Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1124

"Even so, we will fight to the end."

"And then die with Inticus?"


So the other party was silent.

"So, if you give Inticus to you, you can't guarantee her safety, right? The final result is definitely that Inticus was robbed again and sent back to London. There is no difference before. Life, am I right?"


The opponent became a little irritable, and even couldn't help but want to anger Battlefield Yuan. Although I know, this is not the original fault of the battlefield. But this feeling of powerlessness and the desperate end of the end was pierced by others, which still makes people uncomfortable.

"If there are any more." Zhanchangyuan continued, while speaking, he reached out and rubbed Inticus's little head: "Inticus, do you want to go with this big sister?"


The young girl looked at her timidly, and then shook her head timidly. Even if she knows nothing about what Battlefield Hara and Kamikazuhoori said, she feels that this big sister actually doesn't want to do anything but wants to protect herself. But the inherent impression formed before was too strong that she couldn't believe this big sister at this time.

"The final reason is that Inticus herself doesn't want to go with you." Zhanchangyuan said calmly: "In this case, you said, how can I give Inticus to you?"


It was still the same as before, Kamikazuhoori felt that what the battlefield said was really reasonable, and he was completely speechless.

"Then, sir." She plucked up the courage to say to Battlefield Hara: "Do you have any way to solve these problems?"

"Of course I have." Zhanchangyuan said without embarrassment: "If these problems cannot be solved, why should I tell them all?"


Kamikai Hoori felt that he was gradually unable to keep up with the thinking of the former Knight of the Round Table.

"I will shelter this child." Zhanchangyuan said calmly: "My strength is much stronger than you-although that may make you feel unhappy, but, girl, this is a fact, you should be able to confirm it. Right?"

"Yes, your swordsmanship is superb." Kamiyahuoori nodded: "Besides, I am in Academy City, which is somewhat of a power." Zhanchangyuan continued: "Even if that guy comes to me, I I will not be afraid."


Although there is not much information, but seeing that the battlefield could have lived in such a good house, and the white and plump raised by Inticus, Shencra Huozhi nodded again.

"The third is, Indikes, compared with this big sister, do you want to stay with me more?" asked with a sincere and gentle smile.

So the girl looked at Kamikaruhoori, then at the battlefield, nodding timidly—

Yes, it is like that.

"Look, Indix chose me~ She is willing to stay with me, right?"


Although I always feel that something is wrong. But looking at the look of Intiqs, Kamiyakaori was speechless.


She wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything.

"Of course—" Zhanchangyuan continued, "If you don't worry, you can live here with Inticus, girl."

" it okay?" Kamiyahuoori hesitated.

"You have betrayed British Puritanism, and Amakusa-style can't go back. In other words, you are alone now, aren't you?" Zhanchangyuan said: "Then just stay here, what's the problem? ?"

"...Then, trouble you." Shenrenhuozhi nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, I will arrange food and lodging for you, and I will dispel the pressure on the British Puritan side. Just stay here with peace of mind."

"But...then...what can I do to help?" Shencrahuozhi summoned up the courage to ask-this child looks like a very serious girl, absolutely impossible Cheap.

"Help...I don't have much need for manpower--oh, yes, I am missing a maid here now. Miss Godbreak, if you can—of course, if you don’t want me, I will never force— —"

"--No, that's it--Is the maid? Although I haven't done it before, I will work hard!"

"But this is very difficult. Ms. Shenzhe, do you think about it again... To be honest, asking guests to do work or something, it will also damage my reputation..."

"—No, no, no, all of this is my voluntary. It is definitely not your fault. If anyone makes irresponsible remarks, I will stand up and defend you as soon as possible!"

"Oh oh oh! I'm relieved! Very good, Miss Divine Break, then I hope you will have a good time in Academy City."

"Thanks for your hospitality, Lord Wright—"

"——My current name is Zhanchangyuan sincere." Zhanchangyuan said: "Just call me sincere."

"Sincere... Your Excellency?"

"Yeah, this can be accepted. Okay, Miss Divine Crack, we will take you to your work place—it needs someone to clean it up—Indikes, do you want to follow?"

Inticus nodded, and followed the battlefield at his own pace. The child now looked like a scared animal, and the battlefield was sincere, which was the safest nest she felt.

As for Shencra Huozhi, when he looked at the mess around him, he felt guilty in his heart. Because all of this was caused by her fighting with the battlefield. The kind-hearted woman regards all this as her own fault.

"I can pay for it!" Although she knew that the child didn't have much money by looking at her dress, she didn't hesitate to say so.

"No, no, it's nothing," Zhanchangyuan said, "It's just a loss of 20 to 30 million yuan, it's really nothing to me, so -"

"--Twenty million?!" The other party's expression instantly became terrifying--

"I, let me ask a little bit, are you talking about 20 million yen or..."

"Pound sterling." Zhanchangyuan said, "Ah... because Miss Shenshi has lived in the UK for a long time, she should have been used to the British unit of measurement, so she couldn't help but converted to the British system."

"Ah, haha... you are so empathetic..." The split smile was stiff. She just used the calculation ability of the sage level to calculate.

When working for Lola in the UK, when she earns more each month, she can receive an allowance of about 10,000 pounds. One hundred twenty thousand in a year, one hundred and twenty thousand in ten years, and twelve million in one hundred years. In other words, she can't pay off the money for a hundred years of work without food.

When I thought of this, Shencrahuozhi felt a strong feeling of fainting.

"--do not worry!"

The eldest sister of the British style instantly recalled the Japanese etiquette named Tuxiazuo. In front of Zhanchang Yuancheng, the five bodies cast the ground: "Although I don't have much money now, please don't worry, I will pay this debt anyway!"

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 8 Arrears?


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