equipped for the security guards and gradually approached the blood-stained vehicle, and patiently persuaded with great courage.

"Brother, we all saw what happened just now. You impulsively hit people in order to stop the robber. I can testify for you when the time comes. Let's wait here for the police to come and surrender, and they will definitely be dealt with leniently."

"I can also testify for you. We must trust the police."

Not only the security guards were persuading, but the young woman whose cash had just been taken away also shouted loudly. Her face was pale and her lips were still trembling.

The young woman climbed up from where she fell. When she fell, she had a big wound on her leg that was rubbed by the ground. It was still bleeding, but she didn't have the heart to treat the wound. She limped towards the direction where the car was parked while persuading others.

Maybe the driver of the car regained his sanity and agreed with the words of persuasion by others. He stayed in the car and didn't come out. The others didn't dare to come out easily. Even the security guard and the young woman avoided the direction of the front of the car.

Until the sirens of the police car gradually approached and finally stopped at the location of the car crash, the police in police uniforms and equipped with guns got out of the car, which gave everyone a sense of security.

The car involved in the accident used anti-peep glass. The security guards and others didn't dare to get too close just now. Now the police came over and found something wrong in the car. Except for the two policemen who set up a cordon to protect the crime scene, the rest of the police began to find a way to open the vehicle.

The crowd came out from their hiding places one after another to see what was going on. Lao Li pulled Wen Zheng a little closer.

The robber was now lying on the ground, the blood that had been sprayed out had already cooled, several limbs had left the position they should have been in, and his chest had no rise and fall.

The robber's face was still in the moment of being hit and killed. Wen Zheng always felt that it was somewhat similar to the appearance of the sleeper in the video before his death. The most terrifying thing was that his eyes were not closed, revealing two round eyeballs. Everyone who looked over had the illusion that they were being stared at by those two eyeballs, and they could shiver on the spot under the hot sun.

After shouting a few times without any response, the police simply used tools to knock open the car windows. The man sitting in the back seat had completely lost his mind. That state was quite familiar to them as police officers recently, that is, the frequent occurrence of sleeping syndrome recently.

If it is said that this man hit someone to death because he suddenly fell asleep, it doesn't make sense. The situation at the scene was more like he stopped the car after impulsively hitting someone, and then fell into a sleeping state, but this was a bit too coincidental. He would not use this as a cover to escape punishment.

No matter what, we have to take the person away first.

Wen Zheng stood outside the cordon and couldn't see anything more useful. He pulled Lao Li to where they parked: "Brother Li, the police are here. Let's hurry up and change places to get the money."

"Okay, okay, let's go quickly." Brother Li retracted his stunned eyes from the robber's body, wiped the sweat on his forehead that had appeared at some point, and followed Wen Zheng blankly.

Seeing that Brother Li's condition was really bad, Wen Zheng took over the task of driving and let Brother Li stay in the passenger seat to rest. According to the instructions on the map, they found another bank nearby and wanted to go over to see the situation first. After taking over and driving out of the nearest street, both of them found something wrong.

"Why do I hear the sound of police cars and ambulances from that direction? Xiao Wen, did you hear it?" Brother Li opened his eyes and looked in the opposite direction of the bank where the accident just happened.

"I heard it, too." Wen Zheng had a serious face. He didn't plan to go to the bank. He turned around and went to the nearest large supermarket. He reminded Lao Li, "Brother Li, check the chat groups and Moments on your phone. I guess someone will say something if something happens."

Just at the door of the bank, after the police arrived, Wen Zheng saw several people who had not yet completely recovered from the panic. They turned on their phones to take pictures of the scene and sent them to the Internet.

"Someone really sent it. Not only did the bank just now have an incident, but there were also troubles on Wutong Street and Fengyuan Avenue. What the hell is this?" Uncle Li's face became extremely ugly, and then he suddenly became anxious and uneasy, "Your sister-in-law is still staying at home with the children."

"So no matter how high or low the price is, let's go to the supermarket first to buy emergency supplies for the next few days. It seems that it is safest to stay at home now."

"You're right, let's go to the supermarket first."

The car stopped outside the supermarket. The two parked the car and entered the supermarket. After confirming that mobile payment could still be used at the checkout counter, one of them immediately took a shopping cart and joined the army of people snatching supplies.

Several places on the rice and flour shelves became empty, and the remaining shelves with items were snatched away at a very fast speed. The two did not even have time to discuss with each other, and they put anything useful they saw into the shopping cart.

Wen Zheng and Lao Li separated. He had prepared a lot of supplies in advance two days ago. This time, he did not rush to buy food and drink supplies, but mainly went to the place where daily necessities were placed.

