Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1107

Under such pressure, the other party finally let go. This relieved the two girls next to him—yes, there were only two.

Although item is a group of four, from the beginning until now, the girl in the loose gym suit has been sitting there without speaking, looking dazed.

And this girl is also the one who is most valued on the battlefield in terms of ability among the four.

The name is Takikuri, and he has quite good abilities. It is said that after being upgraded to lv5, the abilities of low-level abilities can be changed at will, and even those with compound abilities can be created. It can be said that a person is an academy city.

This ability to manipulate and sense the Aim field, from the perspective of Battlefield, is even more valuable than the Item team itself.

Currently it is lv4.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 21 This is Power

"So, those who work hard govern others, and those who work hard are controlled by others. This is the truth."

In this way, the prop group was successfully recovered by the battlefield. Some are happy and some are sad. The battlefield originally wanted to mention whether he could study the abilities of Takiju Rigou. But thinking about it, it still doesn't work.

Now the two sides are still in an awkward state. What the battlefield had to do now was to increase the trust, favorability, and sex value of the four-man team through a series of cooperation. Let these guys have more trust in themselves, so as to make better use of them. I mean love them.

Yes. That's it. What Battlefield has done is not self-interested and dedicated to others.

Every girl he has sex with can testify to this——

"In other words, what you are talking about is to recruit those item? Let them become a peripheral organization of the ethics committee?"

After Zhanchangyuan proudly told Yuchuan about this, Yuchuan's expression looked a little strange. It was as if she didn't agree too much with the original plan of the battlefield.

"Yes, and they have now gone to find those guys-I mean the weakness of the advanced state rescue organization. This is our first deal."

"If you want them to kill people, isn't it faster? Yu Chuan asked: "Among them, is there someone who is very suitable to be a spy?" "

Of course not at all. Flanda also worked as a spy before, and everyone knows the result of this guy as a spy, let alone intelligence, she even got in.

"So do they have hackers who are very good at network and computer skills?"

Of course not. If it is said that the hacker who is the number one hacker in Academy City, it is the beginning of spring-there may be doubts. But in the early spring, I gained the superpower of lv5, and the calculation speed has been greatly improved. This is really true now.

"Since they are so useless, why did you use so much energy to win over them?" Yu Chuan asked almost expressionlessly.


Yeah, what is it for?

"So, even if you really want to give them some tasks, you can apply directly to them. You don't have to win them over to be your subordinates, right?" Yu Chuan then said again.

Yes, it seems that there is no problem.


Looking at Yu Chuan's eyes, Zhanchangyuan sincere couldn't help turning his head: "Ah, yeah, how can I put it? What is this for?"

"Actually, sincerely, you just see those girls are beautiful and cute, so you want to get closer to them, right?"

Hearing what Yuchuan said, the battlefield could not say anything except "Ahahaha...the weather is nice today~".

Well, selfishness does have some—but other than that—not, not really.

"Is the Takipot rear-end?"

After Zhanchangyuan proposed his second reason, Yuchuan hesitated a little: "However, as the tree designer said, that person has no possibility of becoming an LV5. Because of her own strength... well. ."

Yu Chuan suddenly thought of something, so she didn't say anything. What she thought of was naturally that before this, a certain child with the surname of Lv2 Chuchun had no talents himself and looked very weak, but accepted a lot. After the life essence of the battlefield, he happily completed his life transformation, embarked on the pinnacle of life, and became lv5.

The battlefield did not hide this point, at least it did not hide it internally. Naturally, Yu Chuan knew that this was one of the usual excuses that Zhanyuanyuan used to stop the members of the discipline committee from carrying out their daily work.

That is, the essence of life can make girls sublimate and enhance their strength, in addition to the various effects of beauty, fitness and youth. It's much better than any nutrition or cosmetics on the market.

In this case, having sex with the battlefield is also a very good practice method.

Zhanchangyuan said this sincerely, and naturally no one hesitated anymore...

Although so far, there has not been an LV5 on the battlefield, but the level and strength of some girls have indeed improved, which is quite correct. Uhhhhhhhhhhh, that means this is not the battlefield babble.

"In this case... the problem is..."

Thinking of this, Yu Chuan looked at Zhanchangyuan's eyes again with contempt.

After all, isn't Zhanchangyuan still going to fuck that girl? What's the point of really is.

In this way, Yuchuan felt that talking with Zhanchangyuan was meaningless. So he shook his head, turned and walked away with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

That's it, it comes to an end for now. The original sincere battlefield still did not draw any ally in the Committee of Discipline. Even the weakest girl thinks that all this is Zhanyuanyuan's fault. His reputation has a tendency to slip in the direction of one of his old husbands.

The one whose last name is Tosaka.

As a result, things continue to move forward. Zhanchangyuan’s daily work is to accompany the girls in this way, watering and loosening the soil of the cute little apple trees in their apple orchard, so as to cultivate them well. During this time, some children discovered some strange phenomena.

"In other words, the space shock is very likely to be the chaos of the Aim field...and the cause of this chaos...should be...Takiku Riko?"

Battlefield Yuan sincerely thought of this person instantly.


After Zhanchangyuan said this, in the item group of four who was allowed to participate in the meeting, the kid who seemed to never sleep awake showed up: "What are you talking about? I don't understand at all." Emoji.

"—No, no, no, although it is said that Takiju can do this in theory. But it is not her." Yukawa who presided over the meeting said: "She has sufficient alibi."


After that, the prop four group breathed a sigh of relief——

Although the recent period of getting along with the battlefield is not bad-if it is to say that in terms of information sharing, naturally there are fewer people, and the party with insufficient information gets more benefits-even though the Commission for Discipline and Discipline only classified some of the less important information, Sharing it with each other still makes the prop group very useful.

It was because of such a relationship of trust that they mustered up the courage to go to the headquarters of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline.

Before, although I was frightened by the sheer size of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline—I'm talking about girls—it is inexplicable, except for the original battlefield, all the senior members of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline were all women?

This made the props group feel quite surprised and did not understand. But soon, looking at the eyes of these girls looking at Zhanchangyuan, they understood the smell.

The harem governing the country, how rotten and evil is this what a bastard can do?

Although they have to admit that Yu Chuanyi is very capable. Judging from her speech and chairing the meeting. It is definitely believed that this child is actually the chairman of the Committee of Discipline.

despite this.

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