Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1134

"Then there is another one, what is the thing that restrains Inticus?" Kamikazuhoori asked next.

"There is another, it's something that will explode." Battlefield said calmly, "It's very dangerous, it's stuck in Inticus's throat. If there is a touch and something is wrong, then that thing will explode. . And this must be revised once a year, otherwise it will explode.

This is probably the guy Lola, the biggest insurance against Inticus. "


Hearing what Battlefield said, Shen Cleft was silent again. On the other side, Inticus, who was dreaming about food, food, and food, did not speak anymore, looking a little afraid of her expression. I must have heard what Battlefield Hara said and felt very scared.

"Damn it, then..."

Sister Shen's expression can even say "a bit hideous" when she knows that everything she has done is probably useless.

To tell the truth the battlefield thought this was normal. No matter who it is, I heard that all my efforts were in vain. In fact, everything is still in the hands of the person he hates most. Everyone feels very bad mood.

In fact, Sister Shenshen's expression is a bit hideous, instead of yelling: "I don't believe it!" Then she had a nervous breakdown. The battlefield felt that she was already very strong.

"So, it doesn't matter." Zhanchangyuan smiled sincerely, holding her hand. This action gave Sister Shenshi a lot of comfort: "Although Laura is very powerful, I am not a vegetarian. Although it is somewhat difficult, I am sure of that thing."


"Well, of course it is true."

Sister Shenchuan looked at Battlefield Hara very seriously. It's like testing whether what the battlefield said is true. And the result is that it is correct and true. She couldn't see the slightest trace of hypocrisy and guilt in Zhanchangyuan's eyes.

In other words, the battlefield said sincerely that there is a way, but there is a way.

"Thanks to you. As long as you can save this child, then..."

"--Don't say such things." Zhanchangyuan stopped Sister Shenshou: "You and Inticus will be fine." He looked at her seriously, and said: "I promise you, you Will be very happy in the future."

"...Hmm." Sister Shen Li blushed, as if she was very shy. It looks very cute this way.

Of course, this is when she doesn't know what the standard of "happiness" that Zhanchangyuan sincerely said.


Finished breakfast. Sister Shenshen’s expression is a little bit embarrassed—because as I said before, the child really eats too much—and Sister Shenshen has not yet, and completely connects her fate to the battlefield together--

In other words, she is not like the girls of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline, who thinks that it is natural and logical to eat things from the original battlefield and spend the money from the original battlefield.

And she didn't think that Indix spent the money on the battlefield as justified-although the nun herself didn't seem to think so. So in short, she feels that she has a closer relationship with Inticus. In this case, Indix should be responsible for her food...

Thinking about it this way, it seems that her debt will be more up...

Although the battlefield had always claimed that she would be paid. But Sister Shen crack did not think that she had done anything for the battlefield, and it was not worth the money.

Although, Zhanchangyuan mostly thinks that watching Sister Shenshen look so distressed in this way, I feel very happy in my heart, and it is already a very happy thing.

That's it.

Zhanchangyuan sincerely took Sister Shenshi and Indices and moved instantly to the science and technology test field of the Committee of Discipline——

Of course this is a revised term. In fact, it should be called a "weapon test field". Those psionic power armors, magic armors and phantom laser swords that were dragged over from the Sakura Stone world and then reformed hard. Will be tested here...

Of course, the slight problem here is that there are not enough qualified troops under Zhanchang Yuanzheng...

Although it is possible to pull people from the Sinicization group, and because they are all young student soldiers, military discipline is not a problem... But there is still a problem. In number. At present, the number of soldiers that can meet the original needs of the battlefield is only one company.

Although it is an elite unit equipped with psychic power armor, equipped with a laser sword, and with super powers above lv3. The kind that is okay against a mechanized division. But sure enough, it still fell short.

"Maybe I need to create more troops...hum... Misaka sister is very good. The cloned army has always been the organization direction of the future army. The problem is that if it is really dead, I will be very heartbroken-oh, yes. . Then just use the soul transfer method."

That is, some time ago, Zhanchangyuan sincerely got an inspiration.

Twenty thousand Misaka girls, and they have undergone sufficient military training, and the Misaka network is a kind of interconnection that can be used with seamless cheating devices.

One of the most desired military reforms by the armed forces in this world is to connect all military systems together for instantaneous communication. In this way, the faster the communication speed, the stronger the army.

However, what kind of military communication speed can be as fast as the Misaka sisters?

As for the point that Sister Misaka was heartbroken when she died, it would be fine as long as the souls of the sisters were still there. It only takes 180,000 to make an empty, soulless body. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it will be perfect in this way-

In the future, maybe not to make 20,000 Misaka sisters, but to make 200,000, 2 million or even more Misaka sisters. Form an army of Misaka to conquer the world for yourself. Hehehehehehe...

It is very pleasant to think about the battlefield sincerely.

Therefore, this weapon test field has basically been rounded up by Misaka’s sisters. These children are trying hard to use various weapons and equipment combined with science and magic. In addition to the psionic power armor, there is a psionic version of the fourth-generation levitating chariot obtained from the world of Sakurashi, and various psionic control killers.

The battlefield originally hoped to replace the current technological electronic network with the psychic Misaka network, and systematize all weapons and equipment. In this way, it is possible to completely prevent the enemy's cyber attacks on its own armed forces.

At the same time, because the Misaka sisters have electrical capabilities, they can easily manipulate various electronic products. Plus the bonus from Misaka Network. They will never be weaker than anyone in electronic warfare.

Uh, uh. Thinking about it this way, 20,000 Misaka sisters dominate the academy city, 200,000 Misaka sisters annexed Toyo, and two million Misaka sisters conquered the world. It seems very normal.

"In this case, the soul technology needs to be studied carefully. The plan also needs to be promoted quickly." Zhanchangyuan thought this in his sincere heart-that is to say, before that, he had told Enoshima Shield. What I did, now I have to do it to Misaka sisters——

However, because of the quantity problem, the battlefield originally planned to do something to practice. In order to increase their experience value.

"Experiment after a while." Battlefield Hara thought in his heart--

Of course, the most important thing at the moment is not this kind of thing, but that of Inticus.

The reason why I brought them here is because the place is very big and it is very convenient for what happened or what I want to do.

Although the eyes of Misaka sisters looking at Battlefield Hara make people feel a little uncomfortable...

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 15 War Misaka


"Misaka despises you."

"Come with a new woman."

"Obviously, Misaka is enough."

"Isn't 20,000 Misaka enough to satisfy you?"

For Inticus and Godslash Fireweave. It's just a large number of Misaka sisters walking around blankly-of course, to prevent people from seeing this and that. So they all wear face masks, masks or helmets. Wearing various power armors, it looks very sci-fi and magical.

But for Zhanchang Yuanzheng, this is a torture of women to their soul.

"Okay, okay, you guys..." The battlefield was a little helpless-if there were 20,000 sisters who did sex with him, it would be better. The problem is that there is no such thing-because the soul is connected to the Misaka network. So snapping one is equal to all snapping. Even playing double-flying with Sister Misaka would make people unable to help showing Aheiyan-that is Sister Misaka, because the beep is too strong-it hurts the body if the pleasure is too strong. This is the first time that the battlefield is sincere.

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