Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1130

——That is, it's you, Laura, all of this is specially arranged by you. Everything is your plan. Although I don't know what your purpose is for the time being, it is definitely you who did something with Andy and didn't run away. "


The opposite Lola was silent for a few seconds: "Speaking of which, Zhanchangyuan." This guy called Zhanchangyuan's name inexplicably. And he looked very uncomfortable when he heard the voice: "Is this image in your mind?"

"You have this image in my heart." Battlefield Hara said without hesitation.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

"——Even if you are rolling all over, I will not let you go. What's more, we are calling now, and I can't see what you are doing."

"...So the video?"



"Not why, I just think that something very bad will happen like this." Zhanchangyuan said calmly--

Although he occasionally plays with his girlfriends, phone play, video play or something. But this does not mean that he can just find someone to play.

When I think of the biggest bishop on the opposite side, starting to undress and comfort myself when he is in this or that way, the battlefield feels that...

This is also very interesting.

"All in all." The battlefield decided to bring this topic over: "I have seen through your conspiracy, Laura, warn you not to do any other messy things. Before you come here to explain to me in person, Indy Kesi and Shencrahuozhi are stored with me."

"Indix and Kamikazuhoori...there is another named Stil..."

"That can be returned to you." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely without hesitation.


Even though Lola was a shameless guy, she was still a bit speechless for a while when he heard the words of Battlefield.

"All in all, that's it, it's okay to hang up the phone-if you guy has anything to complain about, just come to me and complain."

Zhanchangyuan said to her: "I will repay you without hesitation."

It's not so much a reward, it's a brutal beating. And after being beaten up again, he might still suffer the sad result of losing his virginity. Thinking about this, Lola Stuart became more cautious.

"But even if you say that, even if I don't care about you, do you still think you can live a good life with Inticus?" the biggest bishop opposite asked.

"Hahaha, it's just a little magic restraint device. If you are such a young girl with a deep throat, you really can get it." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely without hesitation:

"But to me, it's just a little trick. It can be happily erased in minutes."


Hearing that Zhanchangyuan said her trump card easily. And he is full of confidence, as if it can be easily solved. Lola Stuart on the opposite side finally felt a little flustered.

Of course it's just a little bit.

What if the battlefield knows it?

According to her understanding of Battlefield Hara, this incorrigible guy would still be fooled even if everything was clear.

Everything she did was conspiracy.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 12 Failure in Failure

That guy didn't say anything, although Battlefield was very upset, he was helpless. Although moving to London in an instant, grabbing her and having sex is also an option. But if you think about it, forget it.

Now he still has things to do.

In other words, there is the headquarters building of the Discipline Committee. Yuchuan was waiting for him there.

In other words, I promised her to have sex...

Wait, it seems that I have promised many other things... but I can't remember it now.

But since it is forgotten, it is basically not a big deal, right.

In this case, forget it and forget it. It doesn't matter.

With this thought in his heart, Zhanchangyuan quickly became relaxed. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that to have sex with Yuchuan, or to have sex with Yuchuan...

Although it is very possible, sex with Yuchuan will eventually turn into a promiscuity. It's like what happened before. But that's no way, right?

It is force majeure. Hehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nothing to do with the battlefield...

Thinking of this in my heart, Battlefield moved to Yuchuan in an instant very happy. Then I saw Yu Chuan smiling, as if waiting for him.

"Although the school uniform play is also good, but the school uniform mode is too much." Zhanchangyuan thought in his heart: "In other words, with the ingenuity of Yuchuan, waiting for myself, if you want If you have sex with yourself, you will definitely choose to change other clothes... but not changing... means that the kid doesn't actually want to have sex with me?

Or at least don't want to have sex with me for the time being? "

Next, Yu Chuan’s words also proved that Zhanchangyuan’s idea was correct:

"It's still early, let's go out first~" she said: "It's still early, naturally it means that it's still early in terms of sex... The problem is that it's too late now. It's dark. Normal people should go to bed and have sex now...

However, the reason why Yu Chuan did this was for what Zhanyuanyuan could understand.

But just don't want other girls to share. I want to monopolize the battlefield... What a greedy guy who speaks... But... forget it, just treat it as a reward for her.

Thinking of this, the battlefield was a bit helpless.

Although I don't think there is any good place to hang out in the academy city late at night. After all, it's the college, the college-although the level of technology is very high. But because most people are students. Therefore, the academy city does not have a rich and colorful nightlife like most modern metropolises.

Because most schools have access control.

Even if it is not a boarding school-especially there are few bars and nightclubs. Even if there is, it is only open to teachers——

Although there is no system that prohibits students from going to such places.

However, most of the guys who go there to consume are teachers. This is enough to discourage students.

No one wants to meet his teacher in that kind of place, right? That is not something that can be resolved by reporting criticism.

That's it.

Battlefield Yuanshen and Yuchuan walked on the empty street where there were basically no people.

A little bit, how should I say, the mood is a bit subtle.

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