Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1108

However, after the battlefield said that "the unconscious diffusion of the Aim field after Takijuri was the culprit of the frequent spatial shock phenomenon in recent times. The props group was still shocked. Almost thought the battlefield was originally pendulum. It was a Hongmen Banquet, and they wanted to slap their idiots who took the initiative to send them to the door first, then slap, and then slap.

Fortunately, it is not.

"So, according to the information, the person you feel most suspicious is..." There is no pressure on the battlefield, as if it was not him who said the wrong thing just now. It doesn't matter to say so peacefully.

"According to data analysis. Among those with abilities related to the aim field, the one who was present at almost every space shock was Chungami Yuyi." So Yuchuan calmly announced the answer.

" I have seen it somewhere..." Zhanchangyuan was sincere and thoughtful, and then immediately remembered, that is, the kid who has just moved into the Chuchun dormitory recently-

It is a rather inconvenient light bulb for the battlefield. Because he is a dazed child who is as cute as a small animal, he fully aroused the protective desire of Chuchun Yili and his motherhood.

For this reason, the early spring classmates need to spend more time on housework and caring for the child. In this case, the number of overtime work in the early spring continues to decrease, and work efficiency also continues to decrease——

This is not the most uncomfortable—the most uncomfortable thing is that Chuchun moved back from the dormitory of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline because of the need to take care of her. In this case, it would be very difficult to sincerely want to have sex with her-instant movement, so distance is not a problem. But the original dormitory in early spring was so big, it was a one-bedroom apartment with two people on the bunk.

In this case, if you sincerely want to have sex with Chuchun, this child can hear it, so you have to go out and open a room with Chuchun to have sex-so much trouble-

The original sincere battlefield felt a little irritable during this time. It's almost like a father after having a child. My wife focused most of her attention on the dead kid, and every time she wanted to have sex with her, she had to see where the dead kid was.

What a bastard.

So when I think about it, the battlefield is full of resentment. He even gnashes his teeth when he lifts the spring coat

"Yeah! Very good, then it is her. Take her up for anatomy and study-I mean please come and treat me-in early spring, you should not look at me with that kind of eyes. I am not the kind of right and wrong, and I like public revenge. Bastard..."

Battlefield Hara plausibly said so.

Chapter 22 Body Crystal? ? ?

In the early spring, he played Lee, and his eyes were full of resentment when he looked at the battlefield. This is not only because Chuchun was unhappy with Battlefield, and Chuchun was angry when Chuchun said something wrong.

Another reason is that, recently, she and the child Chun Shang Jin Yi get along very well. The thought that she was about to be arrested by Battlefield Hara for research made her feel uncomfortable.

To make matters worse, the data report also has her credit-although she knows that it is actually not the case-but she still has a feeling that she has sold her spring clothes.

Therefore, she was very resentful.

"We will take good care of the classmates in Chunshang. Don't worry, Chuchun." Zhanchangyuan comforted her like this--

Then the battlefield was met by the onlookers of everyone present.

All the girls looked at Zhanchangyuan in their eyes, as if they were saying, "What are you talking about?!"

"How can you say such excessive things?!"

"Obviously, the classmate Chuchun seems to be so sad, you still have the heart to say such things, it is almost heartless!"


"Okay, okay, when I didn't say it." Zhanchangyuan raised his hands sincerely, expressing his surrender.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, no one here is turning to himself. Okay, then stop talking yourself, really.

So everyone continued to discuss.

Although Chuchun still felt uncomfortable-even though it was unintentional, she finally made the absolutely correct decision.

"Okay." Chuchun nodded: "I will take good care of Chunshang classmates."

"Well, good. So that's it." So everyone decided this happily, and then decided to bring Chunshang classmates here from Chuchun to stay.

This made the battlefield feel very happy. After bringing the child here, he would naturally come back in early spring. Then you can have sex with her happily, which is very convenient.


Battlefield thought this sincerely and happily. Then listen to everyone discussing other topics.

It's about how to deal with advanced rescue teams.

In the recent period of time, through the continuous efforts of the original team on the battlefield, there has been more and more information about that advanced situation rescue team.

Of course, it was mainly due to the early spring. Most of the information about the space shock that the other party had had been deciphered, and then happily swallowed.

This is also the reason why the original party on the battlefield will lock the spring clothes on the spring——

Now that the dust has settled, it is time to end it all happily.

Think about the pain everyone has suffered because of these bastards during this period-mainly spiritual. The girls are very excited, and want to make them feel more and more intense.

Watching this scene, the item group of four next to it was very shocked.

"Have you seen? Those guys are said to be Friends of the Super Electromagnetic Gun."

Several girls bit their ears softly.

"And there's more, if it's correct, it's psychological control of bee-eaters--I'm talking about the big blond tit who looks at the bastard with affectionate eyes.

"That looks super harmless, but it's actually pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. It's the latest lv5 thermostat, right? In this case, there are nine lv5s in the school city and four in the ethics committee..."

"If you add Mai Ye, there are five."

"Zhanchangyuan is sincere, this guy is super terrifying. The ability to draw people is super powerful."

However, as the process progressed, the item group of four became uneasy again.

That was when a group of people shouted at the rescue team for advanced conditions.

"So, the scientific research institutions under the control of those guys must also be brought over!"

As the toughest member of the Kihara family. Mushan Chunsheng's attitude is naturally the most radical, and he can't wait to rush over and press them all on the ground, and then ask the battlefield for fuckthemtodie.

"Eh, those guys, do you have any advanced technology?" In this case, it seems Kyoko is like this, and the children who don't like to read are just spitting at the side——

Although most people felt that even if Mr. Mushan answered her, she would probably not understand it, but Mr. Mushan still answered:

"Never mind anything else, it's just a little value outside. It's not worthless in the academy city. But there is one technology that we want to study."


"Body crystal." Mushan Harusheng said calmly: "A substance secreted by the unconsciously diffused aim field-in a sense, this is the crystallization of the ability of the capable person-the actual crystal. Not an adjective.

This kind of thing is quite helpful for ability research-of course, more importantly, it is said that taking this drug can improve the ability use level of ability people. "

"Eh... is it like the previous levelup, fantasy miracle?" Kamahara Suruga couldn't help asking. After asking, this stupid monkey was knocked on the head by Mr. Okita next to him.

Although it has been resolved now. But fantasizing Mita is still a heartache for Mr. Kiyama-although without this, she would not be slapped by the battlefield so quickly. It is a matter of the benevolent and the wise.

But it's still a bit bad to say this term so casually.

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