Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1158

"I saw the guy Bilibili today. Of course, the specific process can be omitted-I mean, she asked me a few questions next. About her, the confidential information of Academy City. Do you understand what I mean?"


Although in fact, what Battlefield said, Yukawa Tsubasa was somewhat noncommittal. But since the battlefield said so, she would take it seriously.

"In other words, there are investigations and counter-investigations... In this regard, it is Dunzi who is better at it..."

Although in fact, I didn't like Enoshima Dunko too much. But this does not hinder Hakawa Tsubasa's ability to use Enoshima Dunko.

"Leave this to her." She immediately made such a decision. Then he began to think: "Although...but the atmosphere within the Committee of Discipline and Discipline really needs to be rectified...

Of course, this rectification does not mean that everyone is not slapped with the original battlefield——

Even Yu Chuan's prestige among girls is very high. But if she really dares to say such a thing, the girls below will dare to rebel--


at the same time.

The battlefield was sincere, and after calling Yuchuan, he still felt a little upset. It feels as if something is about to happen.

He had the intention to call Misaka Mikoto-but it occurred to him that Misaka Mikoto was not a member of the discipline. Tokiwadai’s school rules are strict, and violations of the access control will lead to disaster. So he hesitated, but in the end still didn't fight.

Of course, although Zhanchangyuan had a hazy connection with the world consciousness. But after all, he didn't put much effort into counting. I didn't know that Mikoto Misaka was actually not in Tokiwadai's dormitory at this time. Instead, he called Heizi and asked her to cover herself. Then he changed his clothes and sneaked into a research institute.

Higuchi Pharmaceutical·The Seventh Pharmaceutical Research Institute. Mikoto Misaka, dressed as a tomboy with a peaked cap, shorts and shirt, used her electromagnetic ability to easily fool the surveillance system and entered the central control room. Then easily called up the information.

Superpowers copy the plan.

It does exist.

However... because of the tree designer's calculations, the strength of the replica cannot reach the level of the original, so this plan has been abandoned.

In other words. A false alarm.


When Xin mentioned her throat and felt like she was going to die, Misaka Mikoto got the news. It's just coming to an end.

"Ah, hahaha...hahahaha~" Misaka Mikoto, who was relaxed, showed a foolish smile.

"Really, it's great."

It's okay, it's just that I scare myself, hahaha, hahaha, hahaha... how could there be such an idiot thing.

In an instant, Misaka Mikoto's mood became super good.

"Speaking of it, life is really short, and what the guy Heizi said might make sense..." she thought in her heart. At the same time, I began to seriously think about a possibility——

In other words, next, perhaps he should directly agree to the original confession of Battlefield. Then to be Zhanchangyuan's girlfriend?


So Misaka Mikoto thought about it seriously.

Sure enough, he was still a little bit shy.

and so……

"So the next time, if the guy in the battlefield confessed to me again, I will take advantage of the trend and reluctantly agree." Misaka Mikoto thought very well. Humph, hum, hum, hum~

"My sister, she seems to be very happy..."

It was almost two days later. Looking at these two days, Misaka Mikoto had always been humming like this. Kuroko finally couldn't help but asked the question: "Is it good to encounter something?"

"Well, it's almost~" So Misaka Mikoto said: "It's almost, that's it~ There was one thing that made me headache before, but now it's finally solved~~~~~"

"...Oh." Although it was still strange, the virtue of his sister, my lord, looked like crazy. But Kuroko said nothing more.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if your sister can be happy. Uhhhhh. That's it, that's it-and that is to say, the next step is to join the harem of the battlefield, and then happily slap.

The so-called young people shouldn't think about so many messy things, they should have sex with no scruples, and then come out and come out. She gave birth to her lovely daughter and named it Airi Misaka.

Thinking of these happy things, Misaka Mikoto made a happy humming sound again——

Then, it was the third day.

The guy with Heizi explained vaguely: "Ah, how do I put it... I have been thinking about it a little bit recently, that is to say..."

This way, he was very introverted and shy and arrogantly expressed that after he was willing to have sex with Battlefield Yuan, Heizi happily went to discuss with Battlefield Yuan. Then there was only Misaka Mikoto left.

When I was bored, I went to play with the little loli who happened to be in the park. Then I got the paperclip badge of Guta that I had always wanted very much.

It's probably because people often get lucky when they are happy. Misaka Mikoto felt that her luck had been very good during this period. however.





Misaka, Mikoto. It has become two!



Then still surprised.

The guy on the opposite side didn't know what his name was, but he looked like that. He has a three-faced expression on his head, wearing goggles or something. Looking at her blankly.


In other words, the plan is real. And it has been implemented.

This copy that appeared in front of me is the best proof.


Misaka Mikoto didn't know what to say for a while.

"Hey! You fellow!"

I feel so upset for a moment--

"Why, isn't that plan cancelled?! What a joke!"

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