Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1187

"The question is, in what way should we complete these experiments?"

"Magic girl." The battlefield looked like it took it for granted: "Almost all girls in the world have a dream of being a magical girl, don't they? In other words, sign a contract with them to make them a magical girl. In this way, I will use this name to do tricks."

"Even if you say that, what should be done specifically?"

"Idol. The power of idols is infinite." Zhanchangyuan continued to curl up his mouth with a happy smile, and then said to Sister Ma Meimei: "That's you."


"Well, yes, Mami, you are now my number one magical girl."

"The first magical girl?"

"Yes, yes, as long as we can happily find the right, cute, beautiful, and I like girls, then we can do this and that. And that. And that. And finally, this, that, and that..."

Zhanchangyuan sincerely stuck to sister Ma Meimei's ear, and whispered all the plans to her.

" it really okay?"

"Yeah, it's okay, it's okay. Girls now eat this set. It's absolutely okay."

"Since you said that..."

In fact, Ma Mei Mei still feels that this is a bit inappropriate. But since Battlefield had already said that, she had nothing else to say. In short, so be it.

Although in my heart, I feel a little uneasy. But she still decided to obey Battlefield Hara's orders.

"Hmm, that's good, good, good~" Zhanchangyuan smiled: "If this is the case, then I should give you a good reward, senior sister~"

"What? Reward?-Ah -" In the next second, the battlefield pressed her under her hip again, and then kissed her. The third round of sex...

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 2 Model Couples in People’s Eyes

Get up, wash, change clothes, make breakfast. Egg ham and whole wheat bread, vegetable salad and hot milk. After eating, I happily carried my schoolbag and moved towards the direction of the college.

The scenery along the way is very good, with trees lined with trees and flowers. The roads are clean and tidy. Walking on the road are young and lovely students of men and women, exuding youthful vitality.



"It's a sincere senior."

"It's a sincere senior..."

"Next to him is Sister Ma Mei Mei."



Along the way, many onlookers who didn't know the truth screamed, exclaiming and exclaiming that there was something else like this.

For these exclamations, whispers or something. Zhanchang Yuanzheng and Sister Ma Meimei completely ignored them.

The two of them, like ordinary couples, holding hands, talking and laughing, heading for the school.

Of course, if someone’s hearing is better, they can hear it. The content of what these two people said is a little bit...not appropriate.

"Really, I blame you, I was still late yesterday..."

"Hmm...I shouldn't be blamed for this~" said sincerely and happily, "I blame only Senpai for being so charming. I couldn't hold back for a while..."


Although knowing what the battlefield said, 80% can't trust it. But Sister Ma Meimei still felt very happy after listening.

The two of them just talked and laughed and entered the door. Then he happily moved towards the direction of the teaching building, and then entered the classroom. Then, an older single female young woman who still hadn't found her boyfriend, returned to her seat with the itchy roots of her teeth, and began to tidy up the table and chairs while flirting.

So, a new day begins...


For Battlefield Hara and Bamami, there is no point in class. Pretending to listen carefully, linking hearts with magic, then chatting happily, flirting with each other, and making strange phone calls are what they both like.

Of course, while playing like this, the two did not forget to talk about business.

Just as the head teacher of an older single young woman used the topic to vent her depression, saying that the young man had a bad relationship with her prematurely, while deliberately wanting to dictate the love path of the battlefield.

"So sincere, have you found any suitable goals?"

"Is it a suitable target..." Zhanchangyuan said: "Of course, I have actually found it. And... there are two more people."

"Two people...?"

"Hum...think about it, there should be three talents."

"three people?"

"It's almost like that-Lume Yuanxiang, Xiao Mi Homura, and Miki Sayaka."


Hearing what Zhanchangyuan said, Sister Ma Meimei didn't know what to say for a while.

Of course, in fact, I still want to say, such as: "Do you choose the cutest child here?"

But think about it carefully, even if she said that, Zhanchangyuan would definitely not recognize it. He would only say how brilliant these children are, how powerful, strong, tasteful and talented. As long as they are allowed to enter the way of practicing sex, their progress must be a thousand miles, a thousand miles, and then a thousand miles.

All in all, that's how it is.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Sister Ma Mei Mei continued to ask.

"Then there is another issue involved." Zhanchangyuan said: "You said, how should these children be attracted to make them realize that they should become magical girls?"

"do not know."

"Of course it is to let them know the benefits of the magical girl-speaking of senior sister, do you feel anything wrong in this world?"

"What's wrong?" Sister Ma Meimei felt very strange: "This world is very peaceful. Magic elements are basically in a state of inertness, and nothing strange can be produced at all. Of course, in this case, people are also very It’s hard to cultivate. The level of technology in this world is pretty good. It’s not much worse than the academy city. However, because the overall situation is very peaceful, there is very little contribution in the military field, which is about it."

After Ma Meimei came to this world, she didn't do anything except sex with the original battlefield. She surveyed the world very seriously. Finally came to the conclusion: "All in all, the world is very peaceful."

"Yeah, the trouble is that this world is very peaceful." Zhanchangyuan said: "If there are no enemies, who should the magical girl beat. If there are no enemies, the magical girl has no meaning to exist."

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