Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1136

After having "self-awareness", Misaka has become a firm supporter and executor of the expansion of the Misaka Committee.

They felt that they needed more and diverse Misaka, and the purpose of expanding the population was to increase the sincere attraction to the battlefield. This is very gentle with the armament of the Misaka Army that Battlefield has tried hard to promote--

If Tenman Misaka can't handle it, then go to more Misaka.

Equipped with the most advanced weapons and equipment, receiving the most advanced military training, and fighting with the most advanced technology. Such Misaka is invincible-whether in war or in sex.

Author's message:

Update la la la la. I found out that the Qunxing version has been updated in recent days, so I followed up. And then, the racial cleanliness blood king court has sex. Stupid materialist-1000000000

Chapter 16 The Long-awaited Tucao

Unlike the sisters Misaka who had firm confidence and followed the mass line, the expression of the eldest sister of God Split on the other side was a bit stiff.

saint. Even the legendary saint still has lingering fears in the face of such a terrifying battle. She thought desperately, and finally came to a conclusion.

If she does her best, then she is indeed qualified to participate in such a battle. It's just that in this state of trying her best, she can only maintain a few minutes or even shorter at most.

That is to say, in such a short period of time, if she can't end the battle, then she can only be slaughtered.

After understanding this, Big Sister Shen Split also understood the gap between herself and the world's top perverted ghosts in terms of combat effectiveness.

A little bit discouraged, and couldn't help but think about it. Is there any way to improve your combat effectiveness in the shortest time?

"Speaking of which, those with abilities cannot use magic. Otherwise, it might be a good plan to carry out ability development training..."

Of course, it was said that, but it was actually not the case-a long time ago, the battlefield had understood that the capable person could not learn magic or any supernatural ability at the same time, in fact, it was because of that bastard Aleister's secret door.

Just like all the big bastards, Aleister likes to cheat others in this way, or to restrict his schoollords. It's like the original sincere battlefield.

However, there are many, many things that even Aleister would not understand.

It's like how many people are in the original harem on the battlefield.

"Oh, a little bit..."

On the opposite side, after the first round of confrontation, neither the original sincerity on the battlefield nor the opposite Lola Stuart pursued.

The battlefield looked good and leisurely, and looked at Laura with a smile. And Lola looked at Battlefield Hara with a slightly surprised expression.

in case.

If only in terms of the current combat effectiveness of the battlefield, it is indeed strong and outrageous. That kind of sword qi is all the swordsmen she has seen in her life, no, it should be said that all the warriors, plus the guys with the demon and martial arts double cultivation, add up and multiply by 10. It is also difficult to match.

——All these are the great game power that the battlefield exchanged after completing the copy of Eris.

Xuanyuan Jianjue, as well as the swordsmanship of the emperors of Xuanyuan and the following dynasties, the swords are united into one, condensed and refined. Finally formed his own sword intent.

The sword of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi's emperor, Emperor Shennongyan's benevolent sword, the first emperor's overbearing sword... After understanding the sword intent of the top emperors in the past, the battlefield finally formed his own sword.

As soon as this sword came out, there was no sword in the world! It can be called the sword of ghosts and animals. The original sincerity of the battlefield can also stand side by side with the three emperors and five emperors in ancient times, calling himself the ghost and animal emperor!

However, if this is the case, then Battlefield Yuanzheng has become the overlord of the Source World with his two long swords, and flying to the sky side by side with the sun is absolutely no problem.

If his strength is really only like this, then Lola Stuart can relax while worrying--

The worry is because the original sincerity of the battlefield does possess the terrible power to subvert this world. But rest assured because this combat power is still within her control range and can still be controlled.

"If it's only like this, of course, it's'if' it's only like this." Lola thought in her heart.

Although she didn't feel it at all, she felt it in her heart. The original sincere strength of the battlefield should not be the only one.

There should be more power on the battlefield, and even the most real power on the battlefield has not been used yet.

Although there is no evidence at all, she just can't help but think so.

In fact, Lola Stuart did not think wrong—the original true power of the battlefield, the perfect world is indeed useless. He used his own ghost and beast kendo from beginning to end. This newly acquired, equally powerful force.

The reason for the exchange and acquisition of this power is to cope with this situation. It is to hide his true hole cards when a very powerful enemy is having sex.

And the facts have proved that he succeeded, but it is not successful.

The success is because the sword of ghosts and animals is absolutely powerful and invincible, even a big man like Lola can only talk and laugh with him. It is absolutely impossible to defeat it.

The failure is because Laura Stuart still perceives the py transaction behind this——

Even without any evidence. But in a sense, she didn't need any evidence at all—just doubt it—because after her status and power. In any case, it is faint, and I can feel something——

Tianxin. Or fate.

They can feel a series of providence in the secret. Especially when facing this concrete embodiment of providence.

When I first saw the battlefield-or Wright Baldwin. Laura didn't feel that way at all. She even said that Zhan Tian Yuan had done such "excessive" things sincerely, which surprised her very, very much.

However, after seeing Zhanchangyuan once again, the luck and strength of Zhanchangyuan's sincere body made her even more surprised.

Especially when he was aware of the entanglement between himself and the battlefield that was about to come.

She has noticed more than once that her future destiny may be very, very bad-that is, she thought of this more than once-that is, she was pressed by the battlefield genuinely under her crotch, and then slapped Aheiyan or something. .

In this case, she naturally has to pay more attention to the battlefield.

Then, she watched the strength of the original sincere battlefield getting stronger and stronger. The road to A Heiyan's future that was slapped by the battlefield became more and more stable. In this case, Lola Stuart was naturally very frightened. As a result, a rather surprising decision was made.

It's as if a certain galaxy overlord said: "Ahahaha, my three daughters have been given to him, how could he still be interested in my wife...". That is to lose the car to protect the handsome. Use a powerful chess piece named Inticks to move to the side of the battlefield and complete the layout. In the future turmoil and turmoil, happily seize the opportunity. The probability that the battlefield will slap her into a black face in the future is greatly reduced.

However, it seems to be counterproductive at the moment?

Inexplicably flustered, confused, uncomfortable, unhappy, unhappy, unhappy, wanting to have sex. This sentiment made Laura Stuart couldn't help but want to use her strongest attack to directly kill Wright Baldwin, the culprit of all this.


It's not that I can't help it, but it has been directly blasted out-just for a moment. It can be called the sigh of the Dragon King in name. However, in fact, it only looks like on the outside, and the inner essence has become completely different. This is the purification of the most evil, most vicious, and most powerful tricks in the One Hundred Thousand Thousand Side Magic Book, and she reorganized a magical technique.

According to the method of cross teaching who likes to blow ratio and like to tell allusions. This trick can be called the dragon of despair—it is the poisonous dragon that gnaws at the roots of the world tree in the legend, and finally caused the twilight of the gods and the destruction of the nine worlds—

The battlefield once slaughtered a poisonous dragon. However, Draco is compared with the Dragon of Despair. It is simply the difference between the tadpole and the dragon king. It's totally different from each other--

In other words, this trick can completely slaughter the gods and even destroy the world in the definition of the cross—

Although in fact this narrative is slightly exaggerated. However, the side can also show the lethality of this move. So that Lola Stuart, who used this trick, regretted a bit.

If this trick really kills the original sincerity of the battlefield...

"Wait, why should I worry about this bastard?!"

——Just as this guy couldn’t help thinking so in his heart, and at the same time somewhat suspicious, Battlefield Hara genuinely tried his best——

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