Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1132

It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay if it’s not dead.

In terms of the technological capabilities of the Academy City, as long as you have a breath you can survive.


at the same time.

"Ah, sincerely, here, here least until we go back to the headquarters building...ah~"

At the lotus pond in the park, something unharmonious happened.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 13 The background is actually very warm

A new day of physical and mental pleasure.

Looking at Yu Chuan, who was sleeping peacefully next to him, the corners of Zhanchangyuan's mouth turned up, revealing a happy smile.

Although Yuchuan's various institutions are counted. But when the final strength is not as good as his own, there is no way he can speak. Because I was slapped by myself and my legs were soft, I had no choice but to beg for mercy. Then I moved back to the headquarters building in an instant and started the daily group sex activities.

Then I received a call.

"Oh, uh... throw it to the prison school. Remember to find a cell made of incombustible materials. By the way, all the things that are suspected to be runes on him will be confiscated... No, he will be stripped naked and shaved. Confiscated everything from top to bottom."

The battlefield originally decided the second half of Stir Magnus's life so lightly.

If nothing unexpected, this guy will spend the rest of his life in a ten square meter cell. The kind that does not see the sun. That area is the place where the Commissioners of Discipline and Discipline are very happy to detain serious criminals. Basically, you can't get out after you get in, and you don't even have time to let the wind go.

Especially this guy seems to have the ability to get angry at will, so almost all combustibles will not be given to him. In other words, even if this guy wants to read, it is basically impossible. Because books are also a combustible material.

Thinking about it this way, this guy is really pitiful for the rest of his life.

The battlefield sighed more or less like a cat crying and a mouse, and then left the matter behind.

After confirming that Stil Magnus was a very obstructive, overdeveloped big boy, not even a boy who was too cute, he completely lost interest in him.

Such a boring guy, there are as many as there are in this world. You don't need to care too much...Of course, if that Lola Stuart is willing to exchange some benefits with her in order to understand and save her subordinates, she can't be merciful--


Thinking like this, I'm so kind.


The battlefield was sincere and sighed for a moment. Feeling my kindness and greatness.

Then continue to tune the gods of fire weaving.

——It is at this time.


It seems that I heard the voice of the original telephone on the battlefield. Of course, it may also be subconsciously reaching out to touch it, only to find that the battlefield that should have been sleeping next to him has disappeared. So I felt terrified, so I became sober.

"In other words, is it going to work?"


"Got to go?"


"Then, be careful on the road."

If it is a husband and wife, the other party will probably come over at this time, so let's arrange the tie for the battlefield.

But now, the opponent just walked over with Quanguo and hugged Battlefield Yuan's neck from behind.

"It's really annoying, Zhanchangyuan." She said to Zhanchangyuan like this: "Do you always live so freely?"


The battlefield was sincere, and was somewhat speechless for a while.

"I used to..."

After thinking about it for a while, Zhanchangyuan said: "I have also considered this kind of thing.

Of course it was at the very beginning when everything was still too late. If at that time I choose another path, and then choose to seriously associate with a girl. What happens if you get married and start a family? "

The opposite Yuchuan was silent.

In a sense, she didn't want to answer this question.

Because she has no confidence.

Although sometimes he would be smugly thinking that he was the most special existence in the original sincere harem on the battlefield. But this does not mean that Yuchuan thinks. If the battlefield chooses only one, she will be chosen.

"It should be his sister. According to the information I have." Thinking of this in her heart, her mood suddenly became a little depressed.

"That's why." Zhanchangyuan turned around and looked at Yu Chuan with a smile: "That kind of thinking doesn't make any sense, don't you think so? What we have to do now is to live happily. Forever, forever... "

"Your mind is very heavy, has anyone told you this before?" Yu Chuan asked.

"..." The battlefield was a bit stunned.

"Ordinary high school students, at this age, pursue girls or something, just to satisfy their exuberant and nowhere to vent sexual desire." Yu Chuan said relentlessly: "Most of them don't understand family. Responsibility, and there is no plan for future life.

on the contrary. The former classmate on the battlefield is simply an alternative. You seem to be worried about this from the very beginning, and you are preparing for this kind of thing. Is that right? "


Zhanchangyuan was sincerely silent for a while, and then smiled cheerfully: "Really, I can't hide anything from you, Yu Chuan."

"As long as this is all you need." So Yuchuan said to him like this: "I'm not satisfied, and I won't be too happy. But at least, I will feel satisfied."

Emotional and affectionate, if the scene is not in the midst of a large number of whole-fruits, the girls who are scented by the battlefield are very strong, then this scene will definitely appear incomparably warm and harmonious.

But now it's almost...


At this moment, Suruga Kamahara turned over, and then subconsciously grabbed the calf of Battlefield Hara, showing a smile of "hehehehehehe...".


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