Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1157

The next second, Misaka Mikoto heard a voice like this from the side alley:

"Hey, are you true?"

"Yes, that guy, I followed her all the way. That guy is definitely the culprit of the cash card incident that happened recently!"

"That kind of thing is good. I mean, that guy really has a lot of cash cards. Doesn't have a place to distribute them?"

"Well, it must be so!"

"Then make a fortune!"

That's about it, a few gangsters set off very happily. Mikoto Misaka, who heard their voices, followed very happily, and wanted to have a praying mantis catching the cicada and the oriole.

However, the development of the matter completely exceeded Misaka Mikoto's expectations.

——In the beginning, the blind fisheye with purple hair, with a hint and anesthesia gun, beat three bad guys and won the victory.

Although it does make people feel bright. But that kind of thing is nothing more.

Although that is not good. However, the use of this trick proves that the opponent is a low-powered or incapable one. It's not his opponent at all.

So, after the other party got all these things done, Misaka Mikoto clapped his hands grandly and walked over.

"I didn't expect to see such an interesting thing." Misaka Mikoto said to the other party in such a condescending tone.


The other party looked at her strangely. Seems to be wondering something. Then, with a sudden realization, he said something that made Misaka Mikoto feel inexplicable:

"You are... a body."

"...What kind of body?" Misaka Mikoto was strange. Then she was kicked either lightly or not.

"Don't the students now know who is superior and inferior? I am also an elderly person anyway, so I have to use honorific titles."

Even though she said that, Misaka Mikoto felt that this dead fish-eye just found an excuse casually and used this excuse to trouble her.

However, what you think in your heart is one thing, but what you want to do is another.

Here also explain, although it is a dead fish eye. However, it was an unexpectedly cute girl. It is not easy to start because of this reason.

Otherwise, if the other party is an evil-looking bastard, then Misaka Mikoto has probably already passed by and beat the guy up. How could it be possible to give her a chance to speak again.

"Okay, okay predecessor-if you distribute cash cards like this, it has brought a lot of chaos to society -"

"——I have a reason." The other party said so without hesitation.

"Even if you say that."

"...Forget it, you don't know anything anyway. So..."

After saying such inexplicable words, the other party turned around and prepared to leave.

"Eh, wait a minute--"

"—Ah, there’s a fire over there, is it okay to leave it alone?" The guy said lightly, "Also, these guys will definitely be burned to death."


"It's none of my business anyway." After saying this, the other party ran away easily.

"What a bastard..."

Misaka Mikoto gritted his teeth. But he had to help this guy clean up the mess.

Although all the people who have hit the street here are bad, and they are all bastards. But it can't be that, watching them burn to death, right.

So, afterwards, dragged those bastards away, and then made a fire alarm call or something. A series of things have to be done by Misaka Mikoto. Let her have a kind: Is it so special that I owe that dead fish? Illusion.

"...But wait a minute..."

Before that, Misaka Mikoto had found something else in the place where the blind eye left.

A copy of information, and a plan.

Mass production plan for superpowers.

Mass production of lv5 superpowers for military purposes.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 13 A Little Question

After seeing this, Misaka Mikoto was shocked at the time-just kidding this-she had heard a lot before-although later because of the enlightenment of Battlefield Hara better, but now see this Something is a bit--

"Damn it, what the hell is going on—that stupid guy—"

She made a choice without hesitation. Use her ability to invade the network and find the identity of the other party as quickly as possible——

This person's name is Fu Shu Toshin, a high-achieving student in the computer school. Of course the most important thing is not this. It's the resume of this guy. There are parts of her resume that overlap with Misaka Mikoto's memory.

In other words, that person used to work for Higuchi Pharmaceutical, a company that had acquired her genes.

"...Damn it, no, it wouldn't be so coincidental, would it?"

Misaka Mikoto's mood became more and more tense——At the same time——

That is to say, Misaka Mikoto happened to find a group of bad people who happened to be tracking down things she was interested in. After they went, the guy named Fu Shu Toshin accidentally left a piece of information. Misaka Mikoto looked it up and found that all these things happened to be linked together——


It was at this time that Battlefield Hara genuinely connected Yu Chuanyi's phone.

"Hey, Yuchuan."

"What happened, sincere classmate?"

Although the battlefield did not say anything. But Yukawa Tsubasa knew him too well. Just by listening to his voice, you can tell that Zhanchangyuan's sincere mood is not right, there must be something wrong.

"Recently, I discovered something. So, I doubt it."

As a result, Zhanchangyuan said calmly: "Inside the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline, there has been an information leakage problem."


After a few seconds of silence, Yu Chuanyi asked: "What is going on, can you tell me more specifically?"

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