After taking all the things he wanted, Wen Zheng had not had time to find Lao Li, and found that the supermarket was in chaos again. After listening, it turned out that someone did not get the things he wanted, so he stole from the shopping carts of others who had not yet checked out. How could the person who finally got the things agree? The two sides quarreled.

Such frequent conflicts did not seem to be caused by panic alone. Wen Zheng remembered the feeling after watching the video last time, and began to doubt whether the pollution caused by the video would remain in people's subconscious mind, just like a hint to people, making people's emotions more easily excited.

With such a guess in mind, Wen Zheng looked for Lao Li in the crowd while observing the people who were in conflict. Before he could summarize any characteristics, he saw Lao Li quarreling with others, and the person opposite even clenched his fist and was about to hit someone.

This time the distance was not as far as the robbers. Wen Zheng took a few steps to control the other party's outstretched fist from the side, and kicked the other party's knee with his right leg, causing the other party to scream in pain, but it did not attract much attention in the noisy supermarket.

"Do you still want to hit someone?" Wen Zheng released his hand that was controlling the other party.

The man kicked by Wen Zheng held back his screams, rubbed his wrist that was pinched and hurt, looked at the tall and strong Wen Zheng and Lao Li, especially when he met Wen Zheng's sharp eyes, timidly suppressed his inexplicable excitement, dared not say anything, turned around and ran into the crowd.

"Fortunately, I called you this time."

"This is not a place to talk, Uncle Li, let's go back quickly, I'm afraid this scene will become more and more chaotic." While speaking, Wen Zheng piled several daily necessities he bought on Uncle Li's shopping cart.

Two strong adult men walking together, it seems that they are not easy to mess with, not to mention that there are still a lot of daily necessities on their shopping carts, so no one has attacked them yet.

Even so, the two of them could see more and more chaos in the supermarket.

"Don't grab, don't grab, I was obviously here first!"

"You're not only grabbing things, but you're also pushing people. You're the one who pushed me just now. Don't even think about leaving if you don't give me an explanation."

"My phone is missing. Someone is stealing phones here. Where are the supermarket employees? They don't know how to manage it."

The scene is so chaotic now. The employees in the supermarket are ordinary people, and many of them are women with relatively thin bodies. How can they manage such a chaotic scene?

Even Wen Zheng didn't dare to show off his ability. He only reached out to help people who were about to fall or be beaten when he was squeezing out. Compared with physical injuries, having things stolen or mobile phones and wallets stolen is nothing.

After going through so much trouble, they finally checked out and left. The increased prices of the goods were still within the acceptable range of the two. They kept alert at all times until all the things were loaded in the trunk. The two drove away and breathed a sigh of relief.

On the way back, there were police sirens everywhere. Wen Zheng suspected that all the police forces were dispatched to maintain normal order. There were traffic police at all traffic lights to direct traffic. Even so, every road was blocked.

They had left early in the morning, but they didn't return home until the afternoon.

As soon as the car stopped at the door of the two houses, Brother Li's son, who was still in elementary school, poked his head out from the top of the wall. When he saw that it was his father and Wen Zheng who came back, he immediately became less cautious and turned around and shouted into the house: "Mom, my dad and Uncle Wen next door are back."

With a swish, the door opened, and the sister-in-law next door came out with a worried face: "You two are finally back. I heard that the situation outside has been regretting that I shouldn't have let you go out to buy things."

"You're back well, and you don't plan to go out in the next few days." Old Li hurriedly coaxed his wife and children.

Wen Zheng moved all the things he bought back into the house, and took out a small bag of rice and flour and gave them to Lao Li: "Brother Li, I run a breakfast shop so I still have rice and flour at home. These two bags are for you to use first. First, to thank you for the disinfectant you gave me some time ago, and second, I am alone and need your help in the future."

"Now that we have come to this, I will not be polite with you. These rice and flour are considered as my loan to you. If you have any problems in the future, just come to me for help." Brother Li accepted the things and reached an agreement with Wen Zheng.

After returning home, Wen Zheng made several warning measures at the door of his house, and then looked at the situation on the Internet.

Almost all places have been in chaos since this day. The Internet police should be completely unable to control it. Photos of accidents that occurred in various places today are circulating everywhere on the Internet. The bloody scenes from different places make people wonder if they are in purgatory on earth.

Some people even deliberately posted bloody photos without blurring them out, and even said after being persuaded to delete them that they would turn the people who cursed them into the ones in the photos, "Even if you take care of them at home, they will fall asleep for no reason and die in your dreams. It's better to do things you wanted to do but didn't dare to do before while you are alive."

Such remarks are quite common on the Internet.

The dark side of human hearts is magnified in this chaotic situation, and those thoughts that are suppressed deep in morality and the legal system are growing recklessly.

Wen Zheng could foresee that the disaster this time would bring the world into a madness that it had never encountered before.

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