Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1133

Well, it's all ruined now.

Zhanchang Yuanzheng and Yu Chuanyi looked at each other in surprise and embarrassment.

Then it was: "Hmm..." I couldn't help laughing. Very happy.

This kind of life, although somewhat dissatisfied, is still very happy.

Yu Chuan is a smart boy. So, although she can understand, it is because she thinks too much, so she wants too much. But at the same time she can also understand another thing, that is, human desires are endless. So you have to control your desires.

"Goodbye, then."


Of course it was goodbye. Before leaving the battlefield, I had to take a good bath. Wash away all the messy smells on your body. Otherwise, it would be bad if it was smelled by Divine Crack and Inticus.

That's it……

When Zhanchangyuan appeared in front of Shenchuan again, Sister Shenchuan seemed a little uneasy——

Not because of other reasons, but because of being unfamiliar with everything in modern life. And I don’t know what to do next, so I feel uneasy.

All this was alleviated after the battlefield appeared. Sister Shen Li finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled at ease. In the original heart of the battlefield, he thought: "Well, the training is very successful, I will continue to speak harder." After that. Smiled.

"Where is Inticus?"

"The girl is still sleeping." At this point, Sister Shen Li looked a little sad. Probably because Indix could not eat well during this period of time. It's all her fault.

"Then let this child sleep for a while. Let's eat first." Zhanchangyuan said so.


So in the next second, Inticus woke up with shining eyes.

"Eat! Eat!"

what. what. This kid is really a foodie. Battlefield couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it is cute.

"Hmm, take you to eat early."

In this way, three people together. It looked like a family...Of course, it could also be the rich young master with his maid and his exclusive nun Rinpoche.

As for why the young master brought nuns as Rinpoche. This is actually very simple. There are so many people in the world who want to have sex with nuns. Almost every game with a medieval theme has a story dedicated to nuns, right? Hahahahahaha...

"I basically have a clue about Inticus." As he walked to the morning tea stand, Zhanchangyuan said to Shinritsu Hoori like this: "After my comprehensive system inspection. Inticus should be In two kinds of surgery.

"..." Hearing what Battlefield said, Kamikaru Hoori looked very nervous:

"What are both...?"

"One of them is a situation called an automatic secretary. In simple terms, it is a virtual personality shaped by magic." Battlefield said calmly: "In this case, Inticus's combat effectiveness is very powerful. The mind became mechanical and calm. Then it was—"

——When Zhanchangyuan said this, the other party's expression was a little strange, as if to say: "What's so great about that?" But then, what Zhanchangyuan said sincerely caused her doubts to swallow back into her stomach.

that is. It's really amazing. Because in this situation, Indix can freely use almost all the magic in the 13,000 books of magic books she has memorized in her mind.

In other words, in this state, it is not an exaggeration to say that Inticus is the best magician in the world.

No, it should be said that he is a super magician. Those magical books are all forbidden, and any one is invaluable. If someone really can master all the magic above easily, and use them seamlessly. Then she can probably be called the world's number one magician.

At least you can compete for this title.

"She actually said to me that Inticus can't use magic..."

When he said this, the spirit of Shencrahuozhi was a little trance.

Needless to say, the "she" she was talking about was Laura Stuart.

Honestly hearing this news, Zhan Tian Yuan's heart was unshakable. I even want to laugh.

Isn't that guy lie for granted?

I really believe that she is a good man and a believer, it's your wrong tongue, big sister of God split ~

Of course, I can't talk like that now. What I have to do sincerely is not to ridicule the big sister, but to comfort her injured heart.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 14 The Misaka Army's Plan to Conquer the World

"It's okay, it's normal. You should know about this kind of thing." So Zhanchangyuan comforted her and said: "That fellow Lola is the most deceiving, and it is natural to be deceived. After all, God splits you so innocent. ."


Shen Cleft was silent for two seconds, trying to distinguish it carefully. But in the end, he couldn't tell whether what the battlefield was saying was good.

"Whatever I say is fine." Inexplicably, she said a line that girls often say in hogame, and she went on to say: "It's just Inticus that was used to such an extent by her, it's really..."

"It's okay." Sincerely said this, while holding her hand: "Everything is over. From now on, I will live a good life in Academy City, Divine Split."


In this way, Sister Shen Li is a little bit shy. Of course, there is joy and pleasure besides this.

Family. In this way, she can settle down in Academy City.

Although other than that, the child still has a very strong feeling of anxiety.

In other words, do people like her really qualify for such a life?

There is a strong sense of uneasiness in the split.

"It doesn't matter, don't be afraid, don't worry."

It seems to be aware of the feelings of Big Sister Shen Li. Zhanchangyuan spoke and said to her like this: "You don't need to worry about anything, because I am by your side."


A little bit, no, it should be said that she was very surprised, because Sister Shenshen had never thought that Zhanchang Yuancheng would say such things to her.

This is not to say that she had original opinions on the battlefield. In fact, she is very satisfied with the original sincerity of the battlefield-I mean the point of view. She thought that the battlefield was a very gentle and considerate person. But she hadn't thought that the battlefield could be so empathetic.

Really caring, such a boy.

Sister Shen split, blushed a little. But she soon recovered. This is not the time to discuss that kind of thing.

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