Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1123

"For Intikes?" The original heart of the battlefield called out: Sure enough. But on the surface, he showed a more incomprehensible expression: "Isn't this kid a big figure from the British Puritan. What is the magic banned book catalog? Why do you say that it is for her that she left the British Puritan?"

"that is because……"

When talking about this, the expression on Kaori Kaori looked very unhappy. She pursed her mouth, as if recalling some very bad things:

"That man, Lola Stuart lied to us."

"Cheated you?"

"Yes, she found the child Indikes. She sealed a total of 103,000 magic guide books in the child's body. For this reason, the child is like a large moving demon. Like the guide book library, it is coveted from all sides."

"Well, yes. What then?" Battlefield continued to ask.

"So..." As the conversation deepened, the expression on the expression became even more uncomfortable: "That is to say, because this child remembers too many things-human memory is limited. But this child's The memory is so good.

Even if you have only seen something, even if it is not deliberately remembered. The child can also remember these things clearly.

And the time limit of this memory is permanent. "

"Oh, don't you forget, I didn't expect you to have this ability." Zhanchangyuan was a little surprised.

Originally thought this child had no other attributes other than loli, foodie and cuteness. Unexpectedly, there was still a memorable one—this kid doesn't seem to be too smart.

"Because she remembers too many things, her brain will be overloaded, and eventually she will have a nervous breakdown-Lola Stuart, originally told us that.

So every three years, this child has to cleanse his memory. Let this child clear all his memories during the three years. Only the memory of being a magical banned book catalog and members of the British Puritanism is left. "

"Wait," frowning sincerely: "What you said seems a bit unscientific..."

"--Yes, later we found out that we were cheated!" At this point, the kid's expression became very excited: "That man said all lies! Lola Stuart cheated us. Humans. 'S memory is not that fragile at all. The reason she did this was just to feed the child who better manipulated Inticus!

As a result, this child was like this, being played with by her like this, as if it were a prop! That person is simply..."

She gritted her teeth and said: "So, after knowing the truth, my companions and I made a decision. We are going to take Indix to leave the British Puritan Church. Even if it's just for this child. Then, the result is... "

"The result is that, compared to the biggest bishop Lola Stuart. Inticus doesn't trust you and treats you as kidnappers. Is that true?" Zhanchangyuan asked.

While Kamikaru Hoori was speaking, Battlefield Hara was also observing her.

According to the original observation result of the battlefield. The child should not lie.

Since she and Lola had different opinions, there was definitely someone deceiving herself.

As for who actually told the lie.

You can guess it by guessing it.

Indix is so weak, she is still a fool, and can't tell who is good and who is bad. He is so old, can he still see it?

"Since this is the case..." Battlefield raised his hand, and the magic rope that bound the opponent was tightened and untied.

"Although... but according to my understanding of Lola, that guy can definitely do this kind of thing." Zhanchangyuan said, "Of course, other than that, according to my understanding of her. She will definitely not just do this. These insurances.

Even if you bring out the Intiq ribbon, it does not mean that Intiq is free from now on. "

Author's message:

Update la la la

Push a cartoon, Miss Blake Jie Laila, the female cadre of Cannian. It is a new work by the author of the hot bitch elves and innocent orcs

Chapter 7 It's so fun to tease Big Sister


The big sister on the opposite side was silent for a while. Although she didn't want to admit it, she had to admit that what Zhanchangyuan said was very likely and true.

Likewise, according to her understanding of Lola Stuart, that woman wouldn't just let it go.

The same is also in addition to this, Zhanchangyuan's sincerity has another understanding-that is, even if this big sister discovers the secret, she is also ready. But from the point of view that she was able to successfully escape with Inticus. This in itself may be a conspiracy.

Even Battlefield couldn't help thinking that the guy behind all this was Lola. She wants to use this layout to achieve some of her ulterior goals.

"The question is, what exactly is this purpose?" Zhanchangyuan couldn't help thinking like this: "Can't the guy see me panicking, so he took the initiative to send the little loli and the big sister to the door and let me fuck Do you feel bored?

If it's really so empathetic, why doesn't Laura come by herself?

Don't worry, I definitely don't dislike her for being too old. "

——Lola Stuart sneezed cutely after being muttered like this by Battlefield. Make people around you very worried.

Did the biggest bishop catch a cold during the phone play last night? The boss is not young, so you have to pay attention to your body.


"all in all."

Zhanchangyuan didn't realize that he was already close to the saint—not the saint of the crucifixion who was a slave to the gods. But the kind of saint in the East. The so-called utterance and the law follow, and at the same time, the so-called thought moves, there is a reaction. The feeling of feeling in this world is--

He is still happily training, I mean talking to the big sister.

"I believe you."

"Is it that simple, do you believe it?" Hearing Zhanchangyuan's words to believe in himself, the big sister on the opposite side was a little surprised and even at a loss.

Then I heard Zhanchangyuan said: "Purely because you are more credible than Lola."

"..." Shencrahuozhi was silent for a while, not knowing what to say. There is always a feeling of "he said so reasonable, I was speechless."

At the same time, Lola, who was far away in London, sneezed continuously. Let the surrounding nuns continue to whisper: "Perhaps we can modify the scriptures or something. Wouldn't it be better for religious people to marry freely?"


"Then you can send this child..."

Hearing this from Battlefield Hara, Kamiyakaori stood up and asked tentatively.

"No." Battlefield refused without hesitation.

"Why?!" Shenrenhuozhi naturally felt strange. Since I believe my own words, why--

"First of all, even if you believe in you, it does not mean that you will do exactly what you think. You are also an adult." Zhanchangyuan said calmly: "You should understand that there is no such thing in this world. Some people think so well. It's not because you can get everything by being'right'..."

"Even if you say so..."

"Wait for me to finish." Zhanchangyuan continued: "There is another, Laura Stuart. Do you think you are her opponents?"

Hearing what Battlefield said, the other party was silent for a while.

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