Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 96 Chapter 96 (1/2)

After a restless night, Wen Zheng wanted to know the consequences of yesterday's madness the next morning.

Many bloody photos were posted on it. Even through the screen, it seemed that the strong smell of blood could be smelled, which made people feel sick and wanted to slide away as soon as possible.

No longer look at the photos of ordinary people boarding the ship, just search for the reports posted by official accounts. Maybe these accounts used to post some exaggerated news to get more views, but this time it is probably due to the government's request that all accounts post the same content without any explanation from personal opinions.

The speed of government action is always beyond the expectations of ordinary people. Maybe the problem is too serious, so after just one day and one night, most areas where accidents are prone to occur are arranged by police to patrol back and forth, and will officially issue a notice on this situation at 12 noon today.

Some people who did not pay attention to yesterday's situation because they were too busy, etc., will doubt whether they have changed the world they live in after seeing the news on the Internet. They ask questions on the Internet with doubts, and the comments they get in the end are all asking the other party to wait for the news.

Even those who had experienced the crazy scene yesterday were confused about the reason.

No one was thinking about eating at noon that day. Whether they turned on the TV or used their mobile phones or computers, all people with normal thinking ability were waiting for the start of the news broadcast.

No one has counted, but this live broadcast may have the most observers in history, and it is very likely that it will never be surpassed again.

This was an emergency press conference. All the people participating in this meeting were important figures who often appeared on the news broadcast. It can be seen that they can't hide the fatigue on their faces. When the top leader spoke, the hoarseness of the voice can be heard.

Before holding this press conference, they must have discussed the current treatment methods without sleep.

There were no useless words. From the first sentence spoken, it was the content of the public's attention.

The man who fainted in front of Wen Zheng's breakfast shop was the first sleeper found in China. Later on the same day, people in other cities showed the same symptoms. At the same time, according to the information released by other countries, there were examples of sleeping earlier than the first person in China.

The government has investigated all the people who fell asleep in the first three days. They came from different cities and had almost no contact with each other, so geographical factors and infectious diseases can be ruled out. The reason for the inexplicable sleepiness has not yet been studied.

If these people have to say what they have in common, it is that they are all in a state of physical and mental fatigue before falling asleep. It is not yet certain whether sleeping has anything to do with this, but it is recommended that everyone try to adjust their body and mind in a good direction.

Although sleeping sickness is not contagious, the video of the sleeper dying in his sleep has been found to affect the mental state of the viewer, making the person who sees it irritable and impulsive. According to the confession of the criminals who were arrested at the police station yesterday, more than 90% of them have seen the video.

His guess was verified, but Wen Zheng was not happy at all. He had also seen the video. Although he reacted quickly and seemed to have gotten rid of the influence, who knows if there will be any residual hidden dangers.

There are also some people who have also seen the video but have not committed any illegal or criminal acts. They are worried about their current situation. Fortunately, the government has proposed a solution to this matter, and there will be a special explanation later.

Regarding the exploration of sleeping sickness, the government has only come up with the above results, which is almost no progress. No one knows what these sleepers will experience after falling asleep, why they suddenly die, and no one who has woken up can answer this question.

The next content was given to another person, whose voice was also a little hoarse. The content of the speech was to deal with the impact of sleeping sickness and the measures that the country will take in the next period of time.

From today, the entire country will enter a special state of comprehensive control.

In order to prevent more people from being affected by videos or photos and to avoid the chaos of yesterday from happening again, the state machinery will enter a stage of efficient operation from today.

Comprehensive control will be implemented on the Internet, and anyone who deliberately spreads related images will be severely dealt with. In reality, the army and police will be used to patrol day and night to ensure that the affected people will be arrested before committing vicious crimes.

Just reading this news doesn't make much of a difference, but when the news ends and is posted on other websites, you will find out how strict the management on the Internet is. All photos and videos cannot be sent out, and even the private message function has been cancelled. Some people have begun to post complaints and comments about the strict control.

