Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1186

The original game on the battlefield looked very hesitant: "Me and senior sister, you are not that kind of relationship, do you think..."

"No, it's not..."

"Is it right?"

Sister Ma Mei Mei's sanity finally collapsed completely, and she rushed to the battlefield, just like the girls before. He threw himself into the arms of Battlefield Hara, rubbing his body like a cat.

"Oh, that's it~" Then the corners of Zhanchangyuan's mouth turned up, showing a happy smile: "If you come this way, I know what to do~ But this is your choice, but I didn't force you. Sister Ma Mei Mei~If anything happens in the future, don't regret it~"

With that said, the original general of the battlefield has been badly played by him. The archangel Gabriel, who showed his black face, was placed on the ground, and then hugged Sister Ma Meimei, first with a deep kiss, and then with a full body massage. Of rubbing.

This unprecedented feeling of pleasure destroyed the last bit of resistance of Ma Mei Meimei. She finally devoted herself, all, and everything into this joy, completely, and became a sincere minister of the battlefield.

This term doesn't seem appropriate, but let's do it for the time being-all in all, that's it. Zhanchangyuan held the archangel Jia Baili in his left hand, and sister Ma Mei Mei in his right hand, showing a happy smile.

Er er er, very, very good, hug grass playing Rabbit - no, it should be said is kill two birds with one stone. The spoils of this battle are doubled. He not only obtained the archangel that allowed him to increase his understanding of the world, but also completely gained the loyalty of his contractor allies——

It doesn't seem to be loyal, but it doesn't matter what kind of heart it is. Now, Sister Ma Meimei absolutely cannot do without him. This battlefield could have been determined.

Heh heh heh, heh heh heh heh...heh heh heh heh hahahaha...

Battlefield Hara's mood is very good. So, take this opportunity. Come to a group chat and celebrate-the first one is the sister of Ma Meiwen, and then the archangel Gabriel. Don’t worry about her girls, everyone has a share~

Author's message:

It's a new one

①⑧ Small round face

Chapter One This is a warm and lovely campus life

"Ah, it's finally over..." Sincerely relieved, he said happily.

It's another day, another sex, the girls' interest today seems to be higher than usual, so that the original sincerity of the battlefield can't bear it. Reluctantly slapped all the girls into Ah Heiyan, and then slept happily. Battlefield felt that his body was hollowed out.

Perhaps it’s because of the fact that there have been more sex with the battlefield in the recent period, and the double cultivation techniques are working happily, so that the girls' combat effectiveness has increased.

All in all, the battlefield was lying in the pile of girls as always, warming the nephrite jade around like this. It feels like I am used to this kind of life. And I don't think this kind of life is bad. Or it's just because of getting used to it.

Habit is second nature. Habits are the most terrible. Habits even give people a feeling of: "This kind of thing seems to never end."

However, such days will actually end.

Just after the original Zhenzi's words on the battlefield: "Ah, ah. Recently, sincerely, you have relaxed a lot. In two days like this, you probably won't be able to wield your sword?"

Although I really want to refute this guy Zhen Zi, swords or something, I use them every day, and recently I have added a bit of blood to open the front. But if you think about it, let's forget it. It doesn't make much sense to say that.

"All in all, your good days are over." Zhen Zi said to the battlefield: "The days of enjoying the suffering have arrived, and now it's time for the great game to reopen again, fit, fit~"

"Say love..." Seeing her like this, the battlefield was a little helpless: "When is such a day a head?"

"It's okay, it's almost, it's time to end soon~ um um, um, um. At that time, everything will be clear. Sincerely, O'Neill must come on... By the way, the titty next to you is very big The yellow hair is too, let's cheer by the way."

What Zhen Zi said, the yellow hair with very big tits, naturally referred to Sister Ma Mei Mei. After being slapped by the battlefield to A Heiyan many times, one of her hearts was also tied to the battlefield, which was completely stained with the color of the battlefield. At this moment, he can barely be regarded as his own. It's just that Zhen Zi doesn't like her of course.

Of course again, none of the girls who had a relationship with the battlefield really liked any of them.

So, the next second. She still held the posture of holding sister Ma Mei Mei with very big tits. But the place is different.

Successfully traversed. Reach the mission world.

"Then come on, sincerely O'Neill, love you so much."

