Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1137

Do your best while hiding the perfect world.

The ultimate appearance of kendo——under the bombardment of the desperate dragon of exterminating the world, countless sword lights flooded from all directions as if they were about to speed up the opponent, as if to crush a huge dragon-shaped light cannon— —It’s like playing against those one hundred and three thousand beams before —

It just doesn't work. Although the dragon issued a very realistic roar and wailing. However, at this speed, the bombardment would take at least ten minutes to smooth it out slowly. It's fine if you change it to another place. However, this is the academy city, and it is also a scientific and technological weapon testing ground under the commissioner of discipline.

If such a big thing happens, it will definitely attract people's attention.

Thinking of this, the battlefield gritted his teeth. Decided to challenge his limits. In other words-war and roar.

Do your best to blast out your sword intent with all the magic power in your body to try to kill the dragon——

"Then give it a try, Laura Stuart. Who of us is stronger!"

While thinking like this, the sword intent of equal strength blasted towards the dragon. The heart of Laura Stuart on the opposite side beats fiercely: "Yes, this kind of attack is a power that even the strongest can hardly appreciate-that is to say, this is mostly his hole card, at least one of the hole cards. !"

I never thought that this trick was created temporarily by the battlefield. Lola Stuart made the following judgment. Then saw Jian Guang and the Dragon of Despair bang together. The strong metal twisted groan, and the sore dragon groan proved. The forces on both sides are rapidly offsetting.

That is in this case. The violent explosion sounded continuously, and the damage caused by each round of explosion far exceeded the previous magical energy beam.

This explosion energy spread out. Sister Misaka and Kamikazuhoori, who wanted to watch the battle, had to retreat farther.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 17 Fainting...?

The problems caused by such huge energy colliding with each other must be huge.

In the next second, the two people who felt they couldn't do it looked at each other - in this case, the entire test site, the entire school district, and even the entire school city would be blown into the sky by the force of tricks.


"Lola Stuart?!"

The two will look at each other and know what the other is thinking.

They all know that this will not work. Blasting the school city to the sky is certainly a heavy loss for Battlefield. But it's not a good thing for Laura Stuart.

This trick completely angered the sincerity of the battlefield, and the two people must be immortal in the future, saying that they can't fall into the hands of the battlefield to survive. Even if it is not the case, it is still a scary thing for such a strong boss on the battlefield to be his enemy.

Besides, she didn't come here to fight the battlefield. She was to test each other with Zhanchangyuan. Nowadays, the biggest enemy of British Protestantism is not the school city where all magicians are very hostile, the so-called science-side abilities. It's the hostility between each other.

In a sense, heretics are more hateful than heretics. This point is still correct. Whether it is the Russian adult religion that secretly manipulates Maozi, this ancient and terrifying war machine, or the orthodox, the most powerful and resourceful Roman orthodoxy, these two are the most hostile to Lola Stuart People.

Her goal here is to win an alliance with the Academy City and fight against the Romans together.

Although this is a betrayal in a sense. But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, as long as there are benefits, then you can think about it later.

It is like France in the era of Enlightenment, and it is very happy to form an alliance with Ottoman Turkey, the enemy of Europe. What's this? As long as the benefits can be obtained. As for other things, it doesn’t matter--

So, in this case, both people have the intention to withdraw. However, it is impossible to withdraw the move so easily.

Because neither of them trusts anyone—to be more precise, the battlefield did not trust Laura and Stuart on the opposite side.

What should I do if both sides withdrew their moves, but the other side did not withdraw their moves? Didn't you suffer a huge loss?

It was like the US-Soviet struggle for hegemony during the Cold War. Both sides have terrible weapons and equipment that can destroy each other. Under such circumstances, both sides mumbled, and they would never let their weapons and equipment blast past while being afraid of the other side. Even if this will destroy the entire human race, I will never give up——

Fortunately, there are only two people between Battlefield Yuancheng and Lola Stuart. Both sides gritted their teeth slightly, and then made a decision. Withdraw the move. Even if it is a disadvantage. In any case, neither of them could die—Lola used the body of Inticus, and the battlefield Yuanzheng himself had useless cards.

In this way, the two people took a step back, and then guided two forces into the sky. It blasted a hole out of the ozone layer at an extremely fast speed. Dissipated out of the atmosphere...

If there are really aliens in this universe, they will probably be able to observe this-that is, this world has an extremely powerful energy response and has developed some kind of high-energy weapon.

One thing that we all know is that it is a very foolish thing to develop energy weapons for the army on earth.

Because the earth is round.

So these weapons must be used to fight space wars.

They may cause some concerns. These primitive people are really barbaric and militant. There are too many points to develop weapons, and the technology tree is a bit crooked...


Ok. Leave this aside for now. Lola and Battlefield Hara successfully withdrew their moves together. They all breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, their trust in the other party has naturally increased a lot——

This guy didn't seem to want to die with me. It still seems to be trusted.

While sending air, Lola and Battlefield Hara also had some care about each other's strength.

"It is hard to imagine that he was only a warrior before, but now he possesses such terrifying magic. No, it should be said that it is a supernatural power. Such a power is enough to match me." Laura Stuart's heart i think so.

At the same time, the battlefield was a little bit lost:

"Is the strength still inferior?"

It seemed that he was about the same strength as Lola Stuart. However, it is actually different. Laura used it on Inticus by relying on it. No matter how you say it, the power she can emit is only ninety and a half of the body. Under this circumstance, the battlefield tied with her, which is tantamount to being slightly inferior.

Although it is useless to say that he still has a perfect world. However, without calculating the perfect world, he is indeed a little bit better than Laura. Although this is negligible, who knows what problems will arise in the battle. so……

"The next mission world requires a good calculation." Zhanchangyuan thought in his heart-even though the great game has already reached the later stage.

And from the very beginning, the battlefield knew that great games did not only test the individual combat effectiveness of the contractor. However, individual combat effectiveness is definitely a major indicator of a great game.

"We have to keep working hard." He thought in his heart. Then he looked at Laura.

"It's really surprising." The surprise, fear and admiration of the other party's expression are definitely not pretending. Laura Stuart has completed, treating the battlefield as an opponent that can be on par with her.

"Then, this child will take care of you from now on."

After saying this, the battlefield felt that there was some slight change in the body of the opposite Inticus-that was the feeling of cutting.

In this case, in order to express her "sincerity", Laura took the initiative to break the magical shackles in Inticus, and at the same time cut off the soul connection that allowed her to rely on Inticus.

"Don't you feel disadvantaged like this?"

Although these words sounded a bit harsh to a decent person like Sister Shen Split. But Zhanchangyuan still said--

Although morally speaking, it is definitely wrong to treat people as objects, and to make yourself feel at a disadvantage. But for someone at the level of Lola on the battlefield. Everything can be labeled for price and measurement. As for personal emotions, morals and similar things, they all take it very lightly.

In other words, under the circumstances of this value, Inticks, as a person with 103,000 books of magic guides in his body, and capable of exerting extremely powerful combat effectiveness, can be regarded as suppressing air luck in any organization. Heavy treasure. Such treasures are given away casually, and there is no need for any exchange terms...?

How did Zhanchang Yuanzhen feel unreliable. In addition, it is how to think that there is a conspiracy in it. Especially this conspiracy he couldn't figure out himself.

The unknown is the most terrifying, and the unknown conspiracy is naturally the strongest.

If it weren't for Battlefield Yuan's own daring talent, then he might hesitate.

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