Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1129

Of course, this is not the time to admire the original battlefield's ability, which is simply unusable.

"Ah, um, if you try..." Sister Shen Li hesitated a little. Then he said stiffly: "Yes, master~"

"No, no, no, I didn't feel your sincerity at all, Divine Crack." Zhanchang Yuanzheng shook his head again and again, and then yelled in a false voice: "Come on, follow me and feel it seriously."

"Yes, yes master..." Maybe it's because of being too nervous, Shencra Huozhi's cry is extremely stiff, and it sounds not as good as the previous one.

"That one……"

The other person is a little bit shy, a little guilty, and a little embarrassed. But on the battlefield, it seems that these are not too important.

"Sure enough, it's still a matter of concepts." Zhanchangyuan said: "I will introduce someone to you in a few days."

"Is she a very powerful maid?"

"No, she is a very powerful psychologist."

"...Huh?" Zhanchangyuan's sincere reply made Sister Shenshen feel a little difficult to understand. Why introduce a psychologist to yourself?

"Now, the most important question about you is not ability, but mentality." Zhanchangyuan said, "You don't have the mentality that a maid should have at all."

"But even if you say so..."

"So introducing a psychologist to you is the fastest way."

"Even if you say so..."

"Of course, if you don't want it, I will definitely not embarrass you." Zhanchangyuan was sincere and generous: "Anyway--"

"—No, no, I will work hard, Master!"

"So you have to be softer..." Zhanchangyuan was a little helpless--

Foreword amendment. It seems that there is still a long way to go to teach Sister Shen Li to become her own maid.


In this whole day, Zhanchang Yuanzheng spent the entire day playing with Inticus and Kamikazuhoori.

on the contrary.

Stil Magnus.

An Englishman with a very tall figure.

He likes to smoke, has barcode-like tattoos on his face, and his red hair looks like a dangerous man.

I lost a fireball before-of course it wasn't actually called a fireball. But you don't need to care too much about the specific tricks. After hitting the battlefield, I encountered some small troubles, poor guy.

"It's really hateful, Shenchai was also caught. Who is that person, a capable person of Academy City?!" He thought so in his heart, and his heart was full of frustration. I originally thought I was very hungry and powerful, and I thought I could easily complete all tasks or something. As a result, his own triumphant trick-the fireball, was extinguished by the opponent's waaagh.

I feel very upset at the thought of here.

"Then next... Damn, I'm not an opponent at all by myself. In short, it's better to save the gods... But... first we must gather information... No, we should find a place to eat something first. Then take a break."

After several days of chasing and fighting, Stil Magnus's physical strength is about to bottom out.

So he made such a decision. Collect information related to the original sincerity of the battlefield and take a break at the same time.

If you talk about money, he still has a little bit in his pocket. Although I don't know if Xueyuan City does not charge pounds... But in this case, I can only bite the bullet.

It is at this time.

"Ah, sincere sir!"

"It's a sincere and big mouth!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Suddenly there appeared a lot of little girls who looked like nymphs.


He turned his head subconsciously and looked at the giant advertising screen behind him. It was playing a public service advertisement that the Battlefield was sincere as the Commission for Discipline and Discipline.

It's completely different from the battlefield that usually looks like a fool. Wearing a full set of military uniforms and fringed ribbons, the battlefield was sincere and looked quite militaristic. In this world, military uniforms are always enduring clothing that reflects the handsome side of men. It's as if it is now.

The serious battlefield was sincere, waving his fists and saying the reactionary lines of suppressing all opponents, but it made people feel very emotional.

"This guy seems to be a great man." Looking at this scene, Stil Magnus couldn't help thinking like this.


at night.

After practicing for a day, the receipt of Divine Split was basically zero. She was exhausted physically and mentally. She could only look at Inticus, who was desperately chewing various Chinese dishes and eating with a happy smile, healing her wounded soul.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Zhanchangyuan was sincere, comforting her next to her like this: "I believe that as long as you work hard, you can achieve success.

"Hmm..." Sister Shenshen felt a little comforted about this... So that day, she took a bath, changed clothes, lay on the bed and went to sleep with exhaustion-on the other side, Inticus also went to bed. After confirming that they all went to sleep, Zhanchangyuan gave the guy again—

That is, Lola Stuart called.

"By the way, I am basically clear about the situation." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and calmly: "What do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean by me?" Laura on the other side healed her scar and forgot to hurt.

"After this, I carried your beautiful legs—"

"--Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you." Laura said: "Since you already know the truth, what do you want to do?"

"No, answer my question first." Zhanchangyuan said calmly: "What the hell do you mean?"

"...I still don't understand, Wright, what are you trying to say?"

"Okay, then I'll be clear." Zhanchangyuan continued:

"I suspect you did it on purpose.

I don't know what kind of person the other partner of Divine Split is. But looking at the current situation of the split, I know it.

If she wanted to hide from you, it would be impossible—but she did hide from you and brought the Intiq ribbon to Japan.

It would be fine if she could really put the Intiq ribbon so far. But why, after arriving in the academy city, Inticus ran away by herself?

Moreover, why did Indikes come to me by such a coincidence?

Therefore, there is only one truth of the matter!

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