After saying this, Zhen Zi disappeared. I don’t know where to go.

As for how Zhen Zi disappeared, Zhan Tian Yuan had been thinking about it for a long time, but he still didn't understand. But as for himself, how he traveled through this world, he has almost analyzed it. This is a very clever way of teleportation, and its means and capabilities are at least two levels higher than its own. In other words, this is mostly the power of God.

I just don't know whether this is the upper limit of God or the lower limit of God.

"Think carefully, it should be the lower limit." Zhanchangyuan thought in his heart, and then unconsciously reached out and grabbed the very plump milk ball next to him.

"Hmm...I hate~" The irritated Sister Ma Mei Mei murmured like this, then turned over, and then continued to sleep happily.

Ah, ah, so cute. Although I knew before, Ma Mei Meimei is a super cute girl, but now it looks really cute, she looks more cute than usual.

Thinking of this in the original heart of the battlefield, he threw himself into the arms of Ma Meimei, rubbing against her very broad chest.

After being rubbed by her like this, Sister Ma Meimei of course couldn't sleep well.

"Really..." She woke up with a smile, and hugged Battlefield Hara's head: "Why are you so anxious... Wait a minute."

Before wanting to have sex with the original battlefield, Ma Meimei felt the difference in her surroundings. Then I realized: "Are you in the mission world now?"

"Ah, um, yeah, yeah." Zhanchangyuan continued to rub back and forth regardless, and at the same time stretched out his hand and stroked it along the waist of Sister Ma Meiwen.

"Really, don't make trouble now, the mission has already begun." Sister Ma Mei Mei only felt dumbfounded, and reached out to stop Zhanyuanyuan's harassment. However, it was suppressed by the battlefield.

"What's the matter? Don't worry, don't worry." Zhanchangyuan said as he separated Ma Meimei's legs.

"Really, I owed you my last life." In this way, Sister Ma Meimei couldn't help but sighed like this, while hugging Zhanchangyuan's neck. Just over half an hour passed. The two people hug each other and chat happily.

"We in this world are lovers. In addition, we are also students of the academy." Sister Ma Meimei said while drawing circles on the chest of Battlefield Hara, "But the great game did not say that we need us What to do, that is, there is no main task, in this case..."

"Isn't this normal?" Zhanchangyuan said subconsciously, and then realized that his mission mode seemed to be different from other contractors. So I first explained to Ma Meimei: "Because of that reason~ My contract object basically doesn't care about anything, and the degree of freedom of the task is very high."

"So... Then what should I do next?"

"What to do? Isn't it very simple?" Zhanchangyuan's sincere mouth turned up, revealing a happy smile: "That is to say... we can try it out, our Soul Seed is planned~"

"In this world... well, indeed..."

——The so-called Soul Seed plan is the plan that Battlefield had thought about before and related to the mass production plan of Sister Misaka. In other words, there will be more and more Misaka sisters in the future, and they will form military forces.

After forming a military armament, it is natural to be pulled out to fight. It is inevitable that there will be casualties if they are pulled out to fight. What should I do if there are casualties? It doesn't matter, as long as you have the Seed of Soul, you are OK.

It is as if part of the soul of the shield was imported into a gem ring on the battlefield. Although the gem ring still exists, the shield is still alive. Even said that the more you live, the more energetic.

As long as this plan can be extended to all Misaka sisters. Then it doesn't matter if the body of these Misaka sisters is damaged. Just clone another blank body without a soul. Their souls are all kept by Battlefield Hara. As long as there is nothing wrong with the soul gem, they will be immortal like the liches in the fantasy world.

Er er er, er er er, it is all about, is all about.

Of course, this is a good idea. But whether it can be realized is another matter. The battlefield was also somewhat uncertain. Even if you have someone who is very experienced in this area, the help of Ma Meimei is the same.

So, some experience is necessary. In other words, some experiments must be done. To be more precise, the mission world is a good place to experiment. For example, the current mission world.

It was precisely this point that was taken into account, so before that, the battlefield had only used that method to deal with Sister Ma Mei Mei. The purpose is to let Sister Ma Meimei assist him wholeheartedly in this mission world. Complete this series of experiments.

"Don't worry, there will be no life, nothing else. Think about it again, this is still a good thing for these children." Zhanchangyuan said very happily.

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