Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1135

So, it still doesn't work.

Even if there are 20,000 Misaka sisters, or even 200,000, 2 million Misaka sisters. In fact, it can only be a snap. In this way, apart from increasing the number of original sincere harems on the battlefield, and refreshing the record of how many girls showed black faces at the same time, there is no Maoyue.

Therefore, for the original sincere battlefield, the duties of Misaka sisters are not worth a dime. That's it.


At the same time, while Zhanchangyuan sincerely ignored the accusations of all his sisters, Sister Shen Split also felt that what was happening now was so magical.

These things, although she has relatively little knowledge of technology, she can also see that the technological content of these things is very high. Of course, if it's just like this, forget it. More importantly, she can feel the supernatural power attached to these things. These equipment, which are made through runes, magic circles, and special spiritual power cores, and integrated with the power armor, even the Sister Divine Splitting feels very magical. And very powerful and terrifying.

"Such, it's not just technology. Isn't the academy city a base camp for the so-called science side? Why is there such advanced magic research?!" Looking at this scene, Sister Shenzhe thought a lot. Xiang Zhanchangyuan, only felt that this person looked more and more unfathomable.

Of course, this is not the original purpose of the battlefield.

What the battlefield wanted to do was not to make Sister Shen Li worship herself more, but to do this.

Beat the opponent well. That is, Indices. Let this child completely lose the ability to resist. Then use his own technique to deep throat, let the child's curse boom attached to his throat explode.

Of course, it was without hurting Intiqs.

"So, Laura is all right?"

Zhanchangyuan smiled sincerely and rubbed Inticus' little head, and then asked.


Inticus said, "What are you talking about, you guy?" With an expression, she looked at the battlefield. Of course it's not just her, but the sister Shen Li next to her also has this expression, looking at Zhan Tian Yuan as if she is saying, "What are you talking about, bastard?!".


"It's true~ Although that set of logic loading works very well on its own. But don't think I don't know. There is a dependence mode, right? If you only use 50% of your strength to fight me, won't you feel wronged if you lose. So Say, how about a whole-hearted battle, Laura~"

"How do you say~"

Maybe it is because it makes no sense to continue to argue. The opposite Inticus smiled happily and said to the battlefield:

"But the fact is, that's actually not my strongest strength, Wright~"

"It's okay, it's a rehearsal."

At the side of Zhanchangyuan, Kamiyakaori opened his eyes wide, watching this scene in disbelief.

This, this is...Indix? !

"Who are you?!"

The opponent drew a two-meter-long Nodachi, pointed it at the opponent and questioned loudly.

"Really, I haven't seen each other for a few days, and your IQ has dropped slightly faster. Is it because of a good reason for sincere training?" The other party smiled and asked: "Ah, you walked in such brazen clothes so grandiosely. Going. Divine split, have you awakened some strange hobby?"

"..." On the other side, listening to her say that, it was a bit embarrassing for the split to take for granted.

But even so, she still looked at each other firmly, and didn't look to shrink.

After all, this is the real world, and Divine Split is not the heroine of the waste chai cartoons. Someone just said something about this or that. They would be anxious and want to kill or cover the fallen angel ergonomic maid suit that exposed the upper hemisphere, and say, "Don't look!" Such inexplicable words.

Of course, Intiqs-or Lola Stuart had never thought that it would be able to relieve the fighting power of the split in this way.

I just saw it, and then subconsciously wanted to comment, hehehehehe~

"So, how did you find me?" She couldn't help asking: "If I guess it's right, your magic skills shouldn't reach that level yet, right?"

"Yes." Battlefield Yuan nodded: "It's thought and temperament."

"Thoughts and temperament...?"

"No matter how much you pretend, a good old woman can't completely pretend to be a cute loli." Therefore, Battlefield Yuan said such words sincerely.



"Uh, how should I put it..." The sister Shenshen next to him looked at Zhanchangyuan with a little distress: "Even if it is actually true... But Wright, can you not say that? This is really bullying. It's..."

"——I'm only seventeen years old!"

Lola Stuart suddenly said something inexplicable. After that, he launched an attack on the battlefield.

The same speed seems to move instantaneously. The opponent floated in mid-air. Then a large number of magic balls formed by the aggregation of pure energy blasted towards the original sincerity of the battlefield——

At the same time, the surrounding Misaka sisters retreated to the surroundings at the fastest speed.

They have absolutely no intention to intervene in this battle. Directly gave up the battlefield to the original battlefield.

In the next second, Jianmang beside the battlefield shattered all the energy balls on the opposite side. At the same time, the powerful gravitational field restrained the opponent and forcibly pulled the opponent in midair to the ground.

While doing this, Battlefield Hara yelled: "God split, stand back!"


"Don't worry, it's okay!" Battlefield continued loudly; "That guy is not my opponent!"

"That's great, it's not an opponent or something."

In the next second, I changed to Inticus with a new type of escape technique-no, it should be said that Lola Stuart who used the body of Inticus. Easily broke free of the original constraints of the battlefield. Immediately after that, more than one hundred and three thousand different kinds of magic lights were shot at the battlefield Yuanzheng in different ways, different angles, and different starting points.

Black, white, red, orange, five colors, seven colors, bright, evil, chaotic, exuding fragrance, exuding sublime, exuding unbelievable madness—all of this comes from the body of Inticus. The magic recorded in the book of magic guides-any trick can be used to exhaust the life of the average magician to obtain this power.

But now, these forbidden mysteries blasted toward the battlefield like a Chinese cabbage without money. A single beam of light is enough to bombard and kill an excellent soldier, an elite soldier who has experienced many battles, or a secretly armed monk such as a temple surrogate, to the scum, but at this moment there are one hundred and three thousand!


In the next second, all this was annihilated. As literally, these attacks that seemed to be able to kill ten most advanced hybrid technology armored divisions to scum were instantly annihilated.

——The armored division in question is the kind that has launched a battle formation, not close together.

Battlefield Yuanzheng just waved his hand lightly, and the incredible sword light scattered the beams. Then swallowed up.

Such a scene made the Misaka sisters and Kamikaru Hoori who were watching the battle unbelievable.

On the opposite side, Lola Stuart's attack from Intiix's body was indeed unparalleled. However, the original sincere performance on the opposite battlefield was even more amazing. Such an attack actually dissipated in front of the battlefield? ! And the battlefield didn't seem to be flushed or panting, it seemed very relaxed?

"Can Misaka join this level of battle?"

"If the number is expanded to 50,000, all equipped with the latest psionic weapons, the ability level is raised to lv3, and the Misaka network is connected, then the Misaka can perform attacks like that. If the Misaka's own ability reaches lv3, then You only need 10,000 Misaka."

After this calculation, Misaka was silent for a while, and then heaved a sigh of relief. And once again strengthened a determination-that is, to expand the number of Misaka.

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