Wen Zheng's house is right next to the road. He walked from his bedroom to the room near the road where he usually bought breakfast. When he opened the window, he could see fully armed policemen patrolling outside in turns.

After a few days, there were countless times in reality when someone was mentally unstable and had conflicts and hurt people on the street. They were discovered and stopped in time by the patrol team on the roadside. After protecting the safety of everyone around them, the defense measures in reality were no longer complained about.

After the photos and videos could not be posted online, some people still tried to spread them, but except for those who were so curious that they were not afraid of death, normal people would not easily try to watch them after being told how powerful they were.

It was also from the press conference that the news no longer concealed the facts. Every day, the number of new sleepers and the number of deaths in sleep were announced to the public. So far, no one has woken up from their sleep.

"This is a punishment from the gods. We are sinners in this world. Only by believing in the true God and praying for forgiveness from the gods can we escape this punishment."

"The sleeping sickness came a little too quickly. I don't believe there are really gods in this world. What do you think is the possibility of aliens attacking? Maybe they used some high-tech means that we can't crack now."

"If the gods punish us, we can still pray to the gods, but if the aliens attack deliberately, then we can't do anything."

"Who said that nothing can be done? Live a good life and listen to the government to adjust your physical and mental state. This is what we can do now."

"What's the use of this."

Whether it's useful or not, the loudspeakers around the streets now encourage people to go out and exercise, and play some pure music from time to time. I heard that it was recently compiled based on research results. After listening to it for a few days, Wen Zheng felt a little more relaxed, but he didn't know what effect it had. It might also be that he adjusted it himself.

"Meijuan? Meijuan, don't scare me, wake up quickly!" Wen Zheng was making breakfast for himself in the house. Before he finished, he heard the shouting from Brother Li next door. His wife's name was Wang Meijuan.

Wen Zheng felt bad when he heard the noise, so he quickly turned off the fire and knocked on the door next door. It was Brother Li's son who opened it with red eyes. Wen Zheng walked into the house holding the child's hand. Brother Li was calling his wife who was sleeping in the bed, one sentence after another, and he was unwilling to accept this reality.

"She has been worried every day in recent days and has not been able to sleep well. I got up just now and saw that she was sleeping soundly, so I didn't think of calling her to get up. But...but I accidentally knocked the water cup. If it was normal, she would have gotten up and blamed me for such a big noise, but there was no noise today, so I felt a little bad..."

Brother Li's lips trembled and whispered, the child stood beside him without saying a word, but the big tears dripped from his eyes to the ground.

"You stay here with your sister-in-law, I'll help you deal with the people outside." Wen Zheng sighed softly after closing the door gently, but he couldn't stop the crying that came out when the door was closed.

Standing outside the door were neighbors who heard the noise. With the volume of Brother Li's call just now, not only Wen Zheng could hear it, but also several neighbors nearby. They all had concern and sadness on their faces. When they saw Wen Zheng come out and said nothing, they guessed the situation and even thought that they would encounter it sooner or later.

The street office staff who received the news hurried over, first found Wen Zheng who was receiving the reception to understand the situation, then asked Lao Li's thoughts, registered the information and handed Lao Li a manual for caring for sleepers and left.

The number of sleepers is increasing every day, but not everyone has to be sent to the hospital, and the hospital cannot afford the rapidly increasing number of sleepers. Ordinary community clinics can also deliver nutrient solution to sleepers, and ordinary people can also feed sleepers after training, relying on their instinctive swallowing reflexes.

Old Li was reluctant to send his wife to the hospital, as he had to take care of his wife and children. Wen Zheng would simply make a few more portions when he cooked and send them to the neighbors. There was a family in the neighborhood who was somewhat related to Brother Li, and they would come to visit from time to time.

More than a week later, the government began to distribute the detector developed urgently to the public. The appearance of the instrument was a badge half the size of a palm, which could be used when it was pinned on the chest near the heart.

It is said that the physical state of each person who fell into a special sleep was different from that of a normal sleep, and could be detected. So when someone fell into this special sleep, the detector would detect it and send a signal, and the government would send personnel to check the situation.

At the same time, the official department began to count the family situation in the area under its responsibility. The focus of the statistics was on the number of people in each family and their wishes.

If you fall into a sleeping state, do you stay at home to be taken care of by your family, or agree to be sent to the hospital by the government to ensure that you do not die from lack of food before waking up. Of course, those who choose the latter also default to being observed and studied.

Many people, like Li Ge's family, prefer to stay at home and be taken care of by their families. But a lonely man like Wen Zheng does not intend to trouble those who dare not trust 100%, so he chooses the latter and leaves himself to the government to take care of after he falls asleep.

Maybe he has experienced too many things, and his premonition is sometimes more effective than that of ordinary people. Wen Zheng has always felt a vague sense of being stared at in recent days. He guessed that he was not far from falling asleep.

After resting the things in the house again, Wen Zheng could not prepare more for the rest, and continued his previous life.

Wen Zheng, who was exercising this morning, paused for a moment and felt the heaviness and dizziness coming from his head. He tried to resist the uncomfortable feeling, stayed awake for a few seconds, and moved himself to the bed to lie flat in a slightly comfortable position.

The next second, an irresistible darkness descended before his eyes. The whole room was extremely quiet at the same time. It was so quiet that Wen Zheng could clearly hear his heartbeat and breathing getting heavier. Finally, he completely lost control of his body.

An indescribable and complex feeling invaded his mind. It was like a collection of all negative emotions of human beings, fiercely attacking the soul with full malice, as if it would not stop until the soul collapsed.

"Ding ding." The detector on his chest flashed a red light, and the signal was transmitted after five seconds.

Almost a few minutes later, the door of Wen Zheng's room was knocked open, and the installed warning devices played a role. Lao Li from the next door immediately came over the wall to see the situation, and ended up facing two policemen holding a stretcher in their hands.

"Wen Zheng also fell asleep?" Lao Li's face was pale, unwilling to accept this fact. Apart from his wife, the best relationship among his brothers was Wen Zheng. In a blink of an eye, Wen Zheng also fell asleep.

After getting down from the ladder, Lao Li returned to the house and hugged his son tightly. What if he also fell into a deep sleep and left such a young child behind?

The child was young and couldn't sleep all day because of his mother's long sleep. Now he heard the noise next door and knew that Uncle Wen, who brought him food and took him to exercise every day, had also fallen asleep. He felt uncomfortable and knew that his father was also uncomfortable. He was hugged by Lao Li without saying a word.

"Dad, my waist is a little painful..." The posture of being hugged was a bit awkward, and finally it was really uncomfortable, so little Li Qi pushed Lao Li.

Lao Li woke up and quickly let go of his hands holding his son and put his son on the chair next to him. After asking his son where he was uncomfortable, Lao Li helped press the place where his son was twisted just now while thinking about something.

"Son, you stay at home and look after mom. If you have anything, call dad. Dad is going out for a while and will be back at noon." Old Li looked at the bright sun in the sky. Finally, he couldn't bear the anxiety in his heart. He told his son to rush to the address he remembered after hearing it before.

Shortly after Brother Li went out, an excellent news was released and was discussed at an unprecedented speed.

Just now, a sleeper successfully woke up from his sleep. He will reveal some of the secrets of sleep. Those who have not fallen into sleep are waiting for this information that may save them.

But Wen Zheng, who has fallen into sleep, can't see it.

Wen Zheng's body was carried to the police car by the police. In the end, like the other sleepers, he will be transported to the newly divided resettlement area for unified care, and pay attention to the physiological state of the sleepers at all times.

However, the sleepers can no longer perceive any information from the outside. Even Wen Zheng remains confused and floats in the dark space. When he finally wakes up, he finds himself standing by the window.

Dust particles were scattered in the rays of light, and the dark yellow glow of the setting sun covered the sky. A few red clouds were mixed in it like red bloodstains, reflecting the tired and stiff steps of passers-by.

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